Well hello and welcome Ganyonz RU-vid channel! We play a lot of different games here. Mostly roguelikes! Deck/dice builders and tactics subgenres are my bread and butter, so you'll see a lot of those here, but you'll also see so much more!
Barbarian with a Gun!! | Dead Weight
7 часов назад
@syntaxx0 9 минут назад
So you're trying to trick retromation's viewers into clicking your videos with those thumbnails right? Down to copying the exact font and everything? Pretty scummy choice.
@syntaxx0 17 минут назад
This game looks absurdly boring
@oymlampur7855 2 часа назад
What a great find! Defense was a bold choice as well as far strats go :p
@DreamThorn 3 часа назад
At 27:50 the troll didn't miss; your dwarf was protecting your elf with their passive ability.
@Mortac 7 часов назад
Reminds of Gladiator Guild Manager. Looks fun. But it feels like way too much menu time. It's like 5% gameplay and 95% menus.
@razus827 7 часов назад
Solid content!
@anthonylowe8819 13 часов назад
My man is putting out content left and right. You got my sub I love indie creators. Hopefully you get more recognition brother.
@Ganyonz 11 часов назад
Thank you thank you!! Much appreciated!!
@deezy393 17 часов назад
Slot machine rouge like
@auseawesome9112 21 час назад
Great quality content, surprised to see only 15k subscribers and only just over 250 views. Keep it up, I assumed you were a larger content creator!
@Jack_Ceu_e_Terra День назад
I live games like that and I loved the gameplay. Thanks 💖🤍😄
@Ganyonz День назад
Thanks to you too for watching!! Much appreciated!
@Jack_Ceu_e_Terra День назад
@@Ganyonz 😄
@novus_orbis День назад
Hey! Thank you so much for playing my demo! I'm glad you got into the system pretty quickly. I'm realizing that NO ONE seems to be taking advantage of the warrior's innate blessing, so I'll probably need to work on that lol. Most of the things you comment/complain about have already been taken care of for the Early Access release (like a better display of the map and subsequent levels). The only thing I'm still probably not going to change my mind about is to show numbers in the enemies' intents, and there are few reasons for that: -Seeing the number, in 90% of the cases won't change the way you play. My game is designed around building your combo and working around the enemies' countdown (so, WHEN the enemy's going to act), not around reacting to the enemies' specific next action. This is accentuated in later levels, when both the player and the enemies' stats increase by a lot. -You haven't seen much of the game yet, but the stronger enemies can have multiple actions in one turn, and some single actions are made of a multi hit attack (like the bees' one). Add to that the fact that the incoming damage may be modified by the action you take just before that attack, or by the action from other enemies (like power ups). All together would make a big mess in terms of UI, and how people may rely too much on those numbers, ending up confused when they change at the last moment. -I think it adds some thrill not knowing exactly how much is going to come. In the end it's a matter of knowing you're going to die before it comes, or when it comes. Thank you again for playing! Just so you know, the demo is in 4 acts, there are a few optional bosses, a secret special final boss, and honestly enough content to last more than many Early Access games. I'd love to see you play more :)
@robertfernandez3746 День назад
@Ganyonz День назад
Gotcha! I think the display numbers makes sense given what you want players to walk away with. I love hearing the intentions of developers because it helps my understanding so much more with what the overall goals were. Ultimately, I can only guess as a player. There's also the player learning curve to take into consideration as well. I was NOT prepared to be killed so fast by the dragon boss the first time...I came a bit more prepared the second time though!! Thank you for the info! Edit: I went back and watched the tutorial to make sure the Innate blessing was in there. I must have forgotten about it, because you're right, I don't think I made any play decisions around it. But if we're taking into account the way I was playing, given my thoughts on the damage numbers. My play pattern was to basically use all damage spells if I wasn't being attacked and then build a giant wall of block when I was. I'm going to play a bit more and see if I can figure out how it works into a playstyle, this time with the intention to do so.
@novus_orbis День назад
@@Ganyonz Thank you for replying and again for playing! I don't get too many people to post about my game, so these are always very informative for me :) I'm actually boosting that innate blessing for Early Access (and maybe for the demo if I feel like modifying it :P), to add 2 attack instead of 1. That being said, yes, especially on the first floor, starting your combo with a defend card will give you enough more damage to be able to kill enemies that would stay alive with 1 or 2 HP otherwise. I hope to see more videos from you, it was really nice to watch :)
@Sinistral1 День назад
love the play throughs plz number your episodes.....also when u refresh item shop and gladiator shop when u update it it scrolls down
@Ganyonz День назад
Good point! Any series moving forward that have linear progression I'll number. I'm going to adjust the titles in some of my past series as well. Thanks for the feedback and for watching!
@Justiceguitar День назад
Some people dont think there's back stories to characters you recruit but to get more info on characters you have to recruit the psychic lady b'baba then you pay her back story of any character you choose
@elijahlyons8164 2 дня назад
This game looks amazing, I will definitely be watching content of this
@UnleashTheGiraffe 2 дня назад
Dev behind Seer's Gambit here. Thank you so much for trying out Seer's Gambit. It's really nice to hear that you understand the vision of creating an auto-battler with a bit more agency in combat and I'm super stoked that you enjoyed it as well. :) We have plans to make it possible to re-order hero portraits although it may not happen until 1.1, but it's on our to do. We also have a more visible throwing dagger indicator on a dev branch to make the impact feel better. We're playing around with the idea of multiple equipment slots, but as you mention it will change balancing completely so we need to ensure that it's going to actually make the game more fun, being able to store some equipment with your Lootcat is more likely, but we'll see! Was really neat to watch you strategize with positioning, hero synergies and timing ultimates. (And loved the Powerpuff Girls References! :D )
@Ganyonz 2 дня назад
Sounds like a solid path forward, I appreciate you checking out the video! I'm looking forward to checking out future updates!
@NaturallyIvel 2 дня назад
Dude's patience better than I have. 🫡 +Respect
@ZippytheHappyChimp 3 дня назад
good old low numbers math. +1 damage is +100% when you only do 1 damage. Some Devs try to "keep it simple" by keeping everything in single digits, but it makes certain types of upgrades bonkers. In a game where everything is scaled up 100x, but the TTK is the same (100 hp player vs 3 hp, mobs do 34 dmg vs 1 dmg), you would NEVER get a +100% (or +34 damage) item as a non-boss drop. I will take "low number loving Devs" over the ones where they go extreme the other way and fill the screen with 9999s though.
@Justsomeguy31 3 дня назад
@LotevenstarGaming 3 дня назад
This looks great. I am going to have to check it out.
@jouhomato1983 4 дня назад
this game seems fun is there a public test somewhere or is it still in closed beta/alpha?
@Ganyonz 4 дня назад
You can check out the demo! I have the link to the steam page in the description. Thanks for watching!! 😄
@willbreaker1005 4 дня назад
The artifact system is a little lackluster. The single artifact slot not only limits more dynamic character builds but it also devalues the stores as well. I think your suggestion of hold slots is needed at a minimum. Two or three artifact slots per character would be even better. There's no reason the dev couldn't nerf individual pieces or strengthen enemies to allow for it. Besides that, the game has some potential. It just needs a little more to rise it out of the sea of similar battler style games.
@williamblake7386 5 дней назад
Leaving balance issues and slight boredom of the second part of the game.. aside No endgame, as it often happens. In the case of a great game(like this), it sucks. Devs didn't make the last 3% of the game and it makes it 50% worst. This is stupid. Who tf cares how much damege you've dealt or gold collected. Scores, leaderboards, times, imagine first Troll speedrun on Hell. Or for score. For a meaningful score with the good formula, not gold collected. Gold is the same ever run. Ingame or real time spent is not. ( p.s. somehow forgot Tournament mode. need firs Troll anyway lol)
@davidc8543 5 дней назад
That triple tap Stormbringers...(chef's kiss) XD
@StrengthToStand 5 дней назад
Loving the series.
@Ganyonz 5 дней назад
Thankyou Thankyou!! Much appreciated!
@EbonyWolf. 6 дней назад
Its pretty cool to see someone else play this game. It hasn´t got too much attention on youtube. I've played this game since the beta. Some tips I could give you since you are playing it on very hard. You seem to be heading towards a defensive build of many tanks and priestess. However in this game, offense and CC is the best defense. In my tournament builds, I usually only have 1 tank, 2 tops. 1 healer supported by a invigorator is much better than 2 healers in most battles. However with the new perk system. Invigorators are no longer needed for their stamina, since there is a team restoring stamina perk you can give your tanks and never worry about stamina again.
@amortal3248 5 дней назад
IDK about that, I did a nightmare playthrough about a month ago, and my tanks were pretty much the only units I had that could really do anything in the end-game. Granted, they were stacked with 4 unique items. Got them to like 20-30k HP, the item with "restore % max HP every X seconds" made them near unkillable, even if outnumbered and outleveled by quite a ton. There was also some OP traits you can combine - I believe it was something like "For the first 3 seconds, this unit takes damage in place of the rest of the team" and there was a unique item making them immune for the first couple seconds too. < You can combine that with that trait that gives you like 50% maximum health, you regen by the time the immunity is over - and the team immunity makes it so you can practically ignore building survivability on your DPS units, so the back-line can practically wipe everything by the time the immunity is over. - granted, I haven't played since and haven't been keeping up with the game, if things have changed?
@EbonyWolf. 4 дня назад
@@amortal3248 Yea, you can get some very imba tanks alright. Specially now with the new perk system. Im just used to playing tournaments, where enemies just deal 50k damage on a basic attack. The only way to survive is the invulnerable item. So tanks are not really needed by that point. You just want to kill them before the invul wears off.
@williamblake7386 6 дней назад
I never played Stormbringers but they look OP. Like.. why they didn't nerf them?
@joshh7819 6 дней назад
Each time some enemy dies in the fight. There is xp awarded. The rhinos got it at the end because they killed someone.
@cathathat 6 дней назад
14 unblockable face damage seems kind of cheaty in a game about building minion synergies to defend / attack
@Ganyonz 6 дней назад
I understand it's purpose, to make it so fights only last a couple turns. But I tend to agree, I think it's too overhanded.
@davidc8543 6 дней назад
Been really enjoying your playthrough of this game. My only suggestion is to not put priority all at 10's. I noticed the AI isn't all that bright and more than once I saw your assassin type units going for the furthest priority 10 instead of the nearest XD
@joshh7819 7 дней назад
I know it will be a bit behind where you are. There is a talent that stops you from getting poisoned. Its a tier 1 skill but the upgrade is where it makes them immune from thing like poison and bleeding, i believe.
@HF_Studios1 7 дней назад
Dev here, thanks for trying out the game! Assistants are definitely going to be game changers with more improvement over time. Hitboxes are just as important. Looking forward to improving this game even more.
@johnmacmillan3941 7 дней назад
oh jesus, this video is so hard to watch, i never played this game but your mistakes are just too much
@Ganyonz 7 дней назад
The victory screen would like a word 😉
@johnmacmillan3941 7 дней назад
@@Ganyonz yea but you almost did not make it in a level that should be easy
@williamblake7386 7 дней назад
You are too smart for Nightmare.
@Ganyonz 7 дней назад
you overestimate my power....
@joshh7819 8 дней назад
Have you tried a summoner team? Warlocks, shamans, necromancer?
@Ganyonz 8 дней назад
I have not. Mostly played rhino based teams.
@joshh7819 8 дней назад
@@Ganyonz I wonder how it'd go. 2 rhinos to initially tank. 2 shamans to set up healing and sustain, and then 2 Warlock and necro to bring a never ending supply of minions.
@irkenzim286 8 дней назад
Hi, when updating any shop, all items/units are pushed one space down. So in the top row you will find all the new available things. PS you are fun to watch :)
@Magnadra1989 9 дней назад
10:41 don't the old trow her knife to the furthest enemy? so can't you place a tank in the backline and redirect the hit away from all your damage dealers?
@FadingOut1403 9 дней назад
If you make the building for the unit you want to use they will spawn in your shop consistently
@Magnadra1989 9 дней назад
i believe the cleric is faster than the tank and gets hit first can't heal himself and so never uses his heal until the tank takes damage
@raider363 9 дней назад
This game looks really neat! This game is super similar to Into the Breach and a lot of the things you struggled with in this video are straight out of that game so they probably under tutorialized those aspects since they assume people will be familiar with Into the Breach.
@kiruoful 8 дней назад
I was trying to remember the game and it's indeed Into The Breach !
@deinayinyang 10 дней назад
Very fun game!
@Ganyonz 10 дней назад
@@deinayinyang totally agree! Nice for a quick gaming session.
@davidvang4050 10 дней назад
In case you don't know yet when you update shop/gladiators, it pushes everything down 1 row. Top row new updated items bottom row items disappear.
@Ganyonz 10 дней назад
I definitely did not know that. Thanks for the tip!
@williamblake7386 10 дней назад
Too bad double Rhinos is a nessesity for everyone.
@kiruoful 10 дней назад
@Ganyonz 10 дней назад
oh you just wait until later on in the playthrough 😆
@Jmross808 11 дней назад
The difficulty you talked about is the number of enemy levels your gladiators will have to deal with, per allied gladiator in the fight. For example, a 1v1 with a lvl 10 enemy will have 10 skulls. A 2v3 with 3 lvl 10 enemies will have 15 skulls (3*10/2)
@xasanth6318 11 дней назад
not scarred of that little punk until he nearly knocked out his tank with a single blow :D if you listen closely you can hear him peeing his pants :D
@oleksandrdanyliuk4488 12 дней назад
Why dont you participate weaker championship for exp and loot?
@Ganyonz 11 дней назад
Because I guess that didn't cross my mind 😂
@oleksandrdanyliuk4488 11 дней назад
@@Ganyonz It might be mechanic for low levels. You can choose first championship and set low characters (I hope low championships doesnt scale)
@Ganyonz 11 дней назад
@@oleksandrdanyliuk4488 no, you can, i do it in later episodes. I record in bulk though so something might happen 3 or 4 episodes later, but for me its only the next day. So it might take a bit for new info to make it into my playthrough.
@williamblake7386 12 дней назад
I am pretty sure my units leveled up after getting killed in a fight.
@williamblake7386 12 дней назад
10:54 Even the High Necromancer is not so cruel.
@neoteraflare 12 дней назад
As I see the number on the units are the damage they dealt in the last battle.
@Just_Beboy 12 дней назад
Love the art style of this game. Very Kurzgesagt.
@williamblake7386 12 дней назад
Here is my logic of the problem. If number of the underachievers is more than one, lets say two, you can't put only one of them into the battle, the other one will suffer. So you put them both at the same time. Also, you must be able to replace your best two, otherwise it does not make sense. I see one solution. You have to have the army so strong that if you replace two or more highest levels for lowest ones, nothing bad will happen. Regarding berserker. Just put more stats in agility. Almost a main stat. Hes punch, kick and block based on it. P.p.s Totally agree with you about priority system. Just shit. Leave 3 prorities for your troops: melee/ranged/support targets and thats it. Similar problem with item swapping. Just make them unswappable. Wanna new item in a slot? Destroy or sell previous one. Without these obnoxious routines the game would have been quite alot better.