I just talk about things I like so I guess, analysis?

Stereotypes In The Dan Schneider-verse
2 месяца назад
Nickelodeon’s Failed Musical Sitcoms
4 месяца назад
Overanalysing EVERY Victorious Ship
6 месяцев назад
Analyzing iCarly Ships: Creddie & Seddie
6 месяцев назад
Remember My Babysitter’s A Vampire?
7 месяцев назад
Disney Isn’t Dying, You Just Grew Up
7 месяцев назад
Ranking EVERY Victorious Performance
7 месяцев назад
The Dan-Schneider Universe MAKES NO SENSE
8 месяцев назад
Zoey 102 Is A Movie...That Exists (SPOILERS)
9 месяцев назад
Analyzing The Incestuous Relationships In Friends
10 месяцев назад
@randomblackperson9209 49 секунд назад
17:01 In "Alex in the Middle" it's revealed that Jerry originally won the competition and gave his powers to marry Teresa. He also didn't meet Teresa at the time so naturally, he would still have his powers and didn't have to give them up yet.
@tobeymalone3436 4 минуты назад
Why do I only see this guy as Kendall Roy now?
@phillinsogood 23 минуты назад
What happens if there’s a big age gap between the children does the older one win by default or do both of them by default?
@luckyowl6432 47 минут назад
Dan Benson was always my favorite character 😏
@phillinsogood Час назад
Let’s be honest the writers didn’t know what they wanted to do with Max. He always felt like just comic relief and a background character
@EquinoxGate Час назад
6:14 as soon as I heard this I knew this crap was just going to be a Yappathon
@matthewmusco2581 3 часа назад
I’m assuming Max’s wand came with preset spells like the mimic spell and other more simple spells similar to the training wand Harper used, meanwhile Alex and Justin’s came with less presents like flashing places
@zaynabmusleh5197 3 часа назад
Jerry actually won the wizard competition. He decided to sacrifice his powers for Theresa and gave them to Kelbo instead.
@roseville412 6 часов назад
Not to mention that the Angry Black Woman is almost ALWAYS overweight if they are over the age of 30.
@mintolae 6 часов назад
a lot of people miss the fact about why Riley said she loved Lucas like a brother. During an episode where she was asked to the dance by Charlie, she asked Eric and Jack about their Triangle. Jack tells her that he dated the girl and they no longer speak and Eric said that the girl loved him like a brother and they still talk. Riley didnt wanna loose Lucas if their relationship didnt work out which is why she chose to go out with Charlie and let Lucas and Maya try it out. But because Farkle found out, he told everyone in the new years episode. We all know Rileys number 1 priorities are her friends, so she took that advice to heart in order to not lose Lucas as a friend.
@staceynainlab888 6 часов назад
Jerry didn't lose the competition to Kelbo, Jerry won the competition but gave up his magic so he could marry a muggle
@unibrowsheepZ 8 часов назад
Having only one child in the family become the family wizard actually makes some sense when you consider how old the tradition is. In ancient civilizations the first born child would inherit the family's lands and the others would have to find something else to do. If every family split up the lands between their kids, the lands would continue to become smaller and smaller and no one could use them. Having one person be the inherentor was a nessecity. Similarly, if everyone born with wizarding powers became a wizard, things would become very chaotic and unstable. The winners of the competition are usually the most responsible, so by ensuring the most responsible inherits the magic, it creates more stability.
@rosecoloredbby 6 часов назад
This would make sense if magic in the wizarding world were some finite source that had to be shared between people in wizaring society, but according to the show's lore, magic is some sort of electricity that comes from generators?? In the real world, yes electricity is technically a finite source and we share it, but we don't inherit it, we pay for it, as a service. So if magic in the show works somewhat the same way, why can't wizarding families just pay to use it, or society find a way to generate more magic (like we do with renewables)? If magic were instead something physical that you could see and touch and actually split up, I could see this point working better (and it would be fun to see how they would portray this physical form of magic) bu idk, magic to me was always portrayed as something that came from within the wizard on the show, not from an outside source, despite all the random storylines that tried to say otherwise.
@VictorianDemonica 12 часов назад
Honestly, the fact that Stevie was able to find over 5,000 wizards struggling with their own competitions and fears says a whole lot about how unfair the system is - especially when given no reason. Seriously, would it have been so hard to give an actual reason??? Like maybe because wizard families always had multiple children, it eventually caused some of the more troublemaking wizards to cause chaos and destruction and thus a wizarding civil war broke out and it caused this whole competition to be made in the first place. But instead it’s just given a shrug and ‘don’t question it’… Worse still, if you were to think about it, not everyone studies the same and some have a hard time concentrating or have test anxiety - so really the competition benefits the book smart individuals like Justin, but not those who are street smart like Alex and arguably Stevie, do good deeds but not the most intelligent, or who strive for change in the magic and/or mortal world. And since they clearly know that this competition alone has torn families apart, then why not have it that if those who lose also looses their memories of having powers and thus it doesn’t entirely destroy families. But then again I could be over analyzing this whole thing 😖
@christophersmith210 16 часов назад
Even tho i enjoyed Jade's singing more than Tori Jade's talent isnt singing its directing. So i dont understand the hate of we all sing, when the others talents arent singing. Jade has Directing, Beck has Acting, Andre has Music, Robbie has Puppets, Trina has Martial Arts. Its almost like singing wasnt the only talent
@honeybbqwings2664 16 часов назад
I dont know how i ended up here but this break down was pretentious. When the episode about religion was talked about was like..wow a person whos upset about people promoting religion that talks about a kids show like theyre an intellectual . Im shocked... then defending communism. Im even more shocked 🥱. This is the most 2024 thing ive ever watched and am now dumber for having watched it. Thank you.
@ToxicXNature 18 часов назад
Stevie was absolutely right, and honestly hearing something close to my theory gave me a bit of a jump scare, but I honestly don't think that Crumb would be the one trying to keep all the power for himself. I mean, it could make sense in a way, because he's so fucking old and we already know him... Adding in some new random character doesn't really make sense (then again they did kind of add a random villain towards the end themselves lmao) but I still think it could be something even older than the Headmaster. I've also had the thought that it could be a way to both power the wizarding world, as it is literally an alternate dimension that they all created, and to keep the secret. If there are less wizards, and the wizards there are have a safe place to hide and exist, it protects them from witch hunts. I guess in that case, the wizarding competition could have been made in self-defense, get the most capable wizards of each generation the most power so that if something goes wrong they can defend against the mortals... ... Still fucked up tho how they literally prosecuted Justin and Alex over a fucking TEST!!! THEY DIDN'T EVEN EXPOSE MAGIC!!! THOSE WEREN'T EVEN REAL PEOPLE!!!! THEY JUST FAILED A TEST BY REVEALING MAGIC TO A GUY WHO *ALREADY KNOWS* ABOUT IT!!!! God, looking back on that entire plot makes me so mad. I mean, I really like the delinquents, and all the stupid shenanigans that happen because of that, but the set up was such unjust bullshit
@gabrielleduplessis7388 18 часов назад
I can picture a situation like the hunger games where enough of the rebels or the bad users jeopardized everything through their magic making the good magic users just fight to the metaphorical death. And I got to tell you, I always cried for Alex when Justin threw that sandwich at her. He could not only have had hurt her, but the customers at the table. And to have that much hate, resentment, and anger for someone for simply saving their friends is unfathomable to me. I get it. All that work for nothing. But your powers are squat compared to losing your friends, in my opinions. This really made me hate the guy. I gradually not liked Justin after loving him for many episodes when the writers turned Justin into this. And I hated how easy it was for Max to follow Justin on that. O just can’t with that.
@Shaylovespopeye 18 часов назад
I disagree I love Justin
@jessicalindly2118 18 часов назад
The Maya and Josh thing was so uncomfortable and honestly such a bad lesson too. A show made for children should not advocate for a relationship between a 14 and 17 year old. Not to mention that even if there were no age gap, it should absolutely be enough for Josh to say no. Another bad lesson when everyone gangs up on him and acts like he isn’t allowed to say no.
@itsmefm 19 часов назад
I always thought that Stevie plotline was stupid and I stand by it. Gorog was evil and wanted to turn the world evil, so him being seen as the antagonist and defeated makes sense. But all Stevie wanted was a fair chance to keep her powers. She was not a villain. Sure the way she went about it was underhanded but she was a cornered and scared teenager. She did not ask to be born 10 or so years after her older brother, heck she did not ask to be born at all into a wizard family. It is not fair for her to go up against an adult who had way more time to prepare for the competition. Even Max was done dirty cuz he was never given a fair chance. Not everyone excels at studying, so the whole competition in general is completely unfair. Anyway great video as always, but I am tired of constantly having to resubscribe to all my favorite channels, RU-vid has really been tripping lately. Tiktok is the same, I have to constantly make sure I am following the creators I previously followed cuz I randomly see that I am unfollowing them smh
@badnewsbeca 20 часов назад
Max's wand in the movie looks like a literal drumstick
@Ulises92 20 часов назад
The body switching spell they used in the Quinceañera episode later being changed to a “witches spell” never made any sense because it’s never explained what the difference between a witch and a wizard
@Daniel-bj4lz 20 часов назад
I always thought if you were the only child you’d face other only children in other families. 😂
@Daniel-bj4lz 21 час назад
Amazing video. Great job
@illuminashley5668 21 час назад
i find it so funny that i loved this show as a kid and my dad would watch it with me and he also liked it from what i remember but he was also a very conservative trump supporter and kid diddler and i feel like that says a little about the show not in a the writers r peedos way but just dam
@blueseer 21 час назад
Andy Mack is what GMW should have been
@Shyyannek 22 часа назад
In all seriousness Max should’ve zoomed passed both of them to cross that finish line 😭
@shattermind9355 День назад
It's bad writing to assassinate a character to bring another up.
@Mihoshika День назад
Keep in mind, The Office is a show about an ordinary office being recorded for a documentary. The theory that Kevin was just pretending to be dumb was confirmed by the writers.
@poxidog День назад
The only reason i can think of to have a family wizard competition is to prevent familys from having lots of wizards by having kids snd make siblings fight so they can't have like an army of cousins either. The implications still being crumb trying to keep power
@carlagalea2937 День назад
When I lernt of the 4 elements all I heard was Avatar The Last Airbender XD 🤪🤪
@Mario-SunshineGalaxy64 День назад
I think that the features on Max’s wand are just that, features, ones that the wand can perform without the need of a spell. I’m guessing that the spells the wand can perform are low-level or mundane spells that can be cast at the metaphorical push of a button instead of actually casting a spell.
@Stevieseightwonder День назад
@the_blackpotatoe1268 День назад
Shaq has a pocket elf and played for Orlando Magic….he’s a wizard 😮
@m.i.action8148 День назад
He didn’t loose the competition, he gave up his powers to marry
@TDM_ День назад
This tv show trope is pretty decent at making a joke or two off of the character. Movie actors doing the same like Will Ferrell have gotten so dumb that I can’t stand watching him anymore. Thinking of old good movies from Will Ferrell he was witty dumb and progressed to like Stepbrother/Anchorman dumb. Which was some of his best work and to now. Watch the house casino movie he is in, it’s one of the worst movies I’ve ever seen also with other movies just as bad like Get Hard. It’s a great trope but it doesn’t fit actors that have a lot more talent
@globblin1734 День назад
Wonder how the wizarding world would handle half siblings
@Kay-Renee День назад
I hear a Jamaican
@hidansektas День назад
wait justin bieber? were they dating back then at that time
@cathynguyen4198 День назад
They started dating in 2011. Towards the very end of the show. The name dropped could have been because he was immensely gaining fame during the time.
@hidansektas День назад
@cathynguyen4198 oooh thanks. i forgot when exactly because i couldnt find the episode name so i didnt know when it aired. but true justin did get popular in 2009ish??
@MusicForMyDemons День назад
Damn, why do you just see race everywhere? That is such a sad way to life
@visualsituation День назад
I always thought that only one sibling was allowed to keep their magic because it's a powerful thing and it makes sense that only wizards who have proved their responsible get to use it. But it is still messed up cause why only pit siblings against eachother and not have worldwide competitions instead? And if you lose you should at-least be allowed minor magic abilities. Like if Harper could open bottles with a training wand, then if you lose your powers, you could still use forms of magic like that. Plus, was the two headed dog insinuating that the dog used Alex's wand to grow another head? So if you don't have powers you could still use the wand of a wizard with powers? It would be nice if the show ever gets a reboot, that they have a whole new system of government that is for the people lol. Stevie was the best character idk I wish her and Alex had more time together.
@zacharykhan8556 День назад
I don't think the competition starting because Alex cooked dinner is random. My guess is it was an either or situation. Either the siblings wait until the scheduled date for the competition in which it will be held no matter what and only the eligible siblings can participate, or the siblings complete the requirements before the competition is scheduled resulting in it being held earlier. Also fwiw, Justin doesn't have powers in the upcoming revival so ig the writers didn't want him to have powers either.
@AshleysAdvice День назад
You raise a lot of good points in this video but I think a lot of it also comes down to each individual family first of all secondly the age of each family member and also how they are being trained and by who because remember there is the Wizarding school and then also sometimes they can be chewed at home like how Jerry tutors them, also When you were talking about how he does lots of different classes but they all take them together remember he's teaching them certain spells altogether but then they're studying on their own as well you just don't see it, it's mentioned when they talk about Alex and mostly all of the time they talk about Justin doing independent study but they do talk about Max doing independent study as well so it's implied that they do independent study but it's just They have certain classes they take together and it's sort of implied that jury pulls from different levels and does different spells with them he doesn't do everything in order if that makes sense. Also the thing at the end of the show before the competition when Alex does a selfless deed I don't think that that is specific to the contest I think it's just specific to Her because we know that the professor targets individual students like he targets most of the time Alex but sometimes Justin as well and tests them kind of individually so I think part of her being selfless and not using magic and all of that is just another test like they all knew once they reach a certain level that the family wizard competition was going to take place it was sort of implied that once Max was at a similar age to his siblings then the test would begin so it was sort of implied that they had like five years or whatever before the test was gonna take place that was always got it reached a certain level of skill like once they were all past level three or something like that then they would have the Wizarding competition and it was always implied that it would be once they were older like implication out of school they were nearing the end of high school school or something like that but at the same time it could happen any time it was kind of implied I know it doesn't seem like it kind of brought up that wing competition although they talk about it being far off in the future especially in season one the implication is that that once you reach a certain level the test can happen at any time it's just that although they know when as in around the age that they'll be for the competition they just don't know what the competition is or the exact date of it is the implication I got like they knew okay it'll happen this year but we don't know what day if that makes sense or they may not have even known but they knew it was gonna take place around this time they were just waiting on certain things like points and things and I know it doesn't quite make sense but that's kind of fun of the show is that some stuff doesn't quite make sense and if you think about it too hard it's gonna break your brain but I think there are a lot of things you mentioned that if you think about them a little bit more they start to make a bit more sense you just have to think about it differently and understand that the logic system is different it's not always consistent that you just don't think about it and also you have to remember that a lot of the things that different people say in the show it's not that it's inaccurate it's not like oh this doesn't make sense know what's actually happening is that especially professor crumbs is just making a lot of stuff up he's just bending the rules for different families he's doing different competitions for different families he's playing with rules he's doing whatever he wants to do like a lot of it doesn't make sense because he's in control and he can do whatever he wants if he wants to remote them he can demote them if he wants to give them extra points he can give them extra points and more importantly we see this when he steps down his headmaster and makes Justin headmaster he gives him his powers, so clearly he does whatever he wants like don't think about it too literally because obviously the creators of this world have thought about the magic system quite well and yes there are some errors with it like some mistakes and that's just because it is a Disney show like don't think about it too hard but then at the same time you also have to remember that although some stuff doesn't make sense the main purpose or the main law of the show does and when it doesn't make sense it's not because it's a mistake it's because it has something to do with the characters usually the professor just doing what he wants like a lot of the things you've pulled from in this episode where you say oh this was stated by Professor crumbs but then he also said this and this can't be right well you have to remember he's just making those things up they don't actually matter he's just deciding when the competition is or he's deciding what makes them get demoted or what you know so don't think about it too literally because it is his decision and it's gonna be different for every family and then a lot of it you can't take seriously because they do it for fun like the fact that they have the magical power bank thing that shuts off all the powers like that's just a joke it's not supposed to be taken literally. Also I do think that although there are a lot of things about the movie that don't quite miss with the show because they had different writers and stuff there are some things about it they do okay the magical wand that each family has that is something that is a movie only I think but firstly I think Calbo does have that one I'm not sure if it's just a movie only thing I haven't really looked at his wand but I do know that he has that magic that has the film and we see it in Alex versus Alex now I don't know if the original craters of the show produced that or if someone else did or if it was the craters of the film or what but she has the same magic system that Jerry had in the film like the way in which her powers work now that she's the full wizard is the same I also think it's really cool that she won the competition in the movie which was foreshadowing to her winning in the show and I think the way they handled both of those dances were really cool as well I think it was a little bit of a cheat to make get his powers back by getting the professors powers and all of that but still I did like how they handled it I feel sorry for Max though but it did make sense that he didn't have powers in the end. Also Felix's magical wand is not a reference to Dumbledore's wand, it might be but it's also and more importantly a reference to another Disney property a movie nobody really knows much about but it's also a reference to King Arthur and that is the sword in the stone the magic wand inside the globe is the sword in the stone and the fact that nobody catches that I find surprising but there you go that's what the reference actually is. Magical sword that only a certain person was able to wield and pull out of a magical rock so there you go that is what the in the globe thing was it's also kind of a reference to doors hammer I guess because only Thor could lift itanother one of those kind of things.
@Momofan69 День назад
I wonder if microplastics being found in humans would affect how spells impacted them.
@pavelkiselev_youtube День назад
That is so sad people make fun of them :/
@h2gwillkmo День назад
I feel like the wizard competition should have been like you get a wider range of power if you win and if you lose you keep like standard level powers. So you do get something and if you don't win, you won't feel resentment to your siblings.
@MissBimbo222 День назад
That's actually a good idea!
@iamawesome4026 3 часа назад
What do you mean by standard level powers
@h2gwillkmo 18 минут назад
@@iamawesome4026 honestly idk 😭 i just be talking, but like they could give them a select number on spells like a couple hundred or something or just keep the "losers" at a weaker wizard power level.
@h2gwillkmo День назад
So Shaquille is a wizard
@richardtaylor1704 День назад
When did they say that julliet has a sould they never said that what tf
@Pimpedout007101 День назад
It’s weird that drake and josh is a show in ICarly but Helen is a character in victorious which is definitely the same universe as ICarly
@NicolayGiraldo День назад
The fact you believed the painted door scene is funny and not cringe is the reason all those characters were written that way. The dumb characters are the way to make the audience feel smart without any effort from their part =)