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@Ashistrans 7 дней назад
So does this mean the family curse is just schizophrenia?
@RallyTheTally 8 дней назад
I think your taking a artistic story too literal, Lewis was probably mentally ill, but a ton of them? Also women in America still die of childbirth, my mom almost did.
@dmm7736 9 дней назад
Tbh I think Edie had paranoid schizophrenia. I think everyone in the game, minus a few like Barbara, Sven, Edith and maybe her son since we dont know much about him, had some sort of disorder. Lewis had maladaptive daydreaming as escapism when he had to give up drugs. Molly probably had schizophrenia. Walter severe paranoia. Dawn had anxiety and perhaps bipolar disorder. I’d have to do a deep analysis to pinpoint who I think has what and why, but for now this covers it.
@octobergrimm2497 14 дней назад
Speaking of being lost in the woods.. that look like a LOT of foxglove they’re walking around 😬
@identificado1 14 дней назад
The unfinished swan song and Milton'theme song from "Jeff Russo" tells you the truth of reality and on the other hand his fantasy world..
@identificado1 14 дней назад
A genetic sickness is a great explanation
@tefweebz 24 дня назад
I love when pieces of art intertwine like this.❤️
@Gyro42 25 дней назад
You were having an interesting point w the connection w the other games, but then it fell off with the lack of info about schizophrenia.
@undersiren222 Месяц назад
I think its more likely that Molly had Schizophrenia more than Edith or Gus since what she explained was...confusing? she probably ate that stuff while beginning a hallucination and eventually passing away(perhaps she ate some of the things inside her room like the "rabbit" "seal" yknow, while hallucinating and that was the choking and what really pushed her death) we see that the stuff did go flying everywhere from the chairs being in trees in the present day so what really happened was probably Gus trying to franticly pull down his kite and screaming(but being unheard over the loud music) and eventually being killed by the flying furniture due to the wind. Edith might not be Schizophrenic simply because the game needed to explain what happened to everyone so they showed it in a way we'd understand I guess, Edith probably assumed what happened to everyone and we just saw what she thought happened. like for Gregory she probably just thought of "how could a call be part of why this child die?" "how can this death be seen as a parents fault?" and with all the bath toys in the crib she probably just guessed- what we saw from her can be excused for story telling. as for her childbirth death....no amount of technology can completely eliminate the chance of death, stuff happens regardless🤷
@magiczero1337 Месяц назад
I know i'm 6 years late but if the king is millton (which has been confirmed) doesnt thag mean that monroe is milltons son? Which means millton did not die in the forest.
@embryodemocracy1275 Месяц назад
What about his son?
@Teeplesexe 2 месяца назад
personally, i think that edie is at least partially responsible for all the family members deaths. it says that milton had explored the house and "found something", i think he realized that edie is responsible for many of these deaths and out of fear he ran away, and had monroe prompting the events of unfinished swan
@newjerseylion4804 2 месяца назад
I think Edith lives so long because she actually treating her symptoms of her mental health u like the rest of her family.
@blackcrazy272 2 месяца назад
I kinda have another theory about Milton's life. I think he escaped from his house, and started a new life. I do agree about him having hallucinations, but I don't think he died in the forest (It's a strong theory though). I rather believe that he grew up with this "mental problem" and had a child with the woman on the game "The unfinished swan". 'Cause maybe that's the reason she abandoned him; for his mental state. And, at the end of the game, we can see he recognizes that he's "sick", that there's something wrong with him, and his "fantasy world" has came to an end. That's why he would gave his son his magic paintbrush, to have someone that continues his work (or the family line of the Finches) And I know that you'll think: how does an eleven years old child could live out there in the forest? Well, as I said, I bealive that he reached a town or something and dedicated his life to art, so he didn't finished school but he could continue his live. This theory isn't as strong as yours, but that's what I thought when I was playing both games. Idk, it kinda sounds possible to me. (Sorry if you don't understand my english, I'm still learning this language)
@palomafreitas3312 3 месяца назад
I don’t think (I can’t keep all their names straight but) fish guy’s suicide was accidental. He chose to escape this reality
@danas62 6 месяцев назад
Have you focused on a career yet? Psychology might be your talent. consider...
@KnucklesUp 6 месяцев назад
I work full time in advertising now but if I ever pivot to psych I'll come back here and let you know hahaha :)
@spookiuwu768 7 месяцев назад
*extremely loud, incorrect buzzer noise*
@LordMarlle 7 месяцев назад
The vignettes or the game as a whole is not Edith's perception of them, but rather her sons perception of her diary's depiction of them, which makes it clear that his imagination is as vivid as the rest of the family's. While I don't disagree with you, it seems really cheap to explain away this whole game as schizophrenia induced hallucinations. A better interpretation would be the power of stories and how it can change and damage us, which is doubly true for schizophrenics
@BadNameJackson 8 месяцев назад
Is it confirmed he died? Even if he has schizophrenia he may still be alive.
@TheFuckIsaLife 8 месяцев назад
Lewis didn’t have schizophrenia his psychiatrist even said “he knows it’s all in his head” Also I take meds and it’s just known that drugs and alcohol can affect the meds it doesn’t necessarily mean she’s on schizophrenic meds because I’m on meds (that aren’t for schizophrenia lol) and all of them say you can’t drink on them
@Kurtisie 9 месяцев назад
Nah, I was with you til you started speculating about mental illness. It’s…painfully obvious to me there’s something supernatural going on.
@stiltywilton 9 месяцев назад
Navene shouldn't be taken without alcohol either. It can cause a medical condition called Tardive Dyskinesia, which wears the nerves down and causes signals to be sent down to your limbs constantly. This causes repetitive jerking motions. The problem is the navene causes this and also mutes the effects, until you stop taking the medication and then it gets out of control. I know this is really off/barely on topic, but it's worth mentioning since the drug came up.
@Dragon-Slay3r 10 месяцев назад
I caught sars 😭
@killeroflegends1 10 месяцев назад
I thought lewis was the one with schizophrenia
@PhilVillagerOffical 10 месяцев назад
I think he became a Keyes Don. A Milton Keyes Don
@TessaTheEditor 11 месяцев назад
Milton did have hallucinations yes. And what happened was he was in a hallucination and the unfinished swan was that hallucination of his. In the game (The Unfinished Swan) every setting looks quite similar to the real world (or what remains of Edith Finch world anyway) Milton was always an adventurous kid so no doubt he wanted to explore that house across the lake his grandma always talked about. if you compare the graveyard scene and the graveyard in what remains of Edith Finch they are relatively the same and so is the forest and so is the lake. I believe Milton was creating a fantasy world quite similar to his brother Lewis. he made his own fantasy world and from his castle, he spots the original home. so the day the tide was at its lowest he went there just like in the unfinished swan he goes into the home. it soon floods leading to his demise. in the game, you boat to the other side of the island and find a statue of the king he goes in and it floods. i believe 100% that's what happened to Milton.
@firecrusades3397 11 месяцев назад
i hate you
@redline841 11 месяцев назад
Late but >CoD fans being mentally handicapped They choose to focus on playing with sticks despite Mouse and Keyboard support being there. On top of that they have the brain where "everything is a choke because you couldn't do a perfect win".
@CharlieWey-Thomas Год назад
I intially thought maybe Molly could be on that list, but it’s more likely to be hallucnations from poisoning
@emoharalampiev1590 Год назад
I absolutely agree with everything you said, but just a tiny correction, you said the house has been sunk for almost a century, but its been about 61 years. Molly was born december 37 and shes a baby when the house sinks so thats probably 1938, Edith was born 99, which would add up to 61 years in-between. Dont get me wrong, your point about how perserved everything is still stands, just the time you gave was bit big
@HogTime Год назад
Your description of schizophrenia dounds very textbook and really broad. People deal with their symptoms differently and not everyone will experience the same symptoms or the same level or symptoms. Some people have auditory hallucinations and paranoia but not delusions. Some people have visual hallucinations and feel completely catatonic. Some people have all these symptoms but most schizophrenics will have a combination of a few. The symtpoms begin slowly and build over months or years, its not just a swtich from rational to delusional. Theres also periods where symtpoms are worse, to the point they can become weeks long episodes of delusions, and times where symtpoms are barely present. schizophrenic people can be highly intelligent and hold high paying, well respected jobs, one man with paranoid schizophrenia even won a Nobel Prize. Many schizophrenics are also aware they have hallucinations and are careful around certain things, they dont all wholeheartedly believe everything they see and hear is real. The reason schizophrenic people are at risk is because most dont have a support system, a lot of people are afraid of schizophrenics and the isolation combined with hallucinations and paranoia is what makes people completely detach from reality, most people can manage with support from close ones and sometimes medication Its a very complex disorder and hasnt been well studied, it feels a bit lazy (not really the right word because this video clearly has a lot of effort put into it) to just lump everything Milton experiences as a schizophrenic episode because its a broad illness that accompanies delusions and hallucinations when its actually really far off from what most schizophrenics experience in their day to day lives. I just think there are a few other options that arent a genetic mental illness, lots of genetically fine people become delusional or retract from reality when they let something consume them, think about religious fanatics. I think it's more likely that Edie is some kind of unstable, possibly as a result of all the trauma she's experienced from the deaths, and she copes by making up these fanatical stories about the deaths. This fanatism spreads to the rest of the family like a cult and it leads to neglect and rejection of responsibility. Its so much easier to say its a family curse than it is to believe youre sometimes a bad parent or a bit absent when your kids are doing dangerous shit
@cparks1000000 Год назад
I agree that Milton is most likely dead and The Unfinished Swan is symbolic. However, I believe this analysis is flawed. 10:15 Many other people have claimed that Lewis was suffering from Maladjusted Daydreaming. Furthermore, many mental illnesses cause hallucinations. 12:49 The player character is actually the son of Edith reading the journal. What you're "seeing" as the grandmother is the imagination of the son upon reading the grandmother's words (as written in Edith's journal). The grandmother didn't actually describe what she saw. Also, it's easy to "see" things in the dark or fog. 13:18 I don't believe that the grandmother believed it. I think she just enjoyed telling fantastical stories. She said there was a mole man living in the house but still took food down... She also intentionally leaked details about Barbara's death to the media. She enjoyed the attention that her stories gathered. 14:50 Based on the grandmother saying "to our last night together" and "I told you I'm not leaving", it's more likely that the grandmother was planning to commit suicide instead of going to a nursing home. The mother actually relents and says that Edie should continue drinking, suggesting that the effects of alcohol with the medicine are minor.
@forgetthes5824 Год назад
I just tought that Milton found another secret passage arround the house and got lost and died there. And no one can find him because noone found that same secret passage again
@ellook6556 Год назад
You ok bro?
@notherapy4u Год назад
I know im probably a bit late on this, but Milton's fate is confirmed. In an interview, the devs confirmed that Milton Finch and the King in the Unfinished Swan(a game by the same dev team) are the one and the same. And in that game, Milton even has a wife and child. While i dont have the exact quote/intervirw, if you just look up"what happened to milton edith finch", you'll find it.
@sukunawithabeard Год назад
Yeah you are late, but this was made 5 years ago and the devs did not confirm this in the interview at this time. So he couldn’t have known that. //no hate
@notherapy4u Год назад
@@sukunawithabeard Oh, yeah, ofc, I just wanted to let people know that, now Milton has a confirmed fate, rather than one that was left up to interpretation, like in the past.
@sukunawithabeard Год назад
@@notherapy4u Oh okay!
@despacitodaniel801 Год назад
maybe ur the schizo
@noooooooooooo7275 Год назад
Not the Matt Patt jumpscare
@shadowm2k7 Год назад
I just got Mario Party DS in the mail last week and i would 100% include it in the main line!!! It plays exactly as if it was made along side the GameCube games. The story is really fun/cute, the mini games are TOP TIER!!! and there's a lot of side modes/things to do and you can play with friends even if they don't have the game cartridges! I got/played MP6 for the first time last month and im sad to say i was kinda underwhelmed. The only games I had played before that was 4 & 5 for GameCube and so many people said that 6 is by far the best one but only 1 or 2 of the boards have regular rules and the other 3 have gimmicks. I absolutely dispise the chain chomp one so much that im probably not going to play it again so that means there's one less board to choose from ;.;! Same with the Bowser/DK boards 'cause they're a bit tooooo stressful for me so really we're only left with like 2 boards xD! And the DS game had some unique Star/Boards as well but they weren't stressful, just different. Either way, i WISH they included the OPTION to have regular party rules applied ;___;!! Would have deffos enjoyed 6 a lot more, again maybe not since i don't really like many of the mini games in it either ;O;! Anyway, I've got #7 on the way soon and i hope i enjoy that one more! X
@SleepyCrumpet Год назад
I absolutely loved the unfinished swan when I was younger and have always considered it one of my favourite games. I recognised the music instantly when walking into his room!! I was so excited, I didn’t notice they were the same game company! It’s such a cool idea to merge the stories
@keiraw7717 Год назад
He also has a swan on top of his castle it's one of those things that tells you where the wind is blowing (I don't remember the name sorry)
@crinklescat1871 Год назад
On the baby’s death, like when he “turns” into a frog I think he’s actively drowning/dying and that’s how the baby sees himself. At one point the frogs arms reach up on instinct like he’s trying to get his head above water. So I believe those moments were the babies pov of his death. And Lewis was suffering severe depression. He was dissociating. And I think the letter said he just got sober off drugs or alcohol (there’s alcohol bottles *if* i remember correctly in the tunnels. Edie, the great grandmother is a storyteller. She was neglectful and narcissistic. I don’t believe she has schizophrenia. She just had an unhealthy obsession with death. And also delusions of grandeur. And she didn’t disappear. It’s heavily implied that she died that night because she mixed alcohol with her medication. Actually, I believe it outright said she died. But you’re able to infer her cause of death was a lack of caution by mixing alcohol with the medicine and she might’ve even done that intentionally. Ultimately mental illness and neglect killed everyone. Also an extreme lack of caution in their every day lives. Like one of the kids had a broken leg and was swinging and even edith’s son at the end had a broken arm. Like I see a ton of signs of mental illness, but I don’t see schizophrenia
@TeaMasterIroh Год назад
Every person died pretty self-explanatory. But these two ppl are still so confused on. Let me solve it. Molly: Ate poisonous Holly Berries in her bathroom. She probably choked in her own vomit while sleeping. Barbara: Accidentally killed by her boyfriend, Rick. He dressed up as the Hooked man in an attempt to scare her. She fell on her roller skate and fell off the railing on top of the stairs.
@lavenderpants8695 Год назад
I dealt with one of my direct reports developing schizophrenia over the past year and he has now left my employment. When I was playing this game today there were so many instances that reminded me of him and his mindset. He constantly struggled with extreme disorganization and constant clutter, and the second I stepped foot into the Finch house it was like I was stepping right back into his office. It was literally my first thought. The biggest one for me is what Edith says right at Walters death, about believing the curse to be true so much it became true. That's so hallmark of his entire experience at work. He would believe in certain delusions so much he almost willed them into existence. For instance, he was constantly paranoid about security watching him "because they had it out for his job". This delusion became so extreme that security eventually became alarmed and concerned about what he could possibly be hiding to be so paranoid about them watching him. So what did they do? They started watching him and monitoring his every move. He literally made his paranoia turn real. There is so many more comparisons to really list here, but for sure I think Edie certainly suffered from the illness.
@tracymcgill66 Год назад
Walter didn't seal himself away for 45 years. The calender we start with is in 1968 and goes till 2005. At the most he was down there for 37 years.
@SomeGuy-mt4hq Год назад
TL;DR: Milton is a game dev
@SomeGuy-mt4hq Год назад
I don't know if anyone else has said this yet but the devs confirmed Milton's disappearance is a direct crossover with the unfinished swan. Personally I am not a fan of this because it implies that supernatural happenings are possible within the world and personally I feel that takes away from the narrative of WROEF. I highly recommend a video by Joseph Anderson on this game, especially if you've already played it. It breaks down this game phenomenally
@mikeharmon9166 Год назад
Walter was only isolated really from 78 to 05 so 37 years underground. You see the calendar at beginning and end.
@wakandanblader3058 Год назад
Edie didn't actually dissappear when the van arrived, she died after mixing the medication with the alcohol
@LemonadeStand618 Год назад
I hate how in a somber game about death and grief, they just said "He went into a painting because of a magic paintbrush!" It completely ruined my immersion and made me so angry! THEY BUILT UP AN AD!