@gerardkeenan6653 Месяц назад
@user-dc4uo2sh1t 10 месяцев назад
Perhaps jokes about God doesn't offend the believers have you ever thought of that maybe it offends God though if you ever thought of that?
@BFizzi719 8 месяцев назад
Then your God is a bit too sensitive and needs to lighten up...
@jimiperlas3215 10 месяцев назад
As a Filipino Catholic, I often laugh at jokes about Jesus Christ & Christianity. I'm not offended nor hurt if someone makes of our religion. I just take it as joke, no big deal. 😅😅
@MM-yi9zn Год назад
Bill is brilliant. So brave & truthful!
@MM-yi9zn Год назад
Ricky is 100% spot on!
@hansniederer5372 Год назад
There are a lot of people in the world. That’s why there are so many Christians who can laugh at themselves and the jokes that are made at their belief’s expense and so many who cannot.
@brentfreeland5834 Год назад
An atheist has everything to live for but nothing to die for. ✌️
@TVindustries5000 Год назад
obnoxious christian Piers Morgan attempts to gaslight obnoxious "apaetheist" Bill Maher
@Mashedpotatoe1000 Год назад
So it’s all about him now. He believes that earth has come to being on its own without any super power influencing it, yet he claims to not believe. Religion is about believing!!
@fatherofdragons4880 Год назад
Religious people are only good because they think they will be punished. When Atheists are good, it's because they actually want to be, not because they think they are watched constantly.
@linkbiff1054 Год назад
Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay nicer and more respectful than the supremely arrogant Christopher Hitchens
@allstarwatt7246 10 месяцев назад
it is you who seems arrogant...
@linkbiff1054 10 месяцев назад
@@allstarwatt7246 Have you ever seen Hitchens on any show or debate??
@paulavery5889 Год назад
Ricky makes fun of everything so he doesn't just pick on religion 😂
@paulavery5889 Год назад
I don't know or care either.
@ekathe85 Год назад
1:57 Fuck, he said it before Keanu Reeves did
@MrMonkey2150 2 года назад
If you truly believe in god then it shouldn’t matter what people says and it shouldn’t offend you. The only reason you would get upset is because maybe you don’t fully believe in him yourself
@Maxmorris12 Год назад
Spot on, I have Always thought this. I feel that theists may not like the idea of atheism particularly as it’s an uncomfortable idea to them not because they Think it’s completely untrue.
@TonyEnglandUK Год назад
The thing I find suspicious about each religion is that the followers of practically all of them solely believe in the one god which is most popular in their nation of origin. How many religious people in the U.S. went directly to Christianity without even reading what the thousands of other gods had to say?
@MrMonkey2150 Год назад
@@TonyEnglandUK they all believe in the same god
@curdt79 2 года назад
I think the reason they are so offended is because they think we are better then them, which we do not, and that they know deep down inside they themselves don't know for sure it's true. Nobody likes the mirror held up to them.
@johnrhoads923 2 года назад
An Atheist's headstone: " All Dressed Up And No Place To Go".
@TonyEnglandUK Год назад
A Christian's headstone. "I'm dead. At last people can stop hearing me making claims I could not prove."
@LAdavidthompson 2 года назад
The Bible and the delusional people who believe in a god, his zombie son, Adam and Eve, Noah living to be 950-years-old etc deserve to be mocked.
@allstarwatt7246 10 месяцев назад
I agree
@karimmoorad4128 2 года назад
If you have a good heart, you are a believer, it doesn't matter what your reason for being good is. Whether you believe in God or yourself is another matter. If everyone had a good heart, we wouldn't be in the mess we are in as a species.
@jamesharman5419 2 года назад
Organized religions any religion that has a book is a man-made religion. It all derives off of sun worshipping from the dawn of time. settlers would view Sun worshippers and use that as a platform for a way of control power an monopolizing on what fits their best interest it has been like that for decades.. all you need is someone with a good concept, a great Storyteller, a writer and a positive motivational speaker and you can create a religion tomorrow 😉
@ynedd 2 года назад
No, I agree, no reason to get offended. As a Christian, I'd love it if he poked fun at the silly things Christians do. Or to put a spin on things and look at it from a different perspective. "Do you realize you basically believe in a zombie?" "What's so holy about that mate?"
@tedunguent156 2 года назад
Piers Morgan doesn't ask questions. He makes accusations and "forces" people to "defend" themselves. Ricky is too smart to allow Morgan to accuse him of anything. He has no need to be defensive.
@Schcarraffone 2 года назад
but in front of the german Pope you bow anyway or you risk him making Anschluss of Poland... better be safe...
@BradleyCoopertest 2 года назад
Ricky is a treasure.
@AllahHuAkbar-r8r 2 года назад
God is a mother fucker
@WildLifePrime 2 года назад
Offended means NOTHING
@giladpallaeon2426 2 года назад
There is only one reason religious people get offended when someone is making fun of their god or gods: Because somewhere deep on their minds ... at the back of their consciousness there is a silent doubt; a tiny voice telling them that all that religious stuff could in fact be made up in order to organize people back in the days. And heaven was made up to control people; to give them an incentive for being obidient. And that would mean that there is no afterlife, not meeting with old loved ones .. the only thing that is eternal is your deeds in your life. And THAT scares them so much that they would do anything ... ANYTHING to silence the fun-maker. In the end they would kill to keep that tiny voice silent. This is not about god ... god wouldn't care when someone is moking him/her. This is about the believers and their insecurities.
@sandermalschaert2336 2 года назад
Yes! Antiauthoritarianism is the corner stone of any decent society. <3
@ndjarnag 2 года назад
@carolking6355 2 года назад
I believe in our spirit but my children were very bright and I said , do you remember before you were born . Perhaps that’s what it is like when you die. Who knows?
@ofcourse7357 2 года назад
A lot of Jews were angry with the Papacy after WWII because they thought the Vatican could have done more to help. Pope Pius XII had behaved a lot like Neville Chamberlain when Hitler came knocking, trying to appease him rather than resist. Also, they thought the Vatican could have done more to actively help the Jews during the war(though they did hide some). In addition, some Popes many years prior had actively persecuted Roman Jews. So.....hard feelings existed historically. Pope John Paul II apologized for all of that when he visited the wailing wall. I'm not an authority on this, either.
@220volt74 2 года назад
So do prayers travel to god as a wi-fi signal?
@ImOwenWilson 2 года назад
Average bible fan vs average atheism enjoyer
@eytanvb 2 года назад
I like religion for (some of) the morality, and the lessons you can take from it. Also the glimpse it gives about different people and places in history. I see both how religion has legitimacy as well as atheism, and how a mix of both can be beneficial. That’s why I like that they made a distinction between spirituality and religion
@briandesseaux9761 2 года назад
I love Ricky. He is genuine and gentle. He is one of the very few who ever took the time to question the things our parents and pastors and priests told us not to question. All the religions and all the gods have been scamming us for centuries. Good for you, Mr. Gervais!
@RAtW7 2 года назад
If you get offended because you feel entitled, you are a worthless maggot. Nobody cares about you. Also, it's not about you. Never has been. So grow the F up and silence those STUPID immature feelings of yours because nobody cares.
@charlesbromberick4247 2 года назад
It´s an overpopulated world, full of pretty much necesary crazinesses that hold it all together.
@jedison2441 2 года назад
Piers Morgan is someone I can't stand. I hope he never shows up on US media ever again.
@TonyEnglandUK Год назад
He was just as disliked in Britain.
@ivan679 2 года назад
Who decides what's good and bad? Humans. We have innate sense of empathy and compassion. We invent religions and laws to circumvent those feelings.
@jayb1812 2 года назад
“Just because you’re offended doesn’t make you right” - Ricky Gervais
@schubertuk 2 года назад
Ricky seems unnecessarily defensive here. Piers - is as usual - disappointingly trite. Hold on - "disappointingly" implies I expected better - and that is clearly nonsense. Piers is 'expectedly' trite. Much better!
@TonyEnglandUK Год назад
What a bizarre comment.
@GuitarBoy_NL_ 2 года назад
omg that intro is so cringeworthy and narcissistic
@Monkey80llx 2 года назад
Piers Morgan is a prize arsehole. And seems to think he should be put on a pedestal for being confrontational.
@TonyEnglandUK Год назад
How did he ever become internationally famous? He has no talent in anything.
@aaronmutch1883 2 года назад
God is funny. God has a sense of humor. Ricky Gervais is going to hell for other reasons. Not making fun of our creator lol
@petrus7977 2 года назад
Being offended is the n°1 sport in XXI century
@jacqueslemiere 2 года назад
so it would be bad to offend hitler? i don't like to offend people.. but..what a crazy idea that it is bad to offend people..
@davidshepherd397 2 года назад
Freedom of religion, must include the right to not believe in any religion.
@matiassella4935 2 года назад
What a stupid interviewer
@CaptainCaveman782 2 года назад
always an easy to target Christianity to get cheap laughs He never mentions the Koran in the same derogatory manner. Not as edgy as he likes to make out.
@Bunyourdesires Год назад
Don’t be disrespectful to peoples beliefs that’s all
@TonyEnglandUK Год назад
Why would he mention the Qur'an in an interview with a Catholic Christian about religious views in America, where the vast majority of people who believe in god are going to be Christians? And even in this interview, Ricky made it very clear what the thinks when he said _"I look at all religions equally."_ You're just a Christian that doesn't approve of what Ricky believes.
@CaptainCaveman782 Год назад
@@TonyEnglandUK First I'm not Christian, second, the point is Ricky loves to portray himself as a brave voice against wokery, standing up against the mob, ills of society type of bloke. In fact none of these comedians do, they take an easy line jeering Christianity, white people, Trump etc as they are easy targets and no fall back. But they don't have the balls to do derogatory comments against Islam, black folks, immigration etc as they know it will come back on them badly. So he's not brave he's a coward looking for cheap easy laughs.
@dyschromotopia 2 года назад
treat others as you would have them treat you is the first principal of philosophy. good deeds should not be planned as an addition to their investment portfolio.....kindness costs nothing.