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@johngibson3770 20 часов назад
Our castles go back to the 10th century mate. 1700's is new builds
@joshuapitts-hz1tn 22 часа назад
Salute to you Australia brothers wasn't in Nam did 3 tours at the beginning of Iraq conflict love you guys thanks
@FaresIssaoui 22 часа назад
Free Palestine 🇵🇸🍉
@alexbramley6346 22 часа назад
could you steal a cannon or ammo? I think that was the question. no and yes. but a plunder/take. etc would be towed or taken under order back to dock. a refit was not like now. ou just refit your own things. bore size was well.. depending.
@alexbramley6346 22 часа назад
peerage - victory or Westminster - death
@alexbramley6346 22 часа назад
told you for years now.. chill. your analysis is good. stress less.
@nodical802 23 часа назад
Africa is about 1.8 times larger than Russia according to google
@rocketrabble6737 День назад
You should also look out for the classic philosopher's football match!
@rocketrabble6737 День назад
The two vessels that went to the aid of 'Culloden' were not ships of the line. They would not be included 'in the 'line of battle', because they did not have the number of guns or weight of shot, the thickness of timbers, or the crew numbers, to stand against a third rate or higher without being dismembered in minutes. Sloops, frigates, etc. had other roles, in fleet actions. Look what happened to the French frigate (36) when it engaged a third rate (74).
@rocketrabble6737 День назад
The 'knots you' mentioned were the means of judging the ships speed through the water. One sailor throws the knotted line out ahead if the vessel whilst a second turns a sand glass, when then sand runs out the first sailor pinches the line and calls how many knots have gone. To measure depth a 'sounding-line' with a lead weight on the endm and marked in fathoms was thrown overboard to gauge the depth. It was refined do that the bottom of the lead was hollow and filled with animal fat to pick up a sample of the sea bed. The material sample and depth could be included on charts or compared to existing charts, to help refine the vessel's position.
@rocketrabble6737 День назад
A ship-of the-line by this time was a third-rate ship (74 guns) upwards to a first-rate. The exception here was the Leander, which may have been regarded as a 'third-rate' in an earlier era.
@prestonnevlogs1462 День назад
Hi, im not trying to be a dick , (i dont have to try) but Victorian era is 19th century. (1800's is 19th century )
@matthewashman1406 День назад
Hey well spotted about the pitch on grass for young players. Yes it is common to have concrete pitch for young players. Not sure about all countries,but it is here in New Zealand. And as a correction, all types of cricket are professional.
@prestonnevlogs1462 День назад
Regarding munition size, I havnt googled or educated myself in the matter but I wouldn't be surprised if these ships had facilities to melt down lead and produce its own ordinance. I'm sure there's someone out there who could put me right.
@davidc.watson4398 День назад
Such a sensitive, thoughtful guy Connor and your words are very much appreciated!
@Treinbouwer День назад
9:19 Socialism originated in Europe in multi party systems at a time of strong political polarisation. It may not make sence for you as an American living in a two party system, but because when my grandparents were born the Netherlands was strictly split between socialists, liberals, catholics and protestants and almost all parties we have now are either one if those parties or a split of party, it definitely makes sense to me as a young Dutchman.
@jaydenhunter7990 День назад
I can't wait to see you react to "what if america had natural borders" by the same creator
@Treinbouwer День назад
3:09 historically socialists wanted to reach communism, though democratic reforms, while communists wanted an uprising, but this is communism as intended by Karl Marx, which is radically different from the corrupt dictatorship communist regimes ended up to become. In practice, the ideas of Marx have been nuanced and evolved into labour parties, of which the more radical ones are called socialists. It is just one of the large political families that have dominated European politics: Liberalism (free marked solves it all, people should solve their own problems, a small government) (Democratic) socialism/labour (workers' rights, more equal spreading of wealth, welfare state) Confesionalism (conservative either realy conservative, a small government and we should not do anything about wealth gabs because it was God's will for people to be poor or Jesus tels us to care for people, so the goverment shoult do so too to strengthen the comunity.) You now have green parties too and populist parties are quite dominating lately, but they are in a sense branches of the larger families. Keep in mind this is a realy short version of the theories we learned in history class.
@lauriegunn9636 День назад
Who said what was bad and what was good? Politicians? Don't believe them, ask citizens of different countries who have lived through a system you do not know. Let's just face facts here, Republican, Democrat, Conservative, Liberal, New Democratic Party and the frickin Green Party are spinning the rhetoric that will help themselves. It's just up to you to choose which rhetoric you believe is good for you and your country, and what to do if the party you choose goes off the rails.
@norfolkronin6307 День назад
Not for everyone but Radiohead will be remembered as a great English rock band. But Britain has produced the greatest music. So much.
@user-dv9zg2yy8n День назад
Different but same building
@fenrisulfur842 День назад
dang, that was fast! I´m german, I had to learn that at school, but that was fast!
@ShelleyOtter День назад
The vast number of immigrants coming through Europe are economic migrants, mostly illegal. Not asylum seekers who are likely suffering due to the chaos. Asylum seekers are supposed to claim asylum in the first European country they come to. They don’t. Many move west towards Britain and Eire. The worry for the people of Europe is that many of the illegal immigrants are young, male Muslims and terrorism is the concern. Thousands have arrived in the UK via dinghy across the English Channel, some losing their lives. They are picked up and put in hotels which cost the tax payer billions each year. They can’t work legally because they are here illegally and don’t have permits. Entire cities in the UK are becoming predominantly foreign born residents. London is no longer majority English born, at about 40%. Multiculturalism has been encouraged so that entire communities are segregated and now liberal idiots are accusing the rural areas of being racist because more white people live there! It’s a mess.
@alisonlinnell8943 День назад
Also something that’s crept into adverts here is ‘two times’ instead of ‘twice’. Why?!!!
@Interdiction День назад
We have no constitution for the people . Too many laws and red tape now .
@alisonlinnell8943 День назад
Soccer. Sounds like an instruction to commit domestic abuse against your wife…. 😂 Don’t care what you call things in general it’s things like gotten that are like fingernails down a blackboard to me, and yes I’m old enough to remember blackboards and chalk at school.
@reggriffiths5769 День назад
We also rebuit your Whitehouse McJ!! By the time the Revolution was over and we gave a small piece of Canada as a sop to your hurt feelings, We had decided it was not worth having to send more armies thousands of miles to fight a war in a land infested with too many forms of infestation - including the settlers, when we had a relatively peaceful Empire to administer. Britain should be celebrating the 4th July, for that was when we rid ourselves of a people we didn't really like! We could forsee what kind of people you were becoming, and we didn't like that - and so our forsight was realised, for you did your best to wipe out the indegenous peoples, you initiated slavery, treated the clacks and Chinese disgracefully, and you "invented" "The Untamed West" where guns and murder were a daily occurrence for 150 years. You still have racial discrimination and segregation, and you have a world-leading country born of greed. The UK was blessed when it pulled out and left you to your own devices.....just saying!
@hitjarjarwithacarcar8449 День назад
he means he will be honoured, or he will be dead
@alisonlinnell8943 День назад
I really felt your pain. Wonder how long it took to find this utter shower.
@alisonlinnell8943 День назад
How do these people manage to get dressed? Thank goodness folk like you raise the average IQ.
@BlueDusk95 День назад
Hungary prevents Ukrainian immigration for example (legit war refugees). All the Schengen member states are not part of the EU, so even a pan-EU law wouldn't prevent mass immigration coming from Iceland, Norway, etc.
@LauraRodriguez-nm3zl День назад
Semi Balkan and latin
@DianeJones-fl9bl День назад
@Handle0108 День назад
As a Middle Eastern person I would say its almost perfect, except for 4 problems: 1. There is no scenario in which giving the West Bank and Jerusalem fully over to lsraeI will result in peace. Al-Aqsa is too important for muslims. 2. The Shia state in the Arabian peninsula would not survive surrounded by Sunni Monarchies who would covet the region's natural resources. The perfect arrangement is the current real one which works well enough. 3. Kuwait is too small and weak to be its own state, so it will have to join Saudi in order to not result in another gulf war. 4. Jordan should not be there, the monarchy is disliked and the country despite its stability cannot economically thrive on its own. It would have to either join the UAR or Saudi.
@dirkapel7535 День назад
You have th same like Doppelgänger lol
@philipflood9721 День назад
If you want to know more about my city, the fella who's accent you like Is Frank Carlyle, local historian, has a series of videos called Liverpool Unravelled, brilliant and informative.
@avitalsheva День назад
It is not complicated. Not at all. This is very simple . EUropean "leadership" is or doing exactly what it is said by US CIA department ( as one of the main goal of USA is to destroy EU as competitor) or is very dumb. EUrope owe nothing to anybody in whole world.
@Frahamen День назад
Believe me, you'll feel out of your element if sun goes down at 3 in the afternoon and only comes back at 9 in the morning if you never experienced that before. It's not a rational sadness, it's your body getting not enough sunlight and your internal clock flipping out. Its not unlike a jet leg in a way.
@user-wc8fp4cx6c День назад
AfD is a party of ultra-nationalists, fascists and neo-Notsees. Already, social services in Germany are being slashed and military spending ramped up in preparation for global war, which is in its advanced stages. Free speech is rapidly being abolished as protesting the g--cide in any meaningful way has been criminalized. German imperialism is back. When the world is redivided, Germany wants a piece of Russia.
@ODT81 День назад
Fatstest train in Europe 360 kpm, so around 223.694 mph.
@ErLuigi76 День назад
La culpa del naufragio de la armada española fue del Duque de Parma que se empecinó en entrar por mar desde Flandes en lugar de por Irlanda desde el norte de España para ayudar a los católicos irlandeses que estaban asediados por los ingleses protestantes. Si hubiesen entrado por Irlanda, seguramente hoy no se estaría hablando de este vídeo.
@Єнот-т4й День назад
From the UK here ; this advert is about 20 years old...the advert has absolutely nothing to do with chocolate - but I absolutely *promise* you everyone over about 35 will know this advert the moment you talk about it.
@timokuusela2622 День назад
also Harald had really Blue tooth
@mildandbitter День назад
Whilst Nelson was the greatest fleet commander the greatest single ship commander was probably the controversial maverick Thomas Cochrane, 10th Earl of Dundonald, His exploits are almost beyond belief.
@norfolkronin6307 День назад
My father's father was a millitary man. Got up to alot in the 2nd WW. But actually he was also a sail maker.
@charlottevairet3453 День назад
Would you mind modifying the tilte into "châteaux of France" : in the state it is now, plural (indicated by the final -x) and singular (the indefinite article -a). This little clumsy thing excepted, I appreciate your curiosity and openmindness. Salut et Fraternité (which is not appropriate for a video regarding an Ancien Régime matter, especially since the reign of François 1er marks the beginning of absolutism France, 😉).
@norfolkronin6307 День назад
Navy field gun competition is a must watch. This will make you realise the the British are the greatest men to sail the high seas in war. You will love it. Sadly I don't think they do it no more. Maybe abit too..would you say hardcore? Yes for the majority. Peace!
@kucnimajstor2901 День назад
Question for americans, name all Kardashians..😆😆😆
@norfolkronin6307 День назад
Space ships of their time. This period is the peak of naval warfare history. The format hasn't changed in the basic form till submarines and aircraft carriers came along. Only about another round 80-90 years with the earliest submarining in the American wars on that southern coast of North America. New Orleans and surrounding areas. That you started to get the earliest of floating ordnance and the earliest forms of floating mines at war at sea and slight internal waters.
@norfolkronin6307 День назад
P.S. The Polish are our brothers. And the Germans have a great sense of humour.