job hunting
10 месяцев назад
job listings
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The reality of productivity culture
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Is Fast Food worth the price?
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company loyalty - Is it worth it?
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Utility bill price hikes
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Return to Office
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Companies after a layoff
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School choice- school vouchers
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PSA  on Personal financial youtubers
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Travel Advisory- How other countries view the US
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The Maui fires
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Credit card debt ft After pay
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Heath care is broken in the US
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Student loan debt
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Car Prices Are Out of Control
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A rant on renting
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@UncleFeedle День назад
"I have applied to literally a million jobs!" So you've been sending out one hundred applications a day for the last 27 years? Or like most TikTokers, you haven't a bloody clue about what the word 'literally' actually means.
@Nader_61 2 дня назад
"I'm trippin' y'all! Fo' real!" 😂
@Mtmonaghan 3 дня назад
NO UNIONS! No rights. Have it, you and your individualism. Now you know you’re in a class war and you’re losing. Divide and conquer.
@itsdarkout10 3 дня назад
The first guy has never worked for anyone. I guarantee he was gifted his position. Doesn't matter if he went to college or not. I bet Daddy paid for that. Daddy set him up. He's a loser. Like most CEOs. They're out of touch and have never had to worry about anything. This guy couldn't operate a self-checkout counter. Guarantee it.
@markross369 6 дней назад
Oh wait worthless rolls are no longer needed. Where we all get the great vids of these tech folks doing absolutely nothing. I hear rumors they are all being replaced by illegal foreigners. #teachilligalstocode
@CT-yc4gd 7 дней назад
Regarding the first one here. Im talking extremes but that kind of mentality results in violence. It takes a while, but it does happen. My grandfather was a simple manager for a Raleys store as the department head as a butcher and he got a pension. He was a WW2 Leather neck, tough sonnofa bitch. Not the smartest. But still a good man. Companies will take and take and take and take. Unions are on the rise again because people are sick and tired of being paid peanuts for running around constantly trying to get their duties filled while the company takes everything simply for owning the building and buying the supplies.
@CT-yc4gd 7 дней назад
0:39 This happened at my job. After 5 years we get 3 weeks off. Then came the kicker. I saved up all 3 weeks. I was denied because they "didn't have the coverage." DESPITE me asking my other coworkers if they would cover and without putting them into OT. Manager still said no. We covered a guy who was out for heart surgery for 3+ months, and this guy is fucking telling me that no one can cover after I arranged the coverage? F off with that.
@alper_mulayim 9 дней назад
we make bilion dolar profit this quarter but we are cut off salary increases %10 but we are great copany. Dear all, 200 euro is changing someone lives positively but company does not care. if your profit bilions losing your employee because of 50 eur, iti is your fault.
@dl6821 12 дней назад
Your white, get over it.
@CptInsano835 13 дней назад
Our country will soon be begging for any jobs. We have enjoyed the benefits of being the reserve status currency. Go to some other countries and see what they live like. Thats coming to us. At least our problems will be less complex and existential for a long time.
@RainyMcDaniels 24 дня назад
@wesryan930 27 дней назад
I have two kids. We are VERY poor
@Europa1749 Месяц назад
My children are not going to have children. We are all very happy about this because there will be no future worry about the desolate future they would have faced as wage slaves.
@Clevelandsteamer324 Месяц назад
Let’s talk about “compression” this is when they hire someone new that has less experience and is younger at a significantly higher rate. Talk about morale killing
@Clevelandsteamer324 Месяц назад
5:10 if I’m literally doing two persons jobs. I want both paychecks
@Clevelandsteamer324 Месяц назад
Not even a gold watch anymore
@somberlight Месяц назад
you are loyal to your family. all talks of corporation loyalty are often a precedent to an assrape.
@spoonfudge1284 Месяц назад
I'm a former C.O.O of a tech company in the app and cellular segments of the market. I still have many connections and friends who work at companies such as Microsoft, Apple, and even X(Twitter). The reasons for the layoffs and restructuring are simple. Over the last 25 years these types of companies have hired more staff due to market projections, and in recent years being forced to hire more than needed due to D.E.I quotes. Then 2020 hits and everything changes. They could have very easily laid people off in 2020-2022, but they didn't. They thought things would go back to the way they were before 2020, and they haven't fully reached that point. During these last 4 years they have realized certain departments within their business had a ton of bloat. In the end they had to cut the fat. It sounds cruel , but if you owned a multi billion $$ entity you wouldn't keep employees in their positions if it didn't make financial sense.
@chavonjames8941 Месяц назад
The first part is so relatable-went from warehousing to switch to still Laborer but more of an outdoors/field service Laborer in just wanting to work in a field of water. Pool servicing or warehousing (in my relative field)
@bullet2800 Месяц назад
Well folks, welcome to corporate AMERICA! Get used to it! There is going to be going layoffs left and right!
@bera0014 Месяц назад
I asked my boss if I could take the rest of an afternoon off and he said "Yeah, as long as you can make up the time" so I said, "it's 27.69am"
@k.chriscaldwell4141 Месяц назад
It’s NOT Capitalism. If this comment makes it past the censors, ask me the who and what.
@Doors067 Месяц назад
I got a job after 5 months. Shes giving up too easy, extending yourself is actually smart. Shes scared of rejection, i got rejected like 20 times before i found a place that wanted me
@thunderwolf4237 Месяц назад
0:45 That is not a "plain jane" neighborhood. You have nice sidewalks and curbs, trees and yards that have been maintained very well and mowed. Two story homes with large lot properties and fences. Is 5900 a lot for rent, ABSOLUTELY, but that neighborhood is actually quite nice.
@jenniferburchill3658 Месяц назад
What's really bad is that a SCHOOL DISTRICT pulled this stunt as well!
@TheBlackManMythLegend Месяц назад
the only solution I see is starting my own business
@jenniferburchill3658 2 месяца назад
Can't get a job? That's a reflection on YOU.
@mev321 2 месяца назад
Congratulations! It’s Biden’s economy!
@ZetaReticuli_ 2 месяца назад
I truly do think that Execs and HR types really love recessions, tight job markets and layoffs because of the leverage it gives them to be petty jerks. No wonder HR people are 'woke', and Corporate America love the Democratic Party and has Stage 4 TDS.
@AlexParkYT 2 месяца назад
Entry level - No one gets entry.
@AnthonyJohnson-mx3kp 2 месяца назад
women should stop throwing their education and jobs into men's faces since things are so unstable. it cant be a good feeling to brag about a degree that you have while having to pay back student loans to then lose that job and still be required to pay back student loans. women should not be in competition with men anyway because women are supposed to be men's help mate.
@roxcyn 2 месяца назад
What the hell is a kitchen fee? Also, *YES* Shopify sites NOW SAY ABOUT giving a tip, like huh? Why? It’s a mailed order! SMH. Tipping is way out of hand in the USA.
@AMAYZlN 2 месяца назад
I order online, then I pick it up. No tips at all when doing that. I tip when I eat out though, other than that, no tips
@burly636 2 месяца назад
KJ21 And I heard a voice in the midst of the four living beings say, “A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny; and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine!” that’s a days pay. you don’t think the Bible is true? You better turn them to the one that’ll give you hope. And it’s not Buddha.
@Doors067 2 месяца назад
That dudes wife calls jerome while he's out the house
@kdc-nb5fw 2 месяца назад
That is why so many restaurants go out of business. People would rather eat at home. They also then know what they are eating and that the kitchen is clean.
@vudoo6 2 месяца назад
What does my contract say?
@solskengroupllp2758 2 месяца назад
This is why my dad would go to their main office reception area of companies he hated, and take a dump in their largest plant.
@Laylasbadgirllifestyle 2 месяца назад
We are definitely in a recession
@tailblazerstv 2 месяца назад
If u don’t like it ..work for yourself ..most layoffs come to try and save. The rest instead no layoffs and then the company goes under and everyone is out of work ..when companies profit share it helps immensely to get employees to go above. And beyond and care ..diffence between owners and employees..owners never get a day off and the biz is their life 24/7..most employees job is just a place to get a paycheck and the second they’re punched out is the second they stop caring or thinking about work and the company ..just be grateful the company was able to pay you for your work when you were employed
@senorbeanoswifey 2 месяца назад
Just 13 years ago i was making $10/hour as a single mom. I received CHIPS for my daughter and that was it. All my groceries, and rent and bills were paid for by me. And we were able to survive. I worked like a dog, and we definitely were living very frugal. But I was never worried about having food for my daughter. Or keeping a roof over her head. Its crazy something I was able to do just over a decade ago would be impossible now.
@metastract 2 месяца назад
Nah, one of the older Millenials here who graduated right into the post-2008 recession when TikTok didn't exist and nobody was talking about and certainly not empathasing with our struggles. Managed to dodge having kids despite a few drifter relationships with conventional types which I was delighted to end in my 20s and 30s. Finally caught up with rich peers financially by 40 and met my ideal childfree partner by 38. We just bought land in France instead of day care. Nah, we're not concerned about the lack of free eldercare from children who will be too busy anyway. Do not make your life more expensive than necessary just to follow social expectations. People around you get over it eventually.✌️
@MrJacksspleen 2 месяца назад
Learn to code.
@jamescox2822 2 месяца назад
You do understand you can just tell them to get screwed.Go across the street and get another job.Just like the one you had
@callmeishmaelk767 2 месяца назад
The take away, save up a bunch of money so you can tell these companies to go fuck themselves.
@user-lf5bm5tm1q 2 месяца назад
These people sit around, eat, drink coffee and do TikTok’s all day. Companies are cutting dead weight.
@ShadowsandCityLights 2 месяца назад
I'd just buy it for the container.
@MaryBrown-qp6iw 2 месяца назад
I have took 2 drugs test and background checks, passed both. For a company to offer me an interview that never came. I called the recruiter 3 times before she texted me and said they moved on to other candidates. I miss the old days where you did the drug test and background check after the inter, then they call you back with a start date.
@lindsay3793 3 месяца назад
Gen Z are the ones who wanted to import all of these ill-to-the-legal immigrants and reduce the USA to the lowest common denominator. They are foolish and believed there would be no repercussions, that it wasn't pewpewing themselves in the foot. And here we are.
@muztbnutz2914 3 месяца назад
Biden's America