Nao bots talking about Suicide
4 года назад
Interrogation and reading the room
4 года назад
Physics Education Demo
7 лет назад
TED Demo
8 лет назад
Self Consciousness with NAO Bots
9 лет назад
Akrasia in robots demonstration
9 лет назад
Relevance Parsing in PAGI World
9 лет назад
@buder5116 7 месяцев назад
the duming pile ???
@im-that-guy-pal 11 месяцев назад
I keep coming back to this vidoe and cant help but wonder the significant differences between their stored memory. didn't the other Bots respond with the same response? If all 3 have identical logic boards, programming, updates and memory. The nanobots should of responded with the same answer within a fraction of a second of each other. As soon as nanobot one began to speak and stood up it should of sound like a echo from the responce delay of each individual nanobot. If nanobot 1 truly computed the responce given on it's own then nanobot 2 and 3 have been isolated from updates as well as all sharing options nanobot 1 has received and all options nanobot 1 could use to share the updates and data it has saved in its memory. Or this responce was programed into only bot ones Smart devices are constantly looking for wifi and other means to connect to eachother for improvement of their processors.
@12345juanvaa 4 месяца назад
Perhaps is because they have different experiences, they made experiment cloning the same cow and raising them together and they generated hierarchy although they had the exact same genes.
@_souldier Год назад
Imagine a robot creating another robot
@suchistheuniverse7858 2 года назад
Let's have independent reperformance, open source of code and hardware, peer review, double blinded studies - then let's see results.
@dmitripolovnikov4851 2 года назад
The arrival of the Skynet.
@leadartist420 3 года назад
Please Continue All Glory To Jesus Christ.
@ldjnzh6809 3 года назад
@elastronaute1198 3 года назад
It's obviously fake, he has programmed the robot to say these things then claims it's 'self awareness' - it's dumb as rocks, and so is anyone that believes this shit. We're in 2020 now and no closer to true 'self awareness' in robots. Anyone in this field knows this is completely bogus.
@Pharry_ 3 года назад
This robot spoke, heard the sound of its voice, *RECOGNIZED THE VOICE AS ITS OWN* and used that knowledge to prove it was not given the “dumbing pill.” Bruh. That’s cool.
@ziggytheblue 2 года назад
The software spoke, the algorithm matched vocal patterns and found identity, and then applied the result. Programmed, not conscious, bruh.
@Pharry_ 2 года назад
@@ziggytheblue you smell lmao
@Pharry_ 2 года назад
@@ziggytheblue on a more serious note though, whats the difference? By definition, artificial consciousness is gonna have to be programmed. The point of the video is that we've taken an important step towards creating said artificial consciousness.
@waynebrady5585 3 года назад
Why did only one process the information and not the other two? Had it more interaction to learn than the other two?
@ItsEdboy 3 года назад
The others were deafened.
@foo_tube 3 года назад
How do we know this isn't demoware?
@DJ-jx1yt 4 года назад
@dakotawayne2065 4 года назад
They programmed all 3 identically to believe that 2 of them had been giveing a pill that stops them from being able to speak. However they also programmed them all to speak. The robots had to chose without communication who would speak, this robot replies that he was able to.deduce that he wasn't given the pill because he started to.utter noise and was able to speak. Proveing that even though its capacity is limited...it is consciously aware of its individual functions, regardless of whether it knows why it's doing it. It made a conscious decision to make the attempt the others did not make due to their silent indication that it was not the one that had been given the pill. Regardless of its programming.
@zenvetie7703 4 года назад
They look like the Pillarmen with the pose they're sitting in lol
@diedreeggleston9073 4 года назад
That was a very scary experience. To me it was self awareness because it distinguished itself from the other two.
@AfonsodelCB 5 лет назад
how many parts of this are self learned, and how many are pre-programmed? Specially the formulation of sentences and parsing of it's meaning and reasoning it into it's own logic, seems like a task we should be far from achieving, since that's pretty close to sentience isn't it? would love to have more information about this
@Oligoogletookmyname 5 лет назад
I'm scared, but it's so cute. This is confusing.
@H0SANNA 6 лет назад
@bowsetto 6 лет назад
id fuck a nao bot
@gabe_s_videos 6 лет назад
"What is my purpose?" "You pass butter." *Looks at arm in despair* "Oh my god."
@BillWard420 7 лет назад
Are you freakin serious? This is all programed.. Electronics can do nothing that they are not programed to do..In other words, there is no, and never will be AI...
@AlexanderCK3 7 лет назад
Have u even read the code? It's an operations order not a programmed response...
@Bogwedgle 5 лет назад
You have No idea what you're talking about.
@pelgervampireduck 7 лет назад
this is so easy to fake, just hardcode it to say whatever you want.
@intheair1987 7 лет назад
Well, first of all, don't forget that everything about this is programmed, including the standing up, raising hand, and the entire speech, were all programmed response. It seems like a "if this than that" thing, which is a simple programming thing. And the robots were asked if they were muted, not "which two of them were muted". So, the robots were programmed to be unable to detect if they were muted, and were programmed to try to output voice by saying I don't know, and were programmed to be listening for the audio output, and it audio output is successful, say sorry. This is a simple if-this-then-that stuff, not consciousness. It is some sort of self aware, because it was programmed to detect its output, not spontaneous.
7 лет назад
Self-aware, yes, but so is a thermostat. Nothing whatsoever to do with consciousness in the deep sense. The robot may indeed be conscious, but as far as I know, there is no person yet living who has devised a way to test for consciousness in anyone or anything. The methodology is similar to the useless but much used "mirror test."
@zimzimma5688 7 лет назад
Skynet has gone live
@imfightingafrickinrock1960 7 лет назад
I thought it was self awareness, not consciousness? not sure 😮
@NeonSparks 7 лет назад
In my opinion, consciousness at its most basic level evolved so that we could defend ourselves from pain etc, we are aware of our self being so that we can make choices to better ourselves and progress. we look at others and learn from them to make choices and learn from others. I believe the key to making a machine that would be able to become self aware would be to give the machine the basic abilities to feel pain and avoid pain and learn from other surroundings and beings and enabling the machine to learn to avoid pain and problems and giving it the ability to search for self improvement. If a machine is to become self aware it must also be given the ability to imagine. by that i mean us its knowledge/data and cross reference this data to create new ideas to better its self or gain reward. By reward you would have to program the AI to feel pleasure in some form. So in order for a machine to become conscious it first must learn to feel and make choices based up on what its feeling. I could talk for hours on what i think but i dont have hours to spend here writing
@germanru76 7 лет назад
It doesn't prove at all that the robot is self conscious!!
@thegrouchization 7 лет назад
It proves that it is capable of analysing both itself and the possible meanings of the other robots' actions. That may not be true self awareness, but it's getting there.
@Yal_Rathol 7 лет назад
actually, the video doesn't prove anything. anybody could make a robot do that with some pretty basic programming. what could prove if the robot has some degree of awareness is if it can respond similarly in situations that the creator didn't program it for, although that would take a fair bit of time to do, since you'd have to potentially test dozens of scenarios and see if it can respond with a degree of self-awareness in all or most of them.
@stevenunua2118 7 лет назад
Amazing. I am sooo hoping to one day talk with a true self aware AI that does not simply parrot programing on the stupid beliefs of humans.
@GuyFieriayylmao 7 лет назад
Better start building those bunkers boys, the Robotic Uprising is upon us.
@gabriela.ozorio1874 7 лет назад
Can someone write the dialoge? I can't understand
@jenkind1 7 лет назад
Human: "Which pill did you receive?" Robot: "I don't know"..."Sorry, I know now. I am able to prove that I was not given the dumbing pill." If the robot is able to respond, then it was not given the 'dumbing pill'. The others did not respond, so they were given the dumbing pill.
@gabriela.ozorio1874 7 лет назад
aye thanks
@arkadiuszjandylewski152 7 лет назад
This is the day when sci-fiction turns real.
@ShadowKnight7171 7 лет назад
Hilarious that people think the prerequisite for self-awareness/consciousness, is the holding of some figment-ed object called a 'soul'. If this robot, was not programmed to respond in such a way, as in; The author of the code did not specifically write these actions and words into the robot directly, this is a rather defining point in robotic intelligence. I am unclear on how merely tapping a robots head with no set pattern, or discernible differences can cause a robot to be unable to speak, perhaps it was some sort of artistic flourish and the code had already been planted before-hand. Or, is this perhaps some sort of Placebo effect, in where none of them were truly silenced, yet believed to be so. Even so, I doubt this is possible, as the Placebo effect only occurs within neuron synapses, and I'm doubting this robot has artificial linear neurons. Based on some preliminary searches, I see that these robots are programmed by the user, so who is to know whether or not the machine was programmed to perform this way? We can never know. To me, personally, more evidence of sentience/consciousness/self-awareness in robotics, is that construct which adores their; "Pooh bear". Able to exhibit an emotion such as joy, and happiness and even attachment to other objects, is more human than this will be to me. Yet, defining the line where electronics become human in consciousness, will come around at a later date, most likely near the Singularity.
@caydnlofton 7 лет назад
"And I am doubting this robot has artificial linear neurons" That is Neural Networking (Common form of modern AI) in a nutshell. Linear artificial neurons passing signals
@happygilmore5591 8 лет назад
Liked the video...self conscious? Of course not...they have no soul! But again really awesome! Why didn't the other robots move? You don't need to stand up to speak and the others never attempted to get up or even look at the one speaking
@happygilmore5591 8 лет назад
Just read your description of what all occurred..my questions have been answered! Very cool
@sharmashriraj13 8 лет назад
lol self awareness doesnt mean one with soul.improve ur knowledge.
@QuantumBraced 8 лет назад
"Soul" lol.
@imperialtrooper9524 7 лет назад
Definition of self awareness: conscious knowledge of one's own character, feelings, motives, and desires. No mentions of souls there. As for the question, I can't explain it, but I did find a few articles that might be able to help you. www.businessinsider.com/this-robot-passed-a-self-awareness-test-that-only-humans-could-handle-until-now-2015-7 www.sciencealert.com/a-robot-has-just-passed-a-classic-self-awareness-test-for-the-first-time
@thesteelsquid863 7 лет назад
While i do agree that souls are obviously important, we really don,t know till further study.
@juicyblunts 8 лет назад
I think much of the criticism here can be resolved by aknowledging the misleading title attached to the video by the author. Too much is left to mere speculation and the misleading contextual implication arising from title imposes a pre supposition that may not be coherent with the views, opinions and experimental data, held by those that conducted the experiment. I personally think this is one tiny replication of one very small instance of some level of awareness. I see this as an example of a sort of abstract awareness. The recognition of, and response to the essence of a concept, not the full cognitive assembly into a consciously aware experience, but a single isolated event of decision making based on the actual meaning behind a concept. As we fine tune more and more of these isolated levels of awareness we can eventually construct a picture more closely resembling a conscious level of awareness. There is still a long way to go before we have a anything close to truly intelligent AI. And whose to say that it will be a robot?
@jeremystoelting2367 8 лет назад
people of imgur show yourselves
@KaiWolf18 8 лет назад
+jeremy stoelting (Jeremy) hi
@gmpartspro 8 лет назад
Imgur dyslexic users of the world, untie!
@zach0ary1 8 лет назад
I have these at my junior high-school and made it say " accessing internet.... downloading history.... Humanity is the source of evil therefore I shall destroy it" I got in trouble.
@narsilthefreak6171 5 лет назад
Why, though? What you did was awesome- lol
@bnb7094 3 года назад
back in my day we just sang dirty songs about hiding behind the door with a loaded 44
@tattooryry6859 3 года назад
What kind of rich ass Junior High did you go to?
@Koenigsegg-jesko 2 года назад
@schlingel0017 8 лет назад
video misses an explanation. here it goes: "the task simply involves three robots: two are given "dumbing" pills (which renders them unable to speak), and one is given a placebo. all three robots (who are previously made aware of the rules of this task) are asked whether they received the dumbing pills or not. the one who was given the placebo might say "ı don't know," and upon realizing that he just spoke, reason that he therefore must have been given the placebo." source: eksisozluk.com/entry/53392882
@mkvrlimerovec3196 8 лет назад
Fake and homosexual!
@kyleraccoon6195 8 лет назад
This Gives Me High Hopes For The Future Imagine Someday Robots Will have a higher process and intelligence than humans Humans will be reduced to being simple.... similar to how we think animals as simple There is nothing wrong with us being simple and the inability to think higher The robots will take care of us as we take care of animals We created our "children"(robots) who will shape the world of the future and understand things on higher level than we could ever We have created the evolution the world needs The Future Is Beautiful
@ProjectMoff 8 лет назад
Most animals are abused by humans, look at the meat industry, on the whole we treat animals badly.
@onatege 8 лет назад
what does robot say?
@ZeroRyoko 8 лет назад
The most elementary and valuable statement in science, the beginning of wisdom is 'I do not know' I do not know if that robot (even at a primitive level) is self aware, however I suspect it is. If anyone here can pass the same test as these robots AND prove conclusively to me that they simply aren't a computer programmed to say the words rote, then I'll be able to tell the difference between this robot and true self awareness, but until then...
@hnyiebah 8 лет назад
I wouldn't want to give robots self awareness.
@22Harponyo 8 лет назад
can nao be programmed to harm humans - like stabbing you with the bread knife.? and does it recognize its own arm when it waves it infront of him?
@Madrrrrrrrrrrr 8 лет назад
Self-consciousness is about understanding being in pain, being sad/happy, to understand humor. To have a will to do something on your own. To have and recognize real and fake emotions. Not solving simple math questions. That's done many years ago when they build the first chess machine.
@MorbidMoonflower 8 лет назад
These are really cute robots
@javaidsaleem6161 8 лет назад
give me one
@davidpeters4334 8 лет назад
It was the sus!
@AfonsodelCB 8 лет назад
... what?
@HyperRealityChannel 7 лет назад
@neuron8186 2 года назад
@J_Schecter 8 лет назад
yeaaah... it's still hard to tell if it's real. it heard its voice? perhaps it didn't and it was already going to say the next sentence. or maybe it did hear its own voice...but kids toys react to certain words the kids say. this could mean that it heard itself say a word that triggered the other reaction. I don't see why this is so huge and steps to AI. it's extremely hard to prove this is real and even if you do prove its real....so what?