Baddy McEvilpants
Baddy McEvilpants
Baddy McEvilpants
SWTOR   Corso Riggs non human romance
11 лет назад
Mass Effect - Mako Glitch
12 лет назад
Mass Effect 3 - Biotic Float (alt)
12 лет назад
@StevenM801 6 дней назад
@br61499 6 месяцев назад
Raan is my favorite admiral followed closely by koris
@MAL1GNANT 2 месяца назад
She's Avasarala.
@pamjarvis2318 11 месяцев назад
I like marrying Farkas , adopt two Uncle Vilkas becomes our house steward in keeping whole family together awhile making two brothers happy! Plus , children will always have family member taking care and protect them awhile Dragonborn with Farkas or Vilkas takes care of daily Skyrim business! It is emotionally happy and satisfying in doing close-knitted family support system within family roleplay rpg style for myself! Sadly , Farkas can not become house steward himself or I would switch family's dynamics every once in awhile by marrying Vilkas. Despite being married to Farkas, Dragonborn still gets subtle flirty sweet talks from chill out Vilkas outside of he being passionate vocal fighter against his enemies in battles! I love Vilkas's passionate words against dragons during battles as he dual weilding two mage staffs of Magus and Incenator after using two other mage staffs for conjuration summon fighting Demora Lord and Fire Thrall or Storm Thrall depending on staffs that I had gave him! He will use staffs , archery Chaos enchanted upgraded daedric bow with it's daedric arrows and switiching to Chaos enchanted daedric two handed sword for up close and personal with dragons! I had gave him four mage staffs to care for myself awhile I was using other three mage staffs with my own Dragonborns! All of my heavy armor followers wears enchanted upgraded Daedric armors and light armor followers wear enchanted upgraded Dragonscale armors that I had blacksmith or bought from Dremora Merchant over time of buying to sell my loots off if he didn't have enough money for myself despite he has $2000 in his inventory to start with! I do constantly loot high value items for long period of time that needs selling awhile Dragonborn and followers in big dungeons or caves because of loots' overweight issue. Dremora Merchant , Black Books for benefits for my Dragonborn's class skills , dlcs special armors, weapons & accessories and dragon shouts with dragon souls from stopping advancement of main questline after killing first dragon along with Dead Thralls becomes my first priorities to reach ingame before actually doing many of questlines in main Skyrim game. I will do second way of starting Dragonborn dlc by getting first wall of dragon shout Bend Will and doing tower near Skaal village leading me to speaking with Skaal shaman who will send me after his missing daughter Frea that does definitely equally starts beginning of Miraak's Dragonborn dlc questline. Though , I am already mid-level Dragonborns by just exploring Skyrim adventures with battles of wild animals , mages and bandits awhile I was mapping fast travels to Skyrim map in my Dragonborn's collecting alchemy ingredients along with materials for blacksmithing and food products for cooking food before I had killed main questline first dragon. I will use Faendal's house as dropping collecting material loots off for storage and resting point for my Dragonborns until I will buy my first house. Faendal is happy go getter friend who constantly lets my Dragonborns know how much he values their friendship in words! LOL , he had shown up out of nowhere many times in helping take down dragons, giants , wolves , mages , bandits and giant spiders at Hearthfire houses for myself as non-follower at the time! Faendal showing up at one of my Hearthfire houses is weird yet thankful at same time! It is liked he has a build-in Dragonborn tracker for need of help when Dragonborn at his Hearthfire home! It has happened only with Faendal who is never my house steward in each of my Skyrim playthroughs. Though , Faendal is my longest time game follower and roomate at his own house each and every game playthroughs. I do wonder if it plays part in glitch triggering him showing up at my Hearthfire houses in glitch because it doesn't happened with my other followers. Farkas and Vilkas lives with Dragonborn , bard , housecarl , pets , battle war dog and two adopted children as spouse and brother-in-law steward in Hearthfire main living house yet Faendal has no reasons to show up during battles at say Hearthfire home each and every times that we have enemy visitors no matter which Skyrim playthroughs that I am playing. LOL , my Faendals does strongly takes their Dragonborn's friendship deeply to their hearts in making huge distance adventures from Riverwood to defend their good friend at Hearthfire homes! If its ingame glitches , then it's most definitely good positive glitching for rpg roleplaying style of friend coming to visit in my own opinion! Faendal will hangout with us for time awhile we're being merry happily eating , drinking and sway moving to bard's music at our big dinner table after our Hearthfire home's battles until Dragonborn must go take care of their Skyrim business adventures once more! ❤
@nobodycares3333 Год назад
Guess what happened with the normandy crew guys ... This sause tastes funny
@polalak2 Год назад
The fuck you did to Shepard?
@RKOGirly Год назад
@datemasamune2904 Год назад
Dang it, Loghain! Even as an alien, you crazy!
@arrownoir Год назад
It sounded better coming from fem Hawke.
@beverlypotter3236 Год назад
Is Alistair king or not
@AVATAR3117 Год назад
Don't ever forget to punch a asshole in the stomach in Mass effect. There are Just some Renegade actions you just have take especially if the is a dick or acting like a dick
@sandrogamer30018 Год назад
All those Geth fans crying in the comment section. What a bunch of crybabies.
I like the quarians too but do you hate homeboy legion THAT much?
@sandrogamer30018 Год назад
@@thesamejackalsniperthatkil117 I hate his fans mostly but I'm not a fan of Legion no
@dranzerjetli5126 Год назад
@MjollTheLioness-o4y Год назад
Never played DA2. I'm currently on my first playthrough of DAO, but I gave to wonder why does this game look so bad graphically compared to Origins? It doesn't make sense.
@lucasmateus7804 Год назад
Shala'Raan's: I want to disassemble you and use whatever is left as i intend. Legion: We want to help you reclaim your homeworld, as that you desperatly wanted for 300 years, free of charge, because im´ma good boy.
@HT-lp2xx Год назад
What is the name of the music at 0:01
@nexxus2614 Год назад
Diana Allers looking ass
@ChallengeCommander Год назад
As Gerril is going back to the fleet, where will you go Shala'Raan? "Wherever I Goddamn liiike" :D
@naudalyke Год назад
I originally was a Farkas simp but every time I tried to find him, he was running back and forth fighting literally nothing in the woods then says he "made some profits" from our store. WERE YOU SELLING ITEMS TO ANIMALS? WHY AREN'T YOU HOME, THE KIDS HAVE BEEN ATTACKED BY BANDITS AND DRAGONS EVERY SINGLE TIME I GO HOME. But Vilkas is always there protecting the kids 😭😂 Really though, I'm starting to become a vilkas simp bc of how rude he is at first then how he softens up so much. I wish the devs let romance go on a bit longer so we could see a slow burn/build up bc I'm adoring it!
@medical-cyanide1526 Год назад
When I played through I knew I could punch a bunch of folks but decided I would play a paragon run so it was odd to have to avoid punching the reporter and or garrel at times like this
@jessicariley2985 Год назад
I romanced him & we stayed together but it glitched and said “ friend” 🥹🥹
@TheJStocco Год назад
As long is not the rose he can give anything my warden had.
@ShadowsandCityLights Год назад
This Shepard scares me. 😟
@saintboot8410 Год назад
In moments like these I get disappointed that the character can't say whatever name you gave her at the start of the series. Zelda in my case. I understand using the last name while they are in the field, but in the off hours and in romance it should be a first name deal.
@davido.1233 Год назад
I recently played DA:O:A and a thought occurred to me that, while Anders is shown to have the flame spell here, he doesn't actually have it in his power wheel until you upgrade him with it.
@MKanakaredes Год назад
Punching Gerrel is one of my favourite things to do in ME3
@YourGayAss 2 года назад
I think vilkas have a crush on the Dragonborn *coffee ☕*
@katharinebutler8790 2 года назад
@vette1 2 года назад
I still don't understand how allister becomes a good friend of Hawkes in inquisition
@gwendolynsnyder463 2 года назад
Raan: "Whenever I try to ask your Geth something, it says no data avaiable." Me: "He's being polite with you. When he says that, it means go fuck yourself."
@blossomherd3921 2 года назад
Arrrrr we still love you Alistair
@XOZSKU 2 года назад
2 0 2 2
@celiadossantosh 2 года назад
I decided to marry Vilkas and make Farkas my battle companion, so I didn't separate them. He's a good brother-in-law, hahahaha.
@aileencasey2083 2 года назад
I'm femshep, and I care deeply about the Quarian people
@shinra6913 2 года назад
in my timeline my fem mage romanced Alistair. and fun fact if you play a human mage in DA1 Hawke is their first Cousins. in my game i imagined Alistair saw the similarities between them.
@leenawayne2051 2 года назад
I love kaidan and farkus ahhh
@CEEEEEEEEENA 2 года назад
playing renegade , i executed the fkr on spot , the scientist i mean 😂
@luckypunfire6263 2 года назад
As a good renegade should. :p
@samithonjames370 2 года назад
How can dragon age 2 a game that came out 2 years after origins, be UGLIER graphically compared to origins? Like what the actual fuck, origins was down HORRENDOUS when it came out, just pure arse in terms of graphics. But bioware somehow gave dragon age 2 the artistic aesthetic of dried dog shite.
@beverlypotter3236 Год назад
You don't know what your talking about dragon age origins was good
@mon0dy555 2 года назад
I tried marrying another character in my latest playthrough... Then I saw Farkas in whiterun and my heart broke. Well I guess I'm never gonna marry another npc again
@luckypunfire6263 2 года назад
Same. My heart has been claimed.
@math.1516 2 года назад
second option after serana
@abirbinhabib7669 2 года назад
Avasarala as usual, keeping the knuckle heads of the government and military in line lmao.. also love legion.
@dawniedawne7195 2 года назад
Man resorted to something after we died like oml 0:52 that’s a scary scene
@magicdog9523 2 года назад
How does the Warden dying mesh with the fact that if you import your save into Awakening their death is seemingly undone? What happens if you perform a heroic sacrifice, then play Awakening, then import that save into DA2? Will Alistair consider the Warden to be dead, or alive? I thought the Orlesian Warden existed in cases where the Hero of Ferelden dies, but it turns out that no, you only get the Orlesian Warden if you start a new file for Awakening *without* importing your previous worldstate... What's the deal with that?
@aliciasanchez6699 2 года назад
I want to marry Farkas but I want him to have the option to ask him how the kids are doing, if not I'm marrying Onmund
@thecollectivegamer3600 2 года назад
Even as paragon, i would choose the renegade interrupt every time. If i was on a ship that they told me to go to and they decided to shoot it down with me on it I'd grab the general by the back of the helmet, drag him to an eacape pod and space him after saying his renegade quote. Hell, this is just the kinda of action that would make me choose the geth over the quarians (sorry tali, love you)
@MachinimaGothic Год назад
In this situation Javik would start claping his hands saying threw it out through the airlock
@brainconqueror8095 2 года назад
We are building a consensus. Please try again later!!
@TaitFeidlimid 3 года назад
bro I can't get work from him because he says "aela said you were hers, and I wasn't supposed to interfere. She scares me."
@bluedopamine6364 3 года назад
So... Shepard is a Disney princess now... Well I guess Wrex has a fitting nickname for her now
@ushiochara3626 3 года назад
Farkas made me feel welcomed. Vilkas made me think of Jarl Balgruuf. Just the same voice.
@terynthomas3712 3 года назад
Damn varric, making all the characters ugly to make his chest hair look better
@phoenixgod22 3 года назад
Does this goodbye scene only happen if you dont have him on your team in the last battle or even If you do take him?
@luckypunfire6263 3 года назад
This happens on Earth before you have a party put together yet.