Doctor Imran
Doctor Imran
Doctor Imran
NHS Consultant Surgeon on the frontline - talking about life in Medicine, life outside Medicine, and life trying to change Medicine.
@Tzhz 6 месяцев назад
5 years on immigrants have destroyed the NHS all backed by the governments EDI agenda.
@gilly5094 6 месяцев назад
What a load of confected, disingenuous bs.
@anilagiatsai4991 Год назад
Thank you Dr
@masterbulgokov Год назад
Why does the sound go SUPER loud, then quiet again?
@terrya9265 2 года назад
I absolutely cannot wait for the day the nhs is disbanded and called out for being a money laundering con scheme. And move on with actual healthcare and treatment so we can get better from our conditions instead of the nhs purposefully setting you on a medical loop where your reliant on there medicines for completely treatable conditions they wont treat cause they want that endless money.
@terrya9265 2 года назад
We need to stop pretending the NHS is fit for service. It is an absolute disgrace and is a complete waste of time and money. Anyone who pretends its a good idea or worth the money is a liar or does not care. This is not how dedicated caring individuals and professionals deliver medical care. Its designed to provide standard basic cheapest possible care. And then the staff are so rude and uncaring its unbelievable. Just close it down already. We should be trying to implement better kore appropriate strategies not working on the same failed idea for the 80th year going. It co pletely fails the nhs constitution and provides bare minimum. Anyone who truly cares about people, medicine and health would be looking at a better more reliable method of distributing it. Which is not through the nhs.
@cherubs5177 2 года назад
Your unbelievable!! It's killed so many of my friends from 40 onwards. MY IMMUNE SYSTEM IS GREAT THANKS!
@whomever2675 2 года назад
I have a feeling you don`t stand by this statement now Mr Haq.
@kaylee1058 2 года назад
You're the best doctor ever!!
@drimranhaq 2 года назад
So sweet of you!
@olgaraffa1 2 года назад
What exactly was all the tweaking about then? How about the harm eg myocarditis and sudden death caused by the Nuremberg code breaking medical experiment that probably had the ingredients able to turn us into monkies... oh wait.... planet of the apes was predictive programming afterall! I didn’t clap once because I know this all planned.
@rizzrazz 2 года назад
@SharedJoy 2 года назад
“You could fire everybody, punish everybody and put in an entirely new workforce, you will have the same injuries and the same errors occur again unless you’ve actually changed the systems of work,”
@serhanmmiah7315 2 года назад
Non-clinical managers keep asking me to stay back. I said I will do it if you pay me overtime! Always asking me to do in-lieu. I just walk out! I don't get paid for overtime.
@levi5073 2 года назад
No, the NHS is expensive, inefficient and under-productive for the same reason everything else centrally planned by government is. It's not a coincidence that amazon beats royal mail, or that space x beats NASA, or that you get through to EE in 10 minutes but wait hours to speak to someone about your tax submission.
@rogersmith8386 2 года назад
Because it’s a bureaucratic nightmare and appoints obnoxious individuals to senior management.
@giani1680 2 года назад
And the plebs keep saying that it is all migrants' fault
@sannimcable 2 года назад
I relate I nearly died in hospital had 2 walk out
@prp3231 2 года назад
I've heard doctors and nurses can expect better working conditions, higher pay, better weather, cheaper but higher quality housing, less hours and better standards of education in developed countries.
@focusmicro 3 года назад
Four years later, REAP level 4 and a Pandemic to Endemic. Surviving here!! :(
@michaelallcock9363 3 года назад
only way deal with NHS is massive re orginization bring in non for profit charity to fund it so money goes to where should go we have this rediculas system where managers from private sector gonna use profit first like u could throw 20 billion at NHS gaurentee most of it never makes it way PR contracts is piling debts which NHS was founded by charity after world war 2 but this is what Tory s are planning trying to slowly sell it left up to thatchers she would sold it years ago what trying to make us like americans but NHS ever goes population die people living in poverty who have choise of seeing doctor or freezing or starving to death one thing which makes uk great country to live in
@eideticredolent9873 3 года назад
The UK should spend 635 billion GBP a year at their NHS. It's underfunded.
@redking8585 3 года назад
Maybe you can stop hiring for useless jobs like the head of diversity and inclusion and make the whole thing more efficient.
@LolLol-zr9jc 3 года назад
EU membership payments can be used, I know it’s not 350 million a week but it’s more like 180 million (9.4 billion a year), but that’s still quite good.
@LolLol-zr9jc 3 года назад
If most new immigrants are young, so could they help fund it without needing it as much?
@LolLol-zr9jc 3 года назад
We spend a net of 9.4 billion to eu, so that’s a start.
@LolLol-zr9jc 3 года назад
We need more wards with bed so that people can stay there while others are being seen to. Also each NHS trust could get an amount of money for each service they provide (different services get different amount) and only get the money once they’ve done, this will push them to be more efficient and utilise resources on nurses, doctors and equipment rather than on administrators and non clinical staff. So an initial investment in new wards and hospitals with more beds and equipment, and reform.
@LolLol-zr9jc 3 года назад
Garage said he couldn’t guarantee it because he’s not in the government
@minuzpunkte4118 3 года назад
great work! finally someone telling the truth
@minuzpunkte4118 3 года назад
very nice video
@michaelmccluskey3580 3 года назад
A and E is the bit that works the best. Try going to a gp. Pointless exersize.
@SelfImprovement1111 3 года назад
Pay the doctors more. Pay the nhs more and stop stealing money. It’s not hard to understand.
@Drew-cz7hw 3 года назад
Amen! One of my nurses for chemotherapy was thinking of moving to the uk until she discovered shed make the same as a grocery bagger that's insane.
@angel33333333 3 года назад
naturopathic , homeopathic, traditional modalities in both Chinese medicine and ayuerdic medicine are they way to go... NATURAL healing modalities not injecting yourself with toxins to make big pharma rich.
@Haedshots 3 года назад
Is it possible to remove mussel?
@laiamarques3441 3 года назад
Useful video! I have summarised the steps for European doctors who apply for GMC resgistration post-Brexit in this blog post: medium.com/p/8af35365b044
@levity90 3 года назад
Doctors and nurses are severely underpaid and this is contributing to staffing issues. While I have a deep admiration for the men and women who work for the NHS, if they all threw down their scrubs tomorrow and said "fuck it" I would completely understand. Britain continues to let in massive numbers of immigrants every year. This puts a strain on literally everything. Jobs, housing, medical care, etc. And to talk about this has apparently become heresy. Same in the US. It's ridiculous. Soon the the NHS will be spending nearly 200 billion pounds annually. Even if all 350 million dollars not spent on the EU went to the NHS, it's nothing really.
@AlmostBipedal 3 года назад
The Guardian newspaper ran an interesting article recently. During the last EIGHT YEARS, they have been saying that the NHS is at breaking point at this time of the year, every year! Media hype again.
@dougiemcbriar1998 3 года назад
Why the lack of beds in NHS. Let me tell you why shall I. 1 in 2 beds are lost due to social distancing. So 50% capacity at maximum. Over 50k NHS staff are of due to other reasons !!!. Let's go clap for them shall we....WAKEY WAKEY Britain...
@vipulramjiani2433 3 года назад
@user-ly3wn4yc5t 3 года назад
You were right about worrying about January jaja we shall start clapping NHS 🤦‍♀️🤣
@drimranhaq 3 года назад
what do I know? I’m just a doctor with 18 years experience. Do I get a cookie for being right?
@user-ly3wn4yc5t 3 года назад
​@@drimranhaq Well, if Boris encourages people to bake cookies for NHS, I believe you will have some at some point!
@drimranhaq 3 года назад
@@user-ly3wn4yc5t we’re in this mess because everyone listened because to boris. i want my food
@marcelloziglioli8954 3 года назад
This was even before Covid. Oohhhhhh Shit
@YahyeIbrahim 3 года назад
its becuase of the ucat, blame that
@vimzibaiegh 3 года назад
It might be good to receive the vaccine or it might be the worst mistake of your life. I'd like to give it at least a year and then make a decision after the first go round. There are still a lot of questions. For example how long does immunity last? Even waiting a year is not foolproof. No one knows what will happen 5 - 10 years out. I also don't like the idea of two (2) shots and in a year's time there will probably be a one shot vaccine.
@afsheentamachi3004 3 года назад
I have one ? I took a flu shot this year, is it safe to take the covid vac when you have the flu shot in youre system.
@master0fnone 3 года назад
Great video Dr. One note please fix the colour correction, it's rather sore on the eyes. Many thanks.
@definitelynotadj 3 года назад
My wife is concerned that there may be long term side effects related to fertility, and as we want to start a family this worries her. Is there any basis for this worry?
@drimranhaq 3 года назад
Really good question. There isn’t any evidence from trials of the Pfizer vaccine that it affects fertility. As the vaccine stimulates an immune response to the spike protein, if it did affect fertility we might also expect to see Covid-19 infections affecting this too, as the body should produce a similar immune response if infected. But we don’t. Although it has been suggested that Covid-19 cases seem to be more severe in pregnant women, there doesn’t seem to be evidence that Covid-19 causes women to lose their pregnancy, or struggle to get pregnant later.
@definitelynotadj 3 года назад
@@drimranhaq Thanks a lot for your answer, there's still a long time until the vaccine will be rolled out to us! So hopefully we'll be able to have more conversations about it and be more educated by the time it's our choice.
@gregfr182 3 года назад
Great video! I thought the death rate from covid was higher than 1 in 1000. I guess it depends on the country as it will vary a lot with the average age.
@wlee6685 3 года назад
In the rush to get this vaccine out to world are there ANY studies to see the results of giving these vaccines to someone who STILL HAS THE VIRUS? Is there a possibility of making this vaccination even stronger if given to someone with the virus and the medication becomes ineffective in that person? Could we be creating an even worse pandemic then what we all just went theough?
@herpderp3639 3 года назад
An excellent video. Thank you. My question is this: will the vaccine stop you catching covid or will you still catch it but fight it off easier? If you can still catch it, will this become a yearly jab, like the flu to ensure herd immunity is still strong?
@PaulChou 3 года назад
Great video - informative, reasonable, fair, and funny. Though I must say that Doctor Imran’s shirt is buttoned unsettlingly low, did we catch him right as he is about to go to a night club? He should have ended the video with Haddaway’s “What is love?”
@jaybibiuk 3 года назад
I noted that too. Kinda distracting..ahem!😊
@ellieb3063 3 года назад
Great rational and easy to understand video, thanks!