An Extensive Guide to Burn [Limbus Company]
4 месяца назад
@user-tu1lw2ox2r 2 дня назад
Fanghunt Hong Lu kinda feels like what Seven Heathcliff would be if PM tried to make him as a “balanced” unit today
@MantaRain 2 дня назад
So something interesting about the new Outis that I've yet to see someone mention. She does not lose sanity on ally death, but on clash lose. Making her early turns fairly important so you don't end up having failures compound upon themselves. She is a bleed ID that wants lust Res anyway so slotting in Grip Faust either on the team or on the bench will make the clash lose sanity loss a non issue, but I thought it was an interesting thing to note
@silxer3154 3 дня назад
Wait a minute, a 00 Hong-Lu ID with a pride skill 2 that has an anti-synergy with his respective status team? Wasn't expecting the return of KK Hong-Lu's Cloud Cutter but here we are...
@anonjohn9760 3 дня назад
Hunter Hong Lu is just....sad. Due to the sins of Tailsman Sinclair and the 00 Rarity Tax he isn't allowed to be Count Positive AT ALL, and he just isn't good enough to try and make him work any way unless you are THAT low on Rupture units. He could've been at least decent, but until PM decides it's time to break Rupture wide open no unit of that status will be eating good without some asterisks... Barber Outis is good, especially in MD where Wound Cerrid + Bloody Mist pretty much solves Count Issues forever. Bleed getting a powerful AoE Skill is also quite nice - now only Rupture, Sinking, and Charge are wanting for that convenience! My problem with her, though, is that she's in competition with her Ring form, which has a kickass S2 that solves half of Bleed's Count issues outside of MD (with the other half being Ring Sang and either/both Rhino Meur and Hook Lu) and is much cheaper to invest in on the whole. Bleed seems to be trying to get away from being so Count dependent, and the units we have for the archtype are so strong they don't really mind losing out on the extra damage, but it's still could they have at least gave her some Count on her other Skills? I also raised an eyebrow at her S3's total max Clash Power - most 000 IDs usually reach the mid 20s w/Conditionals while she's stuck at 20 at best. Granted that is most certainly due to the AoE being on a 4 Coin S3, but it still stings. At least PM compensated by letting her deal absurd damage between it's last coin and her Passive!
@Drago-ir8ny 3 дня назад
I feel like outside of Bleed-centric fights, the “can’t consume before a higher kindred does” part of Bloodfeast is meant to dissuade people from running the Bloodfiends together. While Bleed has gotten substantially better since the Ring IDs released, I don’t know if we do enough Bleed damage yet by ourselves to have two allies be able to use it in regular fights. The stack can definitely do well enough in focused fights to make it work, however. On an aside, I’m surprised you didn’t bring up Ring Outis. Barber Outis is a very strong unit in general, but as far as stack maintenance goes, she relies entirely on her team to do it. Ring Outis still has a spot in teams that want Bleed to do most of the work imo
@kaskozhuk4158 2 дня назад
I didn't bring up Ring Outis because no matter what you can't have both Barber and Ring in the same team. I like to keep these focused on the new IDs in order to give people a feel for what they would want rather than just immediately offering the alternative.
Sadly barber outis has such terrible rampup and questionable bleed infliction that she ends up being a worse id than ringtis in generalist and bleed outside md and bleed in md.
Also as "shank 2" neither rolls as high or has the damage multipliers that shank has, ttlu is gonna be dealing a lot more damage.
@Bork-but-weird-letters 3 дня назад
One interesting thing I noticed about Outis Coin Power gain effect after using her in MD is that the effect doesn't activate/deactivate mid-use. It is both good and bad as you won't gain coin power while hitting the enemy to give them enough bleed to fulfill conditional, but that also mean you don't lose coin power if the enemy lost all their bleed counts during clashing. I'd say it's pretty nice for her since she doesn't really inflict Bleed count and for Bleed ID design in the future as they won't have to worry about keeping up count. (Rupture whole problem)
@jhoo_ 3 дня назад
why is sewing pronounced like so-wing? i thought its pronunciation would be seal-wing not doubting you btw i know you know a lot about english
@kaskozhuk4158 3 дня назад
"Sewing" derives from the Germanic word "siwan" which would be pronounced like a long "O" in tongue. It comes from the Latin and Greek root "sue-" which means "to join"
@erykando 3 дня назад
fanglus guard skill bleed removal activates at combat start, so you could just use it to offset evade skills of enemies so its not entirely useless
@oscarsimon3723 3 дня назад
Tbf in regards to the reduced bleed potency on his guard, since his passive is binary and only really cares about count, reducing potency to cut down on HP loss is a valid design choice.
@jihadjoe4957 3 дня назад
Btw why is she called 'Barber' when is clearly a 'Tailor'. You a know Barber does your hair and a Tailor your clothes. Is it lost in translation?
@namelass4099 3 дня назад
Will you make an overview of the Battle pass egos, I liked Lasso quite a lot. Also, technically speaking Fang Lu isn't the first one to have a conditional other than doesn't remove rupture count on hit, Deviats skill 3 still consumes rupture but gives her an extra coin, but he is the first one to always consume rupture
@kaskozhuk4158 3 дня назад
I do plan on making an overview of the battle pass egos, yes
@HappyLovesNymph 3 дня назад
I'm not in the mood to cut my hair but if The Barber (not Outis) is willing to cut my hair so be it
@lumiere6402 3 дня назад
Bloodfiend made for the best parents of the century. Dad went out looking for the best milk for more than 200 years. Also racist condition for the coin power on Hong Lu only activate if his rupture condition is met which kinda suck
@doyouwatchko6548 3 дня назад
>new bleed id >looks at count generation >clueless
@doyouwatchko6548 3 дня назад
my bleed team 1) red eyes 2) bl mersault 3) nclair 4) rcliff 2 count on sewing target in one skill its too many for me, shame on u outis. i shoose kurokumo hong lu and rodya
@doyouwatchko6548 3 дня назад
aaaand when skills with unbreakable coin spend more blood coin, we must pick middle don with another 0 count generation. btw i shoose w-don.
@largeladcfb158 3 дня назад
I think it's important to mention all of Fanglu's <Bloodbag> Gain Coin Power conditionals are locked behind his rupture conditionals. An enemy needs to be both a bloodbag AND have 15 potency and 3 count for him to gain the <Bloodbag> Coin Power, which sucks bad because he can kill that conditional himself mid skill.
@parksolomon7084 3 дня назад
His 15/3 rupture conditionals are actually on use so he gets to keep the coin power through the entirety of the skill even if he gets rid of the entire stack
@largeladcfb158 2 дня назад
@@parksolomon7084 true, I forgot about that. still, it's really bad to kill the stack he's relying on
@jakepollard3616 3 дня назад
Outis : Nah we fucked up, we gotta go bald
@Kriakye2435 3 дня назад
Very helpful. Thx mate 👍🔥👍
@frenchgoose2712 5 дней назад
The thing about Bari being the knight of the White Moon is that it’s actually a subversion of Don Quixote, as in the book Sanson Carrasco, our not-so-lovely magician friend, plays that role in order to beat Don Quixote at his own game by winning a joust with him and ordering Don to return home for a year as his victory prize, so Limbus’ White Moon is the opposite in that they both aren’t Sanson and are helping Don stay away from her home
@frenchgoose2712 5 дней назад
The river Lethe isn’t really in the Odyssey, though Odysseus does go to the underworld/hell/hades. It’s much more famous for its appearances in Vergil’s Aeneid and Dante’s Inferno (because Dante’s version of hell is just the Greek and Roman underworld with some renovations) where it acts in the latter as a purifying river in the garden of Eden at the top of purgatory that one must cross before finally ascending to heaven, and in the former, as well as all of Greek myth, it is a river in the underworld that good and righteous souls can cross to lose their memories and be reincarnated into the world.
@legandaryprinnygamer8886 5 дней назад
Not gonna lie it took my way to long the Knight of the *White Moon* is a Color
@K0Z1E 6 дней назад
La Manchaland being made out of blood is like if Disney World was made out of Burgers
@fellowdegenerate6190 6 дней назад
2 hrs in see he's about to do the last fight but there still an hour left in the vod. OH BOY
@lumiere6402 6 дней назад
Fighting Dulcinea with wild hunt/ aoe id with no healing is a fucking nightmare btw. My guy just got 30ish bleed at 11 count. He went on life support mode for the rest of the fight 💀
@hunnter30 6 дней назад
Hong Lu lore, Outis knowing stuff from the ruins, Bari, the plotwist at the end. Truly a "what a canto" moment.
@Trulythesasichone 6 дней назад
what a canto, huh
@the_only_way7808 9 дней назад
NGL I'm kinda dreading when we get a team of 5 units that have the don't consume rupture + red sheet sinclair.
@kaskozhuk4158 9 дней назад
Judging by what we've seen, they wouldn't be able to inflict enough Rupture to fulfill the conditional in a team like that
@the_only_way7808 9 дней назад
@@kaskozhuk4158 The scary thing about the team though is that once they have 15x3 rupture they just go infinite with talisman and rodion can hit that with 1 s3 at 10+ courier with talisman. Once you have the engine going sinclair would just guard and s3, maybe use other skills if the new units can recover the count.
@the_only_way7808 9 дней назад
This also ignores any E.G.O. which would make this setup even easier to hit. For example basically any dimension shredder (Outis being by far the worst but still possible) setting it up. Though they would first have to get one of these ID's (Which hong lu could be getting announced shortly).
@mfgrobin9657 10 дней назад
Don quixotes book and Man of La mancha i recommend highly even if not for the characters but rather for the ideas it conveys. But here are some tiny tid bits even if you might know. 1.Don quixote is a fairly elderly man who still is strong but weary. which reflects well on our sinner. 2. La Mancha can be translated as spot stain taint and smidge. there is also association with withering or such. 3.The Titles of each Node is written like Chapter titles in the Book. 4. This is the oldest Book yet to be used as inspiration.coming from the 1600s
@lumiere6402 10 дней назад
"A yellow wannabe fixer tries to pull a prank on me in a duel (Gone angels)" Definitely CamSault
@misha6022 10 дней назад
Kaskozhuk, thank you for a great id overview. I hope you get well soon!
@cnarfrat1911 10 дней назад
You didn't just say "diddy hong lu"😂😂😂😂
@kaskozhuk4158 10 дней назад
@@cnarfrat1911 no, I dont believe I did. You should check again
@eee1453 9 дней назад
@@kaskozhuk41584:14 :(
@Trulythesasichone 10 дней назад
Cool video, enjoyed it
@EchoMayCry 10 дней назад
I feel like there's a case that you can run Deyviat Rodion with Cinq Meur but it definitely becomes overly complicated on how to use, anyway great review also exited for Fang Hong Lu and what he brings for rupture
@monochrome4937 10 дней назад
Am chat, it real