Timothy Cain
Timothy Cain
Timothy Cain
I am a video game developer, mostly known for creating Fallout. I plan to use this channel to tell stories about game development, including stories about design, programming, team building, working for development companies, pitching to game publishers, and even a few stories about my short stint as a co-owner of a company, Troika Games. I have been doing this for more than forty years, so I have a lot of stories to tell.

I also eat a lot of dark chocolate.
Arcanum Development Timeline
9 часов назад
Games Predicting Our Future
11 часов назад
Relinquishing Creative Control
14 часов назад
Troika's Conan The Barbarian Proposal
16 часов назад
Favorite Chocolate
23 часа назад
Shopping Cart Theory
День назад
Games As Actions
День назад
Using Mechanics For Storytelling
День назад
The Horizontal Slice
День назад
Fallout Easter Eggs In Other Games
14 дней назад
Subverting Tropes
14 дней назад
Game Development Contracting
14 дней назад
Another New IP Idea
14 дней назад
Understanding Game Design Choices
14 дней назад
This Is How You Roleplay
21 день назад
Influential Books
21 день назад
Bartle's Player Archetypes
21 день назад
Why I Hate Cultural References
21 день назад
21 день назад
Jobs, Careers, And Callings
28 дней назад
I'm Naïve And Optimistic
28 дней назад
My 100k Award
28 дней назад
Making A Demo
Месяц назад
Industry Changes
Месяц назад
Player Expectations
Месяц назад
An Example Of Making A New IP
Месяц назад
"It's A Terrible Time For Games"
Месяц назад
Lore Drift
Месяц назад
The Missing R&D Department
Месяц назад
@Eras907 4 часа назад
I loved playing hogwarts legacy, spreading a curse among a whole squad of goblins, then shelling out an AOE killing curse, massacring them all in an instant. All in front of the professors, who say, 'Great work!'
@Eras907 5 часов назад
Green & Black Cacao bars, it beat out lindt for me
@OPdbx 5 часов назад
Based Tim
@iCantEditBro 5 часов назад
Given that Larian isn't working on anymore Baldur Gate stuff, would love to see you pitch Arcanum 2 to them.
@brookspps5450 5 часов назад
Solved: all the pics before 35 are of someone else
@calxer 6 часов назад
your videos help me relax thank you so much
@FluffySylveonBoi 6 часов назад
Funny, you started graying in your 40s and I was already gray when I hit 25 xD
@jamesmiller9923 6 часов назад
I notice it in most of your videos and it always brings a smile to my face when I hear the puppy snore😂
@REXanadu 8 часов назад
Question: what games/other forms of art have tried to predict a better world that has happened?
@i-heart-google7132 8 часов назад
You gotta give it to Brian Fargo - he sure knows how to crush talent!
@grafnosferacula7473 9 часов назад
I loved the main characters I like the analogy of them being different versions of players playing the games
@llacknasty 9 часов назад
No matter how innocent this accidental bug was, it became a big fumble (the delay probably cost lots of money for someone), at least in the eyes of Brian Fargo. From the way you explained the business side of the company, they ran it as such. And to those like Fargo, they needed someone to be responsible for that delay. So, when you refused to give that person up and the punishment went to you, Fargo should have been the one to take the hit, especially knowing he wanted you to crunch out Fallout 2. But what he did absolutely caused more damage, because it was like a slap in the face; like what you did meant nothing; like yall didn't just create something special that directly contributed to the company's success. If anything, Brian shouldve given you more, but only asked for more. Perhaps a compromise wouldve been to tell him who did the bug, and penalize the individual appropriately together. Overall, I think your treatment in the company was unfortunate and couldve used better leadership (probably less leadership, since someone should have seen how your team leadership skills were working well compared to other teams). Just some thoughts as an objective viewer that knows little to nothing of the industry, especially back in 1997.
@radmanstan413 10 часов назад
There is this story that has been stuck in my head forever. In summary a woman who was alive for sometime was more shocked by the fact the Brooklyn Bridge was made than man landing on the Moon. In her perspective it was more unthinkable that someone could walk from Manhattan to Brooklyn than man landing on the moon in their respective times. I’m not calling you old Tim, but compared to most video game developers you have a really unique perspective since you’ve worked on video games close to the median’s inception. What was the most shocking development in game design you’ve seen in your over 40 year career? Not necessarily what’s the most advanced discovery you know, but what surprised you the most in the world of video games?
@joshstevens2779 11 часов назад
Hey Tim, big fan, just discovered your channel. I'm curious if youve played the Red Dead series by Rockstar. RDR2 is a prequel to RDR (they dont understand integers there). IMO its a masterwork of how to write a prequel. RDR2 came out nearly a decade after the first game. And they managed to flesh out the backstory of characters that we only had superficial looks at in the original game. They did such a good job that if you play RDR2 first and then play RDR, it's hard to grasp that the characters in the original game were shallow - you're stuck with the feeling that these are the same characters.
@Pandavid_86 11 часов назад
Well, here I am, Saturday morning, watching snaphots of Tim Cain. Cool! I have to ask about something that bothered me since I first played Fallout, when I was around 13 - when you changed the icon size to large, the desktop ico od FO would change into a photo. I was told it was your photo. Can you please confirm and also - whose idea was that?
@RolyPolyGames 12 часов назад
That's what I love about games. No two stories have to be the same. Part of the reason my slogan is "Our worlds, your adventures!" Big reason why I like Elder Scrolls Like games. You go out and there's a main quest but you can run into all kinds of random things and go off in different directions.
@glr 13 часов назад
The last time I was in Zurich, I picked up a few rare Lindts, 100% Dark and Pur Cacao where it's entirely sweetened by the fruit of the cocoa tree.
@SpotAllen 13 часов назад
Absolutely love hearing stories about MUDs. Especially on the development side. Great stuff.
@Toromboloize 13 часов назад
The one from Bard's Tale Construction Set seemed like it could've been a frame from Halt and Catch Fire.
@wangtoriojackson4315 14 часов назад
This is how I feel about people who say pineapple "doesn't belong" on pizza.
@leandersearle5094 14 часов назад
I down 4-hour podcasts semi-regularly, 30 minutes isn't "long," and I'm fairly certain I'm not alone in that. If you wanted to do more/longer, it wouldn't be an issue on this end (IIRC, you said something about editing).
@kalkuttadrop6371 15 часов назад
So... 1. November 1995 Internal Demo(Clear out Radscorpions using flamethrower). Maybe that one screenshot from the press pack is from here? 2. May 1996 E3 Demo (Shady Sands/Junktown Radscorpion quest with items. Self Playing Short Demo Start). Might explain the old Elder art? 3. July 1996 ETS Demo (Completely unknown, likely similar to the previous one). Any record of this? 4. August 1996 Press Demo (Video File and Press Release Showcase) This might be out there? Can't confirm. 5. October 1996 Press Demo (No clue, but similar to the previous one in being non-interactive) 6. April 1997 CD Release Demo (Scrapheap Demo, widely available). Everyone knows this one. Also less than 2 months after the change from GURPS to ASPCEIL and less than one month after the change from ASPCEIL to SPECIAL. I can't find trace of the other 4 that should be public. The 2nd one specifically sounds fun.
@kalkuttadrop6371 16 часов назад
I think it would be interesting to do another 'Fallout Cut Content' video, except it be done with you looking over fan-made lists on the Wikis or video compilations of info.(Maybe ask No Mutants Allowed to compile everything they know in one place) The fans have picked over every scrap of info they have, but lack that first hand knowledge. You were there, but memory fades. Combining the two could get the cleanest information set we ever could get, you read over what the fans have gathered, it jogs some memories, you clarify and add on some detail you recall or context. You could look at what we have and say 'Oh I remember this yeah' and then recall new details or info!
@jones81381 16 часов назад
I did not realize you were part of Troika. Despite its issues, Bloodlines is one of my favorite games of all time. That’s two games on my all time favorites list that you were involved in, three if you count Fallout 2 as well but idk if you would since you left the project fairly early on as I understand.
@deecsaunders 17 часов назад
I need to see the mouse cursor
@zackingtut 17 часов назад
Just tried the Porcelana bar!. It’s amazing!.
@ResearchAndDevelopm3nt 17 часов назад
Would you Consider working on Fallout 5? I'm just a small channel. I don't expect a response.
@zgamer28 16 часов назад
@fafofafin 17 часов назад
These development story videos are the best. Also, you going back to work with Fearghus Uruqhart after he tried to bully you out of the business via lawyer threats is very Paul Thomas Anderson. This could be a movie.
@oceanstone5223 17 часов назад
If you ever get the chance, you should try Fabelle Chocolates made by the ITC group in India. They're really good and up there with some of the best in the world in my opinion.
@maxmaxed2887 18 часов назад
I finished that game for 7 times, damn wish it had a proper sequel...
@Platerade 18 часов назад
Not really on topic but I love that doggie smile!
@pearlgoll2199 19 часов назад
Been enjoying your videos! You all were smart to discuss these topics and I also especially enjoyed the shopoping cart theory. I don't follow any other video game designer, as your video topics are engaging and I can only watch short videos, haha. You are very similar to the Simpson creators where it seemed they predicted a lot of things.
@MrDadeadone 19 часов назад
Hi Tim! I hope if you give another go at BG3 that you try the Dark Urge it has a lot of exclusive story moments that tie back to the originals.
@Chriscras2 19 часов назад
That eyebrow raise on "androids" 🤣
@jacobcolombe9561 20 часов назад
I live in Birmingham UK, I grew up a couple Miles from the original Cadbury Factory. Fredo's are top tier. Dunno about that strawberry flavoured American stuff tho
@MyCatsHeadBlewUp 20 часов назад
Haunting! Playing Fallout 2. What a challenge.
@b01scout96 20 часов назад
I restarted Ghost of Tsushima several times and I hated it how it forced it's cutscene on me without giving me the option to skip them.
@Esakosarara 20 часов назад
OMG, you made Tyranny aswell? I played recently and loved it (although.. I gotta admit, I didn't finish it... the lack of voice acting ended up draging it down for me... there was SO MUCH text. But like I said, I loved it (and I intend to restart it some time in the future). That's 2 of your games I intend to restart (not having finished them) The other one would be "Temple of elemental evil", which I LOVED as a kid, but I didn't really know how to play and I couldn't heal, so... my runs were pretty short, but I did start the game like a hundred times xD (YOU HAD CAPES... that was big for the time, and if you didn't have a helmet, you would use the cowl from the cape... that was SWEET). Obviously that wasn't the only thing good about it, but I remember loving that feature.
@camraid9 20 часов назад
35 was chad formation
@DaedrinMolkre 20 часов назад
Your point on Outer Worlds is very true, I can say from experience on that one. While I did enjoy the game enough at launch, ill be honest and say that i was expecting far too much from it and i gave up on the game before reaching monarch. I only just went back to start a new game this month, after watching your videos and coming to understand what it was about the game that didnt click at first, and it turns out it was just my perception of what i was playing. I thuroughly enjoyed this most recent playthrough, I chose to go less attack focused (and by that i mean i maxed leadership skills and let my companions mow everything down with plasma light machine guns while I focused on the non combat skill choices).
@proctylnpals 21 час назад
Wow! So handsome each year. That photo from arcanum is actually very model-esk. Also for outer worlds I gasped and said "not the bear face!"
@godsoloved24 21 час назад
I'd think something like steam reviews are better than professional critics because the pros are often ideological, and the customers are, well, the ones buying the games and are the actual fans.
@belianore8999 21 час назад
Same, every time they start ranting about capitalism or social justice I just space out
@misterprofessor5038 21 час назад
Imagine fighting a boss level Lich and once it gets you down to 15% health the ai says its time for a invinsibility phase while you fight 100 level 1 skeletons. The skeletons mob you and kill you, then the lich locks you in a cage, softlocking your game. Womp Womp.
@misterprofessor5038 21 час назад
I think a lot of the narrative and gameplay problems can be solved by having the main quest be something that can be completed in all forms. Whether you are a rat or a dragon you have a path to completing the quest, so here is what I came up with. You are the minion of a powerful old god whose time has long since past. People no longer fear your master, but they do work to prevent his return at all costs. Your master will return if his unholy amulet can be anointed at the 7 temples. Your god gives you the amulet which confers his power to your soul. Your body may break but the amulet is forever, and now it is bound to your soul. Your master has promised you death, but only when finish anointing the amulet at all the temples. You know that these temples are heavily guarded, and so force may not be your best option. You know that each temple resides in its own realm, and wonder how you will get through the poison marshes of Kingdom X, or traverse the dessert of Kingdom Y. Luckily, you can run, swim, fly, teleport, fight or talk your way through any problem, its all just a matter of being in the right body at the right time. Gameplay wise this means it doesn't matter what you are or even how powerful you are, getting into a temple may not require you to be strong or even a human being. Hell, it may be better to get killed by a rat and sneak through the cracks in the brickwork of the old temples. Perhaps you insult a noble lord simply to make a decree that the temples should be opened once again, only so you can walk right in and anoint your amulet. Perhaps one of the temples was sunk to the bottom a lake to seal it away forever. I guess we're becoming a fish or a mermaid, everyone loves a water temple. This does mean that you have to throw out a lot of RPG stuff that wouldn't work or wouldn't be given the time to mature. RPG systems are designed to progress a character for tens to hundreds of ours of gameplay. Those systems are a little slow for us since we would want to encourage engaging with the premise, which means being able to throw your old character away on a whim. I think the only way you get the best of both worlds is if you level up your soul instead of your body. You might have some human form stats, but you would also want some other perks like "Sprint 30% longer in wolf form" or "Picking locks in crow form is 100% easier" or "The charisma of any human you inhabit is rerolled if it is below 5." This focuses the game less on character fantasy and more on problem solving. Really interesting idea. I think it is one you have to go all in on unless you want to end up neutering it with a bunch of compromises.
@i-heart-google7132 22 часа назад
Well, if today's game devs are anything like those ex-Twitter employees . . . with all the yoga sessions, massages, soy latte breaks and afternoon naps . . . no wonder a 45 minute task takes 4 weeks . . .
@laggyluk 22 часа назад
after a lot fast fail prototypes I've finally decided to stick with one and make a slow fail game :P
@shesh2265 22 часа назад
is it just me or do you look like a young graven ashe in the tyranny pic? lol
@SteamedToast 22 часа назад
Kind of you to share these moments, amazing how much you've accomplished so far!
@davidhotright 22 часа назад
Appreciate you Tim, thank you so much for these personal insights, it matters alot