Used to be for sharing, but now I host the Zeepkist Map Reviews Series! You'll find all subsequent episodes on my channel right here, I hope you enjoy them!
Linzi - PURPLE PINK // [ For Me_The_Maou ]
11 месяцев назад
Linzi - Calic0
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Linzi - Vagabond
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Linzi - Mynt
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@ConnieMarico 24 дня назад
Clark Melissa Gonzalez Deborah Young Jose
@Destroyer_of_Worlds 2 месяца назад
That ice dragon is gorgeous. ❄
@Destroyer_of_Worlds 2 месяца назад
You can tell you didn't play a ton of Mario Kart because you just drove right under those Pirahna plants lol.
@Destroyer_of_Worlds 2 месяца назад
NeoFunk Jungle reminds me of Ballonlea from pokemon, I love it.
@Destroyer_of_Worlds 2 месяца назад
I'm realizing I've been off-grid building on my second ever map, and probably should be 🤭
@Destroyer_of_Worlds 2 месяца назад
Is anyone else binging this series? Very educational as a new Zeep player/builder
@Linzi_ 2 месяца назад
Glad it can be of some use to you! :D
@Der_Yoloist 2 месяца назад
3:27 oh. my. god. Im totally on Maous side :D
@st_nicholas 2 месяца назад
Thanks for reviewing our track! totally agree with the second sign, it wasnt quite right, prob should have used more deco to show the path in that spot.
@Quickracer10 2 месяца назад
I better be seeing that deedee map in lobbies, Holy moly! What a masterpiece!
@Linzi_ 2 месяца назад
@DeeDeeNaNaNa 2 месяца назад
The Ice Wrym isn't from anything, I actually started making bicuits(cookies) when I opened the editor that day. I've not done a risky before either, it just kind of felt right to add one on this map for some reason. Thanks for the comments, it's always good to see it from another perspective. Really good job on the video too!
@Linzi_ 2 месяца назад
You did such a great job on the map! :D
@codywilson6407 2 месяца назад
Nice reviews!
@Linzi_ 2 месяца назад
Nice comment!
@zivecef 2 месяца назад
eh we always gotta start learning somewhere, although i did think of that cut while building but never tried it for some reason, and while that track is a bit rough it's an ok start for me in v16. at least it's not caramelized onions
@Linzi_ 2 месяца назад
I'm sure other people will enjoy it more than I did personally, it's still a good and completable map. And yeah, I think a lot of builders are also treating v16 as a "restart", using the new pieces is very tricky to balance I've found, it'll take some time until we're all used to it.
@zivecef 2 месяца назад
smh it took me 8 hours to realize i put 'it' instead of 'cut'
@MRJames-246 2 месяца назад
To explain some stuff regarding Gardens: I remade the track with the idea of it being a "Retro Course" kind of like MK, which is why I changed the layout and style as drastically as I did. The bridge could've actually been MORE brutal than it ended up being. Before I added the road pieces that smooth you into the bridge, you would get sent up and gain a bit of airtime. (Unrelated but I love how that bridge turned out. Same with the buildings! (I'm surprised you didn't mention them.)) About the AFK start. Whenever I playtested the level, I would set up on the left side to transition into the turn smoother than going straight. The possibility of patience kinda flew over me during building. Speaking of flying over, yes I'm aware the glider is pretty simple. I wasn't ready to make a crazy gliding challenge just yet (I can't even beat FL-02) so I switched the uphill and turns at the end with one glider turn. I was aware that the tubes were hard to navigate, but I never fixed them(?) I guess I just didn't know how to improve them at the time. The idea of different paints never came to me then. Finally as some fun facts you may have missed: In the backdrop, one of the windmills is actually floating, the 3rd building visible during the glider has no doors, and the track would have been longer. I would've had you change back into off-road tires to make a few more turns back underground to the finish... but I was tired of building at that point XD I deserve an award fo typing this all up smh 🙄
@Linzi_ 2 месяца назад
Thanks for the explanation! Also side note, the glider being simple wasn't an issue at all, I was more-or-less just describing the track.
@Cyberpunkninja92 2 месяца назад
A retro coure sounds like a cool idea, maybe i should remix one of my old tracks into a new look
@TOdistK 2 месяца назад
Firstly, thank you for reviewing The Triforce! Second, I'd like to address some of the things that were mentioned: #1 - I originally wanted to design the room walls with the actual designs from the real room, but I felt like I kept messing the designs up and decided against it. #2 - Yes, I do feel like the inner wall ride is a bit difficult, however originally it was a full 360 loop, which was worse. I'm not saying this to make it sound like "oh I could've made it harder haha", but rather to try to state that I did try to make the wall ride easier for people to pull off, even if it didnt really help much lol. #3 - For the banked section, while this may sound a bit weird, I did intend for it to be detrimental for air time. If someone does end up performing the double inner thing, props to them because I did not intend for that to work and tested it myself, always ending up the same speed as if I didnt do the inner. #4 - The fan AOE thing definitely could've had a sign or some indicator to show that you should go on the left side, apologies for not implementing that. The fan hitting the edge of the road wasn't meant to happen, I could've sworn I moved it far enough away to make you not get hit by it. #5 - The transition into the right turn was not meant to be bad, however, I really do not know how I could've made it better, because I wanted it to go from wallride to right turn, and the only way was with that transition piece unless im missing a piece or not seeing one. V16 did add the pieces I needed to fix the turn, but this track is V15. #6 - The loop did originally have the yellow edge, however, the original loop had a blind turn right after it that I wanted to get rid of. For me to do that, I had to make the loop half the size, then duplicate it, making the loop actually 2 loops. This made the yellow edge look weird to me, due to the middle yellow that I didnt really like, so I got rid of it. Sorry about that. #7 - Thank you for mentioning the false reflection! I was debating whether or not to include it because I was worried that people wouldn't notice it at all, so I'm really glad you did. The original game also has the reflection, which is why I did it. #8 - For the pixel art, I actually pulled up the images of each item, went through them one by one, then optimized afterwards. Also, the Link in red mail is taken directly from a playthrough I watched, where someone had upgraded to the red mail before collecting the triforce (which is optional, you can stay with the green tunic throughout the entire game). #9 - I will admit I definitely could have saved a lot of pieces just from the floor alone. The total amount of pieces in the level is 3,403. After watching this, I went through the level to see if I could optimize it further, and ended up with 3,178, saving 225 pieces. Once again, thank you for reviewing my map!
@Linzi_ 2 месяца назад
And thank you for the lengthy reply! :D We try to go over as much as possible within a reasonable timeframe, so I'm glad you found it insightful. And no need to apologize for anything we mentioned, it's only preference after all, and you don't need to agree with every point we make. All we really hope for is that the mapper (you) can take away some new information to apply to your future tracks!
@TheMostUt 2 месяца назад
Am I crazy, or is audio a bit higher in this one? Yet another banger ZMR. Need MOAR
@Linzi_ 2 месяца назад
If anything it should be lower lol, actually turned down most of the music & voiceover tracks, so dunno what that's about :P
@TheMostUt 2 месяца назад
@@Linzi_ Stats claimed it was -3.3dB (not sure if YT calculates that as total avg, or what exactly). Either way, still gud; just gotta turn it down a wee little bit is all.
@Linzi_ 2 месяца назад
@@TheMostUt I do believe it is an average, but pretty much every video in the series is around -3dB, so I don't get why this one would be so much different. I will keep it in mind for next episode though.
@TheMostUt 2 месяца назад
@@Linzi_ I wouldn't worry about it. It's entirely possible it's cuz I watched this one on the laptop, instead of the desktop. Totally different audio setups. Just thought I might mention it, jic something did get borked during upload (which happens sometimes)
@The_PoopSheriff 2 месяца назад
Thanks for reviewing! I knew of the blind spots but i was very averse to arrows on that track. I tried to use barriers to guide the players. I felt arrows really detracted from the style I had. If you have any tips for some alternatives, id love to hear them! I will say this video looked MUCH darker than my setup. So that is likely where the disconnect is. I made a custom skybox for this one using a bunch of glass blocks. I wanted a red skybox but not THE red skybox.
@Quickracer10 2 месяца назад
For everything the last lvl did "wrong", at least it did look nice
@Linzi_ 2 месяца назад
I'll admit it was a bit of a last-minute rush, but I do agree it looks good! And the idea is certainly cool, I think we need more tracks in this style tbh. It seems v16 had fixed some of the performance issues, but it's still very frame-y. I do think it's a fair point to make, though, that the level being this unoptimized will put off some players on lower-end machines, playing a laggy map is not very fun.
@Quickracer10 2 месяца назад
@@Linzi_ for sure, all the weird small scaled pieces instead of one big piece is one of the most strangest design choices i have seen in a level yet
@Quickracer10 2 месяца назад
For our track, zwimpie was working on the track for the Circuit ZSL and was not going to finish it without help, so he made the layout and asked me to help with the deco. In the end we didn't finish it in time, but coincidentally this ZSL gave us a chance to submit it anyway😁. (Very fair point about the shortcut having no sign)
@Linzi_ 2 месяца назад
Always love to hear the backstory behind a track's creation, it's really cool that it happened to work out like it did! :D
@The_Lexer 2 месяца назад
Cyber Sprint Security is my new favorite billboard
@Quickracer10 2 месяца назад
Have you seen the other ones I made in V16 yet? I would say this is far from my favorite (I still like it) the billboards are as a blueprint on modkist! (The zookist ones are my favorite)
@Linzi_ 2 месяца назад
'Sunbaked Gems' for me, the colors are pretty :D
@st_nicholas 2 месяца назад
cool tracks!
@Linzi_ 2 месяца назад
cool comment!
@Insilin 2 месяца назад
Last map was a recreation of something, rip original creator credit lol
@Cornshot1 3 месяца назад
Thank you so much for reviewing Zookist! These videos are always so well done. Clear you guys have put a lot of work into them Multipath maps definitely come with a bunch of problems. In this case, I built the route with the shortcuts in mind as the main route but it meant that some of the non-shortcut routes ended up being a bit jankier than I would've liked. The Zeepguy with the Pumpkin was meant to be Leiter! (Although I am represented as the Zeepguy getting run over with barrels). Can't believe I only left one Maki flower!
@diabler92 3 месяца назад
And I'm represented as the zeepguy being chased by the ostrich 😂
@Quickracer10 3 месяца назад
Okay so😅 I am happy you liked the deco, i get the pipe transfer 10/10 clean which is a clear problem of mapper bias, but like you said, idk how we could have done the transfer different. The split arrows that are at the pencils but not at the book jump is just a fail, complete oversight. This was both our first time using teamkist, so expect more cohesive layouts in the future!
@Linzi_ 3 месяца назад
Yeah, mapper bias is something I don't think anyone can fix completely. I definitely still have that issue myself with my newest levels. But, for a first time using teamkist, it was really well put together. And with your latest collab, I can already tell you the layouts are getting a lot better :D
@Quickracer10 3 месяца назад
@@Linzi_ all credits for the latest map go to zwimpie, i just did most of the deco
@diabler92 3 месяца назад
So the problems on Zookist came mostly from ... me ... 😂 Yeah I'm not as skilled as Cornshot to build super clean tracks We knew the double path will be a problem as everyone would take the fastest path, but since I asked for it, I don't see it as a problem 😅 To be fair, after 3 months of work on this track, defaults/problems are hard to see/feel Like the hallway (totally my fault), to get over 140km/h you need a great entrance in "Seakist", a good wallride and a perfect tuberide, so yeah it's hard because you are skilled enough 😝 The gift shop changed (short path added) and we forgot to modify the long path 😅 The owl is obviously a reference to Owlplague, and a remain of an aviary that we couldn't put because the track is obviously already too long and block heavy I laughed at the penguins not having cooling system while they don't have windows to keep the area cold and at the Maki flower that we missed 🤣 Thx for the review 😊
@Linzi_ 3 месяца назад
Glad you liked the review! Always good to know I made someone laugh XD (Lexer made that point about the penguin cooling system) I do feel the need to reiterate that most of the 'problems' here were very very minor, except for the aquarium chicane. I think arguably the people that are going to play a map the most, are ones that want to set faster and faster times. Pampering to that faster playerbase may be something to keep in mind for future levels, but it's just a thought.
@l3mmy_k 3 месяца назад
@MRJames-246 3 месяца назад
Linzi said 1 bad thing about my level which means I SUCK AT MAKING LEVELS AND SHOULD BE WIPED OFF THE FACE OF THE PLANET (But seriously thanks for letting me know about the fan, wallriding and the object count. Most of these came at the point where you just say "Fuck you the bug is a feature now")
@Linzi_ 3 месяца назад
Most importantly the level is fun, and the minor issues just add some charm to it! As for the object count, I would definitely recommend checking out the editor mods if you decide to take on any projects bigger than this :P
@0ans4ar-mu 3 месяца назад
agghh! that cut nooo!! facepalming so hard right now... Thank yous for the considerate feedback. I'm going to be leaving Red Ribbon as-is, and take what I'm learning to avoid the same mistakes on my next map (its also an irl playground, spoilers)
@Linzi_ 3 месяца назад
It looks very cool! Gameplay issues aside, I'm interested to see what kind of deco you can make in the future :D
@socks2423 3 месяца назад
the 13 boosters were there bc the booster force option wasn't in the game back then. The only option was to just overlap a bunch. IDK why I used 13 specifically. When v10 was in development, Saty and I used this map to test the changes to the boosters to check if the booster force was being applied correctly.
@Linzi_ 3 месяца назад
ooooh that's actually interesting! Makes sense then, ty for clearing that up ;D
@nic5423 3 месяца назад
They had been saying this track was an older one. That little detail told me HOW old! Cool map, keep it up!
@st_nicholas 3 месяца назад
some nice tracks today! that red ribbon track hard tho
@Linzi_ 3 месяца назад
hard indeed, it looks amazing though
@TheMostUt 3 месяца назад
WOOOOO ZMR AMAZING YYEEEAAAHHHHH :D Plus a Maki VO? Owen Wilson!! And a THE Maou, tooooo???? OMG Always a banger, fs. Look forward to whatever the future may hold for the series
@codywilson6407 3 месяца назад
Great vid!
@socks2423 3 месяца назад
Absolutely love the censoring of B****s.
@zivecef 3 месяца назад
glad that my main issue is that it was hard, i think i'm on the right track but for the neon issue, i'm sorry but i really liked how it looked, i know i could've added glass over it but i feel like it contributed to the atmosphere.
@Linzi_ 3 месяца назад
👀 don't tell maki but I actually like bloom, but it can definitely be overused sometimes.
@socks2423 3 месяца назад
Feedback is only there for you to decide what to do with it. If that's how you want the map go for it. Me personally, the neon/bloom doesn't bother me but the bright reds do. Something about the unfiltered red skybox and flesh paints hurt my eyes. Everything ends up looking a teal green for ~5 minutes after playing bright red maps. I usually just take brake for a few minutes whenever these tracks come up.
@st_nicholas 3 месяца назад
nice video!
@Linzi_ 3 месяца назад
nice comment!
@sfisabbt 3 месяца назад
@@Linzi_ No, you're breathtaking. :D
@lr0dl012 3 месяца назад
amazing as always <3
@Linzi_ 3 месяца назад
@sfisabbt 3 месяца назад
Excellent video, love it. Knowing how much effort Sahne has put in the unicorn map, I'm really impressed with the remaster. What a cool map.
@Linzi_ 3 месяца назад
It's a great map for sure! I love seeing worldbuilding done well, and I think that map has to be a staple for everyone else to reference on how to do it right :D
@Smooth_as_Butter 3 месяца назад
I’m so glad this series is back! These are so fun to watch!
@Linzi_ 3 месяца назад
And I'm glad you find them fun! They're honestly a lot of fun to make, too :D
@Cyberpunkninja92 3 месяца назад
I was watching rustmaw ridge's review, and im sorry for the mesh, i just use it because it is tansparent like glass, but with more immersion factor, i can change it to glass. Also i did not resubmit the track, and i will probably try and fix the issues mentioned here if i go back to this track, since it isnt a zsl track anymore
@Linzi_ 3 месяца назад
I can tell you as a judge it's definitely a ZSL track, it seems to have been accepted despite the issues with the checkpoints. If you didn't update it and fix the track, I guess the bot's flag was overridden by Akane or someone. (And glass technically is better than mesh, but it has its own plethora of visibility issues it can cause, so be mindful)
@Cyberpunkninja92 3 месяца назад
@@Linzi_ No, it wasnt a bot that flagged the track, it was akane
@Cyberpunkninja92 3 месяца назад
@@Linzi_ Oh....it was resubmitted, and it made it into zsl
@R.B. 3 месяца назад
I just played this map in a lobby. My PC has a pretty low refresh rate, and mesh really makes it difficult sometimes to read because of how broken it is (visually it loses continuity). In the 5 minute lobby, I got to that last turn and missed the down turn into the finish. As Linzi was suggesting, I think first person views would have helped with readability. It was a fun map and I probably would have finished with another attempt.
@RoundNzt 6 месяцев назад
yolo did a really really good job on the cosmetics, trophies and all the other stuff, was definitely fun building with him :D
@Der_Yoloist 6 месяцев назад
dito :>
@Der_Yoloist 6 месяцев назад
0:27 That definition is exactly what it is B-) The track wasnt actually planned in the first place, only the "afk", where you have that cinematic impression of the past showdown champs. But since it's an intermission level, I wanted to let the people decide if they just wanna relax for the moment and have a nice view or if they wanna do something and keep there hands warm with a track :) I mostly hope you like how you look - how does it feel to be on that podium? :D Round did an exceptionally amazing job here and I cant thank him enough. We did the whole level in like 9 Teamkist sessions. It was a task to make this level like it is. and I can say.. making cosmetics is a real pain. Im really happy how they turned out! Hopefully we get them in the editor v16. Thanks for the review. :) I can see improvements every week in your reviews and that maou takes some work from you and also does some voiceovers is a great addition! Cant really say something bad so. there you go. :> Have a wonderful rest of the day
@Linzi_ 6 месяцев назад
Podium feels great 😎 You guys made a better Hall of Fame than I ever could, that's for sure. The cosmetics are so well-made, though. If only I had settled on the cosmetics I use now all the way back then :P
@lr0dl012 6 месяцев назад
9:03 not FFFFFF flashbacks *_*'
@Linzi_ 6 месяцев назад
@Linzi_ 6 месяцев назад
tbh your map isn't as bad, because yours at least pairs it with some simple deco. The map in this video is just visual busyness overload imo
@TheMostUt 6 месяцев назад
Good vijya, amazeen. Chef's kiss.
@socks2423 6 месяцев назад
Made thumbnail :D
@Linzi_ 6 месяцев назад
@Quickracer10 6 месяцев назад
Interesting how the Graham map has so much of the same transitions as rounds map, pretty sure grahams map was made first tho (nvm, i am spreading lies lol)
@Linzi_ 6 месяцев назад
Graham's map was made about 2 weeks after Round's
@Quickracer10 6 месяцев назад
@@Linzi_ oh really, i thought rounds map was kinda new, my bad!
@Linzi_ 6 месяцев назад
no worries, I was interested so I checked previously :P If Graham's was before, then I probably wouldn't have included that point at all.
@R0nanC 6 месяцев назад
@Linzi_ 6 месяцев назад
Poggers! x6
@TheMostUt 6 месяцев назад
OMG I foryot to lev a comment. ZMR is amazing. Updates are neato. Eagerly anticipating more, and more, and MOAR!! Linzi voice is soothing and smooth, very calming.
@HardOnReviews 6 месяцев назад
Definitely see what you mean about the wall rides around 11:30. Cool overall though, dropped a like up top
@sfisabbt 6 месяцев назад
Excellent video, very fair critic. I'm glad the mapping community get to learn of the risk of unity bounces from my experience. I love the idea of duplicating the finish blocks to make them more visible.
@Linzi_ 6 месяцев назад
Glad we could help, maki was the perfect fit to review your level considering they have the wr run with that lucky bounce :D
@JobWah 6 месяцев назад
yay linzi review time. Good stuff, keep them coming!
@Linzi_ 6 месяцев назад
I'll be taking a week off after the next episode comes out, but everything will be back on schedule after that :D
@Der_Yoloist 6 месяцев назад
Wonderful episode! Lets review that episode like you would do it haha First impression: I loved the new structure a lot and you also executed that very well! My immediate thought was liking the video :D I rarely mute myself in discord to watch a video to the end but you kept me here for a long time without pausing and looking away. Thats a good thing! The "Bad": Its very hard to find anything bad and its really nitpicky (love that word) -> the pause of your voice between the transitions was a bit lenghtly sometimes. After a transition you expect something almost right after it. Sometimes I felt like a 2 seconds delay before you started talking. (: Thats all. for the "bad" thing. I would say that barely matters :DD The Good: Everything seems to be very clear. As a viewer you know what to expect and you can easily divert on what you are currently saying thanks to the visual feedback. It has a great tandem to your texts. The Map drawing you did for Renergy with the green, blue and white line.. I have no other words than GENUIS! absoletly cool feature. must've been a ton of work (: I would really keep it going like it is. It is a great and well executed format. Closing thoughts: Amazing video, This is what I crave in the Zeepkist community a lot, a really high production quality on a fast regular pace. I think this is close to being perfect and I really hope you can keep up the tempo. :) nothing more to say, cant wait for next episode ^-^ Greetings
@Linzi_ 6 месяцев назад
Appreciate the lengthy review <3 The pauses between sections I knew were gonna be a bad quality, but they stayed like that due to time constraints (my problem). Glad at least someone pointed it out though because they would've changed anyways XD And as for the lines on Renergy's map, those really don't take very long XD. I do want to try to do at least one unique thing per video, and this week that was my thing :D Greetings