The Weekly Show with Jon Stewart
The Weekly Show with Jon Stewart
The Weekly Show with Jon Stewart
On Mondays Jon Stewart hosts the Daily Show, but on Thursdays he hosts The Weekly Show: A new podcast featuring in-depth conversations with special guests that gets to the heart of some of the most complex issues of our time. Also hear from producers and friends of the show who discuss the latest headlines, what's on their minds, and more!
@phiferhowe4235 9 часов назад
Great show!🎉
@samkitt8873 9 часов назад
Good show BUT in all the talk about the de-democratizing of the conventions, I heard absolutely NO discussion of the PRIMARY PROCESS!!!! Of course primaries have their own problem -- domination by fanatical base voters -- but they were introduced over the years as a way to DEMOCRATIZE candidate selection. The people choose the candidate instead of the party bosses. The convention became the place where the voters' decision was affirmed. The historical result seems to be 1) all the rifts in the parties are debated (or exposed) publicly; and 2) polarization as candidates are forced to appeal to the more extreme factions of their parties. The winner then attempts to soften those positions for the general election. This is made more difficult by the social media environment because candidates' public statements are immortal on the web -- making it harder to tack to the center. Of course, all the defects of general elections seem to be amplified in the primaries.
@FirstRoundBye День назад
If these two made a podcast together I would listen to every episode.
@RandomRambl3r 2 дня назад
The discussion about state vs. federal gun laws raises important questions about finding the right balance between local autonomy and national consistency. It's a complex issue with valid arguments on both sides, and it's essential to consider the potential benefits and drawbacks of each approach carefully.
@envirodoable 2 дня назад
Why would you vote DNC, they can't market the facts when you can vote for the GOP who can get a criminal liar elected? Who's got the grits?
@ronrogers876 2 дня назад
Maybe unions form because capitalists can always be relied upon to squeeze workers until their lives are unlivable, just to pad the bottom line. The blindness of greed makes unions inevitable. Labor is the lifeblood of capitalism. Organized or not, that's clout.😎Vote Blue
@irosencrantz882 3 дня назад
I need glasses too. Those look great.
@JustinJones-xe4nu 4 дня назад
What I don't understand is, that following trump is dangerous to you're health, just ask Ashley Babbit.
@gailmarie65 4 дня назад
💙 💙 💙
@dianneking8337 4 дня назад
Plants ! Soil releases laughing gas ...seriously.
@eileenreilly9481 4 дня назад
You know what, Jon? You could decide to run for an elected position and "walk right into it" too. I don't think you want the power but you have all the traits, intellect, humor, abilities, and heart that we Americans are missing. Just sayin'...😀
@Iskelderon 4 дня назад
Is that fairy tale that the US didn't get involved in WW2 until Pearl Harbor still around? The Flying Tigers were a thinly veiled pretense that the Army Air Corps wasn't officially used in China, all those airfields straddling the US-Canadian border where military aircraft vanished on the US side at night and miraculously appeared on the Canadian side the next morning or all the "civilian" ships that transported goods for the British military effort were probably sent from Mars or Venus too? And that doesn't even include the economic warfare the US leveraged, which prompted Japan's attack (and the warning "misfiled" in the archives for decades) in the first place.
@DonJuanDecepticon 5 дней назад
Is this show like dying or something? Pretty slow out put here.
@jfrodgers7858 5 дней назад
Jon. Thank you for letting Amy finish her answers (well most of the time). Much better. Thank you.
@jfrodgers7858 5 дней назад
Interesting note about Walz. He retired from Natl Guard after 20 years. Then 9/11 happened. He re-upped for 4 more years.
@jfrodgers7858 5 дней назад
Jon, get the shingles vaccine shots. Your vision will improve to the point you won't need ANY glasses (but still wear your sunglasses outside).
@PamelaDenton-v9z 5 дней назад
Talking about corporations taking advantage of in a crisis, I have a bone to pick with Goodwill, the non-profit. They quit letting people try on clothes during COVID. You can't get your money back if you return it. They will only give you credit. I had no problem with that when you at least had the option to try on clothes. I talked to people in the store, a regional office and their headquarters about them not opening the dressing rooms back up after COVID. It's not fair and for some people, not viable to have their money tied up in a credit. The lady at the regional office came right out and said it out loud, that the reason they didn't open the dressing rooms back up after COVID was because it increased their profits keeping them closed. The whole idea of Goodwill is two fold. Have a place for low income families to be able to afford shopping for their needs and using the profits to also help the less fortunate. They also increased their prices almost double. They have just about priced poor people out. We're talking about all thier merchandise being donated. Also, about 20 of their top people are receiving unbelievably high salaries. I think this non-profit have joined the greedy. To be fair, I discovered Savers and others have followed their lead.
@marymontgomery8034 5 дней назад
Trump gutted the State Department and he didn’t care about any Afghan.
@EhNothing 5 дней назад
This was a big downgrade from the Klobuchar episode.
@EhNothing 5 дней назад
She seems awesome and communicates so well. Absolute rock star.
@AzRizy35 5 дней назад
This is old news. But I had a thought as I'm rewatching this... The technical difficulties at the beginning of Trump and Elon "interview " was Elon trying to give Trump an out. Before the show, Elon had to hear how Trump was talking, and he was trying to cancel the interview without cancelling.
@rikkifigueroa4436 5 дней назад
I Admit.. I watched the Democratic nomination.. and yes I feel inspired for a FIRST WOMEN PRESIDENT..because real men, understand that Woman get @#¥! Done.
@rikkifigueroa4436 5 дней назад
I just hope in the future American elections and all political conventions don’t turn into Hunger Games
@VirginiaDwyer-h5v 6 дней назад
wrong question, or set of assumptions, jon. spreading democracy and freedom is the goal for public consumption. the actual goal is to manage an empire where we can get and control resources and markets. so, yes, success if you look at the real goal. at least til now. the other point that is missing in this discussion is that our culture has a "male" model in which action, any action, is the measure of doing your job. somewhat akin to what is known as the "male answer syndrome". Please go deeper.
@angelapatterson9170 6 дней назад
Noooo, being tall I have noticed that the bigger the shoe the nearer the floor they are. Same goes for readers; they are near the floor. So tall people have to bend down all the time. Many times I end up sat on the floor and have to wait for a nice shop assistant to help me up.
@red.blue.seahorse1951 6 дней назад
20 years ago, New Zealand had females in all the top rolls, Prime Minister, Leader of the opposition - next Prime Minister, Chief Justice, Governor General- Queen's Representative and head of the largest company. They were the first Country to give women the vote, and Racism doesn't exist. It's Time for USA to mature by electing Kamala and trust her to be competent , which She without doubt is, Twice the Woman Trump is.
@caccarlac9014 6 дней назад
There is also a dearth of health care as small rural hospital have closed because they are not as profitable as large hospital complexes in urban settings.
@user-im7ji3ll9h 6 дней назад
Amy is the best. I'm from MN - we are so lucky to have such great representation.
@maydragon2738 7 дней назад
Wow! Fantastic conversation! Proud Minnesotian here 😊
@rosemariebredahl9519 7 дней назад
Because Trump's feigning innocence re P'25: For early Trump + Heritage ties, follow the thread from Robert Mercer through Cambridge Analytica & Trump's 2017 "Skinny Budget" (from Heritage's annual budget Blueprint, which included Government agencies to start dissolving ... and Trump did start). 🔎 📜 📽️
@russbinder4603 7 дней назад
Jon Stewart on his own podcast - glad he's back and enjoy how effortless he makes it seem.
@rockscissorstone-f1i 7 дней назад
My God, what an outstanding discussion. The point Melissa made, that if Trump is elected Alito and Thomas will retire, and Trump will appoint 2 very young Supreme Court justices to lifetime appointments. My stomach is in turmoil.
@spornge 7 дней назад
It is easy to talk about them as just tv shows because we just see the part for tv audiences but the days are filled with meetings about party platform should be, about getting all the ships pointed in the same way about making a Presidential platform that does not step on state elections etcs. The days are full of meetings and agenda settings that are not televised , its not like it all starts at 6 . It is hard to tell from this clip but anyone who just looks at the published agenda sees that it is more than that.
@gerriperreault6905 7 дней назад
Did Democrats not consider all the video clips that would be run or that Biden could deteriorate further.
@gerriperreault6905 7 дней назад
Biden's narcissistic delusional statements were disturbing.
@gerriperreault6905 7 дней назад
Stewart is so right. Love the challenge to "it is what it is." Biden's responses were delusional.
@kashheitkamp815 7 дней назад
Boycott Walmart and Amazon! Shop local.
@Sandy-du4ev 7 дней назад
JD Vontz and dumb Donald trump
@dawnarobertson9577 7 дней назад
“The democrats didn’t recognize” . . . The devastation of sending manufacturing overseas-you are talking about CLINTON, who fell in line with the Repug song and dance that squeezed out profit by choosing low paid, third-world workers and their lack of environmental and social services. Clinton worshipped at the Altar of Reagan.
@dawnarobertson9577 7 дней назад
Libertarianism aims to destroy that social safety net-You really need to read Nancy MacLean’s book, “Democracy in Chains.” The aim is to destroy the middle class and render government ineffectual (“binding in chains”) with laws that favor authoritarians (Like, “Corporations are people” BS). That way, the Uber-wealthy billionaires can suck the nation dry of its wealth, and render the remaining population helpless. It’s the Shock Doctrine.
@dawnarobertson9577 7 дней назад
❤Shawn Fain❤
@dawnarobertson9577 7 дней назад
“Economic Populism” from the Republicans is a ploy-they are all tools of Billionaire, Libertarian Fascists who pull the puppet strings. This SCOTUS is a tool for Fascist Puppet Masters. JD Vance is bought and paid for by Peter Thiel and the Mercers. Trump has been associated with the Russian MOB! The Semion Mogilevich mob-he is a traitor! And yeah-“labor has been left behind”-This has been the goal of Libertarians, specifically their mastermind, Charles Koch. People need to read “Democracy in Chains” (Nancy MacLean) and “The Shock Doctrine” (Jane Mayer). Coining terms, spinning reality-weaponizing propaganda-has been a part of the Koch Libertarian agenda since the Reagan Administration. They even paved the way to develop their major, propaganda outlet by importing Rupert Murdoch. The Mercers’ Cambridge Analytica/Emeradata let loose targeting software on social media. Susceptible, uneducated people who REACT rather than to REASON have become the cultist MAGAs today. The libertarians attack education and education for good reason, and the anti-intellectuals now denigrate educated people as “elitists.” It’s one more way to divide the nation. Jon Stewart: YOU need to read “Democracy in Chains.” Libertarianism has its roots with John C Calhoun. Koch, with his Libertarian founders, Buchanan and Friedman, discovered the way to install their fascism was through the teachings of Lenin. Hilary Clinton said it all: “There is a vast, right-wing conspiracy seeking to over throw this democracy.”
@dawnarobertson9577 7 дней назад
It’s so disheartening . . . And yes, most of those vets have already died. 🥵
@christianeaprile1876 8 дней назад
Thank you so much, it’s so informative, humanistic, o intelligent, all with a magnificent humility. This entretien humbles me. Thank you both ♥️♥️
@cynthiamoore7056 8 дней назад
I learned so much! Y’all are great communicators! Thank you!
@hollybug-76542 8 дней назад
I couldn't listen but for a min or two but immediately thought donOlds dentures were coming loose. Gave me a chuckle at least for a second but then there is no way I'm going to subject myself to more of YamTits nonsense, even if he does sound like Sylvester. 😂
@maryellenrush8595 9 дней назад
Since when did the “F” word become OK for daily dialogue? The language is horrible. Any one that uses it should have soap on their tongue 😂. “Cursing is the crutch of a crippled conversationalist”.
@RyanWBL 9 дней назад
Jon's angry mic drops are what I look forward to each week
@catherinepayne8324 9 дней назад
I was active duty US Army in the mid 70s. Then 3 years Texas National Guard. Then 3 years in the US Army Reserve in Frankfurt, Germany. Had to resign from the Reserve because I was in the US Civil Service in Wuerzburg Germany. And my position as an accountant technician during the Gulf War was considered ESSENTIAL and so I was in deployable. I retired Civil Service and I’m very proud of ALL my service. As is my husband: a retired US Army Active Duty Command Sergeant Major with 28 1/2 years of service (2 years of combat in Vietnam). Btw, my Dad was a Navy WWII retiree who was at Pearl Harbor. My family is rife with military veterans that spans all the services.
@catherinepayne8324 9 дней назад
I was non-deployable. I hate auto correct (lol)!