Oneness of Humanity
Oneness of Humanity
Oneness of Humanity
@parvizshahidi2615 4 дня назад
Very beautiful presentation!
@arvidyaganegi4538 8 дней назад
well done bro
@nancydashiell1429 19 дней назад
The Bahai faith finds you to serve others.
@alamrafique6216 20 дней назад
A great presentation on the Baha'i Faith and its teachings! A Faith that in due time will change the fortunes of mankind for a prosperous and peaceful world!
@arashseddigh8113 29 дней назад
abhaaa ..... Sooooo beautiful ,,,, thank you
@marnybarton2872 Месяц назад
Wonderful thank you so much ❤
@sohrabrohani1858 Месяц назад
Outstanding documentary! Thank you for all your efforts to provide this unbiased view of the Baha’í Faith.
@ysteinfjr7529 2 месяца назад
Awesome documentary! Thank you! 😊
@cherylromanowski7868 2 месяца назад
Wonderful!! Thank you!! Sharing with many❤
@daniellesteward9850 2 месяца назад
I loved this!! I will be sharing with friends!
@lindaregelean8015 2 месяца назад
31:18 isn't that the journalist who covered World Congress NYC?
@davidcrenshawphysicaltherapy 3 месяца назад
Nice! A beautiful Faith with a helpful, universal message.
@nicolapiccioni1815 3 месяца назад
@eniez2001 3 месяца назад
Good. In some parts, the background music is too high. It needs to be reduced.
@age3876 3 месяца назад
Beautiful inspiring
@user-ux1xk6bz9l 3 месяца назад
Engaging and thought provoking. Thank you.
@helenvloeberghs6978 3 месяца назад
Lovely diverse interviews form refreshing overview. Well done personal initiative. Love the spirit of enterprise motivating your efforts.😊
@aaronlee75 3 месяца назад
Wonderful. Thank you. I'll post to facebook.
@DomDollx 4 месяца назад
You should read the book Vision of Islam by William Chittick. It's sad the Bahai can't pracrice freely in Muslim countries. Islam is not about the aggressive and forceful means many govt seem to exercise now a days. Early Muslim rulers never oppressed people of other faiths, if anything they should be more free as long as they're not harming anyone. It's sad to see the Bahai experience such intolerance and lack recognition. It's so stupid to list religion on an ID card. Bahaism seems to echo a lot of what Islam is about too. I think the interviews could've been done better but thank you nevertheless for this video. You did a really good job of letting your subjects speak and showing what each person feels and thinks about their place and position in different countries. I didn't know much about the Bahai and have been curious a out it for a while. I knew a lot of Bahains came from Iran and the middle east. I wonder how they are doing in Israel with the genocide going on now. I pray they're safe.
@faribaferdowsi5565 4 месяца назад
Very informative.
@craigertlmaier9113 7 месяцев назад
Any religion that accepts Jesus's Messiahship is a false religion. Acts chapter 5 33-39 says if the Jesus movement came to nothing it was not from the Lord. They disappeared from history in 333ce as the book Nazarene Jewish Christianity confirms. This makes Jesus a false spiritual leader like the others Rabban Gamaliel mentioned in that passage of Acts.
@sima8787 2 года назад
@johnrussell5018 2 года назад
love it .
@crcronin7899 2 года назад
Baha'i doesn't teach that Salvation is through Jesus Christ alone. For that reason, it is a new age type of religion. They may speak of God and Jesus, but they deny the most fundamental aspects of Christianity, including the Resurrection!
@pathfinder1273 2 года назад
Baha'is do not deny those aspects of Christianity. While we do have a less literal interpretation of the nature and significance of those events, we see that the essence of Christianity lies in the teachings of His Holiness Christ, which is the "bread and fishes" with which He has fed the multitudes (humanity). Consider this: had Jesus been born of a virgin, died through crucifixion, and been bodily resurrected, but had taught completely senseless or even sinister concepts, would His revelation have changed the world? He gave spiritual rebirth to a whole generation who were not even aware of those occurrences. Similarly, it is not through amazing events in the life of Baha'u'llah that the world is now being brought to an enduring spiritual unification, but through His teachings. That is the core of religion.
@jesusperezcaballero707 3 года назад
Happy NAW RUZ 178
@jesusperezcaballero707 3 года назад
@BibleTruthPodcast 3 года назад
@matthewmurdoch6932 3 года назад
Thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I can't express how much of a solace what you just said in 5mins was for my soul. Allah'u'Abha dustaman.
@rmk2879 4 года назад
Sin is universal problem. Sin is ubiquitous. Humanity contaminated by sin. Sin in us by default, not learnt, not taught. Sin manifests in many forms - evil, crime. Sin is the opium. The origin of sin is unanswered. My journey. Sin is pre-existing in all. Nobody taught us to sin. Sin pre-dates The Bible. The Bible explains origins of sin. The Bible provides remedy for pre-existing sin, through Jesus Christ death and resurrection. The Bible is best selling book in the world for this reason. Sin is real, The Bible is relevant. Sin is born at every child birth. Sin is disease of heart, and Jesus Christ is the cure. Satan is the enemy, came to steal, kill and destroy. Misleads us to blame good loving God. God is not the author of evil. Media, Police, Defense, Judiciary, Penitentiary, Security, Contracts confirm sin exists. The origins of life, natural laws, sin, morals, purpose, meaning, conscience, music, creativity, intelligence, beauty, color, nature, water, air, light and amalgamation, remain unevidenced - elsewhere. We love truth when it enlightens us, but hate when it convicts us. Instructing to "Heart wash" from sin is not "Brainwash". God created universe, placed natural laws, made humans in His image, gave talents, instructed to multiply and explore - The Initiation of Science. Science is the legitimate child of natural laws. Without natural laws science has no foundation. We are created with good purpose and meaning. We are good. Then sin entered through satan and we all fallen. Disease, despair, deformities, deficiencies, depression, stress, guilt, greed, hate, anger, rebellious spirit, spiritual death entered. Sin plays spoilsport. Unloose the Soul from the tight knot of sin. Soul outlasts death. Sinners cannot save themselves from sin. Jesus Christ, the Holy God, intervened, willingly died on The Cross and resurrected, for remmissions of our sins, to save us from sin and hell. We are weak at the core, however we try to portray otherwise. We need Holy God's help, who is willing to help with open arms. Unable to find any motive any reason for Jesus Christ to die willingly on Cross and resurrect - except His love to save us from pre-existing sin and hell. Nobody died for our sins and resurrected - except Jesus Christ. Exclusivity Jesus Christ claimed: "I am The Way, The Truth and The Life". "I am The Resurrection and The Life". "I am The Good Shepherd". Jesus Christ has the authority to forgive sins. Religion says "Do". Jesus Christ says "Done". Religion is man's attempts to 'search gods'. Jesus Christ came from heaven in 'search of man'. Salvation from sin and hell is not earned through works or deeds or pilgrimages or rituals or ceremonies or traditions or cultures or meditations or public displays or hypocrisy or making personal sacrifices or making animal sacrifices. Salvation from sin and hell is free, but not cheap. Because Jesus Christ laid His life on The Cross, and resurrected. God loves the sinner, but hates the sin. Just like a parent loves child, but hates disease in child. We are saved by God's grace, not by our works. Karma is getting what we deserve. Grace is getting what we don't deserve. Only Grace can be pre-fixed with word Amazing. Amazing Grace. Karma is not Amazing, it is depressing. GRACE: Getting what we don't deserve - i.e. forgiveness of sin, eternity in heaven through Jesus Christ. MERCY: Not getting what we deserve - i.e. punishment of sin, separation from God, eternity in hell. Other side of death is eternity. Either in hell; or in heaven through Jesus Christ. God offers grace and mercy for free through Jesus Christ death and resurrection. Jesus Christ suffered, ridiculed, spat-on, humiliated, crucified on The Cross, and therefore He understands our pain. He raised victorious, we will too. Those who endure till end are victorious. Jesus Christ coming again to judge all. The doors will be closed. Jesus Christ reveals every mystery, answers every question. We all deserve to know the truth. He is The Alpha and The Omega. He judges everyone. One day every knee shall bow, every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. The First Christmas - Jesus Christ came to earth from heaven to save us from pre-existing sin. The First Good Friday - Jesus Christ crucified to The Cross, died willingly for remission of our sins. The First Resurrection Day, also linked to Easter - Jesus Christ resurrected from death. Jesus Christ made entry to Holy Heaven free through Him. Repent of sin and be saved. Easy. The First Coming of Jesus Christ - He is Lamb, slaughtered for remission of sins to save us from sin and hell. And resurrected. The Second Coming of Jesus Christ - He will be Lion, The Judge. The Lamb and The Lion. Jesus Christ forgave all who crucified Him, and now forgives all, even who reject, ridicule and mock Him. He loves all unconditionally. Believe, trust, repent of pre-existing sin in Jesus Christ that He died for remission of our sins and resurrected, and coming back to judge, accept Him as Lord and Saviour, and be saved from sin and hell. Any time, any where. Even now. Simple. Nothing to lose, everything to gain. For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him. I found God loved me regardless of sins, weaknesses and rejections by others. As sinner I cannot save myself through deeds. He believed me and has faith in me. I am not in competition with others. God loves you all, individually. (My journal. Journey to life - after testing all 'isms' and religions, after failing to find origins, purpose and meaning of life, after swallowing pride, egos, anger, hate, depression.)
@stocksinsidersarebuying9859 4 года назад
The Lord Christ returned in the Glory of the Father: www.SeatofGodsThrone.com
@pathfinder1273 2 года назад
Jesus did not use the word "sin" anywhere near as often as does a modern Christian. Clearly He was not as obsessed over it as they are. Consider Luke 7:47: "Wherefore I say unto thee, Her sins, which are many, are forgiven; for she loved much: but to whom little is forgiven, the same loveth little." Obviously Jesus is saying that the way out of sin is to love, yet modern Christians believe the solution is judging others and condemning them. This is not the teaching of Jesus, it is the result of a vindictive and self-righteous church hierarchy founded on the paranoid and delusional attitudes of men like Augustine. Their objective was not leading men into heaven (cf. Matthew 23:13), but purging them of anything they considered bad or impure. The very concept of original sin does not derive from the teachings of Jesus, but from the ignorant interpretation of these same church fathers. Hence, Christianity, in the 4th Century, became Churchianity.
@joshuasolorza8116 4 года назад
@davearu38 4 года назад
How could their so called god send various messengers ? When Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. - so how is this video even accurate? unless their so called god is confused or something? It does not take much understanding to realize all religions in the world pretty much contradict each other, how can there be ONEnonsesness?
@OnenessofHumanity 4 года назад
Dave Aru www.SeatofGodsThrone.com
@davearu38 4 года назад
@@OnenessofHumanity Thank you, but my one and only Source is from the word of God John 1: 1 , I do not possibly want to believe in man made philosophies, as you look in this world now, you can never trust man, were confused fallen beings destined to perish .
@OnenessofHumanity 4 года назад
Dave Aru 12 I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now. 13 Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come. John 16
@davearu38 4 года назад
@@OnenessofHumanity Yes that is a perfect verse, Jesus speaks of the Holy Spirit He will send when He goes back to the father, and those who believes in the work of Jesus on the cross for Salvation of humanity, will have the Holy Spirit that leads them to all truth. So when we read the Bible only the Holy Spirit can reveal the truth to us, if we do not have the Holy Spirit we cannot understand the truth. Like Jesus said you cannot bear them now ... till the Holy Spirit comes upon them. Thank you for sharing :) Sadly many fall into deception. - people just want to hear what they are COMFORTABLE with, tickling their ears. , not the truth. Truth may hurt our carnal selves, but it is salvation to our soul. 2 Tim 4:3 For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions,
@OnenessofHumanity 4 года назад
Dave Aru www.seatofgodsthrone.com/prophecy.htm
@takemeawaytakmeaway2777 4 года назад
White people can go FUCK OFF
@takemeawaytakmeaway2777 4 года назад
White people have NO buisness converting to this religion here in the USA becaus theyre still killing Black people in COLD BLOOD, anybody wanna say im wrong... BRING IT OK
@aquajuwel7098 4 года назад
Just remember, if you are gay or trans, they will not accept you. Just know that. I grew up in this religion, learned that everyone is equal, love, acceptance, than I found out that I’m gay in the beginning of my puberty. I was given a choice to marry a woman or to live alone for the rest I’m my life when I got older and told people what I was feeling, thinking it would be a safe place, I was wrong!. So I’m no longer Baha’i, married with my husband and living a wonderful life. I just want people to know that just because religions say they are all about love and so on, it almost always comes with a cost or with a but.....but if you are.......
@OnenessofHumanity 4 года назад
Aqua Juwel You are correct that the Bahá’í teachings regarding marriage are the same as found in the sacred scripture of all the other major world religions. Perhaps the difference is that for Bahá’ís, their teachings only apply to people who choose to be Bahá’í and are not imposed on those who choose not to be Bahá’í. That people of the same sex will, for a number of reasons, feel love for one another, and which can be natural, is understandable; but for Bahá’ís, to let that love find expression in sexual acts is a moral issue, as are many other moral issues which Bahá’ís are counseled on - like the use of alcohol or recreational drugs, backbiting, truthfulness, infidelity, and so on. But most importantly, for those who are Bahá’í, "to regard a person who has a homosexual orientation with prejudice or disdain is entirely against the spirit of the Faith. And where occasion demands, it would be appropriate to speak out or act against unjust or oppressive measures directed towards homosexuals." And finally, as mentioned before, "just as Bahá’ís do not impose their views on others, they cannot relinquish their principles because of changing trends in popular thought."
@aquajuwel7098 4 года назад
Onenessofhumanity being gay is not a trend. Is is a fact of life that have always existed from the beginning of human kind, even before religion, and have been accepted in cultures like Ancient Greece and other cultures. Today people who are educated and open minded know that homosexuality is as normal as heterosexuality, it’s just part of human sexuality. Homosexuality is also found in many animal species, so it’s not against nature for those who say it is. Animals and plants also change sex and some have none, just like people. But I’m not going to argue with you, because I know that you believe that I’m a sinner because of your faith. I wish you all the best, just wanted to say what my experience of Baha’i is. That is my right. Have a nice day....
@OnenessofHumanity 4 года назад
Aqua Juwel We are all sinners, so we shouldn’t condemn on another for our sins. Again, you are correct with respect to the history of homosexuality as it is generally from the ancient Greeks and is rooted in the practice of pederasty which was considered an acceptable practice.
@YoungAtHeart9 2 месяца назад
Baha’u’llah gave us the Laws in the Kitab-i-Aqdas (Book of Laws, Most Holy Book) as loving guidance, not as punishment, to help humanity bring balance or equilibrium back into civilization. The more these laws are practiced; the more stability our civilization will have. Humility and obedience are necessary virtues to practice.
@eh9039 4 года назад
Baha’u’llah who was the founder of the Baha’i faith is The Promised One of All Ages ❤️
@orangemanbad Год назад
Highly doubt that. He directly opposes Islam and Christianity. And Judaism.
@hyperxplays 4 месяца назад
​@@orangemanbadHe does not. You can't even tell us how? Why?
@orangemanbad 4 месяца назад
@@hyperxplays Christ said I am the only way to Heaven. Your false prophet denies this. Muhammad said he’s the last prophet your false prophet also denies this. So yeah. Simple.
@HaalandViking 4 года назад
Love it. Thanks for the good video.
@Eeneemon 4 года назад
"...He Who is your Lord, the All-Merciful, cherisheth in His heart the desire of beholding the entire human race as one soul and one body..." (Bahá’u’lláh, The Summons of the Lord of Hosts) www.bahai.org/beliefs/essential-relationships/one-human-family/quotations
@julietrae8665 4 года назад
This is mentioned in the bible..In the end times many will fall from the faith. Is this a serious thing? HOW, can Allah and YHWY worship be? The one world religion. Wanna know something? The Vatican endorsed this movement, and have been waiting to start the one world government too. Mandate 2020. I heard, "Serve humanity, and that makes me serve God. God must be first and foremost then humanity. These were the words of Christ Yahshua himself. Lest a man be born again, of the holy spirit, he caNNOT enter into the kingdom of heaven, no matter how good of a human he is. Christ cme to save this world from their sin, and others turned his DIrect messge into many religions, but if you have studied the bible and prayed, if you abide in Christ like he says to do, you don't fall into the perversion of religion, and you know "church means" Where 2 or more are gathered in HIS name. Not Bahailium. Everything God does, Satan perverts. Although this religion poses no threat, it actually does in essence. You've built off other reliegions, just as Gnostics of the days of old.. I cannot in good faith wish you Godspeed. This is how Lucifer operates. If it weren't a religion, and just a movement maybe so, but this perverts the gospel.
@manobic30 5 лет назад
A cult only
@OnenessofHumanity 5 лет назад
Abul Basher Unfortunately, many people also call Islam a cult. It’s so sad that people often lack education and independent understanding. We must help educate people.
@rerooar 5 лет назад
Well that's peachy, but its still just bullshit guys. The world will never unite under a religion, because religion is always divisive. The only way to really unite is through truth, logic and reason, all of which are incompatible with all religion, even the warm and fluffy ones.
@OnenessofHumanity 5 лет назад
R Daysh “If religion becomes a cause of dislike, hatred and division, it were better to be without it, and to withdraw from such a religion would be a truly religious act.” www.bahai.org/beliefs/god-his-creation/revelation/purpose-religion
@OnenessofHumanity 5 лет назад
R Daysh “If religion is opposed to reason and science, faith is impossible; and when faith and confidence in the divine religion are not manifest in the heart, there can be no spiritual attainment.” www.bahai.org/beliefs/god-his-creation/ever-advancing-civilization/faith-reason
@aliawada0808 5 лет назад
3:40 is symbol of nazis in bahai temple. Why is that
@stylicho 4 года назад
I don't know what that's called but the ends curl down so they're not Nazi. Wish I knew what it was too
@enchainedtreasures 4 года назад
@@stylicho before the Nazis it was part of Buddhism. they stole the symbol and made it backwards.
@sangarp2001 5 лет назад
what is the name of God in Hahai religion?
@OnenessofHumanity 5 лет назад
sangarp2001 en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/God_in_the_Bahá%27%C3%AD_Faith#Names_of_God
@ernestoolivares9744 5 лет назад
amen thinking is true religion to open gods vision of love and that a secret ask god almighty balanchine I now to god only first amen.
@artemisa9390 5 лет назад
Let me correct you not Baha’i new year, it is Iranian new year and belongs to old Iranian people which lived that region for thousands of years as you said this faith is new so Now-Rouz is not belong them
@OnenessofHumanity 5 лет назад
Artemis A Yes, some aspects of Persian culture and poetry were incorporated into the Bahá’í Faith. Even some of the original writings are in Farsi. So amazing!
@musiclover9519 5 лет назад
Baha'u'llah proclaimed Naw Ruz to be a Baha'i Holy Day. It has also been Persian New Year for thousands of years. In Australia there is a big rock in the centre called Ayers Rock but the aboriginal people call it Uluru. Most people in Australia now call it Uluru out of respect I guess. Really though I think it can be called by either name.
@takemeawaytakmeaway2777 5 лет назад
American bahais are racist towards Black people in america and they also make it very clear they love others and only for others
@OnenessofHumanity 5 лет назад
Take me away Tak me away news.bahai.org/story/1310/
@MangoLemonaideFresh 5 лет назад
You have no idea what your taking about. White people get discriminated also. Stop being such a racist no one likes you you demon. Go back to hell where you came from Satan
@hassanyahya5970 5 лет назад
nice and excellent video CBS News: "What They Believe" on the Baha'i Faith
@harifalcon4408 5 лет назад
I am not bahai' but i spend lot of time with them and they are very the most tolerate, social and helpful people i have ever met
@elyaseery 5 лет назад
seems like an another drawn out sect of Islam from Persia to me. but I respect the unity of this religion.
@OnenessofHumanity 5 лет назад
Ziad Elyaseery Kind of like the way some think Christianity is a sect of Judaism....
@musiclover9519 5 лет назад
Unity of all religions
@pathfinder1273 2 года назад
"Seems like..." In other words, based on a ten minute video created by a news agency. When Baha'u'llah identified the independent investigation of truth as the first principle of His faith, I think He intended something a little more in-depth. If I watch a 15 minute video on quantum mechanics and then say it sounds like scientists are trying to perpetuate their careers by making up more complicated nonsense, would anyone consider that conclusion credible?
@od7717 5 лет назад
By far the most uneducated cult of our time
@OnenessofHumanity 5 лет назад
Olivia R Dunham: Steven Phelps (Ph.D., physics, Princeton University, 2000; B.S., physics, Stanford University, 1993; B.A., philosophy, Stanford University, 1993) served at the Baha’i World Center for 13 years in its Research Department and concurrently held a position in the Physics Department at the Technion University in Haifa and pursued research in the field of theoretical cosmology. m.ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-lSMx1jYUYlY.html
@deepthinker2464 5 лет назад
200 year old religion and only 5 million followers? true prophets of God’s Abraham,Moses, Jesus and Muhammad have billions of followers. cool idea but fake prophet.
@OnenessofHumanity 5 лет назад
Deep Thinker: That’s what people said about Jesus. Took Christianity over 200 years and Constantine before it started to spread. In all likelihood, had you been alive at the time of Jesus, you too would be saying the same thing about Him: en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beelzebub#Christian_Bible
@musiclover9519 5 лет назад
Estimated a global Christian population of 40,000 in AD 150, rising to 218,000 in 200, and 1.17 million by 250. (www.thegospelcoalition.org/blogs/evangelical-history/how-many-christians-were-there-in-200-a-d/)