lyonheart84 exotic fruit growing
lyonheart84 exotic fruit growing
lyonheart84 exotic fruit growing
Starting a UK channel for growing some exotic fruits in the UK cool temperate climate, by all means subscribe if you want to
My garden assistant is back again !
9 часов назад
@PeterEntwistle 4 часа назад
It's looking incredibly healthy now, Brett. It's great that it has recovered so well, albeit slowly. My seedling plants suffered badly over winter indoors and have barely grown at all this year. I probably should have repotted them earlier in the year, to be honest.
@lyonheart84 4 часа назад
They are certainly slow growers, it’s taken 2 seasons to grow back to this level so you need a lot of patience. I had no idea why I lost the replacement plant, I think it was under watered rather than over watered and I didn’t notice it had dried out 🙄
@myexoticfoodplants6727 5 часов назад
Fabulous, thanks for sharing, Brett. Your Natal plum (Carissa macrocarpa) is looking superb. My plant completely died due to the dec 2022 cold snap. I bought two seedlings from Jurassic plants late last year, and have now planted them together in one pot, but they are slow growers and does not look as healthy and robust as yours. This coming winter they will be overwintered under cover with control to prevent the temperature falling below 4C.
@lyonheart84 5 часов назад
Yes this was the one that died back to the base of the stem in December 2022, it has been painfully slow growing to get back to this point Mike
@MoebiusUK 6 часов назад
I love the leaf shape on these plants. This specimen looks in great condition. 👍🏽
@lyonheart84 5 часов назад
It’s really come back well Dom, just hope I can keep it alive over winter again and we should see flowers next year
@user-dg5pv5fv2l 6 часов назад
Looks great!!
@lyonheart84 6 часов назад
It’s been a slow recovery Oliver but looks pretty good now
@garycard1456 9 часов назад
Beautifully green. Not a single unhealthy-looking leaf in sight. Plants throw up surprises and sometimes things happen that defy logical explanation. This one has a strong will to survive! I suppose that, if Natal Plums are commonly propagated by seed, then there will be genetic variability among the plants. Some seed-grown plants have the genetics for more robust root systems than others.
@lyonheart84 8 часов назад
Yes I only wish citrus stayed remotely as green as this 🤪🤪
@garycard1456 6 часов назад
@@lyonheart84 Citrus are hungry feeders. Even more so when they have embryonic fruit. For the most part my citrus are fully green. I topdress with some growmore slow release granules, but I also make up my own fertilizer solutions by dissolving potassium nitrate, potassium monophosphate, potassium sulfate, magnesium nitrate, calcium nitrate, sequestered iron (a chelated iron with added chelated manganese- Sequestrene iron tonic for acidophilic plants) and mixed trace elements (Solufeed Tec). I adjust the pH of my tapwater to pH 6 using a pH down or ascorbic acid (vitamin C powder). Potassium cations are very easily lost in wet weather (leaching in the runoff coming out of the pot's drainage holes). So, they have to be regularly topped-up. Being one of the plant macronutrients, citrus plants use a lot of potassium.
@Mark-ld9bd 9 часов назад
Looks beautiful plant Have you ever tried a natal plum. Just wondering what it tastes like
@lyonheart84 8 часов назад
No Mark, never tasted one and probably never will lol
@hanat1313 17 часов назад
This grows like a weed in the Maldives
@lyonheart84 17 часов назад
Lol that's lucky. I couldn't keep them alive here 😥
@backyardsnackyard День назад
Ah, I can't wait for mine to fruit now! I don't even like European pears when they go all soft and juicy and these ones are meant to stay crisp, so pefect!
@lyonheart84 День назад
These will go soft if left too long on the tree or in the fruit bowl but I much prefer them and they are generally better than the shop bought ones. I think the ones that have stayed on the tree will be better for sure
@PeterEntwistle День назад
It looked very good inside despite the caterpillar damage, Brett! Great to hear it still tasted great too! I still don't have any Asian pear trees. I did get some scions but never got around to grafting them; I guess it might be a bit late now 😬
@lyonheart84 День назад
I consider them a class above European pears. Luckily the codling moth must have got to it quite late ( after the fruit had already reached a decent size ) so it wasn’t stunted too much and not much of the centre of the fruit was eaten away. If they get to young embryo fruits they are ruined.
@joestropicals6760 День назад
Even though, this particular Asian pear was slightly spoilt but the Codling moth larvae, it still looked really good, and I’m glad that it didn’t affect the quality of the fruit 🙌🏾
@lyonheart84 День назад
Yes and I’m sure the other fruit haven’t been touched Joe so should be even better as they will ripen more 🤞😁
@joestropicals6760 День назад
Still positive to see fruit set on your tree Brett. My Nursery bought one has several that have set, which are the size of tennis balls 🎾….not 😂 Funnily enough, my seedling is still flowering, but no fruit set.
@lyonheart84 День назад
I fear your nursery tree won’t get the fruits big enough this year to be properly edible but it’s promising that it can set fruit
@joestropicals6760 День назад
@@lyonheart84 I think that’s the main thing for me, that it’s set fruit…and I’m actually quite surprised as I only planted it in ground end of summer last year.
@lyonheart84 День назад
@joestropicals6760 now we need to figure out how to get them to flower AND set fruit in June as they need a good 5 to 6 months to get fruits to maturity
@joestropicals6760 День назад
@@lyonheart84 funnily enough the nursery bought one had flowered as early as April, but dropped them all due to the cold weather that followed. I’m hoping next year won’t be so inconsistent with the temperatures.
@MoebiusUK День назад
Good Job with this fruit. Those moths can be a pain but i'm glad this pear was still tasty.
@lyonheart84 День назад
I think the bags have worked well Dom as I THINK it’s the only fruit that’s been affected by codling moth larvae 🤞😁
@AAHomeGardening День назад
looks tasty
@lyonheart84 День назад
Very nice but the others should be even riper and nicer 🤞😋
@TropicalGardeningCyprus День назад
I prefer them also, they have a unique aroma that european ones don't have. Reminds me slightly of litchy, or rosewater.
@lyonheart84 День назад
Crunchy and they last a long time in the fridge, this one had a stronger taste than rosewater and the remaining fruit should be better 🤞
@TropicalGardeningCyprus День назад
@@lyonheart84 this made me crave for some 😅 guess I'll go and buy, mine didn't do anything this year, it got too hot too early and they dropped.
@lyonheart84 День назад
@TropicalGardeningCyprus lol this is one fruit that my home grown fruits are always better than shop bought fruits 😁
@TropicalGem8 День назад
That's a good looking piece of fruit Brett. Another tree to add to the wish list. 😅
@lyonheart84 День назад
It was very nice and I’ve heard the trees grow very well in lawns 😉🤪
@TropicalGem8 День назад
@@lyonheart84 nowhere is safe from a new tree.
@lyonheart84 День назад
@TropicalGem8 😂😂
@AnneHeyns День назад
nice - i like pears too☺
@lyonheart84 День назад
I admit I rarely buy regular pears, I much prefer the Asian pears 😁
@5926dlrow62 День назад
Looks like a really tasty fruit!!!!!!!!!
@lyonheart84 День назад
It was pretty good considering it dropped early. I think the other fruit will be much better 🤞
@maiamongkolpattanachai2301 День назад
Your pomegranate tree looks even bigger than mine that I’ve planted for 5 years and it’s only as high as my waist 😅 I just moved it to another sunny spot the other day. Let’s see how it will be!
@lyonheart84 День назад
This is its 6th summer in the ground so they aren’t super fast growing. Our problem here is simply lack of summer heat for them to fruit 😥
@maiamongkolpattanachai2301 20 часов назад
@@lyonheart84 I always pray we have more cold days and for Europe to have longer sun. It’d be nice to enjoy all fruits and vegetables wherever we are and not having to buy so expensive! Just looked at your Asian pear, here only the very high area of Chiang Mai and Chiang Rai can plant and get fruits also 😅 I can only have tropical fruits and Thai mulberry on my farm
@lyonheart84 17 часов назад
@maiamongkolpattanachai2301 lol yes wherever we live the weather is never perfect 😁
Its not been hot enough long enough this year for pomegranates. I think you should put a bag on that pomegranate Brett at least it will protect it from caterpillars getting in there. Hopefully you will get at least one fruit to reach maturity. 🤞
@lyonheart84 День назад
I did bag it straight after filming the video Louise but it can’t reach maturity lol, it would have to be this size in June to have any chance to reach maturity as the fruits take around 180 days from flower to mature fruit i.e almost 6 months 😱
@PeterEntwistle 2 дня назад
It's a pain that they flower so late and difficult to get the fruit to develop in cooler temperatures, Brett. They still look very ornamental when the flowers open up.
@lyonheart84 2 дня назад
To be honest its flowered June, July and most of August Peter but our summers are just to cool normally for them to set fruit properly. They have more chance in a South facing position ideally in a walled garden and the bigger the tree the more likely it is to set a few fruit. There's a 12 foot tree near to where I live thats still covered in flowers and has a few small fruits set but the owner told me she only ever got a couple of fruits big enough to eat in the record breaking summer a couple of years ago. The best specimen I've ever seen was that one in the Chelsea Physic garden
@15shafique 2 дня назад
And mine has got 15 to 20 flowers blooming right now which is strange for me because it already flowered in May and all flowers dropped.
@lyonheart84 2 дня назад
They can flower in flushes or continuously all summer depending on the maturity of the plant and the weather 😁
@15shafique 2 дня назад
@@lyonheart84 Thanks
@garycard1456 3 дня назад
I have noticed that if I go to great lengths to provide sown seeds with the optimum conditions, they sometimes fail to germinate. Or, only 1 or 2 might germinate. Yet, if I casually pop a seed into any old mix, without any special care or consideration, it surprises me weeks or months later by germinating!
@lyonheart84 2 дня назад
Yes same for me Gary, I suspect the mycorrhiza in the root system of an established plant and the presence of mature roots micromanages the growing conditions for seeds 🧐
@samMTL514 3 дня назад
Hi Brett, Few very promising figs. Have you tried to grow VDB? It’s an early ripening compared to brown turkey. Adding bonemeal in early June can help speed up the fig development. You should give this a try. Cheers.
@lyonheart84 2 дня назад
Violet de Bordeaux? I’ll have to look at the labels of my other figs, I suspect I’ve got one Sam. The pot grown fig plants have been dreadful this year, I’ve been lazy with feeding due to my health issues. I’m not convinced many of these figs will survive, although the tree seems very healthy the figs continuously turn yellow and dry up 😬
@samMTL514 2 дня назад
@@lyonheart84I hope you have speedy recover. yes, Violet de Bordeaux. I consider fig trees heavy feeders. In my case, they have to push new leaves, put new growth, and support fig development
I quite often sow random fruit seeds in other larger pots with plants already in them. It's nice when they do germinate. I forget what seeds I've planted where and have to go off the leaves to identify them 😅. Hope your Grumichama survives Brett and slugs and snails 🐌 don't get to it..
@lyonheart84 2 дня назад
Lol agreed I don’t normally put labels in the random pots so I also forget what I’ve planted haha. This time I made the effort to put in a label. Sometimes they take months to germinate so it’s fortunate this one came up quite quickly
@user-dg5pv5fv2l 3 дня назад
I’ve got 2 seedlings and after a year and half they are 4 inches tall 😂🤏… good idea about germinating seeds in pots that are already in use.
@lyonheart84 3 дня назад
They are very slow growing for sure, the parent is very slow as well. I reckon they are 7 to 8 years from seed to flowering age. I often find seedlings germinate better in pots of more mature plants 😁
@LebedotNaPero 3 дня назад
The birds love these fruits in my garden😊
@lyonheart84 3 дня назад
They’ll never touch them here ( if I had a decent amount ) as they wouldn’t even know what they are lol 😁
@TropicalGardeningCyprus 3 дня назад
This is kind of hilarious, because often, we buy 5-10-15 or even on wholesale 100 seeds and oftentimes nothing germinates, and here we are, 1 seed... 1 new plant 😂😂 I'm loving this!!
@lyonheart84 3 дня назад
Haha yes it’s surprising, I suppose the seed couldn’t have been fresher as I took it out of my own fruit the day before I planted it 😁. I’m sure they makes a big difference
@TropicalGardeningCyprus 3 дня назад
@@lyonheart84 100% true!! I planted 1 seed from my sapodilla and it's growing!! While 10 seeds from seedsdelmundo.... 0 results(4 years ago).
@lyonheart84 3 дня назад
@TropicalGardeningCyprus yes I’ve had mixed results from online sellers, hard to know how old the seeds are or if they have been exposed to excessive heat or cold in the post
@TropicalGardeningCyprus 3 дня назад
@@lyonheart84 few hours ago one of my plant-loving friends was showing me the seeds he received from rarepalmseeds this morning... abiu 100 seeds on wholesale... dry as hell!! We're talking abou ANCIENT seeds, not just not fresh. If I go and buy roasted almonds right now, they'll have more moisture in them than the abiu seeds 😂😂
@lyonheart84 3 дня назад
@TropicalGardeningCyprus lol well we know how successful they will be at germinating 😂
@PeterEntwistle 3 дня назад
Very exciting to see that little Grumichama seedling germinating Brett!
@lyonheart84 3 дня назад
lol yes I was surprised to be honest. I might have another 2 or 3 seeds soon if the remaining fruits get to maturity
@PeterEntwistle 3 дня назад
@@lyonheart84 I guess the freshness of the seed was an important factor 👍
@TropicalGem8 3 дня назад
That was a fun Video, We love your watering assistant. 🥰
@lyonheart84 3 дня назад
Lol you should have met her on Saturday evening but she had gone out during the day to meet a friend in London and didn’t get back until later 😂
@TropicalGem8 3 дня назад
@@lyonheart84 Amy. We would have loved to have met her.
@lyonheart84 3 дня назад
@TropicalGem8 she's normally only here during the day on Saturdays but obviously has been spending more time looking after me and the plants
@sergio34410 3 дня назад
Hello Brett! Thanks for sharing your video! If it was my seedlings shooting up ,and I was hoping to keep it alive I would immediately remove it from that pot now , before the roots get more intertwined with the others! Adios amigo!
@lyonheart84 3 дня назад
Because it’s September I think moving it would be a mistake. I think the larger plants roots will help with symbiotic fungi and also will use surplus moisture in the soil which could cause the seedling to rot off in our long winters. If it’s still alive in the Spring I’ll separate them then 😁
@joestropicals6760 3 дня назад
Great to see lots of fruit set on your Li. It’s a shame our summers aren’t consistently warm enough, but hopefully since you’ve potted your Jujubes up in large fabric pots, next year they’ll wake up earlier and hopefully larger fruit 🌱🙌🏾
@lyonheart84 3 дня назад
It would be nice to get bigger fruits but I feel they truthfully need to be in ground which of course I have no space to do. The embryo fruits are barely bigger than peas right now and I removed all the smallest and ‘yellowing’ ones but I don’t see them getting much bigger before the cold weather sets in. Hopefully you have a few that are approaching an edible size now……
@joestropicals6760 3 дня назад
@@lyonheart84 i have quite a lot of fruit set this year, some fruits larger than others. I’m hoping the weather stays warm enough for them to continue to develop to a decent size. I’ll do an update video pretty soon 🙌🏾
@joestropicals6760 3 дня назад
Lovely to see your lovely watering assistant again. Brings that extra bit of joy to your garden 😂🌱
@lyonheart84 3 дня назад
Yes it’s nice when she can pop in to help me Joe but I’m not sure she’ll ever have green fingers 😂
@joestropicals6760 3 дня назад
@@lyonheart84 🤣
@Coolclimatetropicalfruits 3 дня назад
lol Brett Millie is loving the garden time
@lyonheart84 3 дня назад
Lol I’m not sure she is meant to be enjoying herself, she’s meant to be reducing my work load 😂
@maiamongkolpattanachai2301 3 дня назад
I had one tree and it gave one fruit then died because my father didnt water them when I was away to Europe as always 😅 But then I get to eat a lot at my friend’s house in Italy instead ❤❤🎉🎉😂😂
@lyonheart84 3 дня назад
Lol unfortunately they do need plenty of water when it’s hot. You are so lucky to be able to visit Europe so often 😁👍
@maiamongkolpattanachai2301 3 дня назад
My favourite! Do you eat them fresh or cook them? I love fig paste so much, esp. mix with ginger ❤❤❤
@lyonheart84 3 дня назад
I don’t normally get enough to bother with cooking them although last year my parents plant got a lot of fruits so I made jam. Sometimes I grill them in halves with a little honey on top 😁
@maiamongkolpattanachai2301 3 дня назад
@@lyonheart84 I’ll try with honey, too 😍😍🙏🙏
@lyonheart84 3 дня назад
@maiamongkolpattanachai2301 it’s lovely under the grill or in the oven
@fkeeleung 4 дня назад
Good to see you are back gardening
@lyonheart84 3 дня назад
Lol well I’ll not really gardening just filming 😂. I see the specialists on Wednesday to discuss my next phase of treatment and when it will start 🙄
@backyardsnackyard 4 дня назад
What a happy video. Lovely to see you both enjoying the garden. It has been raining and storming today, so I got to skip watering today😁
@lyonheart84 4 дня назад
We’ve barely seen a drop of rain in the southeast all August Dani. Several trees in pots were wilting badly so I needed to do some seriously deep watering today. I’m not sure my assistant did an awful lot 😂
@backyardsnackyard 4 дня назад
@@lyonheart84 oh, it sounds like you might have had more proper Summer weather than us...Hope you get some rain soon, though. It really does make gardening so much easier.
@lyonheart84 4 дня назад
@backyardsnackyard haha didn’t say it was hot, just bone dry 😂
@MoebiusUK 4 дня назад
Nice garden tour, Brett. Your garden looks amazing. I've spent the day down the allotment clearing rubbish left by the previous plot holders. Will be weeks or months before I can start planting stuff how I would like but I'm still enjoying it.
@lyonheart84 4 дня назад
It’s very therapeutic but nevertheless pretty hard work. I look forward to seeing it once you’ve started planting
@TropicalGardenGuy 4 дня назад
Sure thats your assistant !😂
@lyonheart84 4 дня назад
Lol yes she wasn’t exactly helping my much was she 🙄
@milliemiguel2842 3 дня назад
I did watered it abit 😂
@lyonheart84 3 дня назад
@milliemiguel2842 lol the watering really helped and I think the music helps the plants as well 😁
@MoebiusUK 4 дня назад
Great to see you enjoying the garden today with your assistant. It's been marvellous weather, I hope we have many more days like it before the winter sets in and the single digit temperatures.
@lyonheart84 4 дня назад
Yes I had a relaxing day although to be honest I think did 90% of the watering 😂
@PeterEntwistle 4 дня назад
Looks like she is enjoying the garden, Brett! It's been raining so much here lately I've not really had to worry about watering any of the plants lol 😂
@lyonheart84 4 дня назад
The rain has skipped the south east, I have numerous wilting trees. I think she rather make the video than actually do any gardening haha
@PeterEntwistle 4 дня назад
​@@lyonheart84 Yeah, I believe there are 2 competing pressure systems over the UK at the moment. You've obviously got the better end of it lol 😂
@lyonheart84 4 дня назад
@PeterEntwistle lol yes the southeast does have a reputation for being the driest part of the uk and although it’s been quite cool at times in August we’ve barely had any rain
@PeterEntwistle 4 дня назад
@@lyonheart84 yep, and we have the reputation of being the wettest part (well of England anyway) lol 🤣
@TropicalGardeningCyprus 4 дня назад
Thanks for the tour! Your garden is as beautiful as ever. A bit surprised by the amount of fruits on the chocolate vine, that's impressive!!
@lyonheart84 4 дня назад
Lol and I hardly showed them, there are hundreds. Just typical that the worst fruit is the most productive 😂
@TropicalGardeningCyprus 4 дня назад
@@lyonheart84 worst? 😂😂 Seriously, should I avoid planting it and stick with passion fruits?
@lyonheart84 4 дня назад
The flesh taste is ok , it’s just impossible to eat because most of it is made up of nasty bitter inedible seeds. I just mix the flesh with some water and push it through a sieve to get rid of the seeds. I just wish I could grow passion fruits here as I love the fruit. These chocolate vines are so decorative and so vigorous and easy to grow with no pests
@Danfoodforest 4 дня назад
Hey Brett, nice walk around the garden. The ornamental trees are beautiful. You have a considerable number of fruits on several trees., which is cool. Have a great week
@lyonheart84 4 дня назад
Thanks Dan, it’s not been a good year for most fruit but a couple of trees have performed quite well. Wish I had more space to get them into the ground
@PeterEntwistle 4 дня назад
Your garden is looking lovely, Brett. It's great to see the pawpaws and Asian pears doing so well. The pineapple guavas are looking very promising too. It’s great that your peach tree is looking nice and healthy again too.
@lyonheart84 4 дня назад
Yes somethings look great but of course there are plenty of disasters as well. Sadly the other 2 peaches look like twigs, I guess they’ll have to go this winter
@joestropicals6760 4 дня назад
Just arrived back from Spain earlier, so a lot of catching up to do on RU-vid vids. Great garden tour. Your Pineapple Guava a swelling up nicely, and Asian pears look amazing 🤩 I need to go and inspect my plants 😬😂
@lyonheart84 4 дня назад
Hope you had a great holiday Joe and saw some interesting plants and fruits ? You’ll really notice a big difference after a couple of weeks away, hopefully everything has grown like crazy !
@joestropicals6760 4 дня назад
@@lyonheart84 yep! The garden is a proper jungle 😂 needs a lot of water also 🙄
@Cevan131 4 дня назад
Hello! I watch you because i love gardening but i cannot do it. Your videos are so relaxing, like meditation. Sorry for my bad english. Greetings from Croatia!
@lyonheart84 4 дня назад
Thank you so much, I’m sorry you don’t have the possibility to do gardening ❤️
@velona509 4 дня назад
I can hardly hear you. Please go indoors while recording or use an appropriate microphone to subdue wind noise.
@lyonheart84 4 дня назад
Sorry that was several years ago and a very basic phone, I have a better phone now and I’m more used to talking on camera. The sound is fine when I listen to it as well
@backyardsnackyard 4 дня назад
I was just talking to my neighbour, who has that massive Brown Turkey I got a cutting from last year. She had quite a few brebas, but most of them were eaten by birds😏
@garycard1456 4 дня назад
Wow, what a result! I lost my atemoya a while ago to what I believe to be urea/ammonium damage or accumulation of fertilizer salts in the pot, with possible adverse changes in pH. I now periodically flush the pots with rainwater or deionised water. Commercial fertilizers often contain urea or ammonium. The problem with ammonium cations (NH4+) is that they cause over-acidification of the soil/substrate/mix if they are allowed to accumulate over time. I am willing to try again with tropical Annonas like atemoya and cherimoya, but I will go very easy on the applications of commerical fertilizer blends containing urea or ammonium, such as Miraclegro. Nitrate salts (for providing plants with the essential macronutrient, Nitrogen) are better than urea or ammonium salts, as nitrate anions (NO3-) are immediately accessible for uptake by the plants, and the nitrate anions do not contribute to over-acidification.
@lyonheart84 4 дня назад
You might be overanalysing it Gary, sometimes tropicals just die here because they hate our climate 😬. Obviously I almost lost one to cold damage and sold the other one so I need to focus on this one a bit more seriously 😁