This is a unique way of learning Finnish!

I made these videos to all of you who want to learn Finnish but find it impossible to memorise all those difficult grammar rules. This Stephen Krashen's method for learning languages really works! So watch these videos many times and you'll notice how you start to understand more and more. All the videos have subtitles in Finnish and in English, just remember to activate them.

If you want to understand the method behind the videos better and maximise your progress, watch the free 5-day Mini Course '5 Guidelines for Fun & Fast Finnish': www.learnfinnished.com/5-guidelines

@AI_and_developer 2 дня назад
This was such a relaxing and inspiring video! I llike how naturally you share your daily routine, and it's great to see how you balance work with personal time. The positivity in your voice make it a joy to watch! Keep up the amazing content! Jatka samaan malliin, todella mukava katsella videoitasi!
@robertvindis5155 11 дней назад
Kiitos sinulle paljon!
@ourbd5044 14 дней назад
i did not get anything but i love you🤣
@review3780 17 дней назад
for me best way to learn language is make use of both traditional grammar method and comprehensible natural method like you. for me reason for learnig language is pass exam and use language in profession purpose which i required writing skill. so in that case traditional method help me to pass language exam and writing without grammatical issue. but if you only focus on this method, this will slow down your progress,your speaking sound mechnaical.on the other hand natural method is More Engaging and Enjoyable: Focus on Fluency and Great for Listening and Speaking. but this also has its on issues for example-Lack of Structure,Writing and Accuracy Challenges:.Which Approach Is Best for You? for me Best of Both Worlds: Blended Approach is best.
@CarolineJacovine 20 дней назад
Kuukausi sitten aloitin saksan opiskelun käyttämällä "luonnollista tapaa". No katotaan, kuinka paljon edistyn kuudessa kuukaudessa...
@finnished 12 дней назад
Mahtavaa, kerro sit miten meni! Mä kokeilin kans muutama vuos sitten ja käytin EasyGerman -kanavaa.
@Chrycho99 21 день назад
The third "reason" really gets me. I always focus mostly on grammar and at the same time I dont practice just listening. It leaves me with a mess inside my head whenever I'm supposed to form a sentence on my own
@finnished 12 дней назад
Exactly! Try to focus on listening and see how it changes your learning
@review3780 22 дня назад
from my experience depend on your level make a plan to listen to podcast. if you are A2-b1 level. better to stick on podcast with slowly spoken finnish or normal finnish with subtitle first many time and get used to the way of speaking over the time
@finnished 12 дней назад
Agreed! You have to be able to understand enough - otherwise you're just wasting your time. That's why my videos and my online course are helping people to get from earlier levels to understanding normal Finnish like podcasts :)
@heinaung3565 24 дня назад
Your kidding? Me: You've got to be kidding... wait a min...
@powerpig99 25 дней назад
People would make all the effort in avoiding making the effort.
@whitelightning3263 28 дней назад
Here in America they speak finnglish, its a finn that came in over a hundred years ago and has really never been updated to modern finnish. But it is spoken finn.
@finnished 12 дней назад
Haha that sounds fun!
@whitelightning3263 29 дней назад
I like Sylissäsi and lämpimämpi, i think they’re cool sounding
@CarolineJacovine Месяц назад
Nyt muistan, että suomen kielen opiskeluni alkutaipaleella minun oli vaikea huomata, kun multa kysyttiin jotain, sillä molemmissa englannin ja portugalin kielissä tulee muutoksia lauseen sävelkorkeudelle, kun muodostetaan kysymyslause
@Ilyas-su8tk Месяц назад
Olisinpa löytänyt sinut aikaisemmin.😊🙏
@Ilyas-su8tk Месяц назад
Onnittelut. Olet erittäin menestyvä kieltenopettaja.❤
@budaimarci7511 Месяц назад
Kuulostaa samalta, kuin 'Oompa, Loompa, doompa-dee-do'
@queenywonka Месяц назад
Ihanaa, kiitos ! Halusin oppia mölkyn säännöt suomea harjoitellen ! :)
@finnished Месяц назад
Hauskaa mölkkyilyä!
@quantumpotato Месяц назад
Wow! I've watched this video 3x a day for several days now. Today, I was looking down at my food, understanding the general subject, looked up and realized captions were off! The natural language method works.
@finnished Месяц назад
That's amazing! I'm so happy for you :)
@CarolineJacovine Месяц назад
No mua vähä hämmästytti, kun sä sanoit videossa isoäitinsä entisen kotitalon olevan 200 vuotta vanha! 😂
@william.james. Месяц назад
You speak the truth.
@markkusiipola Месяц назад
I recommend LingQ if learning Finnish.
@j.-m.b. Месяц назад
There is a saying that goes “You can only improve what you can measure”… Not for everything, it seems, because the Comprehensible Input method doesn’t work that way, at least for me. It’s more like suddenly, as if by magic, a line from a song or a random artist interview becomes understandable for no particular reason. Part of the challenge is to trust the method and to trust yourself. It might not be so easy if you’re used to a school system that’s mainly about getting grades. (From a happy but lazy Finnish Me student) 😃
@finnished Месяц назад
Thank you for this comment, it captures it so beautifully! Good luck for your (lazy) studies! ;)
@MaraDeHertog Месяц назад
Heyy, so I picked up you live in Belgium, so do I and I was wondering if you have any tips for finding shows in Finnish (subs or anything) that you can watch in Belgium. Thank you 🥰
@finnished Месяц назад
I can find shows in Finnish on my Netflix, but it could be because I have a Finnish subscription..? But I'm sure even the Belgian Netflix would have at least some Finnish movies or series :)
@CarolineJacovine Месяц назад
Haluan jona päivänä käydä Utsjoella keväällä, kun aurinko paistaa eikä maisema ole täysin jään peitossa
@CarolineJacovine 2 месяца назад
No tänä vuonna vietin melkein koko kesälomani vain mökkeilemällä 😂
@finnished Месяц назад
Kuulostaa IHANALTA!
@tomemonoselotro 2 месяца назад
@davidkennedy8703 2 месяца назад
Sinua olet tosi Kulma ja hyvin opettaja. kitos paljon.
@thefirstuwu8874 2 месяца назад
"totuttu" on minun lempisana :D Sen ääni on juuri erittäin.. ainutlaatuinen? Vain "t" konsonanttina, "o" ja kaksi "u"
@CarolineJacovine 2 месяца назад
No henkilökohtaisesti puhuen minulla ei ollut ikinä tarvetta esittää, etten puhunut englantia, sillä aloitin suomeksi puhumisen silloin, kun sanavarastoni oli jo suht edistynyt. Totta kai tein muutamia virheitä, mutta silti minut korjattiin hyvämielisesti
@finnished 2 месяца назад
Kuulostaa hyvältä! :)
@jerelynperegrine8276 2 месяца назад
There’s a third way I’ve heard “vaan” used that you didn’t touch on here, and it’s the one that confuses me the most. :) Vaan is sometimes thrown in as a … dilution? Softening? “Heipä vaan!” = “By then!” Is how I think the subtitles translated it the first time I saw this. A sort of subtle “whatever…not a big deal” vibe. But I’m not sure if I’ve been misreading the vibe. Thoughts?
@finnished 2 месяца назад
This is a similar use as the last example I gave - it would actually be "vain" which means just or only, but we ditch the diphthong. The vibe you describe indeed comes from the meaning "only/just", like "hello, it's just me" = "minä se tässä vaan hei".
@CL--VuToanThien 2 месяца назад
Can you make more videos about general topics like sports, toys, Finnish compulsory education, etc... I think it will help us to improve our vocabulary.
@finnished 2 месяца назад
All of these topics are included in my online course Finnish Me, I suggest you check it out! :)
@Kerppu68 2 месяца назад
No NIIN? NO niin.
@finnished 2 месяца назад
Hahah exactly :D
@anahvincent-us1bu 2 месяца назад
Cute. How can I learn finnish in a natural ways
@finnished 2 месяца назад
You can start by joining my free mini course to learn the key guidelines of he natural method: www.learnfinnished.com/5guidelines
@Brewbear313 2 месяца назад
This is actually a great point! I’m American, but have been traveling to Finland for over a decade as I have so many Finnish friends. And I never noticed this before but you’re right.
@finnished 2 месяца назад
I'm glad it helped!
@Opisuomeavideoidenavulla 2 месяца назад
As someone who's spoken French their whole life, I don't know why I've never noticed the intonation 😂 but it seems like the Finnish intonation is similar to the English one
@finnished 2 месяца назад
True! And me neither, I had never really thought about this before :D
@marin_1441 2 месяца назад
We are asking questions with this one
@CarolineJacovine 2 месяца назад
Minun mielestäni Eurooppalaiselle kielitaidoasteikolle olisi laadittava C2:ta korkempia tasoja, sillä on tutkimuksellisesti todistettu, että joidenkuiden kieliammattilaisten kielitaidot, kuten kirjallisuuskääntäjien, ovat osoitetusti yllä C2-tason. Tämän perusteella on esimerkiksi laadittu PETRA-hankkeen kielitaidoasteikko, joka kostuu viidestä tasosta, jotka sijoittuvat Eurooppalaisen kielitaidoasteikon C2-tason ylle. Lisäksi olisi viisas erottaa ensimmäisen kielen ja äidinkielen periaatteet toisistaan, sillä nämä konseptit eivät ole vastaavia.
@finnished 2 месяца назад
Mielenkiintosta! Ja on kyllä tosiaan totta että jopa natiiveissa puhujissa on eroja
@sisirawijesingha 2 месяца назад
@follonica1 2 месяца назад
Ma se non hai bisogno di studiare queste lingue perche' fai questo sacrificio? Dove la trovi la motivazione? Ci sono cosi' tante cose da leggere e imparare nel mondo....La lingua e' solo un mezzo non e' un contenuto....posso capire che produce delle riflessioni sulle diverse culture ma queste ti bastano come stimolo? Comunque grazie...credo che il tuo metodo sia buono quando raggiungi un certo livello di Finlandese....dopo anni...Per essere una finlandese hai un livello di empatia eccezionale e ci incoraggi anche a studiare perche' condividi la tua esperienza...
@follonica1 2 месяца назад
You looks like a sagittarian because you like to travel and research. Am I right?
@follonica1 2 месяца назад
You have a beautiful energy. At the beginning I was frustrated because it was very difficult and you made it so easy but now it is little better and I appreciate a lot what you do.
@jaggr1287 3 месяца назад
Thanks so much for these videos and the recommendation to watch multiple times over for full understanding. I think 3 days of your videos have been more effective than months of Duolingo or other vocab tricks ever could be. Suur kiitos Amerikasta!
@finnished 2 месяца назад
Oh this is amazing to hear, thank you so much!
@jaggr1287 2 месяца назад
@@finnished with daily watches since I commented this, I’m already getting to some of your newer videos where you speak at a normal pace. Feels so good to see the quick progression!
@thefirstuwu8874 3 месяца назад
Mahdollisesti juuri sanot, että et tiedä englantia? No, se ei saata olla paras vastaus, koska saatat tarvitse sanoa mitään englaniks, jos et tiedä hyvä sana, vai, no, hän saata tiedä, että itse asiassa ymmärät engllaniks.. Muokattu: Oh, sanoit sen videossa
@shidorikuroko 3 месяца назад
Kiitos for making Finnish less scary! I have been living here for 10 years and my job does not allow me to study full time. Embarrassingly, I still can't speak and it is very lonely as a result.
@finnished 2 месяца назад
I know so many who are in the same situation! This is why I make these videos and my online course. If you want to be able to progress faster but in your own time, I recommend you start by joining my free mini course here: www.learnfinnished.com/5guidelines
@follonica1 3 месяца назад
Finnish people do not drink wine...they are alcoholic...do not know how to drink...how to regulate...because the Finnish society do not teach them to be self-aware individuals...
@peterbouvier340 3 месяца назад
This has helped me with the Finnish construction of "to have" Strangely, in English we have a way of talking about having money which is actually similar to the Finnish concept. The expression, for example might be "I have some / lots of money on me." Minulla on paljon rahaa. It helps me remember to say in a sense that the subject has something 'on' them. I usually do, but once I did try to tell a relative "My mother has a dog.", but I blew it and said "Minun äiti on koira". I quickly corrected myself by saying "Minun äiti, hänellä on koira." That was the best I could do at the time. :)
@finnished 2 месяца назад
I'm glad this helped! And that mistake is so funny :D But I'm sure you're not the first one to have made that one!
@peterbouvier340 3 месяца назад
I am not sure how it is in other places, but here in Canada, our local Finnish Clubs are a great source to borrow Finnish books.
@follonica1 3 месяца назад
Studiare finlandese sul video o in Finlandia e' esattamente lo stesso. Perche' i Finlandesi non amano comunicare tra di loro ma soprattutto con gli stranieri...Ma vi rendete conto che popolo siete? Ho conosciuto un pellegrino che mi ha mostrato tutti i paesi che ha visitato a piedi in 30 anni e mi ha detto che non ha mai visto un luogo dove se chiedi aiuto nessuno ti aiuta, nemmeno in Chiesa. Gli ho spiegato che quando il Finlandese ha pagato le tasse ci deve pensare lo Stato agli altri. Gli ho anche spiegato che se lui guarda sul sito ci sono tutti i luoghi dove alla talora ti offrono il pranzo ma non cercare aiuto a livello interpersonale perche' i Finlandesi hanno abolito ogni spontaneità' sociale...e' tutto organizzato e pre-costituito in modo tale che non accada nulla di vitalmente sorprendente e rivelatorio...una morte in vita come gli zombie...Lui mi ha risposto che non ha il telefonino...e io gli ho detto che allora e' impossibile vivere in Finlandia...E lui quindi e' partito per Tallin....gli ho detto...forse li' trovi gente piu' umana e simpatica...magari qualche russo...
@follonica1 3 месяца назад
Io sono italiano e vivo ad Helsinki...puoi prendere due piccioni con una fava :) Credo che per imparare una lingua serva motivazione come imparare la bicicletta o a nuotare...le istruzioni servono a poco...serve praticare e sforzarsi...e come dicono gli americani "to pool out"...i bambini sentono meno il peso...soprattutto se prendono le cose come un gioco...Devo dire che i Finlandesi, tranne rare eccezioni, non sono tra le gente piu' simpatica, immaginativa, interessante ed empatia del mondo, sono come dei gusci vuoti senza individualità' supini ad un sistema burocratico totalitario, per cui non e' facile trovare la motivazione...ma uno deve pur sopravvivere...Grazie per i tuoi video e la tua energia...
@Sinleqeunnini 3 месяца назад
3:34 verban pitaisi olla 'ette oo (ole) vakuutetut', joo?
@finnished 2 месяца назад
Mä käytän sanaa "vakuuttunut", ei "vakuutettu" - nää on kaks eri asiaa ;)
@CarolineJacovine 3 месяца назад
Kiitos taas toisesta mahtavasta videosta! No virheistä oppii ja se, miten paljon harjoittaa puhumista, niin sitten alkaa puhua suomea täydellisemmin kunnes vihdoin kielitaito on moitteeton. Viimeisellä suomen kielen oppitunnilla yksityisopettajani kanssa, hän kehui puhumistaitoani sanoen puhuvani aksentitta ja samalla tavalla kuin suomalainen (hän edes ylisti faktaa siitä, että tuotin kokonaisen, pitkän ja monimutkaisen lauseen tekemättä mitään kielioppivirheitä). Olin erittäin iloinen kuuntelessani opettajani kehumista, sillä se tarkoitti, että ahertamiseni suomen opiskeluun lopulta kannatti.
@finnished 2 месяца назад
Hei ihan mahtavaa, onneks olkoon! Todellakin, sit ku sä alat puhua niin mitä enemmän puhut, sitä helpommaks se käy :)