Gamer, movie-lover, artist, theme park enthusiast and certified Geek. I'm from Kentucky and I've been gaming since the Atari days and have owned almost every game system since. I created this channel just for random stuff I'm interested in and post videos that I randomly create. My favorite games are Planet Coaster, Cities Skylines, Satisfactory, RCT3, and anything Tomb Raiderish, but I love a lot of different kinds of games so you will see a lot of different kinds of videos here.
Getting Started in Cities Skylines 2
7 месяцев назад
@noodle1431 День назад
Have you thought about increasing your UI scale for video purposes? it is hard to read your UI and menus when watching on phones or smaller monitors
On some games, I try to increase that. Especially since I play in 4k things can get quite small even for me. However I've always thought the Satisfactory UI scaled quite well. And this is the first remark I've gotten on it after probably...close to 100 satisfactory videos at this point.
@lucasmonta1 3 дня назад
Sorry, I just found this video, and seeing you build something more advance than what I ever built on my 250 hours of satisfactory I asume you know this, but just in case: do you know you can just cover the resource node with "World Grid oriented" foundations and then just place the miner on top of it? It woint solve the wonky first conveyor, since the nodes, for some reason are off grid, but you will have a clean world-aligned mining station
I did place it world grid oriented.. I placed the foundations down according to the grid.. there is no way to line some of the nodes up to the world grid perfectly though. If you place the foundation down on the world grid.. then the miner down.. it still lines up to the node not the grid.
@eddeh0772 5 дней назад
Following your guide I got stuck with a complete lack of reinforced plates to make mk2 belts because they were all being used to make the smart plates, so I kept having to turn off machines to restock on them. But the first recipe I got was one that let me make them with steel plates and copper wire (both of which I was making in abundance), so I just made an offshoot from those lines to a special assembler and that got me back on track without having to turn off the smart plate assemblers. Your guide is awesome and I could fully understand and think through a way to connect it back into the storage system. So if ever that storage container fills up they will start contributing to the sink (although with how many belts I make, that feels unlikely). A very well deserved sub by the way, cheers for all the awesome help!
I believe I upped this production a little later on in the series. Its been a bit so I can't remember.
@MadOliveGaming 5 дней назад
It's kinda lame the stack splitting isn't covered in the tutorial tbh. I happened on it by accident but i would've preferred if they at least explained that one. feels like basic inventory management to me.
I don't think I've ever had a game tell me how to stack split before to be honest. Always had to figure it out on my own. A simple little notification on the screen corner would go a long way though.
@eddeh0772 6 дней назад
I know it’s not fully in the spirit of the game, but I LOVE that they added an optional passive mode for the animals. I like the building, not the fighting, and my enjoyment of the game shot right up as soon as they just became a wandering resource and not a threat
Thats why they added it. Just to let players play how they choose. I personally prefer the added challenge but.. not everyone does and thats perfectly fine. Play the game the way you want to play it!
@eddeh0772 17 часов назад
@@PHENIXXCREATES fully agree and love that they didn’t remove the added challenge, just gave an opt out. Great video series, cheers!
@XD9rottie 7 дней назад
I guess I’m confused as to why you don’t use 2m foundations hold control and just plaster them over the top of the node. The miner will line up with the grid then. What was solved by doing the whole thing with the road barrier and all that? This game has so many little tricks it’s hard to keep track and know when to use what
It doesn't line up with the grid. Just because you place foundations down on the grid, and you can put a miner on those foundations.. it still snaps to the node.. if that node isn't on the world grid.. the miner won't be either. I've been getting a lot of comments like this but I went back and thoroughly tested 3 or 4 different nodes and some aren't on the world grid and this just does not work the way some claim it does.
@XD9rottie День назад
@@PHENIXXCREATESThank you!! I appreciate the detail that makes sense to me now
@minotaursgamezone 7 дней назад
Can you give the mapbox keys? I know they are free but i dont want to put card info into it
The website is a professional company made for businesses to use. Its completely safe. Its been a few months now since I put in my card and nothing bad has happened. As for giving my keys.. that's not how it works. You aren't charged from the website unless you go over a certain amount of data. If I went around giving away my keys and everyone used it.. I'd be getting charged. If you don't want to put your card in thats fine and understandable there are other places you can get heightmaps from out there.. it just requires more work.
@minotaursgamezone День назад
@@PHENIXXCREATES oh sorry, i had no idea how it worked
@dasinnerevombroetchen 7 дней назад
what a lovely build!
Thank you!
@ZizzlyWizard 8 дней назад
for anyone new watching this when he setup the steel splitters at the bottom make them smart splitters that way half of your steel isnt just going into storage or in the sink but to the parts needed and just send the left overs into overflow
@PHENIXXCREATES 7 дней назад
I think I went back and changed these later on but good call out.
@eddeh0772 8 дней назад
Every time he says “blue lines” I get stuck in an internal debate about whether he or I have colour blindness. It’s definitely one of us. I see it as green
@PHENIXXCREATES 8 дней назад
🤣 I swear I'm not colorblind but they look blue to me in my screen.. so it could be my monitor I was using
@robertisler8557 7 дней назад
LOL I thought the same, for me (at least on my monitor) the lines are green too 😂
@PHENIXXCREATES 9 дней назад
44 Episodes in and we are finally starting to make the parts to get to Phase 3. Wanna start the journey from the beginning.. check out the playlist here. ru-vid.com/group/PLTUXrZJwbQZ5vGXoR25uZdgq5N5UtOP2b
@alexanderschmidt9578 9 дней назад
I Have 750h in this game an didnt know half of the tricks ... crazy stuff :D
@PHENIXXCREATES 7 дней назад
While putting this video together I actually learned a few things myself lol.
@Day12My 12 дней назад
At this rate, you'll be done in at least 10 years
@PHENIXXCREATES 11 дней назад
I might hold off until Planet Coaster 2 to continue this actually with the recent leak. It might not be too far away.
@pmlairdrie 13 дней назад
I've watched all of these episodes of the HOW TO SATISFACTORY series and i keep coming back to ones like this one and a few others as a reference. Phenixx has one of those voices that is very easy to listen to. Love your stuff.
@PHENIXXCREATES 11 дней назад
Thank you so much. I highly appreciate that.
@brentritchie6199 13 дней назад
Very helpful thank you
@PHENIXXCREATES 11 дней назад
You're welcome!
@iamwaynecodd 16 дней назад
There actually were a couple of things I didn't know, thanks Phenixx!
@PHENIXXCREATES 11 дней назад
Just trying to share the knowledge
@gamerdweebentertainment1616 17 дней назад
26:47 so that's my mistake :) I tend to still start storing at least.
@gamerdweebentertainment1616 17 дней назад
People doing these builds in spacious area, I'm like... ugh sghould I start new game or somehow move out from current location. Started with most difficult area and it's difficult probably cause all the pure nodes and small space.
@PHENIXXCREATES 11 дней назад
Must be the forest area you started in.. lots of great nodes there.. but very little space.
@gamerdweebentertainment1616 17 дней назад
Me... carefully making BPs and utilising it and sometimes FK it, we do Spaghetti at least we got things producing. This dude... now... now... now... 20min later mining spot with some flare and mini hut... :/
@snellhezt2481 17 дней назад
My heightmap is getting all squary when adding it inside the editor. Alost as a minecraft world :P Not smooth as you get!
I can't say for sure whats going on there. I have went back and checked the heightmaps again a few times and it always works for me.
@PHENIXXCREATES 17 дней назад
This video took me wayyyyy to long to finish. But.. it's a return to the games that kinda made me popular. Planet Zoo, and Planet Coaster. Although I recorded this build way before the new Barnyard pack came out. I am pretty excited about using some of the new scenery pieces soon. Also.. sorry about a few small audio mistakes. There are just a couple of spots I think but its what happenes when you record the voiceover piece by piece over the course of 2 Weeks. LOL. As mentioned in the video.. what animal should we put next to the Wolverines here?
@anthonyflury3979 17 дней назад
You can just nudge the miner left and right to align the miner to the world grid - no need for the road barrier trick.
@PHENIXXCREATES 17 дней назад
That doesn't work everywhere... it might work in some nodes but on others even nudging won't align it correctly..
@anthonyflury3979 17 дней назад
@@PHENIXXCREATES I haven't found that to be the case - but of course I haven't hit every node in the game. I personally would always try the nudge first (to keep everything aligned to the world grid), and then resort to the road barrier trick when nudging doesn't work.
@PHENIXXCREATES 17 дней назад
Wait a minute here.. I was half asleep when I read and responded to this, this morning.. so I never noticed.. but.. HOW are you nudging a miner? They snap to the nodes? I had to go into the game to make sure I wasn't missing something and nope.. you can't nudge the miners...
@anthonyflury3979 17 дней назад
@@PHENIXXCREATES Ah in that case it could be the mod i use. I wanted to have a vertical nudge (since lining up road segments without it is almost impossible) - and having a vertical nudge excluded in the base game is frankly utterly baffling. Ah well - ignore me.
@renealbrechtsen9743 20 дней назад
I've not really seen the map tool before, but it looks great. :)
@dblackout1107 21 день назад
I have played a lot of this and didn’t know literally any of these except for maybe the miner height adjusting by putting foundation under it
@Venom_1200 22 дня назад
Really great video phenixx, I love the series man. Waiting for a new start that you talked about, if you could try to progress in a different biome which solely focuses on advancing through so that in that world you can build mega builds afterwards bcz I like your building designs (asthetics)
@PHENIXXCREATES 23 дня назад
Had to End the Livestream due to Technical Difficulties toward the end here. Mic Went Dead, and Keyboard stopped working. Will continue Another night
@TylerOstergaard 23 дня назад
are you a monster saying it north south west east :P jk man love the tips :)
@deniskosian2934 26 дней назад
You can enter formula when you configure your machines. Thus, in your example with assembler producing 5 motors per minute. Let's say you want for some unknown reason using three assemblers not one, underclocked to produce the same 5 motors per minute. You can just type 5/3 in each machine's clock settings.
@farmercope6898 26 дней назад
im new to the game. is there formula to tell you how many machines you need for new projects?
@PHENIXXCREATES 19 дней назад
every machine and the item you are making is different so theres no one formula persay.. I just work the problem backwards... start witht eh final product.. and see how mnmany of each item it takes to make that.. then set up machines to make those items. I hope that makes sense
@mclarensting 27 дней назад
i cant find colossal order file cant anyone help i bought game with steam
@davidalansimonalmaraz8804 24 дня назад
@pieterjanssens7017 29 дней назад
Thanks for keeping the serie's up. And for the homework part (35:09) you could make an alternate storage to store more unusual items like mask , nobelisks, biomass and alien protein stuff? Or make a smal raw quartz facility there, which makes silica and quartz crystals, cus from time to time we need those and we still don't really got those automated yet. I dunno if those idea's are any good. Anyhow thanks for all the effort so far 👍
@PHENIXXCREATES 28 дней назад
NP thank you once again. As for the area redesign. What I really want to do is clean it up. We have all these belts coming through there.. and they go into containers that just aren't needed anymore. Haven't been for awhile. Its just a mess. So mostly what I want to do is change the belts up and organize it better.
@dmitry1137 Месяц назад
Hi! Is there any way to change climate on a map? I changed nighttime and daytime temp for all seasons to below 0 so that i could have some snow, but in simulation temperature never goes below 10 celccius as in default map setting
@PHENIXXCREATES 28 дней назад
I haven't messed with the climate stuff.. But I do know there is an option on left hand side that says climate. Under that there are a ton of options. A few things I see that might be something to check is the defaultweather option .. you can change that for other options like temperate etc.. theres the freezing temperature setting.. and of course changing the season options.. I am sure its in that somewhere.
@InfinityAirborne Месяц назад
What would happen if you deprived nuclear reactors of their coolant in update 8?
@PHENIXXCREATES 28 дней назад
I honestly have never messed with those yet.
@TheEvolNemesis Месяц назад
One thing I thought was a little funny about this episode is you meticulously avoided running any wires through the pillars, which could have made many of the connections simpler and cleaner-looking, only an episode or two after you spoke at length about how it was no problem running conveyor belts straight into and through foundations.
@PHENIXXCREATES 28 дней назад
It depends on the situation. My wires are going to be seen as they are out in the open. When I run some thigns through foundations.. its usually in a spot where its not visible. Plus.. Anymore I kinda do it just to piss off some people who were complaining about not using a floor hole. LOL.
@Ackros Месяц назад
as of sun 26th May 2024: creating the new heightmap folder and dropping in the 2 files world and height map png files , they are not detected by the game. 'h' or 'H' does not matter on WinOs a simple test of editor to export default as a Height Save, creates 2 files 1 PNG 1 CID, which contains a unique identifier. so still unable to import any thing from external source, looks like C.O. have altered the Editor detection methos to only list where a .cid file exists so to test that i tried make a text file with a unique number, and named it same as map file.. result after reloading editor , same 0 , nothing shown in list. so then i thought lets take the file generated by the editor as its own save, and replace it with mine, to trick it into loading.... opened it and eh volia itsworked so then i did a quick export height map with the proper name on it, and it did and generated a new .png.cid file .. workaround solved it. At this point i clicked import world map to see if file was listed, it may have been already just i had not tried it yet. but it is there.
@PHENIXXCREATES 28 дней назад
Weird.. I just now got time to go in and take a look. I was able to import my heightmap with no problem... still works the same as it always had for me
@OneBiasedOpinion Месяц назад
It’s very funny to me how the very first tip is something I have never discovered in my four+ years of playing this game, but the second tip was something I discovered in the first hour of my first save file ever. This game is so amazing in how it causes different people to play it different ways!
@jmeinen1686 6 дней назад
Agreed! The spacebar trick is something I learned in the first hour of game play, but the nudge I only just learned after hundreds of hours in game!
@VTrucker777 Месяц назад
If follow world grid my base will be diagonally between rock pillars entrance So i just build road from my base to the place i need
@PHENIXXCREATES 28 дней назад
nothing wwrong with not being on the grid.. some people like it.. some people don't care. It does make it easier sometimes to be on the grid but.. for me.. if it looks better not being on it.. I'll do it that way and then make it work
@pndb2016 Месяц назад
Coming in very late to the party, but with some thoughts regarding the refineries turning on and off near the end of the video... things I've learned in my own Satisfactory journey. 1:11:30 Looking at the pipe there appears to be quite a bit of sloshing taking place, which can happen if you don't let the pipes completely fill up before switching on the machines connected to them. 1:12:55 You mention headlift. That pump is plenty sufficient for getting oil up to the refineries, as the refinery inputs are about 16 meters up from the pump. If you're really concerned you could always move the pump to partway up the vertical section of the pipe. 1:13:53 The supply pipe from the extractor is experiencing backflow. The flow indicator slows down and reverses itself. This likely is what's causing some issues downstream, as your oil is reaching the vertical section of the pipe in pulses rather than a continuous flow. Turn off the refineries, let all the pipes completely fill up, and then switch the refineries on one by one. That should help a bit. Also, instead of a "T" branch feeding the four refineries, make a loop for the pipe by connecting the two ends of the "T" together. That helps to reduce backflow issues. Third, fluids feed machines more easily/reliably if fed from above rather than from below. When fed from below, one machine takes a bit of fluid from the pipe, which can then cause the fluid to drop away from the other machines, starving them briefly.
@RosieSandwiches Месяц назад
This is extremely helpful for aspiring mapmakers… Please keep it going!
@PHENIXXCREATES 28 дней назад
Going to try. Only get to work on these in my spare time which i don't have much of.
@SpiderRL Месяц назад
very fun to watch! I get a lot of inspiration in building design from watching your content
@PHENIXXCREATES 28 дней назад
Awesome, thank you!
@TheExileFox Месяц назад
Timestamps would be really helpful for this kind of videos.
@Venom_1200 Месяц назад
Great Videos man, love them
@PHENIXXCREATES 11 дней назад
Appreciate it!
@heavenandearthPB Месяц назад
So glad you’re continuing the build. So enjoy and building along. Please keep it up, your ideas of placement and planning are spot on.
@kevinmurray2551 Месяц назад
Shoutout for the Stellaris music
@DejonckheereWard Месяц назад
The nudge feature got me gasping
@ZizzlyWizard Месяц назад
This is way easier than Darren plays tutorial and ngl way more efficient and easier to organize and expand upon
Thanks.. It does start to get a convoluted later on. Version 2 when 1.0 releases will be more optimized
@ZizzlyWizard Месяц назад
​@PHENIXXCREATES can't be crazier than a 37 x 29. 3 story 47 x 26 180 coal factory that he had us do in like episode 4. No hate on Darren but if I cant get past the 4th episode without spending a week trying to figure out what I did wrong its not a good tutorial.
@ZizzlyWizard Месяц назад
I know this is old but if anyone is building this in update 8, something I do is add a storage in-between the belts where they merge and generators, I like to keep overflow in a storage container to keep them powered if I need to change stuff out so they will continue to release coal while I add miners, change out belts, adjust different belt designs.
@PHENIXXCREATES 19 дней назад
not a bad plan really at all..
@bones22022 Месяц назад
Great video's. Love watching the progress.
@ZizzlyWizard Месяц назад
unfortunately a lot of the MAM stuff is outdated.
@PHENIXXCREATES 19 дней назад
some are.. yeah
@pucebracelet2214 Месяц назад
resting my phone on the spacebar is a nostaligia trip at this point.