Archdiocese of Malta
Archdiocese of Malta
Archdiocese of Malta
"When I am lifted up from the earth, I will draw all men to myself!"

The Church in Malta strives to shape itself into a community of disciples of Jesus Christ. For this purpose, it celebrates its unity with God and with others; it receives and transmits the Word of God; it is of service to others and promotes justice; it strengthens marriage and the family; it closely relates itself to adolescents and youth.
"Qam mill-mewt!"
14 дней назад
Ordinazzjoni ta' tliet saċerdoti ġodda
2 месяца назад
Ordinazzjoni ta' erba' djakni ġodda
2 месяца назад
Stedina għal Pentekoste 2024
2 месяца назад
"Qam mill-mewt!"
3 месяца назад
Ġimgħa Mqaddsa 2024 - Promo
3 месяца назад
@CarmenCauchi-nu6uy 3 часа назад
Quddiesa sabieha Mill kappella ulied il qalb b dehra li turi l impenn u dedicazzjoni tall kugina sister avvellina God bless you all ❤❤
@VincentByers-ex4et 3 дня назад
God chooses men and women we know god chooses the best so why do we truth priest because we regard best true friend other wise we do not even go talk to him, if he was not a priest we would. Steven smile or take notice of a man of street right ,ezatt kapitlu 4: 1,-2 ta,bla,wlied ghandkom il virtu ,ghandkom gieh Tifkiritkom tibqa U jkollkom kuruna li m tidbilx. Gha gusti kapitlu 3,: il,,,,,,,boloh raw il-,boloh Salvi u qalu ahna l-,boloh ,ghax ipruvaw jghidulna ,ahna ma smajnhiex , tidhru mahqura meta tigu fil bieb tiddu had deheb ( papacFrangisku izomm salib immensely f' but ta drapp ma cotton string f ghonqu unmeta ma jkollox compassion ikollhu mqar jghajdlu compassion nofs tieghek ,meta,qalli habib antiek sacerdot qalli meta tkun aeghed thobb hubjkun qeghed ihobb min go fiek ,lilu le jien kontcqeghedcinhobbu ghax imensxgentelman kien kalm u ta respect lejna lili u ragel jafna gharajhes ,kellnlna min ghamiln hsara kbira fizwiegctaghna u taprsi nies tal knisjaxle rpokriti veru nies tal bizarre hziena li lil omm ir ragel taparsi leader ghax tafclibkontra pokitka taghha uzaw il prayer group biex isieru jFu u sehtu bil kbir lilna lkoll qatt ma saqaf ghall hafna,sin u qaltilha ibd ighidhi ghax qalaw grazzji fil healing service gives li gzsjnieha lil bishopguzepoi mercieca ,u dawn kienu zewgtckoppji aanzjani u veryvmxsjtna hsar,kbira dahlet fizumzwiegijiet zghar minflokbpaci qatt m hDn run jien monstfi ta veru nghidilhom bil bniedem tidhaq omm ir rGel ma tafx skola imma flat li din mar sew il leaderckienet Sahara,gideb baqet yuzgha nies anzja I wwahedhom sa issa ftit ijlu dejjem yohtilogha maghom biex thalldilhom veru l ghsr nies ta hajtidawn niesckorrotti u bijna dahqu u bivffall gideb fuq tfall zghar xma nghidilhomx monstri ta veru mil ghar lanqss niestaztrueq ma jaghmlu il hsara fhslekk jghidu jien euthidt qaltli ohti l ingilterra ghax ikunu veruvkind u maxjridux jowghodu jisimaw gideb ghax livtkun kindcu tiehuvpacenzja hi imhabba anki il papa jafciktar milli qatt nifmhu ghax ghalekk pacenzjuz ghax missier anki jaf li tfall thobbhom l omm iktar minnhu
@VincentByers-ex4et 3 дня назад
Meta taghtni ritratt ta wicchu ta Gesu ,fi ktieb irqieq kief gie Dan ir- ritratt ta-,wicc kristu ,getting bzonnu ,kont naghmlu mieghi ,ma dari,meta weghajt dari ,gravi,suppost ma nitkellmhux hafna fil--legjun ta Marija tghidx kemm tkun mugghuha ,ma naqbilx ,Forsinard zbaljata li isofri fi skiet ,diek iva ,biex ma tkiedx lil- ragel u tlett it-,,tfall b- kemm tkun muguwha ,hafna jifirhu ,jghidu kemm hawn minhu jafi ghar minnhi ,so nahseb veru ,sewwa jghid Gesu ,ftahru bi's, Salib ,hemm hadt ma jghir ghas -salib u terfa hafna ,meta tghid , Tara ragel jghin lil-,,martu ,izomm it-, tfall ta tfall ,ghax jekk tghidlu ,tkun tixtri min- ghandu ,jigrilha hekk marti ,lil- min ikollhi tiehu gost fl-imkien u hi Tara kalma,mhux wiccha sad u nervuza,diek storage wahda ,u mbad jigu sisters ta legion ,dak n-,,nhar il-'legion jigu wara mieghek u jigu u tant Tara il,-'hlewwa taghomu ibnek ikun qieghed jistudja ,macjkollux lezjoni jaghmilhom bil qalb tea u biscuits ,diet li support dwejjaq iduq kemm hemm imhabba Vera fit -,tbatijja,taghzilha it-,tbatija le ,imma tigi,trued wisq biex tweggha ,anki b,Nuqqas ta hsieb vista Taqa u tweghha ,din tfakkarni ,meta ta 36 sena sirt naf kemm bata Gesu fuq is-,salib ghalijja ,mhux bkejt meta birthday naf x-,ghamel ghalijja ,iktar qabel li mar fuq ,l-,gholja iktar,meta besqulu miskin din il,-,baby qaddiesa biex fethilna il,-,bieb tal -,genna kief qatt vista ma thobbuhx ,kief nara ghajnejn miksurin ,ma hemm ghalfejn kliem bhiex dawk l,,,,ghsjnejn Tara bniedem ikellmek iktar min ebda kelmA jaqsamlek qalbek nghid ghaijja ,harsu sew f-,wicc Gesu fil faccata talbktieb kampas u tadah qeghed jibki min gewwa ,jww fil-,mature tal-,Veronica Tara ghajnejh kollha biki ghajnejh min gewwa meta tibki ghax Habberley hafna,min ilahhaqa,ma mhabbtu laktar biki bhall omm li jaf li trued bhalu iledha safe mieghu u ma l-,Donna uvjkunubmahbub veru jief qal issa ghadu l-,isqof ghaziez taghna ,ghanki omm is-,sacerdot minbjFckemm titlib ghall Binh biex ikun meghjun u mahbub uvjkollhu min jiehu hsiebhu ,fil,-,Hamrun shabi qaluli li konna l-,azjoni kattolika zdiedu hbieb iktar birthday nafhom through hbieb antiki,qaluli omm Dun Guzepp Pace kienet itiehom tqieq bajd,ghax kibret biex tghidilhom ghamlulu cake ,mela komunikazjoni hijja ic-,cavetta ,mhux tibki wahdek u jekk jien kont nahden ma l,-,marid (,l,,ewwel li immur nara diek il-,pazjenta kienet ludijja miskina skanetru fis-,sodda bl,-,,ugieh u nsaqsieha" are you in pain? Yes kienet tghidli u mur nigri nghid l-soruvin charge tal-,ward ,nara fishing hadet il-,morphina u wallet ghal --ohra biex tistrieh min ugieh ,min ihobb jara nies ibatu hadt ,minified jism tbatijja hadt ,kullhadd iried genna u il,-,,hinbkollhu ,sahha ,ferh,hena ,gmiel ta natura, 50:49
@user-lg8ub7vn1j 6 дней назад
Thank you all Very much for all you do, beautiful masses and holy rosary. May God bless you all and keep you safe always so you keep doing good work.Much appreciated and looking forward everyday to see and hear you. Mary from Melbourne Australia 🙏
@VincentByers-ex4et 6 дней назад
There ade man that sufferss too because they want nothing out of place where exactly as thry put for example a mug in thatvplCe or perfect laundfy thst nedds to be dryed in fresh air always complains that is unkind as i found a good friend who ,says ,that evryone can be right but evryone can be wrong too do comunication to reason things out notvlike savages and bad fights never kerp that forciron or door to slam alone you ,thatvis why thry go yo gym yo take hurt out ehrnnptuned axtree hurts so to growctovundrstand do notvuse agression in intercession but givecto holy mother tender heart forcotgers to convert andxto healvintercession to hercjntendions forcithers notvykur own thoughts of intercdssion no thstvpedson goodcuntrnyions because we all all wants nedds the same so stop today listen well stopcyour savage intercession as we ,i saw,what happendd to all enimies evrn dilentvones as Hod sees all ,like a boomerang comds what uou give nrighbour even dilrntvrmies grow and listen well as exodrirncss count alot too with God ,,a father of a young priest taught me again reminded me when i asked for my eldest brother he said this father of a youngvpriest for vocation at seminary he said ," i willbpray for his intentions ,myvrldesr brother did make mistakes and sinned but he worked for us right as father yold me when i wS 19 ,your eldest brother has been eorking for you ascmanyvyoung carpenters left Mslta eith carpentary trades to emigrate so wait till you growvold and wise ,takecyour agression away ,kerp an iton chair and a mahogany door to slam not agression intercession ,youbloose neighbours faith becsuse of your agressive intercession ,fast cats that born thrir lilttle maje blind cats do stopvi warn you your egressive intercsssion ,we,arexmuchbolder than you experience teach as well stop as will come back to you ,pray like,popes to holy mother tell intercession teach younger family to tell holy mothef allas god wants her for you to take care for you ,as sinners fall shortvof love do like popes give to holy mother all knots of uourvptoblems as shecmadecis close husbsbd snd wife not anyone
@VincentByers-ex4et 6 дней назад
À catholic mother of nunsci said ," a,man in my days have never knew hkw to do stuff at home as they eirked outside the home we do notvknow what men stuff to do women sowhen man retires be kind to him ascthry do not have a clue whst needs to be done so teach lilttle things thry can help but beckind as to work for us thry suffered alot at work to kerpcus eith children thry never enjoyed to workboutside home do children find mums home when thry come from school ,i chose not to havecmybown car i drove our car but chose to stsy at home mum because i hated comingvhome from school and mum passdd away whenbi was 13 and dovi did not want car andchovon holidays but chose to stay at home mum and fo not act as if mums stay at homevmums are dumb because even eith alot of education do not ever think that another stay at home is dumb or humble worker is dumb fo not underestimate other% s asGod sees everything as many suffer butcGod wins here andotger world called metits who loose to serve
@VincentByers-ex4et 6 дней назад
Our mother and fsthervinheritancd were taken away from mybuoungedt sister and me ascthefexwereviutdiders higerxfamily snd verrybpoor we forgave lies and not been given what wascours becausecof lies and greed made yo tsje slot from outdidersxyobpay for dhow off weddings and cars ,axlady eith non-union butcrelief manyvhrlped her to hivechervhelp and joy ,she gave us this " with the eork you work hard eith uour sweat you take home half so that eith theft ,," gotcghevmessage see we help eoth material and finance and missionaries do suffer as well as even here we are missionaries and suffer too with poor people, here thecpoor are in hearts to hurt those who love them
@beatricelundgren9096 7 дней назад
Grazzi Sinjur Alla u ahfirli Sinjur Alla. Gesu Jiena nafda fik dejjem 🙏🙏🙏
@beatricelundgren9096 7 дней назад
Thank you Jacob Portelli for the lovely holy Hymns songs too 🙏🙏
@beatricelundgren9096 7 дней назад
Thank you Jacob Portelli for the lovely holy Hymns songs too 🙏🙏
@beatricelundgren9096 7 дней назад
Thank you father for the lovely holy Mass and lovely Gospel. Thank you father for the lovely holy Holy Rosary 📿.
@VincentByers-ex4et 7 дней назад
Justctellvme tostop writing ifcyes i willvobey as you tell me to bishop Charles as i am not worthy
@VincentByers-ex4et 7 дней назад
Bless our parishbpriest and priests andcmonks and nuns they each teaches alot of what theyvkearned about everlasting life and mothers and fathers grandparents andxteachers and goodxworkers as they teachcus all god bless us all all as our father of allvinbjesus and mary ourctwo advoctes for us to you holy father our creator so loving firgiving us allcfatherchavecmercyvofcyour far away children from home where you wanted us all created to be inbparadise with you dear holy father god we dovlove you because you gavecusxjesusxour ekdest brother to be our saving grace andxmerciful holy dear son jesus trueconecholy Godcinvuou holycfather Godcour creatorvof all good things on earth as inheaven ,take ushome please father god youlov e all your creation whichvuou said so true ,al is done so good and rested on the seventh day as uou hot tured of your holybreath spirit in evrything alive
@VincentByers-ex4et 7 дней назад
I am not talking about priest and monks pretend christains no the opposite, they are chosen man by god Himself and their yes is their love to God and neighbour not easy so are also who obey god-' word buttoned evry day with god,' help can follow because we want loved ones by example at hometown be sincere and kind and to make less not greater conflict but to act silently Scif we did not hear but continus duty Tchome and work andchelo community with whatever talent or work wevknow how ,humblecyet evry jkb nobmatter how small have dignity
@beatricelundgren9096 7 дней назад
Qalb helwa ta Marija kun int is Salvazzjoni tieghi 🙏🙏🙏
@beatricelundgren9096 7 дней назад
Qalb helwa ta Gesu kun int limhabba tieghi 🙏🙏🙏
@beatricelundgren9096 7 дней назад
Gesu Guseppi u Marija naghtikom qalbi ruhi u kull ma fija 🙏🙏🙏
@beatricelundgren9096 7 дней назад
Gesu Guseppi u Marija naghtikom qalbi ruhi u kull ma fija 🙏🙏🙏
@beatricelundgren9096 7 дней назад
Gesu thalliniex qatt ninfered minnek 🙏🙏🙏
@beatricelundgren9096 7 дней назад
Salvatur Sinjur AllaJiena ghandi bzonnok 🙏🙏🙏
@martincaruana7058 8 дней назад
@teddyattard2705 11 дней назад
I like this rosary
@gracecassar286 13 дней назад
Xi gmiel ta flower arrangements, prosit.🤗
@gracecassar286 13 дней назад
Jekk jogbok x jishmu das sacerdot li qeghed iqaddes il lum? Kull kelma li jghid hierga mill qalb u l gherf tieghu. Kull meta jqaddes hu jitrassmetti l messag tal Vangelu b mod semplici li jifhmu kulhadd.
@josephcalleja3048 13 дней назад
Sinjur Alla aghti l paci fejn hemm IL gwerer.
@BeatriceLundgren 14 дней назад
Qalb Helwa ta Marija tkun int is Salvazjoni tieghi 🙏🙏🙏
@BeatriceLundgren 14 дней назад
Grazzi Sinjur Alla u ahfirli Sinjur Alla.Qalb Helwa ta Gesu Jiena nafda fik 👍👍👍
@BeatriceLundgren 14 дней назад
Thank you Dun Charles Cordina for the lovely holy Mass and lovely Gospel and the lovely holy Rosary 📿 Thank you Jacob Portelli for the lovely Hymns songs too 🙏🙏🙏
@BeatriceLundgren 14 дней назад
Gesu Guseppi u Marija naghtikom qalbi ruhi u kull fija 🙏🙏🙏
@BeatriceLundgren 14 дней назад
Gesu Guseppi u Marija naghtikom qalbi ruhi u kull fija 🙏🙏🙏
@BeatriceLundgren 14 дней назад
Gesu thallinix qatt ninfired minnek 🙏🙏🙏
@BeatriceLundgren 14 дней назад
Salvatur Sinjur AllaJiena ghandi bzonnok 🙏🙏🙏
@user-yz6hs2xp8t 16 дней назад
Kor mill-isbah.
@gracecassar286 17 дней назад
Prosit tal fjuri friski, żejjnu l artal mejda u jaghtu dehra ta qima lir Re tar Rejjiet.
@MaryGauci-ic5ez 17 дней назад
Grazzi ta l-informazzjoni
@maryrosecutajar585 17 дней назад
Grazzi Sinjur Alla u Ahfirli Sinjur
@VincentByers-ex4et 18 дней назад
L-anzjani meta kont iz-,zghar qaluli Ewkaristija hi il - ferh u l-,, hena ta hajti kien ikollhi genn biex jisbah ha niehu l-Ewkaristija" u Gloria polotabib ikonveritha qaltilna ma bishop taghha iddur I'd-,,, dinja giet Malta mal-,bishop taghh mil -, Colombia, kien fr Philip cutajar l-,interpreter taghha ,konna hafna privates mornay wahdA milli qaltilna very sabieha Eqkaristijja qalb sacred heart ta Gesu haj finally. IZ-,ZIJJa oht ommi z,,,ghira qaltli kien hemm , xi mara haditha I'd-, dar u bil-,lejl beda hiereg hafna demm u stretch bicc laham ,tant bezzghat market gigri tghid lil Arcipriet taghhA u Din issa sabu DN A taghHA u hi X biss tal-, Madonna X biss taghHa DNA,
@marisa-lb4kz 18 дней назад
Mulej Gesu int il vera Tezor moghti lilna kulljum permes tas sagrament tat tqarbin . Grazzi Mulej Gesu ❤
@rosaliabonayog0001 22 дня назад
@doreenmizzi8310 22 дня назад
Too much discors fil vojt sorry my opinion
@benildeflores7109 23 дня назад
Proset and Thank you Fr Jimmy for your nice homily.
@gracecassar286 Месяц назад
Possibli hadt ma kien lest li jdahhal idejh fil but u jixtri ftit fjuri ghal festa tal Qalb ta Gesu? Jum wara l iehor nistenna li nara imqar 2 wardiet imma ghalxejn. Frenc tal Gharb kie jghid jekk ma jkollokx fjuri imqar weraq tat tursin tkun biżejjed.
@marycarabott404 Месяц назад
It tieni misteru meta sidna jesu ghamel lewwel miracle fit tiec ta cannot
@VincentByers-ex4et Месяц назад
Thank you Bishop Charles scicluna pray for our young generation please as a beggar I beg you ,so theyknow ..... Jesus made me whole no orphan girl at 12yrs old there is higher power in each that is a promise but to know others taught me I tell my loved ones ," the Ehcharist is the joy and happiness of my entire life, Since they taught me this I could not wait for morning to rise to receive Jesus alive in me what better gift. A mother angelica teaches tell. Children that for Christmas thT Jesus comes in us alive to make customers strong and whole as jesus is god so humble as to be in holy host so humble Jesus is ,in a manger he came not in Palace and his mum queen. So humble yet so holy a queen of heart and so beautiful lady .when I missed my mumbi cry to her and she always give me comfort it was a shock on a Monday morning she was gone in three hours our dear mum tell to help widows and orphans all they need is a helping hand at their home or bectgere yo support widows who feel so alone when husband or wife passes away and children ha e lives of their own ,only god can take that loneliness I know as one can speak to God at home and holy mother as if here as comfort be to eat something good and wholesome as mothers do to crying child she gives comfort and our then parishbpriest Dr Joseph carrot god gave eternal joy he yold me at 36yrs old ," go to legion of Mary " and much later on he told me " we go yo Jesus through Mary " as children go to mother and mother tell father ,a replica of heaven ,how sad revenge how sad ,hurt hurts but everyone finds his her place and men of God and women lay persons sobkkving old friends and new friends today I met at volunteer work at sacred heRt opening again met really nice women volunteers help you with true words about what you do not know and they do not .ykgether we grow, thank you Bishop Charles from us all for being so patient and loving and thank God for priests and monks and nuns and teacher ,once a teacher always, teacher .even teachers tell me once a mum always a mother true bye take good care
@PhyllisPace Месяц назад
@theresacutajar9012 Месяц назад
Thanks for the mass god bless all
@terryamontalto Месяц назад
19.09 56:28 how I miss 57:46 praying the Rosary with you and watching it on TVM I KNOW THERE'S Xejk TV But I have some issues with that
@Ritazabbar Месяц назад
Gesess l pray to me and to all my familys take care of him and blessing us Amen ❤
@BeatriceLundgren Месяц назад
Grazzi Sinjur Alla u ahfirli Sinjur Alla.Gesu Jiena nafda fik 🙏🙏🙏
@BeatriceLundgren Месяц назад
Thank you Father for the lovely holy Mass and lovely Gospel and the lovely holy Rosary 📿 Thank you Jacob Portelli for the lovely Hymns too 🙏❤️🙏