Star Wars Story
Star Wars Story
Star Wars Story
Star Wars Story is a non-profit Fan-Edit channel, turning the old-familiar into NEW alterations.

I have altered the real, pray I alter it further!
@MissMuffet0254 6 часов назад
Anakin Skywhopper
@ccam7802 8 часов назад
this is actually a very good idea, stepping Jabba's tail just does not work technically and in story
@EthanShaw-qy8jc 19 часов назад
@Buhcki 2 дня назад
Now if we can fix bobas in accurate costume we’re in business
@TheFancyPantsAdventures 2 дня назад
Leo & Donnie
@excal_umba2164 2 дня назад
I think sams palpatine is better for animated shows whereas ians palpatines is better for live action
@jorgealbertodelarosa1186 3 дня назад
Este personaje no es wedge es otro piloto solo los fans verdaderos sabemos esto
@lexmanoctun3266 3 дня назад
no canon
@zachtwilightwindwaker596 3 дня назад
It's interesting that this could have been a thing. I like how the screen glitches up instead of having Han step on his tail.
@newtpondskipper 3 дня назад
This was so superior to the changed version. You can feel the strength of his voice, the menace.
@castorjones2455 3 дня назад
They could have gave Obi Wan the honor of a proper ceremony
@trentoninnewjersey 5 дней назад
Something about the new version felt off to me. Good thing I have the 2002 DVD!
@trentoninnewjersey 5 дней назад
Good thing I have the 2002 DVD! When I first saw this movie on cable and Disney+, I thought I was tripping because of this but now I realize it wasn’t my imagination
@DarthAlphaTheGreat 5 дней назад
Luke saved Vader by trusting his good, rather than try to defeat the bad.
@dritzzdarkwood4727 5 дней назад
For George Lucas to change it so Solo steps on Jabba's tail is just very bad story writing. When you put something in, you always have to consider "what does this add, what does it change and what does it detract". Our vision of Jabba is now much less, he's is not menacing and a force to be reckoned with. Imagine if a delivery guy stepped on a mob boss toes, would that seem realistic to you?
@pseudodonn7478 6 дней назад
I wonder how Palpatine felt about this… “I’m striping the Jedi Order of corrupt individuals who’ve committed treason to the Republic” … “Am I actually… the good guy? No. No! It’s the children who are wrong.”
@neilwiththedeal 6 дней назад
Whoa. The song (not the footage) is what really made this scene!
@panathentic 6 дней назад
What the fuck is that hologram?? That, in my opinion, just makes the problem so much worse, along with all the added shots. If they are so dedicated to keeping that scene, then fucking do it right. Build a puppet, even a miniature, film it on a blue screen, RE-SCAN THE FOOTAGE FOR FUCKS SAKE SO IT'S NOT JUST PUKE ON TOP OF PUKE, and re-composite him in using modern techniques. And for the love of god, take out the gags when he walks around behind him. No stepping on the tail, no waving his hand around weirdly, Let him just step over the fucking tail. If you wanna stilt his movement a bit, fine. It'll look better than ANYTHING before it.
@KpvD 6 дней назад
Temura is Boba… Dee Bradley is perfect for clones. Yes, the older of us grew up with Morrison, but Baker gave more attitude/personality to the clones, Temura always lacked.
@TroyGotCode 6 дней назад
whenever im sad i come back to this video
@soundwichproductions1205 6 дней назад
The only problem I see is that Anakin's lightsaber should be green, otherwise it would be perfect like the introduction of Anakin and Obi Wan in episode 2
@akiraevangelionultimateali5199 6 дней назад
I thought about Dan green too
@VintageNarwhal 6 дней назад
Life sucks but at least I can genuinely laugh at something
Would it not be easier to have jabba spin around 360 degrees. So we see the back of jabba's head. As Han walks around .. instead of that stupid tail stomp . Of a crime Boss whom he shows no respect. Kinda doesn't work because jabba is much larger .. and we all know it 1977 ver best any way 😅 it built the whole. Empire No Pun Intended. And
@dadab8547 7 дней назад
"Magnificent Aren't They?" Was really necessary that question?
@243Abolerz 7 дней назад
Algorithm brought me here, but I think 2pac would've made the perfect Anakin Skywalker if Hayden Christensen and P. Diddy were never born. Tupac always had both light and dark sides to him. He was charming at times, but could flip the switch if needed. He did an amazing job in Juice. Then Luke could've been canonically half black.
@DoganME 7 дней назад
Could I use parts of this in my cut of the movies? Of course with credit given in credits and descriptions.
@StarWarsStory 7 дней назад
Go for it!
@DoganME 7 дней назад
@@StarWarsStory thanks!
@zigarettenstummelsammler1700 8 дней назад
Why we have still the 2004 version on Disney? We need a Update. Cant be fuking real.
@quinten2529 8 дней назад
This is so cringe bro surely you could have found better clips to use that actually respond to what dooku is saying
@elisabethcordeamidala-skyw5066 9 дней назад
@JXEditor 9 дней назад
“What is with this family and deserts?”
@Mr.Feather130 9 дней назад
"This is how it feels to be Anakin Skywalker...forever" That last line is so damn deep
@chemostar2361 10 дней назад
fuck this is cool. my only criticism is that i would have kept the og dialogue in tact, the new stuff you added sounds a little awkward
@StarWarsStory 9 дней назад
Yeah the new dialogue isn't meant to be an optional replacement, was just a fun reference, the VFX is the focus ha
@A21-EDITS21 10 дней назад
Dude that was pretty awesome!! Great work!!
@akumaking1 10 дней назад
It works so well. And do Commando Droids also appear?
@Gamemaster.303 10 дней назад
… and dooku is gay 😂
@starwarsnorway2462 10 дней назад
I love this ❤
@CrimsonMaulOfficial 10 дней назад
Impressive, most impressive....
@RussianJackal 10 дней назад
Ok, kinda really like the hologram!!!! 1997 cheap cgi version is an atrocity.
@dylanderot2500 10 дней назад
Its like it was there goodbye the last of anakin was gone
@Davey647Returns 10 дней назад
I fully understand why they wouldn't do this, because it really kind of emphasizes that this is Rebels Season 5, which even though it very much is, they were trying very hard to not have it promoted like that, and I feel like people who haven't seen rebels would have no idea what was being referenced. At least the Siege of Mandalore had a brief summary/explanation and you can't really do that for a flashback that's a third of a second long. However, what's great about the sudden cut to Malachor, and then Ahsoka in fear on the ground is that it doesn't necessarily make Anakin/Vader "scarier", but it makes Ahsoka's fear so much palpable and real. Like as a viewer, we know she's scared, but seeing her flashback to one of if not the most traumatic fights of her life really emphasis how much she's freaked out. Her reaction is very "Oh God no. Not again." and man that is powerful.
@Davey647Returns 10 дней назад
That "Not This Time" is 100% Ashley's line with a Rosario AI over it. And that's the rare case where I think voice AI can be good, where if used I think both parties (the line and the voice) would agree that for that specific instance, it's creatively the best choice.
@StarWarsStory 10 дней назад
Actually...I simply slowed down Ashley's line to 90% since the pair sound similar! No Ai involved with that line*
@Davey647Returns 9 дней назад
@@StarWarsStory Oh wow! The rare time I'm actually impressed to be "Well Actually'd" lol. It's remarkable how much Ashley sounds like Rosario when slowed down.
@StarWarsStory 9 дней назад
@@Davey647Returns I've done another video that compares their voices and with some speed alterations they're near identical!
@ignaciorodriguez5636 11 дней назад
@memeistmarv 11 дней назад
Amazing work! That's such a fantastic idea that works seamlessly
@MrSHADOWANGEL999 11 дней назад
Truly glorious