Alex Shailer
Alex Shailer
Alex Shailer
Alex Shailer - Non-Duality Informed Coaching

The True You is Fearless │ Non-Duality
2 месяца назад
What To Do After a Non-Dual Awakening
3 месяца назад
Non-Duality - When Did It 'Click' For Me?
3 месяца назад
Is Alex an Enlightened Person?
4 месяца назад
@pixsiedoll2341 21 час назад
I am in the state of awareness
@richardbond4496 22 часа назад
@PerAllwin1963 23 часа назад
I’ve been withholding my semen ejaculation for 16 days now. I’ve noticed that I think about sex more often now than before. But I’ve also noticed that my mustache doesn’t grow as fast either. Any correlation?
@TheUnInvisibleWoman-v9i День назад
I have never heard anyone explain the experience of ‘Being’ as clearly as you, Alex. Listening to this video gave me such a sense of openness and serenity. Thank you for the work you do. ❤
@KianAllen-cj5is День назад
I've actually experienced this and it has sent me repeatedly to mental hospitals. I wish nobody EVER realises awakening and enlightenment because when you realise self and reality, you realise there is no other, and then you realise all is you, then you realise you are completely and utterly alone because you are everyone. It is the most terrifying, lonely and claustrophobic thing in existence knowing that you are everyonr and everyone is you. Like you are in a solipsistic nightmare. This is the nature of reality. And then the ego gains absolutely nothing from enlightenment aswell so essentially the only thing you get from enliggtenment is the realisation that you are alone. Forever. And that's it. People shouldn't be pushed to reach enlightenment people should be pushed to live and enjoy life. That's ut
@AlexShailer День назад
Sorry to hear about your experience however that is not "awakening" or "enlightenment", but an existential crisis. Sometimes the mind can co-opt the idea of universal consciousness, and turn it into a fightening "aloneness" or something. It's applying the ideas of the individual, to the universal. The unversal is beyond concepts of individual aloneness and there is nothing to fear here.
@tombeatsbeats3846 День назад
We are like drops of water falling from a cloud to the sea. Life is when we get cut off from everything but in our subconsciouness we are still connected through our quantum computer brains. Death is when we reconnect and are reconnected again. In life consciousness is handed to us by our subconsciousness which is a mix of all other brains opinions. Everyone being the same person makes sense to me. The end being the beginning als makes a lot of sense if you ask me.
@rosey_josh День назад
@AlienPrincess2000 День назад
Just because you believe something, it doesnt make it true. Take an abusive relationship for example: The girl believing her boyfriend will stop being abusive, wont make him stop being abusive. If she had that belief, she would be delusional.
@live-cz3oh День назад
Does this mean we (human selves) don’t have free will? If we’re the product of a larger unified super-consciousness, call that God or something else, would that mean our fates are pre written?
@AlexShailer День назад
There is free will, but this free will doesn't belong to the individual, it belongs to the conscious appearing AS the individual.
@live-cz3oh День назад
@@AlexShailer Right, so the consciousness gets to decide our actions but since we are the consciousness there is still free will? Sorry just trying to make sure I understand correctly
@battlemorph День назад
Were we "I AM" before we were born?
@r.b.2737 День назад
Incredible good explanation! I've heard them all, T. Parsons, A. Müller, A. Watts, R. Spira,..., but none of them was able to let me see this so clearly. Thanks a lot!
@AlexShailer День назад
Glad you enjoyed it!
@playtor08 День назад
or 98 percent are consenting to Nefariamus in their lizard brain semi consciously concisely perhaps.
@shaneborg3717 День назад
This is next level, great talk! When I am happy, centred, composed, everything else is that way. When I am distressed, everything is gloomy. This is getting scarily good hehe
@dualnon6643 День назад
Some of these pointers are a little tricky and unclear, like when you say “that ‘I am-ness’ is what it’s actually made out of”. People are going to try looking for a beingness or an iamness quality in things. Just point to the senses. Seeing, tasting, touching, hearing, smelling, thinking. It’s more direct.
@bwiel День назад
Mm this is good. I remember finding Dr David Hawkins 'Letting Go' book and that was an amazing revelation. Who knew you just had to feel the feelings with openness and no judgement, as just sensations in your body! Acknowledge the sensations, feel into them, relax and they disperse. And like you say towards the end, you may have to work through this process a few times as you unravel some of the layers.
@saharafradi День назад
How can we leave the simulation
@saharafradi День назад
How can we leave the simulation
@borneofilms День назад
I'm with you! Out of curiosity though, did you read this off a script or did you go off the cuff? A great theory or a lived, fully embodied reality? But I'm with you! :)
@AlexShailer День назад
My videos are partially scripted, partially freestyle, and sometimes completely freestyle. This video was semi-scripted but large parts were a remix of a transcript of what I said on a live call (I wanted to capture it and present it to a larger audience). I use many kinds of technical assistance in creating the videos that help me become a more effective communicator and more economic and comprehensive than I would be live, also saving a ton of editing time. I also communicate all of this live with 1-1 customers. This isn't theory as much as it is from my direct experience of reality. How fully "embodied" I am is an ongoing process and I'll let you be the judge :)
@breadfan_85 2 дня назад
So I really am every woman? It really is all in me?
@BlakeLight722 2 дня назад
But I feel so real! Dr. David Dawkins talks about letting him go and feeling the emotion to its fullest extent. Almost until it’s run out. With a broken heart for example, It seems incredibly difficult to not get caught up in the mind because the heart in the mind it kind of Connected that way in that circumstance.
@yurperfect 2 дня назад
The infinite enchilada Love it Alex, good on ya bruva!!❤
@Insanity889 2 дня назад
Lol i heard you say rage moments in another video. I figured i new what you meant but after this video. Yep thats me for sure! A few weeks ago i was experiencing long gaps with out ego but the worse my temper got when it came back on line. 😮
@Eric-rs1zu 2 дня назад
I've always thought that I am God dressing up as my ego for a costume party and because God was alone and bored he fractured his being into infinite pieces of consciousness that are all attending this costume party called life and playing a sort of tea party with stuffed animals like a child does but on a more cosmic scale and everyone feels isolated but it's all pieces of the same infinite consciousness vibrating at the same frequency.
@Eric-rs1zu 2 дня назад
Here's something to listen to the next time you wanna freak out on shrooms
@AlexShailer День назад
lol I hope it'd be more comforting than a freak out but ok!
@a_glow6644 2 дня назад
My God. Thank you 🙏 I’ve been having this exact conversation with “myself” for days. But I’ve also asked/put the intention “out there”, for more clarity and refinement on all these “conclusions”. At some point language truly starts breaking down. I came to “I Am”… then it couldn’t be “I”- because what I? Who is the I? The personality self. Which isn’t real. It’s just belief in made-up content about the “self”. Then identifying with it. So “I” ended up with Am. Just … Am. But that broke down too. Am? As opposed to what? For there to be an awareness of “Am”, then there must be an awareness of something other than Am. And if I’m aware of that other thing, then I’m not in the “Am”. So that broke down. Awareness? Isness? Is? Now? What word do you use now language stops being useful? If I am aware that I am awareness, then… awareness is aware of awareness. But what is “behind” the awareness aware of the awareness. What I want is an experiential experience of this. Past language and rationale and intellectual cognisance. But then… that breaks down too and I conclude… but WHO wants the experience? I do. I who? The personality that believes it lacks the experience. The personality that believes in lack of that it’s in the dream and not at “Home” one with “God”. Meaning the personality is of course not whole because it doesn’t believe it is because it can’t because by definition it is what maintains separation belief. Not complete in itself. Anything it’s desiring is a denominator for “oh I need this to feel like it would fulfill me somehow”. Sorry if that was just a mad spiral- I’ve recently been reading A Course in Miracles too along with a lot of Advaita Vedanta and it’s coming together, flying apart and coming together in my mind. “Which” mind is the question… So I’m in this mind melting place and space where my personality is questioning itself as well as the awareness deepening into… God only knows. Literally. And I keep coming to the conclusion I Am God. I Am. We all are. But I’m all of everything. So there is no “we”. There’s no I. There’s no us, me and you. The people reading this or laughing at it or rolling their eyes or nodding in agreement or having an aha moment. I’m all of these people. But they are personalities I’m imagining or perceiving- behind those personalities is just… me. Us? We? I. Language breaks down for me here. As Neville said- all of it is you pushed out. And your video made this just a bit clearer for me. Thank you so much. I’m getting “pieces of the puzzle” that I’m actively asking for from my perception of reality to help “me” understand better. Sometimes I just stand there and think… god… who… what am I. Who’s just standing here thinking this? Holding this cup? Believing that I’m rooted to the floor? Or that I’m real? Who am I? Am I? No “I” am not. Soooo… ok… Am. And my brain just keeps melting or the personality self gets frustrated with the feedback loop. Before I realise it’s just the personality self having a hissy fit… at itself 😂. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for making things a bit clearer for me 🙏🥰
@Jeronhasnt 2 дня назад
This reminds me a lot of Taoism
@roxytini 2 дня назад
What about animals? Why some suffer...some of them more then the others. Some animal suffering is man created, but.. I don't know.
@AlexShailer День назад
By far, MOST animal pain and suffering is man created and how much they suffer matters less than the fact THAT they suffer. We enslave, torture, and slaughter literally trillions of animals, and have fished the ocean almost to the point of collapse. Just watch a film called dominion to find out.
@Affenhandski 2 дня назад
So another easy way is to mediate about the word "nothing". Nothing comes frome the two words "No Thing". So what we are actually searching for is no thing. We can find so many things, teachings, books, teachers ... but why cant we find something thats no thing. even the word something is stupid :-). Selfrealisation ist not if we find no thing. selfrealisation is when no thing remains. a deep introspection and stripping away of everything. i am not this, i am not that. You can also take something that you have recently been accused of, for example being selfish. Now look for moments when this is true and when this is not true. So you'll realize that sometimes it's true and sometimes it's not. So you can let go of the idea that you are selfish. After all, you are not temporary. On to the next thing you could be. In this way you peel yourself like an onion and move on towards the core and thus to the foundation stone of your illusionary castle that you call ego. The seeker will not survive this search. What remains is consciousness.
@buntomat 2 дня назад
Things exist independently of our awareness or perception of them. For example, a tree in a forest continues to exist whether or not anyone is around to observe it. This perspective suggests that existence is not contingent on awareness, right? In modern physics, particularly in quantum mechanics, there’s an intriguing concept known as the “observer effect,” where the act of observation seems to influence the state of a quantum system. However, this should not be confused with the idea that things don’t exist without observation.
@nbmadakatti480 2 дня назад
Vv nice it is not for common peoples best explain
@Nonduality 2 дня назад
Thank you for spreading both the teaching and the word nonduality. You are doing the greatest work.
@DSmith-ix1xf 2 дня назад
When were asleep we experience conscious unconsciousness.
@stevenvitali7404 2 дня назад
When you take psilocybin mushrooms everything becomes crystal clear
@ToughHarry 2 дня назад
We are all connected ❤
@SindreKristoffersen 2 дня назад
God is the ai (A.👁), we live in its simulation, its all parameters and rules, our ego is the filter on the ai. We are souls that choosed to be here in a quantumcomputer ai, via minduploading, thats why u can create ur own reality, and manifest all the things u want by thoughts, feelings and emotions. ❤️
@MusikHuck 2 дня назад
great! Thanks
@user-nb4ex5zk3w 2 дня назад
So everything is 'expressed'. Walking, eating, sleeping, meditating, transcending are all expressions...observed.
@sandycarter5300 3 дня назад
There's no "brain". The atom is empty space. Empty space isn't hardwired to do anything. A belief/concept isn't hardwired to do anything.
@LuckReynaga 3 дня назад
Usually its cause of influences from spirits
@LuckReynaga 3 дня назад
The spirit is the soul and the soul is the spirit and both are indestructible although only the soul can be burned in hel not the spirit the spirit survives the soul merely fragments after hel burning which can be made whole again and one with the spirit theyre soul fragments.
@LuckReynaga 3 дня назад
Sex is nasty 🤢
@LuckReynaga 3 дня назад
I realize that I'm an Aeon my spirit emanated and from me came many other spirits souls
@leif5614 3 дня назад
Thank you ❤
@mojamurphy4905 3 дня назад
Same as dreaming in sleep. In my dream, it seems there is me and then everyone else. But in reality, as the dreamer of this dream, I am everyone and everything in the dream, though my perspective seems to be from 1 body only. Just like this waking dream
@lovedeysy369 3 дня назад
I don’t know how I ended up here but I feel more lost than ever. I knew life couldn’t be that serious but dayum
@tracyh2408 3 дня назад
Same.... Dayum😮
@peregrinepack9585 3 дня назад
I'm lost, but luckily I've managed to pinpoint the part that I'm lost on: Everything appears *in* awareness - yes Everything appears *as* awareness itself - no, everything appears as objects in awareness Feel free to logically guide me to it, I'm all ears
@AlexShailer 3 дня назад
Look to see if there is actually any distance between the objects of awareness and awareness itself or if it is in fact one indivisible phenomenon
@peregrinepack9585 3 дня назад
@AlexShailer I don't see it yet but I'll sit on it for a while, so thank you
@skyotter3317 3 дня назад
💯 🙏🌈🌀🔥🐺
@paulmenze 3 дня назад
🎉 very nice 🎉
@maninbuciums3935 3 дня назад
I hate it that I’m RU-vid but is this RU-vid appearing in me or is this me appearing in RU-vid. I dunno
@navneetnair 3 дня назад
@Jhawk_2k 2 дня назад
Not quite, but this is a common misconception (that I have fallen into many times as well). Other people still exist in the sense that they have access to a different set of thoughts, feelings, and perceptions to me. But they, and their respective thoughts, feelings, and perceptions, are made of the same awareness as what I would call "my" thoughts, feelings, and perceptions. This stuff becomes paradoxical very quickly when we try to figure it out logically with our thoughts. Rupert Spira does a good job of breaking these things down, I'd recommend searching his name with "solipsism" on RU-vid, I'm hardly the expert in explaining these matters.