Dream Jelly
Dream Jelly
Dream Jelly
Retrospectives, commentaries, and deep dives on topics that interest me. Especially nostalgic content from the early 2000s to 2010s- it holds a special place in my overly sentimental heart.
Exploring the Petz Game Series
2 месяца назад
Webkinz Copy Cats and Knock Offs
4 месяца назад
Dress Up, Kissing, and Girly Flash Games
5 месяцев назад
A Deep Dive into Internet Cats
6 месяцев назад
The Imagine Games Empire
7 месяцев назад
The Ultimate Webkinz Iceberg
8 месяцев назад
The World of Sketchy 2000s Downloads
10 месяцев назад
Exploring Weird and Discontinued Snacks
11 месяцев назад
I Miss the Scholastic Book Fair
11 месяцев назад
Kid Pix Was a Weird Program
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The Lost Art of DVD Menus
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Papa Louie and the Papa-verse
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Cooking Mama and the Mama-verse
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The Strange World of Slime
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@erindalton2563 17 минут назад
watched this for the 3rd time the other day while showing it to my older sister, but i have to know your opinion on webkinz next
@erindalton2563 19 минут назад
the way that i watched your videos and JUST now subbed, i kept having the videos show up on the home page so i thought i was 😭
@bexofalltrades2544 5 часов назад
dont wanna feel left out so im also gonna leave a shout out for petz horses 2. the storyline and mystery is unlike anything else i played as a kid lol. but it does remind me of another horse game with a mystery plot line. their was a villainous male character and some secret about the mansion you were staying in that had to do with this puzzle based on playing cards.
@jaredmccain7555 12 часов назад
You always had that one kid that shit his pants on field day (me)
@Mewmew22668 12 часов назад
After the first few tests I just started to tap out early on purpose
@hostiledodo1150 12 часов назад
I have distinct memories of laying on my stomach on those scooter boards and pretending to be Spider-Man by crawling on the floor. I haven't thought about that in probably close to 20 years. I also remember scooting backwards at insane speeds. Core memory unlocked.
@Mewmew22668 12 часов назад
I remember the scooters we had races
@Esmeraldapotatohoof 13 часов назад
Modern gym class is definitely different 😢 maybe it was just because one of my gym teachers kinda hated me😂 but it was never as fun as this!
@champagneprincess4 13 часов назад
I just got so much nostalgia … omgg… I also liked insecticide, and the puppy games . ❤️ I had the rose gold nintendo ds
@YumiisRen 15 часов назад
someone found a piece of someone's plastic glove in their burger💀😭
@offbrandsprite 15 часов назад
I don’t know but in 2013 me and my friends would trade sillybandz in school! It was pretty popular at my school but I only had three or four that my friends gave me because they didn’t want them. I found them when we moved and I threw them away. It was a bone, a heel, a crown, and a star. Idk why I kept them before, but this video reminded me of them lol ❤
@KatMegaByte 16 часов назад
OMG your feelings of taco Mia are valid especially since a taco restaurant is literally called a taqueria in Spanish
@LizzykittyUwU 16 часов назад
You didn’t mention Georgie the robot doggie😔
@offbrandsprite 18 часов назад
Everyone’s talking about pizza and stuff but did anybody have those really good crispy chicken sandwiches? I went ham on those things!
@berrygremlin8094 18 часов назад
Papa Louie is the Mario of Cool Math Games
@mikejennings6522 18 часов назад
0:16 can i have some cheesesticks
@paulservary5360 22 часа назад
Your videos help me be productive and remain sane. Thank you, Dream Jelly
@pokelover66544 День назад
I had squawkers the parrot from fur real friends
@sarraceniaporrot День назад
My school did this back when I was in lowerschool. At one point I tripped on one of those floor scooters and hit my chin on the concrete floor. Split it open to the bone like a coconut. Got five stitches. I was really young so I got over the pain in 5 minutes (as children do) so no harm no foul, BUT The scooterboards were not pulled out again for *years*. Oops!
@SlapStyleAnims День назад
I wish there could be gyms for adults to use those scooters. I wanna use those again and try tandem drifting
@Kayari День назад
I haven't done a pacer test in almost 2 decades and those beeps still gave me war flashbacks
@temmie625 День назад
I don't know how torture is supposed to get anyone interested in staying active
@lilacstarter День назад
I have a lot of Furby
@darklyberry День назад
My god these were the GOAT back then, I remember my cousin owned a DS Lite and we would play together a bunch of these games. The ones I remember the most are the ones I rage quitted though lol. I absolutely despise Imagine Fashion Designer New York to these days because we weren't able to figure out how to correctly make some flared jeans or whatever, and I also remember that for some reason it was really difficult in Imagine My Restaurant to make a medium rare steak. Good times.
@theyluvmkslayy День назад
my school lunches are great💀
@ducksongfans День назад
Squid games season 2 should do pacer test as one of tem
@ducksongfans День назад
For my pacer test we had to run the whole gym and there was a max of like 200 levels
@CloudStudiosPhoto День назад
This channel is primarily early 2000s nostalgic content and I’m here for it. Thank you, you have gained a subscriber.
@vaehtay День назад
Our jumprope for heart program (not sure what else to call it) always had, like, 10 highschoolers come and do some sick jumprope tricks IN PERSON. And that was always enough to get everyone hyped, and I assume it continues to be, because it’s not just a video. I never participated really though I have the athleticism of a slug
@maskedsentai2003 День назад
I remember eating danimals in the school's cafeteria also 3:39 I remember seeing that commercial as a kid
@maskedsentai2003 День назад
I remember doing cup stacking in the school's gym
@sajee6198 День назад
Not just an American thing! I’m an Aussie and I remember the skateboards you mentioned back in the 2000s and mid 2010s.. apparently they’ve been removed now from schools from what I heard
@vaehtay День назад
My school was always so against bringing out the scooters, but we were all SO obsessed with them. The gym would erupt into cheers every time they were sitting out as we walked into class
@TheRealSwimHome День назад
I found out about Desktop Destroyer literally the exact same way through that exact video where they pretended to cut off pieces of it with the chainsaw.
@pw.m_0987 День назад
I know there's a really cool facebook game, it's really like battlefield but I forgot the name
@inspyrion День назад
I remember having a Mary Kate & Ashley graphic novel book as a kid in the early '0000s specifically themed around having robotic dogs
@chrisbahnsen7551 День назад
Something strange is I disliked capture the flag, football and the scooters but I was great at mat ball and was one of the fastest elementary kids (21min 5k at 11).
@toribees327 День назад
The only Imagine game I remember playing is Imagine Resort Owner which is so random and specific lol especially because I had never been to a resort. It was fun though.
@mr.derpyface558 День назад
4:27 I seen schools with meal calendars handed out to students
@dragonfye1 День назад
There’s also a BIG difference between Elementary School PE and High School PE in general, at least in the US School district i went to. I recall Elementary School PE being a lot more creative in the ways the teacher got you moving…or maybe my PE teacher was just FUN? She would set up obstacle courses for us, she knew a lot of fun team building games, all sorts of fun activities. Those were the days when you actually looked forward to gym. 😊 Gym at the Highschool was just so HARSH and Regimented.
@cryena6474 День назад
why is the shining stars narrator like "aw shit aw fuck oh fuck fuck shit fuck aw damn fuck hell shit oh damn jesus oh fuck shit aw fuck"
@Yokizeshi День назад
I used to be OBSESSED with Petz Cats 2 (same as Petz Dogs 2 just with cats lol). It was so surreal that I thought it was a fever game until I found it again as an adult😭 It gets SUPER wild later on. The final boss is like a weird wolf chimera mix, it's crazy for a "Petz" game
@SeventhSilhouette День назад
PE wouldn't have been so bad if we weren't graded on how well we did. i get 30 minutes once or twice a week to practice my basketball skills and you want me to make a free throw??? anyway i got a D in PE one year in highschool and i was so fucking angry.
@SeventhSilhouette День назад
also i wasn't playing basketball outside of gym class because i already knew i sucked at it.
@madz2013 День назад
I work with seniors as a social worker. We have a program that gives people with dementia and Alzheimer's robotic companion animals. It's actually scientifically proven to help their symptoms and overall health
@Alice-inky День назад
areo mint is actualy better
@ericmaclean6826 День назад
Pony beauty pageant was second to none really
@broski6003 2 дня назад
We had that at my elementary schools, these were for fundraising for curing childhood heart disease. I did get some keychains of the mascots (I got them from others)
@broski6003 2 дня назад
I don't remember how you were supposed to fund it but they said to not go door to door.
@MathewTheTyperianYT 2 дня назад
@ivotedforbeanis8819 2 дня назад
Every person in this video has white skin you are crazy what the hell this is BS
@Alice-inky 2 дня назад
i have imagine dream weddings/wedding designer