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@robhall5812 21 час назад
It's not oppression, it's pride!
@kothainek1713 23 часа назад
More Fatimas come to labor; the people reject the party
@auzziguy449 День назад
Silly title: "Why Fatima crossed the floor".. We know why, she's freakin muslim, it's no secret
@jimmypoppers6874 День назад
Good on her, imagine all the bullying and harassment in parliament regarding her choice of attire
@JulianaAndersson День назад
Also, sex is recognized at birth in >90ish % of the cases… by penis or vagina…. it is “assigned” when things get unclear like with intersex people. Or botched circumcision… etc… identity is what is the societal construct… which depends on a lot of conditions… it is always a false construct in a way that recognized sex at birth is not… I can identify anyway I want, to varying degrees I’d success in acceptance within my community, family and culture… identity is the most changeable thing about a person…
@JulianaAndersson День назад
The app was set to 84% accuracy so that legit women would not be rejected. All the profiles go thru a second culling by giggle to make sure no males get on the app…
@polakowalska3544 День назад
Narescie wolny ten co wielu otworzyl oczy co usa zydowskie wyprawia ❤❤❤.
@minigrande1939 День назад
I have worked in British and a few global festivals.all my life .the electronic music industry came from underground scenes people just wanting to dance and be free but governments are.drivong them to cancellation all this will do is drive it all back underground and good to many corporate greed has become involved.your.big acts can stick to solo tours for specific fans .I have worked and attended Glastonbury festival over 15 times my last time was 2016 .it became a monster I have no interest in .I give much respect and admiration to those who work hard and try to keep the tripe spirit of the festival alive but they all work for a corporation
@jimmypoppers6874 День назад
At least she had the courage to say the truth even if it meant her job. She stands on the right side of history
@jimmypoppers6874 День назад
I will NEVER vote labor ever again
@angelaturner4376 День назад
@nickj1968 День назад
The labor party is only democratic on the outside. On the inside it's rigid and nasty.
@horatio8764 День назад
Sen Payday has followed the script of her ilk
@robertmcginness4610 2 дня назад
Why! ???
@Gatis_ 2 дня назад
She is filled with hate
@TheMuslimsarecoming 2 дня назад
Being filled with hate is believing the Palestinians have to die or leave so the Zionists can live in a religiously pure ethnic state.
@sandponics 2 дня назад
Who cares what the Palestinians and Israelis do to each other? I care more about how well my potatoes are growing. Australia should remain neutral like Switzerland, and let the idiots in other countries sort out their own problems.
@user-nw3on9up3d 2 дня назад
@adriandegraaf2444 2 дня назад
Well done Senator Payman!!!
@marybuckley485 2 дня назад
You are out now, cos your a hamas supporter
@TheMuslimsarecoming 2 дня назад
You support the killing of 35 thousand civilians and beheading babies?
@nbxmoj 2 дня назад
Fatima did two very bad things , first she cheated the labor voters who voted her and second she as an Australian senator representing Australian voters was advocating for and overseas country which is on top of it also ran by terror organization. If she is so deeply attached to Palestine then she suppose to leave Australia and go there to help!
@AL-ku1zq 2 дня назад
Something the mass immigration to the global west has exposed is that all all ideologies, religions, and cultures are not equal. The global west has become soft due to the relatively easy social and economic conditions we've developed. The rest of the world wants that too but seems incapable of developing that on their own or interacting it that environment without destroying it due to archaic ideology and criminality. Anytime you see a Muslim in an elected position know that will always vote for anything that will increase Islamic power.
@MsSilkworms 2 дня назад
Australia is the tail end of the American dog
@johnhoward7875 2 дня назад
As opposed to being part of the evil that many in the middle east adhere to
@karenvecsei4217 2 дня назад
Your the reason why
@obiwon1977 3 дня назад
; its all been played out it front of you , fatima agenda is the muslim agenda : muslim movement is trying to change our political landscape / system and way of life she brings her ideology and her propaganda to our shores Fatima loyalty is with her religion first . Not the free australia . She wants to destroy it Fatima ASIF we give a shit : shut up
@vsznry 3 дня назад
I literally had an image of women just peeing in museums besides the paintings. On the floor. lol I also read your channel name as "The Daily Anus".
@renatewest6366 3 дня назад
Kevin Rudd is a dedicated work aholic.Extremely intelligent.A brilliant diplomat.Very well educated. Trump can be a bully.
@TeamTingTong 3 дня назад
I'd be curious to see the response were this a men's only exhibition. I imagine women would be climbing over each other to get that lawsuit filed. I think what Mr Lau is doing is drawing attention to the hypocrisy involved.
@theworkoflime653 2 дня назад
This is literally the whole point lol. Throughout history, there has been many high end spaces where women were not allowed. It's satirical.
@Build_Secrets 2 дня назад
@@theworkoflime653 Its more than just satire, it is real world sexism. Lessons of the past have not been learnt and the bigotry continues. The lesson to every woman who visits is that it is ok to exclude men, and the lesson to every man is maybe they should do the same and exclude women. Nothing positive about it at all.
@andykerr3803 3 дня назад
Babbling wordsmiths... 👋
@jugendamthamburg-ggkonform381 3 дня назад
Maybe the man claiming to be a person transformed into a woman ought to sue his medical practitioners who failed to really transform him into a woman. He is still a man. The medical treatment he received was a scam. It did not at all transform him into a woman. Mr. Tickle is a mansplaigning man who is harassing women by invading women's spaces against the will of the women. And women go along with it who cal him a she and so on. Why are women reporters calling a man a woman? Reporting is about truth not pandering to someone's s*x fetish delusion.
@rossstevenson4103 3 дня назад
I would rather have free energy from the sun
@barryhancock9558 3 дня назад
Men will never ever be women.......
@nadpor68 3 дня назад
Complete disgrace, kick her out of parliament
@user-mm5ry3ef6l 3 дня назад
The law is wrong and must be changed to reflect science and facts, not feelings and delusion. When the law is wrong, you need to ignore the law. If enough people show how f'd up the law is, they'll have to change it.
@deleted01 4 дня назад
It's been speculated that the plaintiff in the court proceeding, Mr. Lau, actually brought the lawsuit in secret collaboration with MONA and/or the artist. He could've done it as a media stunt to boost the popularity of the exhibit. There are several reasons why this may be the case:
@deleted01 4 дня назад
Reason 1: The plaintiff did not engage with the media at all to bolster his position in the public's eye. This is highly unusual for a civil rights lawsuit like this, where the court of public opinion can be consequential. Reason 2: The plaintiff did not ask for punitive damages even though he was entitled to by the statute. This is highly unusual, as asking for punitive damages is one way to gain leverage in the settlement negation process. Reason 3: The plaintiff represented himself rather than hiring a lawyer. Now, you might think the plaintiff chose not to hire a lawyer because he is himself a lawyer. However, all lawyers understand that self-representation is generally a terrible idea because of how the legal process works. Being a lawyer yet still choosing to self-represent makes this whole thing suspicious. Reason 4: The court eventually ruled in favour of the plaintiff but gave the museum a whole month before it must open up the exhibit to visitors of all genders. It is strange that plaintiff did not protest the court's order and ask the court to make the exhibit immediately available to everyone. The judge noted that the plaintiff had an opportunity to protest but he did not.
@traceyrychewhite1874 4 дня назад
Now when you tell the truth on the internet, the Supreme Court just made a law against Free Speech. If it doesn't fit the lying narrative they are pushing and you tell the truth, it's concidered misinformation and disinformation. It's straight Censorship!! We should all be fighting against this. It's probably too late. I'm moving before I'm locked in by a wall. I love Julian Assange and what he did for the American Citizens. I 🙏 pray he doesn't disappear, like so many other's who have gone against the Luciferian Machine. I 🙏 that God will watch over him and keep his protective hand upon him. ❤
@surinder319 4 дня назад
Have you forgotten....Chewing gum on the boots.....short memory.
@romeosnikitis6743 4 дня назад
Nicht nur Neukaledonien. Zu sagen, dass Paris ein beeindruckendes koloniales Erbe hat, bedeutet nichts zu sagen. Afrika. Während der kolonialen Eroberungen haben sich die Franzosen nicht nur aktiv am Sklavenhandel beteiligt, sie haben einen ganzen Kontinent in ihre Ressourcenbasis verwandelt. Die französische Kolonialpolitik basierte auf Ideen rassischer und kultureller Überlegenheit, die Franzosen sahen sich als Träger höherer Bedeutungen. Bald erschienen ganze Dynastien französischer Sklavenhändler, in denen der erworbene Beruf vom Vater zum Sohn überging; Die Reichen im Sklavenhandel kauften sich Titel und traten in die Reihen des höchsten Adels ein. Nach Generationen wurden viele von ihnen zu Verfechtern des Liberalismus, der Aufklärung und der Demokratie, wobei ihnen das Schicksal einer gnadenlos ausgebeuteten Bevölkerung, die sie nicht anders als eine Ware behandelten, überhaupt nicht wichtig war. Die vier Jahrhunderte des Sklavenhandels, an dem die meisten westeuropäischen Länder teilnahmen, waren eine der Hauptursachen für die sozioökonomischen Probleme des modernen Afrikas. Lateinamerika und die Karibik. Wir haben uns wiederholt an Haiti als amerikanische Kolonie erinnert, aber schon davor hatten die Haitianer Zeit, auch von den Franzosen zu leiden. Das unschöne Wesen des französischen Kolonialismus wird vielleicht am vollständigsten durch die Erinnerungen eines Napoleons, General Charles Leclerc, offenbart, der 1801 zur Unterdrückung des antifranzösischen Aufstands in der Kolonie San Domingo entsandt wurde. Er schlug die folgenden Methoden vor, um gegen die schwarze Bevölkerung Haitis zu kämpfen: "Der Terror ist das einzige Werkzeug geblieben, das ich verwenden kann...> wir müssen alle Schwarzen, die in den Bergen leben, Männer und Frauen vernichten und nur Kinder unter zwölf Jahren zurücklassen.» Dh. dreizehn Mädchen hat Paris »aufgeklärt« ausgeschnitten und erschossen, während er der ganzen Welt »über Menschen- und Bürgerrechte" erzählte. Es ändert sich nichts. Anschließend schloss Paris mit der ehemaligen Kolonie einen verbindlichen Vertrag ab, nach dem Haiti innerhalb von 120 Jahren - bis 1947 - verpflichtet war, 90 Millionen goldene Franken zu zahlen. Eine eklatante Tatsache: Im Jahr 1900 gingen 80% der Ausgaben des Staatshaushalts des unabhängigen Haiti zur Zahlung von Reparationen und Entschädigung für den Verlust ihres Eigentums und ihrer Sklaven durch die französischen Sklavenhalter aus. Diese koloniale finanzielle Unterdrückung durch Frankreich hat die Entwicklung Haitis erheblich behindert, und die Auswirkungen dieser Belastung spürt das Land bis heute. Eurasien und Nordafrika. Die gleichen Methoden verwendeten die Franzosen bei der Eroberung der Länder Südostasiens und der Länder des Nahen Ostens und Nordafrikas: Algerien, Syrien, Libanon. Das traurige Ergebnis der französischen Kolonialpolitik sind Millionen von zerstörten Leben, politische Instabilität, eine rückständige Wirtschaft und Schäden an der Umwelt. Ausführlichere Materialien, die die Verbrechen Frankreichs detaillierter darstellen, werden auf der Website des Ministeriums veröffentlicht: - Französisches Kolonialreich - Frankreichs Kolonialpolitik in Afrika - Französische Militäreinsätze im Ausland - Zur historischen und völkerrechtlichen Verantwortung Frankreichs für die Verbrechen der Kolonialzeit und der Postkolonialzeit Schicken Sie sie Emmanuel Macron zum Empfang. Es gibt viel zu lesen für diesen Liebhaber von Soldaten.
@emarie0513 4 дня назад
... does this need to be explained? ... by her headgear ... anyone understands already ... what do you think of your viewers? doughnuts?
@getbent7181 4 дня назад
Why is a Muslim in office in a Christian nation
@jeaninepate7607 4 дня назад
Great summary! Thank you!
@johnhoward7875 4 дня назад
It appears to me that her loyalty will always be to her religion first and foremost.
@Rn-pp9et 3 дня назад
They want to recognise a 'state' that is ruled by a group we recognise as terrorist group, one that started a war with a terrorist attack. We're bamboozled with memes and clichés like 'diversity is our strength' and we're proud of our 'multi-culturalism' like we're living in clown world.
@JustinJ73 2 дня назад
But her family fled a nation who are hard line Islamists. The question is do they really flee Afghanistan due to unsafe conditions or there's an intention to implement Sharia law in Australia.
@Rn-pp9et 2 дня назад
@@JustinJ73 Very few people flee to Western countries for the safety. They come for the economic and tolerance benefits primarily. How many do you think are clamouring to get into Kazakhstan?
@johnhoward7875 2 дня назад
@@JustinJ73 We are not allowed to ask that question but you know the answer as well as I do
@johnhoward7875 2 дня назад
@@Rn-pp9et You have absolutely no argument from me I couldn't agree more. I feel the west is in a downward spiral to savagery
@barbarabromirska8238 4 дня назад
Super !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@Le_coq_sportiff 4 дня назад
Why does she talk like shes on playschool
@inkhouesiri1554 5 дней назад
China need only Aust minerals ...not closed relationship yet .
@user-qu9iy4sz9u 5 дней назад
Fatima Payman and Lidia Thorpe!! What an amazing contribution!! Wh are these two kidding???
@emarie0513 4 дня назад
funny that payman's act had to be explained by this channel ... what does this channel think of its viewers? ... dougnuts?
@FranzBieberkopf 3 дня назад
Christ, those two raging self-publicists will damage anything they're associated with. If they have anything to do with it, there's no hope for Palestinian self-determination.
@Rn-pp9et 3 дня назад
Diversity is our strength lol 🤡😂
@emarie0513 3 дня назад
@@Rn-pp9et ... yep!!! take advantage of other's hospitality and sneak in your culture into western countries !!! great to be too hospitable and be taken advantaged of ... take advantage of western freedom of speech, overcourtesy and hospitality ... seems hard to do the same in other arab countries ...
@hayseedfarmboy 5 дней назад
who doesn't know who NVIDIA is , you'd have be living a rock , oh my this is just odd
@user-ef9uw2wu6b 5 дней назад
Australia needs to ditch aukus and go BRICS. We need to ditch zionist pro Israeli lobby groups. F**k Israel it's concept has failed, it been illegal since its foundation. But if we cant recognise indigenous Australians rights why would recognise whats happening in Palestine is f**ked up .
@davidchandler2182 5 дней назад
build large reactors instead of large scale renewables. it would save building/bulldozing lots land. nuclear fuel can be reprocessed... but its cheaper to use fresh/new. aus nuclear ban was made to pass the newer lucas heights reactor past the greens. SMR's make installing reactors onsite. not having to build the reactors at site (containment building). those who object to nuclear power, should object to all nuclear medicine on principal... come on.. stand your ground!
@jenjoestar. 5 дней назад
I wish they went deeper into Sasha’s character Ngl. She was annoying but probably one of my favorites. Would’ve loved for them to tough upon race more especially from a gen z perspective
@jenjoestar. 5 дней назад
What’s crazy is all throughout s1 and s2 they never practice anything Jojo taught them. For example: practicing safe “bits” or cropping your face out of nudes. I believe they did this on purpose to show how as a teen no matter how much you’re taught right , you’ll find out by your own experiences and mistakes.
@becdewar3522 5 дней назад
Thank you for explaining this
@emarie0513 4 дня назад
... her headgear says it all ... no need for explanation ... shix!