Strat-Edgy Productions
Strat-Edgy Productions
Strat-Edgy Productions
Strat-edgy Productions is a place for whiling away the hours while you should be doing work.

You Need Neverwinter Nights
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How To Baldur's Gate 3 - The Phantom Urge
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Elder Scrolls Online | The Definitive Review
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How To Punch A God In Morrowind
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Starfield Is A Flat Circle - REVIEW
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How To Chrono Trigger
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What's wrong with Fallout 3?
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How To Make Gothic Less Terrible
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How to be a god in Baldur's Gate 2
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How To Fallout: New Vegas
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Is Stray Trash or Treasure?
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Fake Fun
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How to ELEX | Schrodinger's Game
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A Not So Weird West Review
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Elden Ring Is Not A Ten Out Of Ten
2 года назад
@eternalsummer8409 6 секунд назад
Bosses can read your Input, but that makes it fun, tbh they should at a counter where you can parry when they attack if your flask drinking, simply because it would look cool
@eternalsummer8409 2 минуты назад
@t2av159 10 минут назад
The map in the dlc is bad. It doesnt account for multiple layers
@leopard2690 25 минут назад
I don't mind Input Reading. I Just hate the Speed. My reaction isnt the Best anymore
@allinyourhands Час назад
yo I've played very little of the DLC cause I have to work a lot this summer, at the same time, most of my characters are on new game plus smth, and the game does not alow me to create more characters, which would make it the first PC game ro do so, that is not an MMO. So my question is, would the DLC suck for me cause I am in a new game plus with most of my characters and if so, will this change somehow.. it has been like two years or so, they should have expected for ppl to be on NG plus or just not limit the character amount we could have.
@THE_Glass_Grizzly Час назад
Not to be pedantic (because you SHOULD play neverwinter nights) but it is based on 3rd edition, not 3.5. It does not sound like it would be a big difference but there were a lot of changes made with 3.5 edition rules.
@Crow0699 2 часа назад
You are very persuasive you know that? I went into this video thinking I might disagree with you because the bosses have been pissing me off. But damn you make some good arguments, probably gonna jump back into it tonight. I've beaten all the fromsoft games but Elden Ring has been especially frustrating to me for whatever reason
@StratEdgyProductions 2 часа назад
Okay, this is awesome. You are like, the only person who has ever said this in the history of this channel... Okay Paul, calm down, don't fuck this up. Let me know if you need any help. Damn it, I sounded too needy, didn't I. FUCK!
@Crow0699 57 минут назад
@@StratEdgyProductions You kinda sold the usefulness of input reading for me. personally its one of my least favorite things about these games because it feels a little overly punishing when so many enemies do it. but with the way you put it, i can at least respect why its there. i still feel like Dark Souls Remastered used input reading the best though, by making Gwyn feel very intimidating to fight compared to most enemies. (I'm not good at parrying 😭)
@SlammerFr 3 часа назад
Thank you for this. It's been a little annoying seeing newer fans call for the very nature of one of my only favorite series in the modern landscape to change just because they don't want to have FOMO while others enjoy the challenge
@Bonified369 3 часа назад
If anyone was gonna mug me with a musical I figured it'd be Elton John but Strat works too
@cheezburgrproduction 3 часа назад
AI doesn’t have any eyes!? They should try more insight; a few eldritch horrors would fix that right up.
@StratEdgyProductions 2 часа назад
They need them eyes on the inside.
@verymelonman12 3 часа назад
The section on Asmongold there just encapsulates why I hate the "git gud" meme that infected Souls fandom and turned them into a nuisance to interact with. The game gives you these tools to use for a reason. Using them is not "cheating yourself out of the experience".
@icepic21 3 часа назад
12:06 Oooohhh, quoting Dakkon, are we? You just had to send my dopamine into maximum overdrive, ya magnificent Planescaping bastard.
@MrSwaggtastic 3 часа назад
Damn, maybe I am wrong
@dylanorr6597 3 часа назад
love when you get into your game design bag, even games ive never played and dont really have any interest in, just love game design talk
@LainKaplan 4 часа назад
Dakkon quote spotted!
@ihaveproblems9779 4 часа назад
@cornprices1718 4 часа назад
that first cave is what taught me that dark elves were actually resistant to fire magic so many years ago
@ABrassLeaf 4 часа назад
So after a few years of people telling me this was the best game ever....I started playing it last year. I am a huge fan of difficult games like dead cells and risk of rain 2 etc. So I figured I was in for a great time. I love losing and learning from my mistakes, it's an awesome feeling. Started up my first character, invested stats completely wrong, couldn't get past margot just before stromveil. Didn't explore, didn't get any extra gear or weapons, was only lvl 15 at the point of fighting margot. I was face tanking the bosses I did fight and not really playing the game the way it should be played (it was my first souls-like). Talked to a friend and he lol'd when I told him I didn't put points in vigor and hadn't explored. Figured, alright I'll just start over since I had only like 5 hours played at that point. So I explored, Ieveled vigor, I played a patient game and learned how the enemies would react to different actions I took. I first tried margot as well as every boss/invader prior to margot and only died 5 times over the next 10 hours. And it was a terrible feeling. This game, for me is like a puzzle game mixed with a full length quick time event. In dead cells there is a recourse for every action the enemy takes, it feels like this doesn't exist in elden ring (I hated having to just dodge or run away from an attack that couldn't be parried). That is where my complaint about the lack of a "level playing field" comes from. I found every major combat encounter to function more as me watching the AI dance around like they were in a cut scene and I was just watching them play the game waiting for my turn. At that point, I quit. I didn't review the game poorly, I just said "hey, I gave it a shot, I played it well, but man I do NOT like this style of game." I think the world-building was amazing, the animations are beautiful, but the combat was just boring (to me). I know this is totally unrelated to the DLC, but I just wanted to give a unique perspective on the genre.
@StratEdgyProductions 4 часа назад
That is a great story and yeah, I get it. It's just probably not for you. Liking things is a matter of perspective and not everyone has the same perspective. I look at it as a level playing field because I know how roll through bosses with over powered skills and items but not everyone likes that kind of thing and prefer a different type of challenge and I totally get that. You did a great job explaining it and I appreciate that.
@dasaggropop1244 5 часов назад
i used to think this type of gameplay is not for me... until i tried it
@bathhatingcat8626 5 часов назад
You should review Lies of P
@StratEdgyProductions 2 часа назад
I would love to. Need a good clickbait title though...
@bankruptfraud4543 5 часов назад
I really wouldn't compare elden ring to dmc, I am a fan of both series but the dmc games have actually fair and challenging mechanics whereas souls games have pretty much always been mediocre action games but shored up that deficit in other aspects (world design, sense of immersion, boss design and identity, storytelling) trying to graft fights like messmer onto essentially the same chassis that we've been using since demon souls just does not work in my opinion and clearly the cracks are beginning to show.
@Moosh50 5 часов назад
NWN is made with D&D 3rd edition, not 3.5. Yes, there's a big difference.
@applcore 5 часов назад
Thank you for the Zerthimon philosophy. (Planescape mentioned!) This is how video games can teach growth mindset. It's also why I play RTS, the only other place I can find that feeling of adapting and overcoming. Transcribed for posterity: ----- My son asked me when this DLC came out, "like, why do people play games that are this frustrating? How is that fun?" He asked because I was in the middle of my 30th try on the Moon Knight boss, and I was understandably a little upset. "Why?", I asked him. "Because in knowing the teachings of Zerthimon, I've become stronger. You fear failure. See it as a failing in you as a person. "I learned that not knowing can be a tool. Just like flesh and steel. If upon encountering the unknown you attempt to understand its nature, time is not the enemy. The time you spend in failure is not time wasted. Unless you refuse to learn and adapt. "Time is an ally. Patience can sharpen even the smallest of efforts into a weapon. Your victories may be small, but over time a greater victory may be known. In other words, I endure. And in enduring, I grow strong."
@daledozerx2920 5 часов назад
3.5 is the best by far.
@applcore 5 часов назад
You wouldn't need a whole new render just for the AI to act as if it can see you. The game knows what direction the enemy is facing. It would be one added If statement to give them a sight cone based on that. Then they can program what happens if the player is in that sight cone or not. Now overall I think the game is fine. Just wanted to suggest a potential improvement.
@direstraits808 6 часов назад
Great video ^_^
@TheKeyser94 6 часов назад
This is not the first game that I have seen where they ramp up the difficulty when they add the DLC, back in the day when they call them expansion I really didn't have the patience, but now at days, I really love a good challenge, more after learning all the mechanics of the game, make me feel that I accomplish something, even that I not a From Software player, even that I would love to play Armoured Core 6, but have the same specs than Elden Rings making it impossible to play it my PC, the specs are to high even from a From Software game.
@andrzejbishop107 6 часов назад
And here's me, still playing IWD 1. Not weak low hp low exp gain trying to survive every encounter like BG1, not demigod vs demigods like BG2, just difficult enough from lvl1 and you can feel smart.
@Gerdoch 6 часов назад
This video is an amazing piece of corporate white-knighting and nuthugging, lol. Turns out that making a game too hard for the majority of players gets you backlash and if it persists will eventually cause losses of sales. It's not shocking that Fromsoft is nerfing their DLC already.
@StratEdgyProductions 6 часов назад
Cool. I'll be over here enjoying my game. Do you need a nappy for your face?
@tydendurler9574 5 часов назад
They can't handle a videogame but use terms like "corporate white knighting" in a YT comment section. Try to translate that to someone who barely speaks english. I bet you beating Elden Ring DLC is easier.
@FettTheWatcher 6 часов назад
It honestly blows my mind that you need to make a video saying this because I thought by now everyone knew what they were getting into with fromsoft and souls games... it is literally the git gud game...
@Gerdoch 6 часов назад
Or... just don't play games that are the digital equivalent of bashing your head into the wall until you reach the point that it feels *so damn good when it stops* that you fool yourself into thinking that it's 'fun'.
@jesselaier7286 6 часов назад
Playing Armored Core 6 taught me if my build isn't working, try a new build that will
@GangsterFrankensteinComputer 7 часов назад
Reee, this game is too difficult! And I've beaten Dark Souls 3! What do you mean by I'm "only lv 150"? No, I didn't explore and find a decent number of blessings and that talisman that reduces all the damage from this boss by >20%, the open world is empty. No, of course I am not using summons. No, I've not been crafting consumables from the materials that the enemies are constantly dropping that reduce damage by 25%, adds 150 elemental damage to all my attacks, and boosts my character's stats by 32 levels, they're useless.
@InternetStudiesGuy 7 часов назад
Neverwinter Nights is the D&D 3.5 product I spend the second most time with. The one that I did spend the most time with is still DDO
@Dc-wc2qf 7 часов назад
"Exploring the map to find new everything" well, the problem is most of the content is copy pasted.
@KiazaKadaj 7 часов назад
wait so if i listen to this video and believe you am i appealing to authority…. i will say tho, fromsoft games are great, i love the world, discovering things, blindly learning a boss fight or creating a new build. invading others is also extremely satisfying. base DS2 was all I could play on my college laptop and I was not involved in the community. I would find new bosses, new covenants, new armor or weapons every playthrough and fell in love with invading and covenant fights. PvP will definitely teach you how to be 5-10x better at PvE and you can carry those lessons to pretty much any Fromsoft game, once you get it, you get it. Elden Ring became extremely popular but fromsoft games are still not for everyone, sucks for those who want to join in and experience it but it may not be for them and that’s okay. patience is a virtue in this game, but there’s still ways around it, leveling still works in the dlc since fragments are % based. Ashes and summons are also available, and extremely good AoWs/Weps. I’ve always set my sign down after I beat a boss so I can help others. fromsoft gives a high like no other, it’s a beautiful tale of perseverance. The start of ER had very similar complaints about difficulty, a lot of FS games do at the start.
@diegowushu 7 часов назад
Holy hell how did I just learn that Dak'kon was voiced by none other than X-Files' deputy director Skinner?! I can't believe I lived this long without knowing this.
@ThePsychoRenegade 7 часов назад
The difficulty isn't a big issue with it but FromSoft is definitely getting to the point where they've exhausted this gameplay style for me. I think after 6 games like this it's time to put it to rest.
@mausklick1635 7 часов назад
Dude, we have all beaten the base game, spare us the sermon about how special you are because you enjoy fromsoft games.
@StratEdgyProductions 6 часов назад
What the fuck are you even talking about? Goddamn you people are like the most irrational batch of nut jobs I've ever seen. Me and the boys will be over here enjoying our game, you guys cry more. Bye!
@geoffrogers7590 8 часов назад
One very silly thing prevents me from playing any fromsoft game. I hate their visual design. I have hated the way every single one of their games has looked. I despise it. I cannot tell you exactly why, but I do. I really want to like them but the moment I boot one up my eyes start to bleed and I feel like vomiting. Evrything looks stupid to me. Like the nightmares of a small child made real. It's a deeply personal and visceral revolution that I struggle to put into words. Not because I am horrified by the designs like I should be. But because I think they are shit. It's a shame because I think i would really like the games of i could get over this. Unfortunately I cannot. I have tried with multiple of their titles and I hate the visual design of all of them.
@osYukari 8 часов назад
So god damn true. DLC has by far the best exploration gameplay out of all Fromsoft games I've played... but that might just not be the case for the players who, right after getting stomped by the fire giant, went online searching for "how to get op weapons early" guides... I love this map. It does not show me the straight path, instead it suggest to me locations I would like to visit, and I'll need to explore if I want to get there. And the map is small enough that I can finish exploring before I get exhausted. After seeing the DLC map, base game map feels even more lackluster to me. ...and yeah performance is bad. Unexpected crashes, npc/enemy not loaded, wrong weapon model or weapon art after teleport, and the many freezes when some bosses throw out attacks with a lot of particle effects... after so many years, the particle thingy never improved, has it ?
@Guitar-Dog 8 часов назад
I used the map like that in the base game but… I’d turn the game off for a week and have no idea what the markers were for
@rendstung1665 8 часов назад
I recently had a discussion with someone where I realized how disgusted I am when someone says the way they play is just looking up a guide and following it step by step to get through the game as quick as possible. Now, mind you, I'm not at all against looking stuff up. I have no clue how anyone figured out how to beat Dark Souls 2 without a guide and today alone I have looked up where to find both bonfires in Tomb of the Giants. But, skipping all of the exploration and discovery in this DLC to skip to the end and get it over with REALLY irks me. Despite being told not to be "that guy" it prompted me to think a little. I see Elden Ring and its predecessors akin to a puzzle game, but not with a simple goal and solution. There's probably a much simpler and more effective way to explain this, but I view the entire map, all the locations in it, all the connections between them, and everything you find as pieces of a puzzle. There's a lot of parts of your brain that get an incredible amount of stimulation starting the moment you step into the open world in both base game and DLC. That first moment is designed to blast you with as much visual information as possible so you get curious. Your brain sees all these things in the distance, and wants to understand them, what they are, what they do, and how they all fit together. That's aided by the fact that in Elden Ring, you see it, you go there. Not many games manage that. Many times while I was working my way through the DLC, I stopped and turned around to check the most innocuous corner of the world, just because the thought of leaving it unchecked would drive me crazy. I almost wish I had ignored the in game map and tried cartography for myself. I am worried for anyone who can walk into the DLC, then need a full guide because they are devoid of curiosity. That's a terrifying thought. Skipping out on using your brain is missing a core piece of the game's design. Maybe that's just me though. I did read every item description as I played through so I'm probably just insane or something.
@Guitar-Dog 8 часов назад
>crazy taxi camera drunk on its own power 😂😂😂
@user-jc1nd2zw3b 8 часов назад
Great cast. Great script. Great soundtrack. Great movie!
@traversingthedark 8 часов назад
One reason I have tried and failed to get into Neverwinter is that it *requires* you to pre-plan out your character and know the trajectory of your class/multiclass before the game even begins. This, to me, flies in the face of what an RPG should be. I am 100% aware that this is not only a personal bugbear I have with the game, but that it stems from the mindset behind 3.5 ruleset itself. I Loved NWN 2 (even though it has aged poorly in terms of art direction) mainly because a lot of the aforementioned difficulty is offset by having a party of characters which for me will always be more interesting a la Baldur's Gate 1/2. Just FYI for anyone looking to get into the game. Also, DO NOT PLAY the abysmal OC campaigns if you're trying the game out. Look into the Hall of Fame on NW vault. That's where the strength of the game lies - in community made content.
@cat_jk00 9 часов назад
Haven't played yet but commenting for the algorithm to support my favorite dude. Keep up the smart, strong authorial voice and unique presentation.
@Sigh95 9 часов назад
I think what really would have improved this DLC’s reception is if From added a few more Ulcerated Tree Spirits
@randomassortmentofthings 9 часов назад
I'm gonna be honest I think the funniest part about the game not working properly with low framerates is my GPU does not meet the minimum specs (My average fps is 30 so I cap it at 45). I have had no other issues graphically. I'm over halfway through the DLC and have beaten the main game twice, once with the seamless co-op with friends.
@TheWujuStyle 10 часов назад
Holy gaslighting batman that SF comparison you've got going in the background in chapter one is easily the biggest display of ignorance I've seen on the internet in the last decade. IDT even the most arrogant self-aggrandizing game dev on the planet would dare to compare scripting a boss to ask your OS what your character is about to do in the game and then pull out a bs move straight out of it's ass to counter it with fg people pulling off frame perfect execution of a solved mirror match opening that just happens to work that way. Nobody is feeding the opponent's upcoming moves straight into either of those players' skulls ahead of time my guy. Nor do they suddenly unlock special moves they only use when the opponent's Ryu starts up a fireball from an unsafe distance. This input reading meme is literally just the game trolling you, in part because that's what fromsoft like doing in their games and if we're honest, in part because at this point they could have the last boss have a phase where it reboots your PC/console and does damage based on how much time you take to turn the game on again and any complaints online would still be met by a legion of fromsoft cum guzzlers going SKILL ISSUE! SKILL ISSUE!