Kaisa A
Kaisa A
Kaisa A
Hi! I'm Kaisa, I'm originally from Helsinki, Finland but now I'm currently living and working in Beijing, China.☆ My channel is mainly lifestyle based. I love cooking, traveling and exploring new things, especially related to East Asia. I want to share my experiences and thoughts on living and working abroad as an expat in China.

Thanks for watching! ❤
Chinese Quarantine Vlog + Q&A
4 года назад
I'm Moving to Beijing, CHINA
5 лет назад
@StillAliveAndKicking_ 8 дней назад
Excellent English, I could swear she was a New Zealander. Someone else said she sounds like a cross between British and Australian English, well that describes Kiwi English quite well. Clearly she has a very good ear for languages. The background noise is very annoying though.
@seayellow5834 14 дней назад
I am Chinese and I've decided to move to Germany for master program around 2026 winter. I've never had an chance to study or work abroad, but I worked my way to IELTS 8.0, so I am comfident with my English. I am also studying German. It's really nice to understand 3 languages in your video. I think being multilingual is a life experience only for those who went through it themselves.
@tomisapamsuraj2652 Месяц назад
Have U stop Blooging
@Girlxxx-ur7mu Месяц назад
Your Baby super cute
@0animalproductworld558 2 месяца назад
pretty typical chinese foods
@MsOceanstar 3 месяца назад
He is the cutest! Happy family!👍🩵🌈❤️
@scottsmit1115 3 месяца назад
How is everyone doing? Give us a quick update on young Leo.
@brokenman4668 4 месяца назад
If we didn’t see your face at all in this video and only heard your voice I probably would’ve mistaken you for an actual Japanese woman Because you speak the language so well
@richardseeto1182 4 месяца назад
That's a terrific idea...The baby has nine moths bonding with the mother, now it should spend some time to bond with dad...
@CharlesXavier 5 месяцев назад
Hope you're doing well, Kaisa. It's been a year since your last video and I understand if raising two children has been a serious life-changer, but any new content from you that you could possibly share (big or small) would be lovely. 😉
@banshong3997 5 месяцев назад
Nice. Thanks for sharing. Congratulations on your new addition. Sorry I am late ❤❤❤👍👍👍👋👋👋
@smit9mafia446 5 месяцев назад
she looks like the whole text readd and her tones pronouncation is talent or 1 one week practise speak this text
@ZhangtheGreat 5 месяцев назад
可爱!可爱!可爱!可爱!可爱!可爱!可爱!可爱!可爱!可爱!可爱! 🤯
@jacobrocks7 5 месяцев назад
A year late but congratulations! Btw I did the same father thing with my baby lying on my chest ..so warm
@kira-t4c7z 5 месяцев назад
What is his name ❤
@pinkheart_luv 6 месяцев назад
@seykai 7 месяцев назад
It's so cool you speak 6 languages!! I admire you :) I want to be able to speak 6 too! I'm learning Russian right now. I know it will take many years, but I hope to make it like you have!! :)
@Maria-r3s4f 7 месяцев назад
Hello Kaisa! Congratulations with your wonderful baby! Can you give any recommendation for pregnancy follow up in Beijing? Hospital or particular doctor? Thanks in advance!
@momandpopgems 7 месяцев назад
We are creating a family-friendly program and we are seeking someone fluent in multiple languages to join us! If you or someone you know fits would be interested, reach out to us today!
@strawberrysoup202 8 месяцев назад
Millaista työtä teet Kiinassa? Kiinnostais kovasti päästä myös sinne töihin mutta en oikeen tiedä mikä ala olis siihen parhain
@GhanYt 9 месяцев назад
To enhance our long-term investment mix, my partner and I are introducing a range of stocks and ETFs. We've committed $220k initially, with a particular emphasis on inflation-protected bonds and businesses demonstrating robust cash flows. I see potential for enduring growth in the current market, yet I'm also keen to explore strategies for generating short-term gains.
@bahijarhafiri 9 месяцев назад
Very true, I find myself lucky enough exposed to money management at an early age. Worked full time when I was 19, purchased first home at 28, fast forward time... I'm 50 now, got laid off March 2020 amidst lockdown, a blessing in disguise. At once, I consulted an advisor to stay afloat and with subsequent investments, I'm only 15% short of $1m as of today.
@bahijarhafiri 9 месяцев назад
'Jenny Pamogas Canaya is the lady's name. I first saw her on a goldman sachs' report, then on Smart Advisors, and immediately looked her up on the internet; it was the best decision I've made to stay afloat in these crazy times. She has been outstanding.
@Calvertmarian 9 месяцев назад
We all know that prices of almost everything aren’t coming down. Simply put, they're rising less. Costs are rising due to rising inflation. As we are evidently at the verge of hyperinflation, with the less haves bearing the brunt of the burden. I'm more concerned that the rising inflation may lead my entire $990k retirement funds to lose value. Where else could we put our cash?
@brownwellson54 9 месяцев назад
Well, since COVID, it has become more difficult to create a strong financial portfolio, I advise you to create a diversification strategy. My coworker advised me to see a consultant. I did, and because to my advisor's assistance throughout this market fall, I actually gained almost $926K in profits. Despite the ups and downs, she employs defensive methods to safeguard my portfolio and generate gains.
@brownwellson54 9 месяцев назад
I personally have my portfolio overseen by California-based wealth advisor and fixed income strategist at that 'Jenny Pamogas Canaya well established and you'd find her professional bio on the net. However I suggest you look closer to home, sometimes to move certain amount of money I am required to be in California
@adriano6k 10 месяцев назад
Could someone sum up how she learned all those languages.
@yorgunsamuray 11 месяцев назад
Wow, when you were speaking Japanese your facial expressions and mannerisms changed a little bit. From place to place the pronunciation was a little off but overall the whole thing is totally correct. よくできました。 Even if languages are easy to forget, once you have a base, you recall them easily. I was dabbling over Dutch on Duolingo and I was surprised how much German I could remember. 私はトルコ人で、母語のトルコ語以外に英語と日本語をしゃべれます。少しだけロシア語もしゃべられて、現在インドネシア語を習っています。
@fatimazahrabenchafai 11 месяцев назад
hello i can speak english french arabic spanish moroccan dialecte a litlle bit of turkish and russian
@jerryvictorlee851 11 месяцев назад
Congrats!! As a 21 year old myself, I’m deeply amazed by your video, which not only in love with the vibe of your contents but also the arrival of that little wonderful baby in your family.❤❤ Keep going and loving! 🎉🎉❤❤
@WenlanLuo 11 месяцев назад
Kaisa, missä suomalaiset yleensä opiskelevat kiinaa? Olen kiinalainen, joka on asunut Saksassa 13 vuotta. Muutin Suomeen 3 kuukaudeksi ja aloin oppia suomea. Ihailen suomalaisten kykyä oppia kieliä, jonka koin lasteni ala-asteella. Kolmen hengen perheessämme puhutaan kiinaa, saksaa ja englantia.Suomi on meille uusi haaste, koska se on eri kieli. Uskon oppivani myös suomea hyvin. Toivotan perheellesi onnea, terveyttä ja onnea. Toivon myös, että kaikki menee hyvin Kiinassa.
@GingerThereforeNoSoul 11 месяцев назад
We did skin to skin in the US as well, both parents. ❤
@venla111 11 месяцев назад
Millainen opiskelija olit lukiossa? Mitä aineita kirjoitit?😊
@scottsmit1115 11 месяцев назад
Amazing photos. Little treasures for life.
@eiohmarkyaw4701 Год назад
proud of you
@茆心语 Год назад
It's so awesome what you did. I've always wanted to be a multilingual since I was a kid, but when I learned more, those different languages just messed with my brain, especially when they origined similarly😭How should I deal with that kind of situation?
@fairytale7778 Год назад
Such cute baby and family! All the best!
@jdmregal Год назад
Your English is very good.
@never4ever386 Год назад
Very cute baby ❤
@never4ever386 Год назад
@never4ever386 Год назад
Based on the snippets. The baby looks like a boy? 😅 Either way, boy or girl. Wishing your family all the very best! ❤
@nezarabarez-yo1oo Год назад
you don't say how to learn new language??????
@TheHollandHS Год назад
The biggest culture difference is that china (Korea) and Japan are total opposites on privacy and personal space. To the point other cultures like Europe USA Russia middle east India etc. are between them. Chinese culture tends to take everything personally of others and themselves understanding eastern culture. Japanese people are totally the opposite on taking it personally on other and themselves on eastern culture .
@grodolina Год назад
Imponerande! Jag tycker att din svenska är ganska bra, det är några jättesmå fel här och där men man har ju inga problem alls att förstå dig. Själv talar jag också flera språk och har väldigt lätt för att lära språk och eftersom jag växte upp med 4 språk hemma så har det blivit naturligt för mig att vilja lära mig fler språk, mitt mål är att lära mig så många som möjligt i alla fall NÄSTAN flytande, the sky is the limit!
@vitoria7736 Год назад
I am learning finnish, german and english... I'm from 🇧🇷
@38nacy Год назад
I love China! ❤❤❤
@38nacy Год назад
@wolfster2287 Год назад
I have to say, these videos are cute, but you really don’t learn anything. Halfway in, she shows off all her languages but no tips on how to learn so I stopped halfway.
@artangle8170 Год назад
@tonyeclau Год назад
Looking forward to your next videos.
@Sof_rha Год назад
Tusen tack!<3
@edwin-qb3lm Год назад
Very nice photos, treasures to appreciate.
@edwin-qb3lm Год назад
It is good he participate in yout culture. He is accepting your tradition