Culture Compass
Culture Compass
Culture Compass
Learn about Dutch culture from street interviews with local people.

Hi I'm Paul, the interviewer. I enjoy interacting with people and I noticed there's a lack of channels that incorporate both fun social interactions + interesting cultural discussions into one cohesive format. That's Culture Compass.

My focus is currently on the Netherlands so you'll see mostly street interviews with Dutch people. Later on I'll travel through Europe and beyond to learn more about other cultures as well.

@Ghaltouni 16 часов назад
The Dutch are seriously calling another people from this planet racist and arrogant? Having the wrong name and skin color in the Netherlands gets you fucked when you're trying to find a place to live in even if you have excellent income
@mathiaskanuck6759 День назад
They are happy about no weapons in Holland, just wait until mass illegal immigration hits.
@jimechols4347 День назад
Most Americans trace their heritage back to northern Europe as the Anglo-Saxons. So it is weird that they would think of us as different when we are in fact related historically. 🤔
@MohamedHassan-yt6wj 2 дня назад
If u ask Americans what do u think Holland they don't even know 😅😅 where it is ???
@Cheebaroni812-kx5yt 3 дня назад
Racism is much much worse in Eastern Europe than it is in America. America is a melting pot of cultures, the media constructs the racial narrative to divide
@jsvalina3503 3 дня назад
It's weird how many countries don't like the US, I think most Americans like most other countries. Even if you asked the majority of Americans what they think about Chinese people it would be more positive than negative.
@naqiszhalia9334 4 дня назад
I like the fact that Dutch people are real, they would not lie. But they are also very respectful towards others. I have been there many years ago.
@BCNpod 4 дня назад
Go visit the US. It’s a very big country. It’s easy to live a great life in a “bubble” especially if you are highly skilled. They have everything they need there in the US. Career opportunities are endless plus homes are affordable there. Edit: If you don’t have high tech skills, you can still make $100k salary as a truck driver. $300k detached house in the US would cost you €2mil in Europe. I can not blame the Americans for not traveling much outside of their country. It’s because there is so much to see in the U.S. By the way, name a western country that is NOT divided politically and brainwashed. Name a western country who does NOT have racial tension? Name country who has NOT experience inflation? I envy them a bit.
@snackler6102 4 дня назад
Trumps not the only old american that passes unconstitutional laws… (Canadian visiting family in serbia)
@rawsupershow123 4 дня назад
BASEADO 🇳🇱🇳🇱🇳🇱🇳🇱🇳🇱🇳🇱
@ellenslatestvids 4 дня назад
I was born in NL and have lived for 30 years in the USA. I have experienced regularly negative comments about Americans when I come back in NL. But in the USA I have only received positive feedback about the Netherlands. That tells me something about the respectfulness of Americans....
@ellenslatestvids 4 дня назад
I wonder how many of these people that were interviewed here have actually been in the USA...
@Hexapod1112 5 дней назад
Originally, it was car lobbyists who convinced everyone that helmets were necessary, aiming to make biking look dangerous and divert attention from the real danger posed by cars.
@steveharvey6421 5 дней назад
Most Americans can not locate the Netherlands on the map and it does not matter. We live an ocean away from those ungrateful freeloaders anyway. Trump is right,
@breakthroughmadeinusa9184 5 дней назад
Talk about living under a rock…delusional!!
@sambee4927 5 дней назад
Many people in Europe don't stand for anything moral. They just go along with whatever agenda the marxists are promoting. At least America has had about 200 years lf standing for something good. It's sad America is crumbling because of leftism and wokism, but that's to be expected as we are nearing the return of Jesus Christ on earth.
@BCNpod 4 дня назад
Come on. It’s not that bad. “The end of the world”? Spread love ❤
@ashzab1 5 дней назад
They don't have a super strong accent because their language sounds like an American trying to speak German with an American accent 😂 so when they speak in English it sounds fine
@thefrenchgardener1865 5 дней назад
Some of the most ignorant and uniformed opinions about America, American politics and Americans in general....the Dutch are morally bankrupt and always seem depressed (except when they are high on drugs)
@lampabar 6 дней назад
I have been watching euro matches with Dutch and they were really not pleasant when they were loosing with Poland for 30 minutes, I'd even say insulting. I spent vacation in a hotel where majority are older Dutch guests - they are rather quiete , mind their business, unless they start drinking - they were cracking chauvinist jokes which they were laughing at. They rarely smile not even to each other. They seem wealthy yet so boring and unwelcoming. Well I really hope the younger generation is much different than those people I met.
@smilingdog2219 8 дней назад
Americans is a broad geographic area that includes North, central and south America. What you meant was USA. It seems people are influenced by the narrow lens of media's propaganda machine. News around the world uses the same mind control propaganda to drive peoples opinions and fears. It is better to stray off the main roads anywhere you visit and meet real people before forming an opinion. I've traveled the world and hear this rhetoric from everywhere and at the same time I've met people who have been lucky to live a life without contaminated ideologies. Everybody eats, breathes and goes to the bathroom.
@marcusm663 8 дней назад
USA - A country where : One in five cannot locate the US on a world map. One in seven think Chocolate milk comes from brown cows. One in twelve think they can beat a Grizzly Bear in a bare handed fight. LMFAO.
@10INTM 8 дней назад
"Just a daily reminder that we all hate you Americans and would mistreat you the first chance we get! No here's an anecdote about the time a confused American did something wrong and we all judged them and their whole country for it!" Same people: "I don't understand why Americans don't want to travel. There are whole continents of people like me, it's almost like they're avoiding us on purpose! I mean who doesn't want to be quizzed on geography as a form of greeting!? It's inexplicable!"
@Tommy_007 11 дней назад
I'm from Denmark. (I speak English quite well.) I understand the Scandinavian languages and German very well. And some Dutch. I think that all these languages have the same linguistic "distance" to English. Among people from these contries, I think Dutch people's English pronunciation (and maybe also vocabulary) is on the highest level. Maybe Dutch is phonetically a bit closer to English which might give them a little advantage. For instance, Danish and German are more staccato. Dutch (and Swedish) are more melodic - and closer to English sounds (in my ears).
@delivertilidie8356 11 дней назад
Didn’t the United States help liberate some European countries a time or two ? I thought I read that somewhere.
@BCNpod 4 дня назад
Wow, good that you brought that up. Ppl naturally want to divide. Could it be Ego and toxic-nationalism?
@delivertilidie8356 4 дня назад
@@BCNpod Ego ? Don’t care. Toxic Nationalism ? You people and your need for labels 😘
@FenceThis 11 дней назад
Well, they aren’t !
@AsAbovesobelow952 13 дней назад
Hi there, folks! Im a naturalized american living in the States for half my life. And i wanted to say the following: To all my american compatriots: you all are amazing people, hard working smart and creative. Your forefathers gave their lives to save western europe from the Nazis, starvation, and war. And here you have these ungrateful europeans who have forgotten their own history. I am originally from Albania and i would invite all americans who like to travel to visit my country. Albania is not as advanced as Western eruope, but we are improving. Albanians love americans and are grateful for what the US has done for us. You will be treated with honor and feel welcomed in fact, many americans are moving there, and they do not say anything bad but are respectful and they appreciate how welcoming albanians are and is a very safe country. The western europeans unfortunately have no sense of honor, they are two-faced people and since these folks think that they are superior l then the most logical conclusion is for usa to withdraw their soldiers from these countries since they are so advanced than america than they dont need our soldiers and warplanes etc. Also, they are racist and in the case of the balkans, they think they can toy with southern europeans and make empty promises. I would love to see how the Western european countries will deal with the russsians marching toward their lands, and no american troops will be there to help them.
@Route-66barefoot 13 дней назад
love Albania. Thank you❤🐦🌿🎇
@user-yv7fb3be2y 13 дней назад
This is not good. Because it will hurt the pride of Americans. Look at who is leaving comments here. Don't get too angry.
@FatAssTravel 13 дней назад
I guess all those Americans who died liberating their country mean nothing to them?
@h.a.dejong192 13 дней назад
When I grew up, there were limited TV channels. Since everything is subtitled on Dutch television it was easier to learn English and German. I even learned a little bit of French because of the shows from Michel fugain and Charles aznavour.
@pickle4422 14 дней назад
Hilarious to hear Dutch people talk about America, when they’ve never been to America. Great example of being “worldly” people 🙄
@lofihifi792 15 дней назад
Wow, for people who generally have a negative attitude about America and Americans they sure do seem to know a lot about our culture. It’s nice to know their inconsequential little nation state is keeping tabs on daddy overseas.
@AceofDlamonds 15 дней назад
I noticed when I play online games I see Dutch people speak English the best outside of Anglo regions.
@thefrenchgardener1865 16 дней назад
Less than 6 million people live in Finland and they say America is not engaged???? When has the world ever looked to Finland for help, money, protection, military assistance, or innovative ideas?
@vladimirzaitsev5085 9 дней назад
What does Finland have to do with this?
@thefrenchgardener1865 16 дней назад
The Dutch are interesting people but unfortunately very limited in seeing the world (America) only through politics...life here in the USA is so much more.
@kemaniibolden3039 16 дней назад
Could barely understand them
@goldenretriever6261 16 дней назад
I'm Canadian and would never invite someone over for dinner... unless i wanted to bang her.
@natemcclain5391 17 дней назад
So coming from an American a lot of us want nothing to do with most countries we don’t wanna cause problems you’re all talking about the government. Those people are crooked. We as citizens do not want to cause problems So complain to the US government they’re the problem There’s your advice
@EvanFromJersey 19 дней назад
2:30 is a pretty solid example of an English homonym. Patients are the people she receives and takes care of. Patience is the ability to tolerate setback without getting upset or angry. Both are pretty applicable to her profession. By the way, the lady right after her when she said "with er hands n er feet" sounded incredibly American. The guy at 4:16 is also the man.
@user-ic9vg6pw4o 19 дней назад
Whst does it mean a smug person?
@sailor583 21 день назад
Cycling accidents in the Netherlands are rarely serious. The have 1) ample and protected bike paths, 2) Motor vehicle drivers are usually riders themselves so they are more aware and careful, 3) they ride at slower speeds in more stable utilitarian bicycles. 4) When they take out their multi speed ultralight bicycles to ride in the countryside they wear helmets but not necessary to run errands in their town bikes 5) The demographics of riders of all ages yields overall less risk taking 6) The chances of a fatal encounter with a motor vehicle are very minimal. 7) they understand the actual protection a helmet provides and are not lulled by the false sense of security that is often promoted in lieu of safety road improvements.
@williamramos3350 23 дня назад
It's all true. That's all that needs to be said.
@213kidangel 23 дня назад
we are a republic not a democracy
@Superk762 24 дня назад
The dutch often seem to age prematurely due to excessive consumption of alcohole and unprotected sun exposure. Why do they mantain harmful habits when the evidence of how harmful they are is overwhelming?
@veronikalynn5084 25 дней назад
I hope that the Dutch don’t let this world steal their inclination towards tolerance. What that woman described, that “general feeling,” is suffocating and nearly impossible to overcome when it manifests itself in your country’s media and political spheres…as an American, having lived through it my whole life, it’s sad to see this happen to other countries.
@veronikalynn5084 25 дней назад
Man I loved this lol made me want to go visit or live there! What a lovely people
@fnyack 25 дней назад
America is not coming back to save Europe, please learn Russian.
@vincem257 26 дней назад
It’s different when you’re riding a manpowered bicycle at a slower pace and don’t have cars on the road with you. Less chance of an accident and in the event of one I imagine less chance of serious injuries.
@MrLaizard 26 дней назад
Dear dutchies, AMERICA is a whole continent with dozens of countries not just the USA...in fact your Queen is american born
@Constantinople_has_come 26 дней назад
"i think they're self absorbed and feel superior'' im not american but that coming from germanic people thats like wooow ok
@rodrigoguzmanloreto3350 26 дней назад
Their opinions are pretty much what the entire world thinks about United States americans