Corridor Crew
Corridor Crew
Corridor Crew
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VFX Artists React to Bad & Great CGi 130
14 дней назад
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VFX Artists React to Bad & Great CGi 125
2 месяца назад
Taking Glitter Bombs TOO FAR
2 месяца назад
Animators React to Bad & Great Cartoons 16
2 месяца назад
3 месяца назад
VFX Artists DEBUNK Jellyfish UFO Videos
3 месяца назад
VFX Artists React to Bad & Great CGi 124
3 месяца назад
VFX Artists React to Bad & WORSE CGi
3 месяца назад
VFX Artists React to Bad & Great CGi 123
4 месяца назад
Stuntmen React to Bad & Great Stunts 42
4 месяца назад
The Hidden VFX in Live Sports
4 месяца назад
@Zanteeh 9 часов назад
Anyone noticed the glitchy racquet in the top left guy at the tennis court?
@ALEXGIBSONCMG 9 часов назад
this would be such a badass batman movie, i'd go to the theatre to see it fosho
@jmoralesh 10 часов назад
what a fucking legend
@bravo9355 10 часов назад
I watch dues ex long plays with no commentary every once in awhile. Such a good game even with those garbage encounters. 👍
@RoximRox 10 часов назад
He's so casual about how he's made a career of leveraging wit, skill, and determination with so much humility that it almost feels like he's trying to convince you he's just bumble into success. Super cool guy
@auwalismailsulaiman605 10 часов назад
Wow this episode was too short. Wish it was an hour long😅
@aerolynx2700 10 часов назад
That was absolutely great to watch. 🙏
@SholvaBeats-kn6gw 10 часов назад
I remember watching it in theatre. it was magical. I also remember metal gear solid coming out and thinking it was the peak of graphics lol. It is some weird nostalgia. My fantasy just made up for all the jank. Looking back, some things are hilarious and not at all how i remember them.
@lukasheimann1463 10 часов назад
anyone notice the weird glitching shadow on the dialect coaches tennis racket as the camera zooms out?
@quimerawesterburger1867 10 часов назад
Just casually watching the video when of the sudden, gasp! Are those Dutch subtitles i see🤣
@theoldwise 10 часов назад
The tennisball has no shadow @25:31 :)
@evotech 10 часов назад
I love that he calls everythign he does a gag
@denmarkkk 10 часов назад
Why did we make these rules in the first place?
@glazdarklee1683 10 часов назад
One common characteristic of the incredibly competent is that they are very unpretentious. This guy is a classic example of this.
@kappa14357 10 часов назад
More Star Trek FX please!
@CRISTIANARQ 10 часов назад
what a legend!!!!
@binbashyt 10 часов назад
Robert Legato is an absolute legend.
@PheroPerez 10 часов назад
Man i spent so many hours of my childhood guessing what was vfx and ehat was real on hugo. Hearing the actual guy who worked on it feels just like home
@JacksonKillroy 10 часов назад
now y'all need to get his brother, Daniel Staccato
@scotshabalam2432 10 часов назад
That's amazing you guys just started a new industry in film.
@lukafilm 10 часов назад
Uf ... This guy is so frickin good. Every single sentence he said is gold. And he tells it like it's the simplest thing in the world.
@Stonehenge2.0 10 часов назад
I LOVE these ones with industry folks! Please try to get Ken Perlin, of Perlin noise fame :)
@daynehahn6134 10 часов назад
Please react to the werewolf transformation in Hemlock Grove!
@MePeterNicholls 10 часов назад
I love how he calls things gags
@Aegis_Mind 10 часов назад
Hey I appreciate the 25 minute episode length. Makes up for the shorter one a few weeks ago 😎👍
@FUBARguy107 10 часов назад
I remember in 1995 or 96 my step-dad brought home our first family computer. He installed Encyclopedia Britannica onto the computer for us to explore information. It was the closest thing to the internet we had. One of the features was the ability to pan 360° and panoramic images. The Sistine Chapel was one of the first images we explored for hours.
@reaganlpeterson 10 часов назад
9:10 I guess Star Wars and Star Trek have been competing since the beginning.
@MrMysteryman00 10 часов назад
Today I learned stunt people aren’t real people.
@germalganis 10 часов назад
Always the VFX shots that amaze the most are the ones I never realized where there. Amazing video.
@Zaruf 10 часов назад
It's a cool series but why does Wren need to shout and overact all the time? Even Rob here looks like he's tired of that
@icetech6 10 часов назад
Wish this had been much longer
@merlinoner 10 часов назад
This is really high level stuff. Those guys from that era, were really pros at what they were doing.
@Arizona9001 10 часов назад
Robert L. is the CEO of special effects
@carrollmusician 10 часов назад
TNG has some timeless looks. This guy is a wizard.
@natebudarz8725 10 часов назад
This man broke down the way he did VFX better than any past guest IMO I love everything corridor does😃
@TheJanemba999 10 часов назад
Uncredited as VFX Supervisor for Final Fantasy X-2??? SHAME
@TrueURIELOfficial 10 часов назад
Robert is awesome.
@bebokRZly 10 часов назад
It is like politics :D when you cot off emotional bull.. It and write sense from new lines -. You will see what the f.k it is? XD
@vlbonnie 10 часов назад
Hearing about the effortless shot compositing with sodium vapor lighting made me so hungry (for video editing)
@babelinfocalypse8118 10 часов назад
Best episode ever, the guy is a genius
@Adovid 10 часов назад
Blown away- This is such an awesome resurrection of secret knowledge from the past. Nice work!
@johaarup 10 часов назад
"..and because I got so bored doing Star Trek" - I understand, but still.. what a line.
@sebastianfiel1715 10 часов назад
Wow such a legend
@TheUnsungGamer 10 часов назад
at 19:06 you can see the "dialect coach's" tennis racket has a masking slip up!
@billybob-is6bt 10 часов назад
Hugo was terrifying. Nice job Rob.
@littlebuch 10 часов назад
17:44 the guy (the instructor) top left in the middle court has a racket cut away in his chest. You can even see the court lines through his chest. Subtle little mistake there.
@tvortbox 10 часов назад
holy crap what a great episode! cant wait to see him again
@donkeyborg 10 часов назад
an absolute giant on a regular-sized sofa
@mawortz 10 часов назад
I love his nonchalan style
@AdudenamedVince 11 часов назад
He may not be a barrel of laughs like Seth Rogan, but damn does this man know his stuff...