Teacup For One
Teacup For One
Teacup For One
Discussing Disney, Shakespeare, Film Analysis and Theme Parks: My name is Matt, and I have 2 degrees.
'Wish' Movie Review!
10 месяцев назад
@elchasai 2 дня назад
my favorite childhood show ever - from an American kid.
@aaronz7056 5 дней назад
Movie JFK lets Kennedy's murderer off the hook and falsely paints a lot of innocent people as conspirators in murder and treason using a narrative Oliver Stone packs with more than 80 demonstrable and highly relevant lies (list available on request).
@jeanetteskopek 4 дня назад
Consider that list requested baby! Im ready to educate myself.
@aaronz7056 2 дня назад
Just some of them: Stone: Mayor Cabell changes parade route to assist assassination. Truth: Parade route was never changed, accurately described in the newspapers from the beginning. Cabell was appalled by the assassination, but it was nice of Stone to give his middle finger to the man's family. Stone: "Backyard" photo of Oswald faked. Truth: Extensive analysis over the generations has consistently failed to find any evidence of fakery. Marina Oswald affirmed they are genuine. Stone: Open windows in plaza prove conspiracy. Truth: Kennedy was filmed many times riding in open parades through other cities surrounded by open windows all over the place. Stone: Lee Harvey Oswald a lousy shot. Truth: Oswald scored 18 out of 20 in rapid fire at targets 200 yards away as per his Marines scorebook. Stone: Conspirator stages fake seizure in plaza, mysteriously disappears. Truth: Jerry Belknap went to Parkland Hospital after recovering from real seizure. Stone: 3 shots over 5.6 seconds. Truth: Victims' reactions in Zapruder's film clearly demonstrate 3 shots over 8-9 seconds, with several seconds between each, well within the capabilities of Oswald and his Carcano. Stone: Jackie pulls Kennedy down in the limo, allowing Connally to be shot. Truth: She plainly did no such thing. Stone: Recreation of shooting using two actors seated bolt upright, both at the same plane and level, both facing forward, demolish "gross lie" of single bullet theory. Truth: Connally was seated lower, inboard and turned sharply to his right, strengthening single bullet theory. Stone: Single bullet theory a "gross lie" created by conspirator Arlen Spector. Truth: Single bullet theory makes perfect sense and is backed up by hard evidence. Stone: Impossible for Connally to still be holding his hat after being shot. Truth: Connally was still clutching that hat with his injured arm when he arrived at the hospital. Stone: Limo full of bullet holes. Truth: Only damage to limo is a bad crack to the windshield (still in the National Archives) caused by a bullet fragment that also damaged the chrome plating... from the inside. Stone: "Back and to the left..." Truth: Direction a person's head goes on being shot is meaningless regarding what direction the bullet came from, it's not like being punched by a fist. Kennedy is very clearly seen in the film to suffer a massive exit wound exploding at the right temple consistent only with a shot from behind. Stone: 3 fake tramps fake-arrested, disappear. Truth: Real tramps Harold Doyle, Gus V. Abrams and John Forrester Gedney were ID'd that same day, cleared and released with no evidence against them, their arrest records existing to this day. Doyle was interviewed on camera more than once. Stone: Depository staff never see Oswald coming downstairs, clearing him. Truth: Those employees, who couldn't even agree on their own timing, came downstairs after he did and hilariously Stone never explains how the "real assassins" got downstairs and escaped because nobody ever saw them either! Stone: 3 shells found lined up in a neat row in the sniper nest. Truth: Implausible and flatly contradicted by officers who discovered the nest and scattered shells. Stone: Jean Hill sees knoll shooter, is immediately seized, sequestered and menaced by sinister agents. Truth: Hill was making no such claims throughout the 1960's, nor does she mention a word about any of it when interviewed on live TV the day of the assassination. Stone: Officer Tippit shot by two men. Truth: Clemons' words, and she didn't even see the actual shooting, make it clear enough she saw at best a shooter and bystander who was almost certainly either Cimino or Benavides, and Stone doesn't mention other witnesses much closer to Oswald than Clemons said there was but one shooter and that Oswald was in fact ID'd by nearly a dozen witnesses as shooting Tippit and fleeing. Stone also doesn't explain what "Plan B" was if Tippit simply outdrew and captured his attacker, blowing the whole plot. Stone: Police invade Texas Theater to arrest a man for not paying admission. Truth: Police arrived at the Theater because the man, Oswald, was a good match for the suspect just seen gunning down a police officer nearby. Stone: Mean cops rough up Oswald in theater, and he boxes back. Truth: Oswald drew his gun and tried to shoot the first cop to approach him, fighting so violently 3 officers were injured just disarming him, and he observed, "Well, they say it only takes a minute to die" after asking about the penalty for cop-killing. Those officers risked their lives to capture their suspect alive as per their duty, but as you can see Stone couldn't care less who he paints as conspirators so long as he can profit by it. Stone: Bogus bullet planted at Parkland Hospital (by Jack Ruby, no less). Truth: Bullet was matched to Oswald's rifle and hilariously Stone never explains how anybody planting a bullet within one hour of the assassination could possibly have known a bullet needed planting at all or that he wasn't simply planting one bullet too many into evidence and blowing the whole plot. Stone: Autopsy faked to conceal evidence of second shooter. Truth: This would require two things, safely approaching scores of FBI, Secret Service, military personnel, doctors, pathologists, x-ray technicians, ballistics experts, photographers, witnesses, etc., and persuading them to trust each other implicitly, obey illegal orders to commit crimes and bend over backwards making themselves all eternally loyal accessories to murder and treason, and concluding it's a BETTER and safer idea to hijack the body, perform surgeries, alter wounds, destroy evidence, falsify reports, forge x-rays, fake photos, bluff their way through subsequent investigations, commit perjury by the dozen, and pile cover-ups atop cover-ups... instead of just leaving well enough alone and saying Oswald must have had an accomplice who got away, which would have suited any conspiracy just fine. Stone: Guilt-ridden David Ferrie starts cooperating with Jim Garrison, is murdered. Truth: Ferrie died of Berry aneurysm after failing health, always hotly denied any knowledge of the assassination, and was preparing to sue Garrison for harassment. Stone: EVERYTHING pertaining to Beverly Oliver character. Truth: Oliver is a demonstrable serial liar and has been a notorious grifter for many years, so naturally Stone snapped her up as an advisor. Stone: Lee Bowers silenced/murdered. Truth: Bowers' words make it clear enough he saw nothing that would threaten any conspiracy, he didn't die until some two years after he had already testified (and if he changed his story at that late date his credibility would have been zero) and his car accident was investigated by the police, the HSCA, and by researcher David Perry, none of whom found any evidence of foul play. Stone: Clay Shaw admits to alias "Clay Bertrand" during booking. Truth: Implausible and contradicted by other witnesses. Stone: Justice Department does "nothing" in regards to HSCA's conclusions on probable conspiracy. Truth: HSCA was all set to conclude Oswald acted alone until those acoustics experts came forward at the last minute with their dictabelt recording, which the J.D. investigated and discovered to be erroneous and invalid as evidence, completely debunking it more than 40 years ago. Stone: 112th Military Intelligence Group ordered to "stand down." Truth: Flatly contradicted by sworn HSCA testimony of C.O. of Group, which in fact provided extra men to assist Secret Service in Dallas. Stone: Jim Garrison advised by mysterious "Mr. X." Truth: Mr. X never existed, he is based on notorious crackpot Flecther Prouty the man who lectured Roosevelt was assassinated at behest of Churchill, Princess Diana was assassinated by a "Secret Team," and flying saucers from outer space are real, among many, many other demonstrably insane stories. Stone: Garrison unmasks Clay Shaw as a conspirator. Truth: Garrison's crackpot "case" against an innocent man whose life he ruined fell apart within minutes of reaching his hand-picked jury and Stone fails to mention that he was soundly condemned by the American Bar Association for his conduct. Stone: Garrison makes stirring closing speech to jury. Truth: Never happened. Stone: President's brain "disappears." Truth: Bobby Kennedy had his brother's brain matter quietly put to rest after the investigation was concluded and its findings released. Stone: Garrison uncovers high-level conspiracy. Truth: Garrison implicated, among many others, ALL of the following: FBI, CIA, Dallas PD, Secret Service, President Johnson, Chief Justice Warren, entire Warren Commission staff, Newsweek, Los Angeles Times, Washington Post, NBC, CBS, NASA, oil industry, aerospace industry, Reagan, Governor Tieman of Nebraska, Governor Rhodes of Ohio, Johnny Carson, Bobby Kennedy, lawyers defending people he suspected, John Birch Society, 13 State Regional Democratic Organization, neo-Nazis, Cuban guerrillas, White Russians, a man who'd made inflammatory comments about Kennedy and been in El Paso during the assassination, a Marine buddy of Oswald's Garrison decided was an "Oswald lookalike" [read all about it in conspiracy author David Lifton's classic article "Is Jim Garrison Out of His Mind?"], conspiracy authors critical of him (at behest of CIA), the telephone company ("an extension of the U.S. government"), and gays and masochists pulling off a "homosexual thrill killing..." There are dozens more, but it's gettin' late. Remember, Stone made the talk show rounds demanding we should all be "applauding" Jim Garrison for his conduct....
@aaronz7056 День назад
Just a few of them for starters: Stone: Mayor Cabell changes parade route to assist assassins. Truth: Parade route was never changed, accurately described in the newspapers from the beginning. Stone: Conspirator has fake seizure in plaza, mysteriously disappears. Truth: Jerry Belknap went to Parkland Hospital after recovering from real seizure. Stone: Oswald a lousy shot. Truth: Oswald scored 18 out of 20 in rapid fire at targets 200 yards away as per his Marines scorebook. Stone: Depository employees never see Oswald come downstairs, thus clearing him. Truth: Those employees, who couldn't even agree on their own timing, came downstairs after he did and hilariously Stone never explains how the "real killers" escaped because nobody ever saw them either! Stone: Officer Tippit shot by two killers. Truth: Clemon's words, and she didn't even see the actual shooting, make it clear enough she saw at best a shooter and bystander who was almost certainly either Benavides or Cimino. Stone never mentions that other witnesses much closer to Tippit than Clemons firmly said there was but one shooter and that in fact Oswald was ID'd by nearly a dozen witnesses as shooting Tippit and fleeing. Stone never explains what Plan B was if Tippit simply outdrew and captured his attacker and blew the whole plot then and there. Stone: Bogus bullet planted at the hospital, by Jack Ruby, no less. Truth: That bullet was matched to Oswald's rifle and Stone hilariously never explains how on earth anybody planting a bogus bullet within one hour of the shooting could possibly have known a bullet needed planting at all or that he wasn't simply planting one bullet too many into evidence and blowing the whole plot. Stone: Police arrive at Texas Theater to arrest a man for not paying admission. Truth: Police arrived because the man, Oswald, was a good match for the suspect just seen gunning down a policeman nearby. Stone: Mean cops rough up protesting Oswald in theater. Truth: Oswald drew his gun and tried to shoot the first officer to approach him, fighting so violently 3 officers were injured just disarming him as he tried to fire. Oswald observed, "Well, they say it only takes a minute to die" after asking about the penalty for cop-killing. Those officers risked their lives to capture their suspect alive as per their duty, but as you can see by now Stone couldn't care less who he gives his middle finger to and depicts as a conspirator so long as it suits him. Stone: Two actors seated bolt upright, facing forward, at the same level and plane, demolish Arlen Spector's "gross lie" of Single Bullet Theory. Truth: Connally was demonstrably seated lower, inboard, and turned sharply to his right, strengthening Single Bullet Theory. Stone: Lee Bowers murdered/silenced. Truth: Bowers' words make it clear enough he saw nothing that would threaten any conspiracy, his didn't die until some two years after he had already testified, and his car accident was investigated by the police, the HSCA and researcher David Perry, none of whom found any evidence of foul play. Stone: Jean Hill sees knoll assassin, is immediately seized, sequestered and menaced by sinister agents. Truth: Hill never made these claims throughout the 1960's, nor does she mention a word of it when interviewed on live TV the day of the assassination. In reality she immediately went with Mary Moorman and Jim Featherston of the Dallas Morning Herald straight to the press room of the Sheriff's office, as confirmed by both Moorman and Featherston. Stone: "Backyard" photo faked. Truth: Extensive analysis over the decades has failed to find any evidence of fakery, and Marina Oswald affirmed she took the photos at her husband's request. Stone: Justice Department "does nothing" with regard to the HSCA's conclusions on "probable conspiracy." Truth: Stone doesn't mention the HSCA was all set to conclude Oswald acted alone until those acoustics experts came forward at the last minute with their dictabelt recording... which the J.D. investigated and discovered to be erroneous and invalid as evidence, thoroughly debunking it more than 40 years ago, long before Stone made his movie. Stone: "Impossible" for Connally to still be clutching his hat after being shot. Truth: Connally was still clutching the hat when he arrived at the hospital. Stone: Limo full of bullet holes. Truth: Only damage to the limo is a bad crack to the windshield, still in the National Archives, caused by a bullet fragment which also damaged the chrome plating... from the INSIDE... There are dozens more...
@chiguera1446 6 дней назад
Nope. Binx was most convincing.
@brendonwatson4058 7 дней назад
I like Teacup! I really love the early part of of Ep7. That's a very cool start. Maybe Teacup/Machete?? 7, 4, 5, 1, 2, 3, 6, 8, 9 So you get both Rey mattering more and the Vader reveal. Also you pick up Luke quickly after leaving him in Ep 7 - don't have to wait 3 episodes to meet him
@bradjames891 7 дней назад
Bob Dermer was the voice of Ralph Raccoon from The Raccoons.
@bradjames891 7 дней назад
It aired on PBS in the U.S.
@bradjames891 7 дней назад
We watched it in Utah as well.
@KenMasters. 9 дней назад
For Hook (1991), Steven Spielberg should've put a full-grown Tiger Lily into the film, with Cher as the casting choice.
@joevillarreal1605 13 дней назад
Dude enough about you and more about today’s special, sorry, that’s my take.
@TeacupForOne 13 дней назад
I’m sorry I hurt you.
@jogmas12 15 дней назад
It’s no good because it will never be a collectible. This company has lost its focus.
@colliric 17 дней назад
Just to repeat my point, Song of the South in addition to almost every Disney film Walt made, is going into the public domain soon. Especially if the Republican Party's proposed reforms to the PD law get up. Then it'll happen even sooner than scheduled. So your final closing statements are just arguments for delaying the inevitable. It's already available in a 4K AI restoration of the 35mm film print from the 80s anyway.
@TeacupForOne 17 дней назад
That goes hand in hand with my argument that I agree with Disney’s choice to distance themselves from the film with the knowledge that people who want to see it have the means to do so. The film inevitably ending up in the public domain is an extension of that: people will have access to the film, but it doesn’t mean Disney is obligated to #SaveSplashMountain or otherwise acknowledge the movie as a part of their brand.
@colliric 17 дней назад
The elephant in the room you failed to mention: Disney should just STRAIGHT UP lose the rights to this film to the public domain. Film studios now made up of people who didnt actually make the film themselves, don't have the godgiven right to censor historical content in any way shape or form. If the United States had good public domain laws, that film would be able to be restored and preserved properly by the general public outside of the awful modern corporation's control. And also they just don't have the right to tell the Japanese, who still believe this movie is a masterpiece, what is or isn't racist! If they refuse to make money off it, it should legally go straight to Public Domain. Not a library, museum or other crappy place that is going to present the film with an agenda.... But straight into the ownership of the general public who can then discuss the film in such settings anyway if they choose to. The problem is Disney refuses to release the film, and ALSO refuses to just let it go. So the US government should just revise public domain laws and help them make such decisions!
@TeacupForOne 17 дней назад
I suspect the US government has bigger things to worry about than adjusting public domain laws so that people can watch ‘Song of the South’.
@LifeofWalk 17 дней назад
Does anyone know if there was ever an episode called "Shouting Loud and Clear"??
@knockshinnoch1950 17 дней назад
One element you miss in your assessment of the movie is the heavy influence of the EST personal development craze that swept America in the late 70s. Diana Ross was all in on the programme and the script explores many of the concepts of the programme. Despite the box office failure of the movie the greatest consequence of The Wiz was Quincy Jones as musical director coming into close contact with Michael Jackson who starred as the scarecrow. The pair struck up a friendship that became a working relationship that then led to a string of successful hit albums starting with Off The Wall and included Thriller. During the filming in NYC during 1978 MJ, Quincy and Diana spent a lot of time at STUDIO 54. This was a major influence for all 3. MJ&Q created Off The Wall which was full of dance tracks and boosted his star status as a solo adult performer. Diana collaborated on a successful album with Ashford & Simpson "The Boss" which also featured a suite of dance tracks- the entire album topped the Billboard Disco Album Chart in the late summer/early fall of 1979. All 3 quickly bounced back from the failure of the Wiz with two of the biggest albums of their careers.
@MelissaMadden-m9n 18 дней назад
Rip nerene virgin love you Jodi forever thank you for the memories and touching my heart thank you jeff love you always never forget
@joshjoseph7628 18 дней назад
One of my favorite show as a kid
@Evil-emperor-Zurg123 18 дней назад
For the last time, Canadian day doesn’t exist
@EtherconOmnicam 20 дней назад
Hi! I’m 45, born and raised in New Jersey. I loved “Today’s Special” as a kid!! This video is great!!!
@jasonbeard4713 23 дня назад
Very, VERY nice video. I first saw 'Today's Special' around 1983 on Nickelodeon and watched for a few years. I remember Muffy's rhyming talk, Waldo the magnificent and the final episode in which the friends might have to leave because the store was slated for destruction. I'm also an admirer of 'The Friendly Giant' and have the book and a kinescope of an episode from the 1950s. Here in America, my favorite children's program is still Captain Kangaroo.
@marthayipchuck9977 23 дня назад
Great review! I’m looking forward to seeing the movie and it’s a great way to kick off Spooky Season 👻
@chrisning 24 дня назад
I can’t believe how much I enjoyed this film. It felt like I got the opportunity to be a child again and was transported. However, I will say it felt like a mini-series. So many storylines. And I really appreciated the practical effects work and utilization of Catherine O’Hara even though I agree it was mostly Moira. Honestly, I have too much to say for a RU-vid comment. I’ll sit with my thoughts longer. Great review Matt. I agree with everything you said.
@handzus19 24 дня назад
Thank you for doing this! I know it means a lot for an entire generation of kids from the 80s/90s!
@andria.a.a 24 дня назад
I watched an interview where Michael Keaton Douglas shared that one of his prerequisites for doing the sequel was that there was little to no CGI and that the special effects were done in the same way they were in the original movie!
@jaydenlove1135 24 дня назад
I’m with Diana Ross. I don’t care what anyone else says. I loved her acting and her singing. She is a genuine artist.
@thespooniestitcher 24 дня назад
Loved your review. Happy spooky season!
@TeacupForOne 24 дня назад
Thank you!!! I truly felt like this movie ushered in Spooky Season, time for a pumpkin spice latte and scarf shopping 🎃
@TeacupForOne 25 дней назад
*MATT'S MUSINGS:* What did YOU think of 'Beetlejuice Beetlejuice'?
@jamesgoldstien1468 27 дней назад
I used to watch it in Michigan on PBS 🎉
@WillScarlet16 28 дней назад
Personally I'd say TLK was one part Hamlet, with a little of Richard III and maybe some of Henry V mixed in. I think Scar reminds me a LOT more of Richard III than Claudius - he has that droll sense of humor that Claudius doesn't.
@HalofreakmasterPwn Месяц назад
*angry horrible thing about Mattew TeaCup1*
@TeacupForOne Месяц назад
Please be more specific.
@HalofreakmasterPwn 28 дней назад
@@TeacupForOne Mattew TeaCup1 makes me so angry. I just feel horrible about it.
@TeacupForOne 28 дней назад
@@HalofreakmasterPwn your feelings are valid.
@HalofreakmasterPwn 28 дней назад
@@TeacupForOne Namaste 🙏
@CarouselofDouglas Месяц назад
Personally, I’m of two minds of this movie. I believe that it correctly shows how filmmakers believed making a “diverse” film should look… but they botched it through the lens of current society. That being said, the story of love and friendship between the two main characters was the real message. Race shouldn’t divide us. They just didn’t do it in a way that aged well. I do believe this movie should be released. “Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it.” - Lincoln
@colliric 17 дней назад
It should be in the Public Domain, but the United States has terrible godawful public domain laws. Ironically because of this company lobbying congress so they didn't lose the rights to every other movie Walt made, 50 years after his death.
@CarouselofDouglas 17 дней назад
@@colliric it was more to keep Mickey Mouse, but yes… they made copyright a nightmare.
@bewarebewear1507 Месяц назад
I honestly believe they still should release the film with an educational short explaining why these things arent ok now. I gotta be honest tho, you completely missed splash mountains history which I feel you should have studied over, since Disney repurposed the brers only to be associated with that ride with a bunch of animal critter characters that werent from the film, they actually came from an older attraction called america sings. It was also nick stewarts last role aswell before he passed, he was the original voice of brer bear he was able to voice him again on disneylands splash mountain. And I guess to be fair on the ride nick stewart's daughter wanted the ride to not tear down since it was her fathers last role on anything, she tried to voice her opinion but sadly her voice was just ignored on the subject. Splash honestly was honestly such a great ride that showed their full potential since it was now just brer rabbit featured in a fully living critter world with none of the problematic material transferring over. My stance on it is yes Song of the South did have problematic materials, but it shouldnt be erased, it should be educated beforehand that its wrong and the context for the film to help the viewers understand what is going on. I am mainly a splash mountain fan, the film I can take it or leave it. I love the ride so much thanks to how much I grew up riding it, glad tokyo still has theirs since they see the brers in a "kawaii" way and have people that are loving them. I do wish walt would have just fully animated the film only featuring brer rabbit without any humans, I believe how Universal created theirs, they created a brer rabbit film in 2006 to DVD and was pretty alright. I believe if they would have mainly pushed Splash as the new brand only featuring the new characters and brers it would have been loved, I still believe disney has another shot at redeeming these brer characters and making them into a successful franchise. As I said I care about the critters and brers mainly as they are all my favorite disney characters, with the film I dont really care as much honestly since I do see it being problematic.
@Bobswatercooler Месяц назад
💯 accurate I have read the comments!
@Bobswatercooler Месяц назад
MATT!!! HOW DARE YOU!.... make a well thought out reasonable nuance video that explains a challenging subject and gives a great explanation of why you believe what you believe! THERE IS NO PLACE ON THE INTERNET for this kind of objectively great and well thought out video!!! 😜🤪.... but seriously I totally agree lock the movie up, Disney can't be associated with what equates to propaganda.
@colliric 17 дней назад
Public Domain exists and it means Song of The South is eventually going to be owned by the general public anyway. Just release it. All you're doing is subjecting fans of the film to the unofficial fan 4K 35mm restoration (and it's inevitable 4K AI version) from the 1980s film print that was uncovered more recently, rather than a professionally made Disney restoration from the master copy. In other words? You're just delaying the inevitable and making it difficult for fans of the movie who already know it's issues and whatnot.
@Johnlindsey289 Месяц назад
Underrated gem
@TeacupForOne Месяц назад
@NickyHelp Месяц назад
You put false information of that video. Everything you told was a lie.
@TeacupForOne Месяц назад
You caught me. My name is actually Toby, and I have 3 degrees.
@colliric 17 дней назад
​@@TeacupForOne Dude, your final sum-up failed to consider that Disney is less than a decade or two Disney is going to lose the rights to the Public Domain and the already existing 4k AI fan restorations from the 35mm film print will be completely legal to share everywhere anyway. Fans just want Disney to do a professional restoration from the master copy so they have a good version to preserve when it inevitably becomes legal. Also to rebut your comments about people seeing it for entertainment the fact is the same company still releases the anti-Nazi shorts that were racist against Japanese and Germans. NO ONE WATCHES THEM. Kids like N-E-W movies. The kids who will "potentially be exposed" have likely already seen it because their parents who still like the film showed it to them on the internet anyway. I mean the new fan stuff is from the 35mm print.
@edmccray212 Месяц назад
There's so much inaccurate in this video. We DO know what motivated Walt on writing the letter for Baskett to get an ETERNAL Oscar. Hedda Hopper chronicles the big fight that happened the night before the Oscar ceremony over Baskett receiving an Oscar. The liberal racists in Hollywood were against it. Finally the president threatened to take to the stage and air this dirty laundry at the ceremony.She also includes James Baskett's story regarding his Oscar. Only 2 eternal Oscars were ever awarded. The other was for Edmund Gwenn as Kris Kringle for Miracle on 34th Street. The NAACP refused to even see the film when Walt offered them a screening. Their letter was written because the head of the NAACP wanted to play Uncle Remus and Walt rejected him. There was no controversy at the time of the film that's over-hyped. When Walt released Darby O'Gill & the Little People there were irish groups that boycotted and bashed that film without seeing it either. Walt was a big target. There are several history books written by former slaves who experienced slavery and explained what it was like during those times. The left purged those books in recent years because they were even handed and didn't only focus on the atrocities. That's not a lost cause narrative. Did you know there were black slave owners and among them were the most ruthless slave owners? Slavery wasn't a racial issue, it was an economic one. There's more but what's the point. You're advocating the woke cause.
@TeacupForOne Месяц назад
I’m genuinely curious to know more about the eternal Oscar category. Gwenn won in competition for Best Supporting Actor in 1948, no? Or was he awarded an additional Oscar?
@edmccray212 Месяц назад
@@TeacupForOne Gwenn received two Oscars for that role; a competitive and an eternal. Only 2 eternals were ever awarded because other actors didn't like the idea of a performance being recognized as the definitive one of that role. What initiated Walt wanting Baskett to receive this award had to do with the black actors being barred from the Atlanta premiere. Walt was obligated to hold it there due to an arrangement with the Joel Chandler Harris Museum. Walt was disgusted that the black actors weren't allowed to attend and that started this campaign for the eternal Oscar. It was viewed as being superior to the competitive Oscar. Also, when it got out James Baskett was shut out due to jim crow laws it actually started a conversation in Atlanta about abolishing them. It went nowhere but it was the first time that happened. BTW, jim crow law were started by the democrats basing them on darwinism. There was an entire eurgenics movement centered around this and the Federal Government wasn't racially segregated until the Woodrow Wilson Administration. This wasn't something that happened in the immediate aftermath of the civil war and some believe. There was a campaign to see that Baskett received his Oscar and it culminated in a feud the night before the ceremony. The Hollywood liberals were against ant black actor receiving an Oscar while the conservatives were for it. The liberals used the excuse that Uncle Remus wasn't a dignified role. Only Dr's and lawyers should be roles that receive Oscar. The conservatives pointed out no one was casting black actors in those roles. Song of the South was a very progressive film. It's the first film where white and black characters interact as equals. Look at what other studios were producing at the time. Walt was ahead of the times. Song of the South is an important film in Cinematic, Animation, Disney, and black history and it shouldn't be cancelled. James Baskett was proud to earn his Oscar and showed it off everywhere he went. Why purge this important history?
@TeacupForOne Месяц назад
I truly believe this comment was more educational and productive than just slamming me all over Twitter, so thank you for the added perspective.
@edmccray212 Месяц назад
@@TeacupForOne I didn't slam you. I point out places that spread false narratives about history. You should gather all perspectives before making a video where you suggest people must be racist to want to see this film.
@marthayipchuck9977 Месяц назад
Thank you for making this informative and educational video! You obviously spent a great amount of time researching this film. I have never seen the movie, it was not available to us as children. Based on your factual statements I think it should be left in the vault. If someone really wants to watch it, they can search and eventually find it. Your time, effort, dedication and research definitely shine in this project. ❤
@PossumMedic Месяц назад
This show horrified me as a kid! 😆 That dude was just frozen in a mannequin body all day?!? 😱
@RichardKraft-l5x Месяц назад
Very much enjoyed your breakdown of the history of and leading yo to Song of the South. Personally, I think it could be available to museums and colleges as a piece of history to discuss and study. As a piece of mass market entertainment re-released in 2024, nope.
@colliric 17 дней назад
Why do you hate Japanese people? The film should be released in Japan where Song of the South is considered a classic. You don't have the right to tell other cultural groups what is or isn't racist.. it's actually racist to do so! Just release the film in Japan. It should be forcefully released in the United States too, because Disney should lose the film to the Public Domain if they choose not to rerelease a movie. What they are doing is burying James Baskett's most famous film, which is itself a racist act against the African American performer himself. US public domain laws are terrible.
@VinnyRidgeMedia Месяц назад
Great video dawg, heres one for ya: Should Underage Drinking and Smoking be Cancelled in Pinocchio? I say no, but they canceled it anyway!
@bitchenboutique6953 Месяц назад
My feeling about SOTS is mixed… I 100% get why it needs to be shitcanned, however, there are things about it like the animation effects and his performance that are SUBLIME and should be seen and appreciated. But CONTEXT. So I think the solution is for Disney to make a new movie ABOUT the Song of the South. Where it came from, the CONTEXT, how they made it, what they’re proud of and not so proud of… the whole story. It won’t be easy and their hands will be dirty, but they’ll be better off than when they started.
@TeacupForOne Месяц назад
AGREED. Since the video I was running long I cut a whole chunk where I discussed if or how the film could be reintroduced, and that was one of my thoughts: a documentary or Disney+ series of some kind, about the history and context that contributed to why the film was made, that could also utilize clips to provide a legit “release” of some of the commendable elements of the movie…basically what you mentioned: the animation, and James.
@bitchenboutique6953 Месяц назад
I have sooooooo much to say on this subject, every aspect of it, because I not only moved to the American south 40 years ago and was almost immediately confused by the proud “Rebel spirit” all around me (including the big confederate flag painted on the press box over my school’s football field), but I also come from a family whose name seems to belong to way more Black people than white in the South and we sure know why (I think of them all as “cousin”) and 100 or so years ago my grandfather did occasionally perform in minstrel shows (as it was pretty much all the “show business” there was in their part of Kentucky) yet HIS father once had a cross burnt in his front yard because the Klan hated our family. (I only just recently learned of the KKK thing and unfortunately my dad’s generation is nearly gone and nobody is left who would have been alive when it happened!) So I’m gonna try SO HARD to watch the entire video before I say anything specific to it 😂
@dmnemaine Месяц назад
I have seen the film, and I can completely understand why Disney put the film away in the vault. There are racist stereotypes in the film, and the black characters are subservient to the white characters. It's also unclear if they're slaves or if they're sharecroppers. The film never makes it clear whether it's the Antebellum period or the Reconstruction period. With that said, the portrayals in this film are no worse than the portrayals in other films with similar portrayals of black characters, such as "Gone With The Wind" that have never gone out of circulation. I don't see a problem with Disney releasing the film with disclaimers about the racial stereotypes like other films have been released. I actually don't think either keeping the film suppressed or putting it into circulation again is a bad/wrong decision. I think both have their pros and cons.
@colliric 17 дней назад
Public Domain exists for a reason. Disney is just straight up wrong. If they don't want to make money off the film, they can just send it out into the public domain for free right this instant. Anything else is censorship of older material. It's already got 35mm film AI digitally restored 4K ripped copies out there, but we need a fully professionally restored 4K version from the Disney master copy for when it goes formally into the PD.
@TeacupForOne Месяц назад
MATT’S MUSINGS: Do YOU think “Song of the South” should be released? 🤔
@DamonMcmullin Месяц назад
@reedergrant6108 Месяц назад
Nerene Virgin, my first TV crush, you shall be missed. Sir, you have a new subscriber.
@callmethecommentcountess9329 Месяц назад
I am still not a fan of this movie
@TeacupForOne Месяц назад
That’s still ok.
@callmethecommentcountess9329 Месяц назад
Look I’m not a big fan of this movie
@TeacupForOne Месяц назад
That’s ok.
@live4thehunttoday678 Месяц назад
I feel like as a grown man, you shouldn't have such a passionate opinion about this. What are you doing? Go to work. Maybe leave the Disney princesses for the children you creep
@chadbrown748 Месяц назад
I saw this show during my childhood back in the 1990's and it's one of my favorites.