SG- 2 4
SG- 2 4
SG- 2 4
Just your average Stargate Lore channel, talking about the world of Stargate.
Did the Nox and Asgard hate each other?
2 месяца назад
Stargate Atlantis Season 6?
3 месяца назад
Stargate Lore: The Spirts
3 месяца назад
Are There Tollan Survivors?
5 месяцев назад
Behind the Gate: Anise/Freya
6 месяцев назад
Stargate Atlantis Hide Away Meme
7 месяцев назад
The Asurans are Horrifying!
7 месяцев назад
What Was Stargate's Original Canon?
10 месяцев назад
Stargate Lore: The Eidolon
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Stargate Lore: The Gate Hub
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Stargate Lore: Unity
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Stargate Lore: The Reol
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Baal Talks About Necron Lore
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Stargate Lore: The Lilin
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Stargate Lore: The Travelers
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Left 4 Dead at SGC Tease
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Who Should Have Succeeded Ra?
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Have Stargates Become Pointless?
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@micheljavert5923 Час назад
I always say that Stargate was a great movie and (grew into) an excellent television series. And as much as I absolutely loved it, I *don’t* want more of it. I don’t want to be sold the same stories I enjoyed decades ago. Nine-tenths of the fun of science fiction is new ideas or even old ideas with new twists on them.
@yzdatabase4175 Час назад
With the gate destroyed, how did they communicate?
@albratgaming2348 2 часа назад
the Stargate always has a reason and a point. Ships take time to travel.. The stargate is a few seconds to transmit. It is like saying "a portal to home would be pointless" and then having a train that takes 12 hours to get you home as a alternative. few seconds to travel or 12 hours to travel... Simply put how fast do you need to get somewhere. The ship is slower but can serve more locations.. not just the stargate. But the stargate is the fastest method of travel.
@DeclanMBrennan 2 часа назад
Reason why we haven't heard from the Tollan: They were so embarrased at being seen to compromise the lofty ethnics that they lorded over others, that they changed the name of their species. Whenever one of them is told, they look like a Tollan, they just say: "Tollan, who are they?" or maybe "How dare you compare me to such a duplicitous species!".
@nightsider1371 3 часа назад
How did they help Shakespeare write his play When the Stargate was buried at that time
@johnwang9914 5 часов назад
Prions, phages, viruses and bacteria are nature's nanites and have evolved over billions of years. Whatever nanites technology develops would probably be at best similar. I'm the SG-1 world, there's a third group of human form replicators, the ones that humans built from what they learned from the other two.
@jordancambridge4106 5 часов назад
The Tollan didn't survive. First off the RPG books have never been cannon they have just been lore people liked. That one game was approved to be made but it was never cannon those are 2 different things. The Tollan according to canon never traveled off world and they also stopped using ships almost completely and the few they had were extremely slow. Hell the ships they used to get to their world was so slow it took them nearly 100,000 years. Also they were absolute failures in almost everything. The blatantly lost the ability to fight illnesses themselves. They could no longer heal simple injuries without their technology. They grew so powerful they had forgotten simple shit like sometimes weaker things can still pose a threat. They didn't have time to get off world threw the stargate because they literally required an advanced system that was destroyed in the attack. They couldn't power their system to turn the star gate on and they were in reality trying to fabricate a new ship to get off world using their printing technology but while they were building their ship they got attacked and their last hope of leaving that planet was destroyed. They were in the process of trying to negotiate getting rehomed but O Neill told them "You know what we like those guys and we don't want to insult our friends by having them deal with your rude asses." He then walked away. O Neill blatantly told them to shove it. They could have evacuated and SG1 was trying to save them but their own insufferable bullheadedness caused their death. SG1 was on their planet for 3 weeks trying to get them to agree on where to go but they refused everything because they didn't want to live with primitives and they blatantly only had 1 real city left and so they were left to die and they chose death by being morons.
@jordancambridge4106 5 часов назад
The Role Play Books are fan fiction not cannon. They are fan cannon but not actual cannon.
@sg-24 5 часов назад
See I’m not so convinced. And the reason I say that is because I’m the most recent one MGM stepped in to review it before it got published. And that one seemed to try and clean up slot of the inconsistencies between the show and old RPGs.
@stratometal 7 часов назад
I'm not big on serialized TV shows as they are doing them right now, the way that SG-1 and older Star Trek shows was much more enjoyable, which is why Lower Decks is so beloved and why the Orville was also a hit.
@sg-24 4 часа назад
True, I just finished Star Trek Progeny, and it was done in that older style. But from what I’ve been told part of the issue is how shows are air today, ie on streaming platforms. They just get less money than being prime air time. Which means less money to make more episodes, so they tended to focus on more serialized stuff.
@stratometal 4 часа назад
@@sg-24 ST Prodigy was phenomenal, I didn't know I needed it until I watched it. I have to say animated shows for these kinds of projects, like a continuation of Stargate TV universe, might be the way to go. I watched the animated B5 movie that came out not long ago and I really liked it. We got good adult animated shows right now that would not be as great as they are if they were done live action, mainly because of the problem you mention. Having an overall story arc but making each episode self contained is easier I think when animated. The other thing is that streaming services are not really taking advantage of the fact its something streamed. They do not need to constrain their episodes to the runtime that regular TV shows used to have. They could run an episode for 50 minutes, another for 45 and yet another for 1hr20m if they wished, whatever the story called for. As it stand each series is being done 8 episodes at a time, with a runtime comparable to what we used to call mini series, or just 4 movies. Yet they pretend to call them series and sometimes stretch stuff and add things to pad individual episodes that end up making it boring.
@calebwyman5510 8 часов назад
The or I may be dead, and many of the people might have left the religion, but the idea that everyone worship the RRI is completely gone may not be 100% true. Let’s see what they do with the revamp.
@richtidd 10 часов назад
It was S3 ep 18
@sg-24 4 часа назад
Shades of Gray
@meeper46 12 часов назад
Asgard > Nox
@NaatClark 16 часов назад
It would be hilarious if a Tau'ri BC-304 ship found a Tollan colony and refused to help them with resources since it's "wrong" to help lesser advanced races with more advanced technology
@sg-24 4 часа назад
@justinjacobs1520 18 часов назад
A book series!?
@sg-24 17 часов назад
Yep, there’s also SG-1/Atlantis books.
@davesubers3415 19 часов назад
If they test politicans were fucked!
@sg-24 17 часов назад
Okay for 99.99% yes.
@cillianennis9921 19 часов назад
Maybe there isn't an easy way for them to get from their other colonies to earth. We don't know much about them so maybe they are terraformed worlds that don't have a star gate on them preventing any real movement of the survivors to regroup with Earth.
@sg-24 17 часов назад
There is some lore on them that I didn’t add for this video (later one planned) but if I recall these colonies were originally cut off. So I don’t think they had stargates.
@Au7stenThe7IsSilent 20 часов назад
This sounds more like an anime that it does a live-action TV show if they did an anime version of this I would not be upset because I would feel like it is something entirely different than the TV shows that I know and love the Stargate TV shows could ever be a anime of any kind yes I am talking about Stargate infinity and while a lot of us have a fond memory of that and I find it for the lack of a better word cute I do not count that show as Stargate as I enjoy it. But this screams anime to me
@sg-24 18 часов назад
I would love a stargate anime.
@daniellapain1576 22 часа назад
If they figured out the gate technology in a way that they meld Asgardian transport into it. Then they could enhance the gates capability. So they could open the star gate but then configure the whole ship to move through the gate using the Asgard technology mid teleport through the gate. Then it would be more feasible to scout through gates and launch them into orbit to allow ship fleets to transport through the stargate. Your matter footprint thins out in being transported by Asgard technology meaning more items can then travel through the gate without issue. Edit: They also might not need to use the larger gates anymore if this happens
@gordiasz День назад
12:00 You forget that Ancients seed Milky way with human lifes, so no all planets with humans where by goa'uld. it is posinbble that Ra run to Touri but goa'uld already had human hosts from other planets
@sg-24 18 часов назад
So this one is kind of weird, because it’s kind of unclear. Some were 100% seeded by the Goa’uld, and others weren’t. I will admit this is kind of fumble on me.
@bobbun9630 День назад
I always assumed the Satedans were exterminated (or nearly so) because the writers needed that to be the case for the story.
@sg-24 18 часов назад
I mean…. That’s the real world explanation, but that’s not as fun.
@SpockBorg5 День назад
Missed opportunity, Vanessa Angel was hot and would've made a great addition
@ambrusraul2297 День назад
Did Morgan La Fey ( ancient ) put The Wraith to sleep as a response to The Ancients loosing the war / abandon the war ? When SG-1 was looking for Merlin s weapon , they came n contact with an alien bug that put them to sleep. Since The Wraith heal more quickly , it didnt affect them the same way , however , after the war , The Wraith decided to sleep...why? Morgan used the same ticks to put the Wraith to sleep as a screw you 4 winning the war ( they didnt win the war , the ancients just left )
@sg-24 18 часов назад
Not to my knowledge, the Wraith sleep as part of a hibernation cycle they go into to let for food population grow.
@Phantom6.6.6 День назад
What about sokar. He seems to have the might and power to claim the throne
@sg-24 18 часов назад
True, but he was banished/exiled, and for this video I wanted to look at “legitimate” succession.
@mrbojangles8133 День назад
a time travel episode could get Michael back
@fangslore9988 День назад
the Satedans didn't have 1940s tech, Ronan's gun is a Satedan pistol, the wraith went after them because they were becoming technologically advanced enough to be a legitimate threat. while their buildings resembled 1940s construction its likely that they didn't build their structures to be too advanced to draw suspicion and they didn't have ships because it was a risk plus the stargates in the pegasus galaxy were on or around every habitable world making it the best means of getting around for them. we know the Satedans were very advanced because of the fact all of them when introduced had considerably advanced energy weapons
@sg-24 18 часов назад
Wait are you referring to Robin’s energy gun? That wasn’t of Satedan design. It was a Traveller gun.
@fangslore9988 12 часов назад
@@sg-24 Ronan never came into contact with the travelers and look at the other Satedans we see in the show, they use the same tech and same kind of weapons even in Ronan's flash back
@sg-24 12 часов назад
@fangslore9988 true Ronon may have never met the Fravelers before, it there are other ways he could have gotten it. You also might want to recheck those flashbacks. Because none of them use the energy pistol.
@fangslore9988 6 часов назад
@@sg-24 the downside of what happened to the Satedans is the loss of access to their home world of Sateda considering the inoperable state the gate was left in but the darker question is what the wraith did to the millions or even billions of people on Sateda. because we never see any bones and the capital was still quite intact when Ronan was brought back there for a hunt. its not stated if they were rounded up for feeding or executed in some other means
@sg-24 5 часов назад
I assume feeding, but that is a good point. We do see very few skeletons.
@adamlaszlo91 День назад
It can be okay. Startgate can be rebooted in a parallel dimension, as we've already been introduced to the concept in SG1. This story could go towards a totally different direction, but could have some easter eggs, like finding goa'uld fossils and learning that they died out centuries ago, excluding them from the new plot, but warming the heart of long time fans. What if we never burried the gate? What if we rediscoveret it earlier? What if we discover it in 2500? What if there was no gate in Earth, and what if the goa'ulds never took humans to other planets? So many possibilities!
@sg-24 18 часов назад
Someone did suggest a What If show like in Marvel.
@brandonblake2078 День назад
Okay the reason for them going from one to another is they had interstellar drives before and then the Asgard gave them enter galactic Star drives
@sg-24 18 часов назад
Right, which made their ships faster. In fact someone pointed out to me that the Asgard despite having access and more knowledge about the gates prefer to use their ships over the gates.
@nunyabusness7627 День назад
Stop saying "Marines". They were NOT "Marines". They were AIRMEN. In the Air Force. 🙄
@sg-24 День назад
I think in the books they used marines.
@zephyr8072 День назад
The solution is simple. Continue the show and jettison Stargate Universe as apocryphal. Nothing of value would be lost.
@sg-24 День назад
I mean I liked Universe, and so did the show writers/producers like Robert C Cooper. I doubt they would be willing to give the show up.
@zephyr8072 20 часов назад
@@sg-24 Considering it's what killed the series I imagine it'd be the best route regardless of the minority who liked it. And setting aside personal taste, Universe introduced the most ridiculous and unworkable concepts in the entire series, such as Earth being simultaniously incredibly overpowered thanks to Asgard tech yet the Lucian Alliance somehow being a tangible threat.. which is pretty much like making a story where the United States is in an equal rivalry with an LA street gang. I just don't see a continuation when the world building has been torched that badly.
@sg-24 17 часов назад
That’s fair.
@trekkieraccoon3343 16 часов назад
They could just make destiny as a mystery that's in the background and a possible plot point later on
@robertchapman625 День назад
Thor: I found this human song and we just defeated our mortal enemy. Party time
@seventhhusaria День назад
I read those books in high school in the early 00s, while also watching SG1 in its heyday. I liked how it presented a somewhat more lonely and mysterious universe, and it was pretty good mil sci-fi (modern vs alien weapons, Earth hastily mobilizing space to defend against Hathor). I didn’t like the “drama” plot lines, e.g. Daniel’s marital problems and how Abydonian refugee difficulties were presented.
@sulner9997 День назад
You don't seem to realize there are 400 billion stars with trillions of planets with black holes, neutron stars super nova and a lot of stuff the leg work is the planets a d stargates, some planets terroform it's not easy to transverse so much space even if you have fast drive the solar systems are big stargates are needed
@sg-24 День назад
I do understand that, but here’s the thing. Stargate is a fictional universe where sometimes real world laws are just hand waved away. For example realistically there should be no way Thor can travel from one galaxy to the next to stop a Goa’uld incursion on a protected planet in like 15-10 minutes. But he does. And all that Asgard tech was given to Earth.
@johnassal5838 День назад
I can totally accept that any colonies left after Tollana was sacked would lay real low. On the other hand these colonies would be even more tempting target for Anubis and others. Still all it would take is a small number of Tollan with access to their tech, recources and time to get back on their feet BUT having been caught out like that theyd probably go full Genii hiding their entire presense as much as possible and hiding their infrastructure and population even better a bit like the Nox who we know they knew.
@cybernomad5971 День назад
I know im late to the party with this, but my personal headcannon is that the stargates are meant to be a supplement to interstellar travel, not an all-out replacement. Given that the ancients were an advanced society, they surly had the means to transport enough goods by ship to set up a colony and use a gate to keep in contact and have a means of getting a basic trade route while setting up and in the eatly life of said colony. Even if this wasn't the case, an alternative could be a means of facilitating communication between future civilisations.
@sg-24 День назад
Despite being late to the party I really do like your comment. As I do think you are right in this is how the gates are meant to be used. But a lot of the first comments on this video were people arguing that yes you can relay on the gate for almost anything.
@tacomandela9118 День назад
There are many immensely powerful things in stargate so I think it seems more like they are culling potential hazards to the balance, or peace they (and many other 'medium power' groups) have. A judge of basic character in an optimistic manner combined with the intent to scare but cause little harm makes me think they are playing an important role in the galactic/universal system of checks and balances.
@sg-24 День назад
See I would mind that idea, as it lines up with the mindset of most of the older races in SG, but they specifically target races that use the tech of other races. Like the I can see the Aschen flying under the radar, but the Wraith and Ori, do they get a pass?
@GetFitEatRight День назад
All you're complaints are solved by using a super gate. We've totally proven that new gates can be created.
@sg-24 День назад
I mean not really. Yes new gates have been made, the Tollan/Nox one and the one made by stuff off Amazon. But those were made by super advanced races. I know Brad had an idea for a new SG show where we made our own gate, but if I recall it was kind of rough. Also if Earth right now can barely make a normal gate, how can they make a super gate? Not to mention in order to make a super gate it seems like you need to destroy a planet to power it. I’d argue that’s kind of a high price.
@allnamesaretakenful День назад
Back shots? Phrasing!
@shmee123ful День назад
All your gods are false, here are merchine guns
@mammutMK2 День назад
Having one ion Cannon is useless to cover earth and to be honest...the tolans literally ripped off Earth with that deal. But...since they had one, they could have installed it on the Prometheus or dedalus, or if not capable to install on a ship transfer it to Atlantis ..., but it was never mentioned again.
@sg-24 День назад
You know I might need to look into that. I don’t think they ever gave it to Earth, but offered one.
@joaotiagobrito 2 дня назад
English 🇺🇲 Tauri, Jaffa, Asgard, Tollans, Furlings, Aturens, Tokra, Lanteans, Nox, Madronians. Well, it was already possible to form a Galactic Alliance, together with other races that have been discovered and others that are yet to be discovered, and this only in the Milky Way. Imagine the same in the Pegasus Galaxy. Portugal 🇵🇹 Tauri, Jaffa, Asgard, Tollans, Furlings, Aturens, Tokra, Lanteans, Nox, Madronianos. Bem, já seria possível formar uma Aliança Galáctica, juntamente com outras raças que já foram descobertas e outras que ainda estão por descobrir, e isto apenas na Via Láctea. Imaginem o mesmo na Galáxia Pégaso.
@matthewzeller5026 2 дня назад
Ori: Do you believe in gods? SG1: We believe in bullets.
@TitusCastiglione1503 2 дня назад
I hope you don’t mind if I borrow this….
@matthewzeller5026 2 дня назад
​​@@TitusCastiglione1503 10% royalty but it's all yours 🤣😝 Edit: 10% being the standard God tax.
@fangslore9988 2 дня назад
the stargate will always be relevent especially now theoretically new gates can be built and the existence of super gates
@sg-24 День назад
New gates could come about in the future. But I’m less certain supergates could, even if you build them it seems like you need to destroy a planet to power it. Kind of a big cost.
@fangslore9988 День назад
@@sg-24 Not necessarily. In the Pegasus galaxy, they connected a normal stargate to it and then used a charge to jump the gate to the super gate. This allowed them to power a super gate from the Pegasus end indefinitely until they needed to use that super gate. Thus, they then had to manually shut down the connected gate. now in the ori galaxy there must have been a factory for super gate segment construction on some level or even known by the ex-priors meaning that super gate segments can still be built which means they can send them to Pegasus and to other galaxies and other places the SGC/Tau'ri deem as major trade hubs and travel to different galaxies (considering how prolific Alterans were in their desire to explore and it wouldn't surprise me if they found other galaxies have their own gates and gate networks. that being said the Alterans built the star gates as a means of travel between places they've previously been and sent seed ships to plant gates on worlds they deem vital. also its worth pointing out the Pegasus stargates are bigger than the milkyway gates and are much more advanced due to new technologies the Alterans developed went Lantis/Atlantis traveled to the Pegasus galaxy. the gates the Alterans built in pegasus are also much more powerful then the milkway gates, the gate on Atlantis literally had to be deactivated by removing the control crystal since it would have acted as the dominant gate on earth. so realistically i can see it being feasible for star gates to stay relevant in the future by using it for exploration since maybe a ship maybe too detectable by any hostile forces they may yet encounter in the galaxy which could also include rogue ex-priors who could turn to selfish ventures like piracy or the like since now they nolonger see the ori as gods thanks to the anti-ori deprogramming device the Alterans refugees built when fleeing the ori galaxy
@terranman4702 2 дня назад
Shang Tsung the understander of women
@angelleon5764 2 дня назад
Then the Asgard come and smack them down, don’t touch the 4th Race lol
@JamieHitt 2 дня назад
That's Shrek...with two L 's.
@adamroberts9243 2 дня назад
Not thousands, but yes hundreds. Look up "people zoo's" the English started a war with the Inuit that Russia finished and sold the land to the USA. Inuit learned fluent English reading and writing between being exhibited...
@sg-24 День назад
Thank you for the conformation. I assumed at first it would be hundreds, but wasn’t sure.
@cormacmacsuibhne2867 2 дня назад
Maybe they should have been referred to as the God Butchers.
@Darkcloudalpha 2 дня назад
I don't mind a nano body if I got to keep my mind =)
@sg-24 День назад
That would be cool, but weir was kind of the exception.
@LordTaos 2 дня назад
I wonder what happens if you enter a bigger gate and then can't fit going out through a smaller gate.
@sg-24 День назад
I think there was an episode of Atlantis that covered this. My best guess, Splat.
@johnwang9914 2 дня назад
Tollana already being one of their colonized planets as SG-1 found them by rescuing survivors from their destroyed home world.