Simon Clark
Simon Clark
Simon Clark
My name is Simon and I make videos to improve your climate literacy.

In particular I focus on the physical Earth system, and how the atmosphere, climate, and climate change intersects with our lives. Sometimes I even try to be funny.

Since completing my PhD in atmospheric physics at the University of Exeter, this has been my full time job. I also stream on Twitch, host the How To Make A Science Video podcast, and wrote a book!
Three months ago you changed my life
День назад
11 Unsolved Problems in Climate Change
14 дней назад
The green future of coal mining
Месяц назад
How green is fake meat, really?
Месяц назад
The climate lies you'll hear this year
Месяц назад
Why your flight has got bumpier
3 месяца назад
Is there any good news about climate change?
3 месяца назад
I don't think I can keep doing this.
4 месяца назад
How do we know our carbon emissions?
4 месяца назад
2023: A Year In Climate Change
5 месяцев назад
Everything you need to know about El Niño
5 месяцев назад
COP was a supersoaker
5 месяцев назад
Global Warming: The Century We Saved Earth
6 месяцев назад
The bias problem with climate satellites
6 месяцев назад
The revolution in finding habitable exoplanets
7 месяцев назад
Why aren't we all using heat pumps?
7 месяцев назад
An update and some happy news
8 месяцев назад
Why is it the 'climate crisis' now?
8 месяцев назад
One of the most incredible days of my life
8 месяцев назад
The simple equation linking water and galaxies
9 месяцев назад
How far can I go on my solar powered bike?
10 месяцев назад
Fridges: the key to keeping Earth cool?
10 месяцев назад
I'm putting on an event!
11 месяцев назад
@Objectified 3 часа назад
Any discussion addressing climate change that does not lead or prominently feature nuclear energy is not going to produce sustainable solutions. The direct and knock-on benefits of widescale nuclear energy would be game changing on their own.
@alessandrojaker7160 4 часа назад
In my field, what you call "tipping points" we call "quantal regions".
@user-kl8gd7vg5d 4 часа назад
I've been contemplating using nuclear energy as an idea for all countries, it actually has even more benefits than renewables and it's a lot safer than most energy production methods
@aenorist2431 5 часов назад
8:30 Why talk about facists outside of saying "do not vote for facists"?
@patricksharp1063 5 часов назад
The Earth has sustained carbon life on it for at least 3.8 billion years. Blue Green Algae evolved only because CO2 existed in the atmosphere. Net Zero I anti carbon life. When you demonize plant food you demonize your own existan because the role of animals is to createplant food by burning the plant carbohydrate a BY BODILY METABOLISM OR COMBUSTION.
@lagmonster7789 5 часов назад
What an amazing video, the ticker at the bottom of national political parties alone must have been a massive amount of work. Add on the research into the EU parties green voting credential and WOW you have my deepest respects for bringing this to our attention in such a timely fashion 👍🏼
@sandercohen5543 5 часов назад
Correct me if im wrong, but isn't this a uniquely american problem? I have never even heard of anyone "denying" climate change is real in my country, or any other european country, for that matter. I think the asian countries are quite pragmatic about it as well, and i know for a fact that the "evil communists" in china are actually VERY heavily invested in preventative measures related to global warming. I guess they have learned well from history.
@larrybreyer4066 6 часов назад
Good job bowing to the Al Gore crowd of hucksters. You avoided a warning from the Google censors about disinformation. Apparently they think we are too stupid to realize human impact on climate does not compare to Nature's little hiccups.
@sandercohen5543 6 часов назад
It disrespectful to the scientists who dedicate their lives to their craft to dismiss their findings without sufficient grounds.
@davidrich27 8 часов назад
17:55 Weird. I just stumbled on this video and the thing about Bath was the final Jeopardy question last night!
@Buckshot99 8 часов назад
So more nuclear power is a reasonable way to make the power grid greener no?
@Squishy9387 9 часов назад
For bio fuels there is kelp farming if each country maintained their own kelp farms to equate to their 1% of the oceans would be a great scrubber and it can feed livestock after making fuel and it also reduces methane emissions from livestock too but the for points of a percent the better
@quackyquack7318 11 часов назад
Wow sure this video aged like milk. At least in Europe in 2024
@eashaankumar 12 часов назад
What if climate change was never real and coal has always been a valid option. And now that they couldn’t get rid of it, they are spinning up a new narrative to cover their asses?
@stuff7044 12 часов назад
The right don't want to change anything and the left are anti nuclear. The battle is lost. The Greens especially have a hard stance against nuclear
@richardnewton638 13 часов назад
Climate prediction in 1973 said we would be in an ice age in the 90s
@Unhinged_Salmon 14 часов назад
Brother, you sound as British as we get. Out of personal curiosity are you dual national with an EU nation or just a big EU enthusiast whos sad we left (although rightfully so). I'm dual-national and already voted btw.
@Zomerset 8 часов назад
It is possible to be euro skeptic, yet still care about the environment, too. Love it or loath it, the EU elections are a quite important for the environment. Unfortunately, other key policies might deter people from voting for the environmentally friendly groups.
@warden1969 14 часов назад
Ah, right at the end there, where you mentioned… ‘THE science’, ve must all believe zee science 😄
@SimonClark 10 часов назад
The peer-reviewed literature, yes. There's a handy indie organisation called the IPCC that collects it into a few publications.
@asliyase 15 часов назад
yes to books videoo
@EoinJones 15 часов назад
The three MEPs I recognise from the Left Group are Luke Ming Flanagan, Mick Wallace and Clare Daly. Luke Ming Flanagan campaigns for the rights of farmers to continue to cut and burn turf in contravention of EU rules on protecting wetland habitats. Mick Wallace is a former property developer who once said that he threatened to hire a hitman to collect on a debt, and has admitted to making false declarations relating to his tax affairs. Both he and Daly take relatively pro-Russian and pro-Chinese stances. To be honest, in Ireland at least, I would not regard them as credible on environmental issues. Even if the Green and S&D proposals are slightly less ambitious on paper, I would have far more confidence that they would make an effort to properly plan and cost the proposals.
@skartimusprime4779 18 часов назад
If you are comparing carbon emissions of an eBike vs Bike to reduce your carbon footprint, you need help 😂 Ride whatever suits your fitness, requirements and finances. I can't commute via my bike anymore (and live to tell the tale) so I just ride after work for health. So I guess my pursuit of fitness is killing polar bears. Not quite as fast as the 6L V8 I drive to work with now that I can't ride though 🤔
@shivammahajan303 18 часов назад
Damn, I guess, if it gets desperate in 10-12 years or so, We might get the reds in power again. Well at least they won't be revisionists like the soviets! So.... what? are we gonna get socialist Europe 2050? I mean, if it ain't Stalinist we might get that shit rolling.
@uncipaws7643 18 часов назад
It seems like the EPP isn't about the protection of people, climate or environment. All they want to protect is ... the internal combustion engine. It's noisy and smelly, it makes us dependent on questionable countries, and it's threatened by extinction, what a scandal.
@QT5656 19 часов назад
This video explains why I have generally ignored store loyalty cards. I'm not convinced it saves you money for the extra stress of having to carry the card around and remembering to use it. The main entity that store loyalty card benefit is the store. I also haven't even bothered with air miles.
@SimonB6706 19 часов назад
Looking forward to the UK party version. It's a shame our mainstream media don't analyse in such a well structured way as Simon does.
@michaeljames5936 День назад
First off- Please Do Vote (Please vote Green.), but it is the least any of us can do. I think marching, protesting, demonstrating shakes up the ruling class like nothing else. A good protest march is worth fifty votes a head, I reckon. Just look at the naked hatred of them, by the Tories and, most of Labour.
@rimankis8087 День назад
Thanks to you, Simon! A most delighted 14 mins of my week <3
@Zomerset День назад
I’m getting the feeling that migration and security will take priority over the environment in this election.
@tobiascornille День назад
The parliament doesn't form legislation though, right? They cannot propose, only vote?
@ruthvermeulen2098 День назад
It really sucks that we don’t have a separate date for voting in Belgium. Our regularly elections are on the same day of the European elections. It’s overshadowed and it doesn’t get any attention in the media because their to busy campaigning for the other elections. A lot of people go voting and see te list for Europe and didn’t really prepare for that one. And in Belgium you have to show up at the voting booth. So it’s kind of a missed opportunity.
@bspringer День назад
Thanks for excluding the AFD from ID already. AFD is so far right extremist, that ID said even they don't want the AFD anymore
@FelipeKana1 День назад
Probably the most important video in the channel But I'm pretty sure you get this a lot 😅
@tadhgtwo День назад
Simon, thanks this was very informative for my vote tomorrow.
@ps8096 День назад
As Brilliant as Crap... 😂😂😂
@gjk282 День назад
Thank you for this!
@pmichael73 День назад
Questions: Why was there a great flipflop in the 1970s from an ice age prediction to a global change heat horror? What has that not been more vigorously challenged? Also, if the sea levels are going to rise (and they don't appear to in 100 years), then where are the plans to move Amsterdam, London, New York, etc. to higher ground?
@Annatar. День назад
Thank you.
@Beckford4000 День назад
I don't have a voice this year! I live in an EU country, but can't vote in the EU elections.
@user-sn7gb5cy2j День назад
Wow so much detail. I learned a lot about the individual parties and their green washing. So much greenwashing.
@user-sn7gb5cy2j День назад
Thanks for this. Super informative
@justinmay9443 День назад
Great video, very informative
@BorisKurin День назад
Czech voter here. As far as their environmental record, every party here sucks except for the Pirate party. Greens/EFA: Piráti 93/100 The Left: KSČM 29/100 (the worst of the group) Renew: ANO 2011 15/100 (the worst of the group) EPP: Starostové 45/100 TOP 09 37/100 ECR: ODS 6/100 ID: SPD 9/100 Easy choice
@CaptainSnackbeard День назад
Lol. You are getting WAY ahead of yourself.
@ChristineFisher123 День назад
I might be good for cold countries like Britain. We could do with a warmer climate. Also great for the British wine growing industry..
@CitiesForTheFuture2030 День назад
Most videos on climate change focus on the physics & chemistry of our climate system - including the ecological impacts - but rarely on the socio-cultural, political, healthcare, economic etc causes & impacts of climate change... the domain of the social sciences etc. Since 70 - 80% of people will live in cities by 2050, it's time we did start talking about climate change & cities. And besides MANY people living along coastlines.... ALL harbours & ports are located along coastlines meaning 100% of trade will be impacted by climate change (ie sea-level rise) at some level - just think of the costs of moving or adapting EVERY port / harbour! Other critical infrastructure too - LNG infrastructure, nuclear power plants & other industrial infrastructure! The FAO talks about the energy-water-food nexus (perhaps we should add land too). Water is a survival imperative & central to most biological, agricultural, industrial & manufacturing process. Why this topic has been neglected for so long is a mystery. In most places we use fresh drinking quality water to flush our toilets... that's how little we regard this precious resource - it's just crazy. I've always been impressed by Johan Rockstram's work on the 9 planetary boundaries (that includes water & climate etc). Climate change is only one of many many challenges our civilization is facing. ALL humans exist WITHIN the ecological system; we cannot survive without healthy ecological systems, processes, services & goods. We are literally killing the golden goose. Thanks for a great video topic. It's good to take a look at the "big picture" periodically...
@MarkAsh-tv2ox День назад
Given that Net Zero policies represent the biggest threat to economies, wellbeing and the environment, I will be looking for the parties least likely to support such policies. As the EU Green Deal is set to impose carbon tarifs on imports from countries with weaker net zero policies, it is clearly the poorest countries that will be barred the most. So in addition from bullying them not to develop there own energy reserces, we will exacerbate that by taxing their products. What nice people we are. A new form of colonialism. We know what's best for THEM and will impose or will on them. Why? To make us feel better about ourselves, regardless of the outcome of keeping others in poverty.
@prasenjeetrathore День назад
most of the green energy comes from hydro power plants, which are not universally available. Other renewables are not that efficient at producing electricity. If one wants cleaner energy then nuclear is the answer, although for now policies don’t seem to favour nuclear in Western Countries.
@margony6921 День назад
Thanks so much this very informative video! As a EU citizen this matters a lot to me 👍
@Sarah-sf3zp День назад
Simon I am currently watching though some of your recent videos I had not seen yet, and their quality and in this one especially realism is very much appreciated 👏
@duolingo0552 День назад
The infighting in ID over the past weeks has been rather helpful for the planet lol