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SwiftConf '18 - Panel
5 лет назад
@sean.velasco Месяц назад
i'm implementing this in my app as i'm watching
@muncho404 4 месяца назад
Paul is TBE✨
@pycontiki 4 месяца назад
The speaker audio volume is very low 😢
@AndrewVorontsov 5 месяцев назад
"Error handling" part is absolutely brilliant! Thanks a lot!
@ek-bhartiya-nagrik 5 месяцев назад
Paul is a great instructor and an amazing resource for the iOS community. He is very credible, person too.
@Alperic27 6 месяцев назад
oh the fun of narcissism …. 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️
@0xjorgev 6 месяцев назад
Another great talk by Paul!
@asadchattha3470 6 месяцев назад
Best🥇instructor ❤
@Prashant-7 6 месяцев назад
When you use closure in environment that's I have seen first time , is it safe to use ? does it cause retain cycle ?
@trendz4422 6 месяцев назад
My favourite teacher.
@RobertHolzapfel 7 месяцев назад
Wow, thanks. Your talk gives important insights into that common challenge, it is wise, though funny to listen, a rare combination. 👍🏻
@shercalderaro3738 Год назад
Promo_SM 👌
@AbinBaby28 Год назад
Great talk. I just started learning rxSwift and the takeaway from this talk is very helpful.
@incelemeTRe Год назад
This lecture was awesome. Very fun and clear.
@honeybadger916 2 года назад
wow this is a good rxswift intro so far. it made the concepts clear to me
@casperes0912 2 года назад
Someone help me understand the German joke
@zeleuny 2 года назад
What lies between “vier” (4) and “sechs” (6)? Fünf (5)…
@smilebot484 3 года назад
A computed property would reflect canMakePurchase! So that's a bit dumb.
@shaimishali1416 2 года назад
No, since there's no way to observe change on a computed property. You'll have to constantly poll it.
@Srinadh58 3 года назад
Nikolas, Thanks for the clear picture of GraphQL for beginners. I have one question. Can we use the same fragments on multiple queries? For example, list of conferences and filter on the list of the conference? So one place fragment will have only few fields and another place fragment will have a few more extra fileds.
@calebrowley4419 3 года назад
Very well done! The way he started with previous data passing methods and then went to combine was very helpful. His explanation of combine was clear and made the most sense for me out of the videos I've watched so far. Thank you so much for the presentation and video.
@lukaszstocki6998 3 года назад
Cool presentation! The thing to note in t13:49 is that a.textContainer and b.textContainer are pointing to the same instance of TextContainer. Line "var b = a" does create a copy but what is copied is a reference to the same object :) If someone is interested more in this then existential and value witness conttainers are the keywords to search for :)
@ssaai 4 года назад
@paul 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 👍🏻
@tiojoe_ 4 года назад
Is it possible to have source code? Excellent Talk!
@yixe2253 4 года назад
YAY swiftcon is back!
@gfrias06 4 года назад
Awesome tutorial, thanks!
@khanhtoanle8396 4 года назад
How can u code Swift in a Ipad?
@yixe2253 4 года назад
Please upload this years talks
@sunilaruru9257 4 года назад
This the best video on Rxswift so far.Thanks a lot @shaiMishali
@jafarkhan349 5 лет назад
Awesome!! Really informative
@iosplus6702 5 лет назад
how to use graphql with offline storage on IOS ? I need to save the data on the cash on offline storage in case the client open the app offline. any complete example?
@ninja4ever_ 5 лет назад
1:10 agenda 1:55 what is Rx 8:00 building block 28:40 RxCocoa 37:15 debunking some myth 41:00 3rd party lib 43:40 resources 45:40 QA
@blazefrostrider 5 лет назад
Great Talk buddy !
@MangoDeveloper 5 лет назад
Really nice. Thanks for sharing all that knowledge with us.
@leontea7070 5 лет назад
The best RxSwift tutorial for beginners! The first RxSwift tutorial you should watch!
@leontea7070 5 лет назад
I started coding using RxSwift a few days ago and I have my brain bended already!
@ShaiMishali 5 лет назад
You'll get there! One step at a time :)
@nathan43082 5 лет назад
The problem with your headset mic is that the noise gate was set too aggressively.
@ShaiMishali 5 лет назад
It was actually just a bad headset :) Otherwise the other mic would be affected by the same processing. Anyways, it was unfortunate but not a huge deal. Hope you've enjoyed the talk, regardless! 😇
@nathan43082 5 лет назад
@@ShaiMishali Yep. Good stuff. Thanks!
@mnesvat 5 лет назад
Good talk 👍
@rudy12118 5 лет назад
Excellent talk. There's so much to learn from this video!
@hoochill 5 лет назад
How is api.swift generated?
@ChrisComeau 5 лет назад
It's in the custom build phase, see 23:00
@ilovepickles7427 5 лет назад
I like the way Daniel weaves personal stories into the talk. Very compelling. Great talk. Wise man.
@Muescha 6 лет назад
Just a note: if your are in Germany and you create an action, then you get an error "you need to create a "Bereich" in Organisation. but there is an organisation under manage orgs. Solution: close the error message and on the navigation there is dropdown and change the selection from "Germany" to "United Kingdom" (see the country dropdown at 10:21) . after this select your org and section and you can create actions
@rudy12118 6 лет назад
Excellent talk. Loved it! Paul is awesome. Incredible funny and his talks are always simple and concise
@issacroberto8535 3 года назад
@kaunteyasuryawanshi 6 лет назад
That was a quite informative talk. Thanks
@vkasci 6 лет назад
A lot of fancy memes but nothing extraordinary, just obvious processes and ideas for any large software product company.
@chiliec 6 лет назад
Egor, your cats are beautiful!
@michilandrosov9468 6 лет назад
Егор будто текст наизусть выучил:) Крутяк!
@w0mblemania 6 лет назад
"If you want to do UIViewController animated transitions, then don't." OK, so what is an alternative to the UIViewController transition API?
@djkim24601 6 лет назад
Great talk! Thanks a bunch.
@quentinturner3753 6 лет назад
Also can you have a navigation bar on top of you’re ar camera view
@quentinturner3753 6 лет назад
Very good talk. Thanks a lot! But I’m just having a hard time grasping the difference between interact with arkit and interact with SceneKit. Could someone help me out please
@rompelstilchen39 6 лет назад
Hi Quentin, it can be hard to get your head around in first place. ARKit interaction are based on ARKit scene recognition (in the real world) (ie.: ARAnchor et ARPlaneAnchor) and are used to position content in your scene, after plane is detected (like a ray hit test with real world content): `sceneView.hitTest(location, types: .existingPlane)` SceneKit interaction are based on your scene kit content (in your virtual world) (ie: SCNNode) and are used to interact (touch, pinch, ...) with existing content in your virtual SceneKit scene, after you've place some content in it (a ray hit test with virtual world content): `sceneView.hitTest(location, options: nil)` It's confusing because both methods are named `hitTest` and take a 2d location on your screen but they refer to each framework methods (ARKit and SceneKit). Hope this helps
@quentinturner3753 6 лет назад
Thank you so much this helped me out a lot! I have one more question about your talk. You quickly went over how you could allow something to happen only after you have detected the initial plane. This is literally the only problem I have left in my projects code so I’d love some feedback on ways to have the correct amount of plane detection be the absolute first thing you have to inside the app before you can go on to adding geometry or changing UI anything really! Thanks again
@quentinturner3753 6 лет назад
Hugues BERNET-ROLLANDE just to clarify, around 33:36 you said set up a delegate to let the hit test start working after a plane is detected! This is specifically what I am asking how to do or if there is any example code/projects out there that could point me in the right direction to do that! Sorry for my wacky questioning from the last comment lol thanks again
@rompelstilchen39 6 лет назад
Quentin Turner not sure I understand your question. Once you’ve detected a plane, depending of your app usage you can and should turn off plane detection. As explained in Apple documentation: Allow time for plane detection to produce clear results, and disable plane detection when you have the results you need. Hope this helps.
@quentinturner3753 6 лет назад
Hugues BERNET-ROLLANDE Hugues BERNET-ROLLANDE You said allow enough “time” for the scanning process before doing something like adding UI element to the screen or placing geometry on a plane. However I’d like to know how to only allow those things to happen based on a specific amount of surface area scanned (say about a 5-10 foot plane) instead of just time scanned before you add a geometry or UI element. If that makes sense lol I’m trying so hard to explain correctly so thank you so much for you’re patients I truly thank you
@iversity 6 лет назад
Who's the downvote? This is amazing.