There's something more to this
There's something more to this
There's something more to this
There's something more to this explores various topics from movies, music, games and the entertainment industry as a whole.
Can Video Games Ever Be Art?
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Hating A Game That Everyone Loves
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Introducing Games To A Non-Gamer
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My Problem With The Meta
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Death of the Auteur
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Animation Is Not A Genre
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Controllers are Boring
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Do We Need Remakes?
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Games are Art
2 года назад
@Sonicthehedgehog2BlueyFan2001 29 дней назад
Animation isn't a genre but Science Fiction and Fantasy are
@Darth_Buddha Месяц назад
I'm chunibyo 😅... I'll always have that ninja with a katana load out "Nin nin nin nin nin nin nin" 🥷
@kir9027 Месяц назад
As someone who got into gaming in my late 20's here's a list of games that got introduced to me and worked and might work for someone else: 1. Detroit: Become Human & The Dark Pictures Anthology - they felt more like an interactive movies than games and I could still make decisions with someone else holding the controller. Those might be also good to learn where each button is since the mechanics are simply "push the right button at the right time" but unfortunately you can't reload a save before you finish the game so just keep that in mind... 2. Resident Evil & Portal - still just assisting someone who holds the controller but I could help solving the puzzles and RE uses a lot of this "unspoken visual language" like red explosive barrels, yellow pipes or ladders, breakable chests etc, so I could understand what to look for. I think Portal could even work with a non-gamer playing since it's more about puzzles than fluency with controller and buttons 3. Mortal Combat 1 (2023) - again an interactive movie that I could actually play! On easy mode you can basically hit any button in panic and it would probably work anyway but you still get the feeling of accomplishment and it's fun to play with friends - even more fun if they don't know what they're doing as well 4. Mass Effect series - I just fell in love with the story and characters while watching someone else playing and wanted to try on my own... combat on easy mode was forgiving since your squamates can usually get the job done for you. But this game can be too complex to fully get through it without someone's guidance. Still it's the game that made me get my own console, so... I think it worked :) But if your non-gamer isn't into those kind of genres in movies they probably won't be into them in games, so try to find something they'd like! I know a few non-gamers who got into gaming by simply watching someone play a game with a great story. Then just get them something on easy/story mode and a slower pace. Just please stay away from multiplayers, games without difficulty levels and those with a lot of enemies in close combat! Unlike for experienced gamers, it doesn't have to be challenging - it has to be rewarding and immersive!
@matthewniederberger9367 Месяц назад
I tried throwing my ex right into Portal 2 co-op campaign but she has never played a First person game before. Her only experience in a 3D space before that was a little bit as a child on n64 but she never stuck with it. It didn't go over so well lol. She was getting very frustrated. This was actually the moment that opened my eyes to this discussion. After that we would try switch games like Mario 3D world & captain Toad to much better results.
@matthewniederberger9367 Месяц назад
I would try with an older 2D game to get used to those mechanics first. Mario, Donkey Kong Counrty etc. Then when graduating to a 3D space I would probably try Spyro the Dragon due to its simplicity. Then move onto GTA3 or Vice City. They work well in a 3D space with a fairly simple control scheme. Lock on aiming, simple driving controls. No camera to worry about controlling and the open end nature makes it easy for them to jump in and learn the mechanics from just going on rampages and having fun with it.
@HammboneBob Месяц назад
And yet they will defend meta as if it's the only way to olay, and that your opinions are wrong and bad. It's wild to see mob behavior in videogames.
@IDontknow-idk Месяц назад
Can I have the list of all games name please
@non-shockingtopics7563 Месяц назад
I've coached several people unfamiliar to games in my life. What I've learned is: 1. Keep it slow and simple. Basically don't throw them into Doom. Or really anything that requires them to press more than one button at a time/is high stress. 2. Generally stay away from platforming-focused stuff because it's a coordination nightmare for those who don't play games. 3. If possible, stay away from 3D games where you control the camera like shooters (unless it's VR). 3D games add an entire new dimension for new players to deal with, which means, you guessed it, they have to do more than one thing at the same time which they will almost always fail miserably at. 4. VR is pretty intuitive besides the controller buttons themselves and gets 100% guaranteed wow reactions from everyone who tries it, so if you happen to have a headset of any kind, go for it. None of these principles are binding, of course, but it can help you choose the right game for whoever you're wanting to get into games. Here's some of my recommendations: Like in the video, most first-party nintendo games - Simple, easy to understand, fun. Hollow Knight - Despite the very high skill ceiling, it has a relatively low skill floor where I was able to get my mom through the tutorial area with some light coaching. It also has a really great story and world. Portal - Good introduction to 3D games, game starts off with basically just walking and doesn't expect you to make multiple movements till much later, though you are allowed to. Half Life: Alyx - This is the wow factor I was talking about earlier with VR games. Say no more. Though you may have to move them back to the center of the room every so often and watch out for swinging controllers.
@rev3rend353 Месяц назад
The issue is the people more than the meta. People who enjoy meta and argue for it are the same reason why conspiracy microchips in people seems more realistic. Think about it, if u mentally can’t understand why copying and pasting someone’s gameplay, swag, heck even personality is an issue then ur a robot through and through. If the government said that these microchips can grant the ability to use google in ur brain ppl would do it for the same reason ppl use meta. If we stick only to gaming, using meta is simply turning yourself into a CPU at high difficulty. We know all your moves and practice on you time and time again with countless others but once again ppl fail to realize this similar to when ppl stormed the White House that one time recently all cuz their leader (trump) said so.
@user-df5nb8zy7e 2 месяца назад
Personally, I've never played with a controller. And, most games I played are turn-based, 2D or isometric. Recently, I tried to get into more mainstream examples, and found that I struggle with things as simple as "spatial orientation" in 3D (first-person or third-person) games. For example, I struggle to find exit from a doctor's house you begin Fallout New Vegas in. (and it gets significantly worse from there - especially in multilayered buildings where map stops helping) The last game I gave up on, is Control. Even with all the low-difficulty additions (aside from the last one, providing immortality), I still struggle with it. I somehow manage to miss most of the shots I take with all aim-assist options enabled - and circle back to the beginning of the room instead of finding the exit. I often struggle to comprehend what I'm even looking at in these games - especially so, when the camera is moving. I would try introducing a new player to either point-and-click adventures - where you have ONLY the camera control - or to turn-based games with limited amount of buttons. There's also something to say about games that do a lot of front-loading - I tried Deep Sky Derelicts today, and it was a rather overwhelming experience until I eventually figured out the controls (despite the game being turn-based and mouse-operated).
@TheMycelle 2 месяца назад
what i hate about metas , is that players dont even use their brains when there is different options to chose , they are just like " tell me whats best and i'll use it " without knowing why or how. some even follow the metas and complain about it beeing bad , just cause it doesnt fit their playstyle ... whatever ..... feels like nothing has sense anymore these days..
@quax6625 2 месяца назад
I think the reason why basically every game has violence is because it’s easy. Just like in real life: punching someone is often easier than to just talk with that person about your feelings. It’s easier to put a gun and a few copy/paste enemies in a game than actual good, meaningful dialogue and story. It creates a gameplay loop. If you take the violence and fighting out of Bioshock you have a story, maybe a walking simulator but not a game with good/fun gameplay. But I think horror games are a good example for games without the player committing violence (of course there are exceptions), just look at the older Amnesia games and SOMA for example.
@quax6625 2 месяца назад
Great video!
@quax6625 2 месяца назад
great video
@quax6625 2 месяца назад
never stop making videos please!
@brucenatelee 3 месяца назад
7:39 Please tell me what this game is.
@brucenatelee 3 месяца назад
Used a screencapture and image search. Valfaris. Inspired by Slain: Back from Hell. Both games were in the image results.
@Patrick-uh8xj 3 месяца назад
I loathe the new age meta gamers. They don't play to improve and reward themselves from their progress. They rather find the easiest and quickest way to exploit. So they become meta rats. Thwy refuse to handle adversity and work at something to be good at.
@Ikcatcher 3 месяца назад
Gamers cry about how games aren’t fun anymore but then optimize the fun out of anything fun
@jeremymonjar 4 месяца назад
Unfortunately games like Diablo 4 that have "level scaling", lean into the Meta culture. In diablo 1 you were actually supposed to ignore the butcher and come back when you got stronger. In Diablo 4 it would just make things worse as the Butcher just levels with you. You didn't have to be optimal you just had to grind more. Now you have to use the metas
@MartinMunthe 5 месяцев назад
Hitchcock always worked very closely with his writers and choice of material and made sure they understood how he told stories. How elements should be presented and in what order. A story is not the film. How a story is told is the film. The auteur is the storyteller. A ”gun for hire” director only makes sure pages of a script is shot in a professional way.
@lunacurtis780 5 месяцев назад
I don't think Meta is even the proper term. Meta, to my knowledge, used to refer to D&D games where people would behave out of character, simply because of game mechanics they understood. What we have in gaming is "OTRR"(otter), an anagram, "Only Tactics Remaining Relevant" Because it's not that walking back and forth to attack reset and collect farm on League is "meta", it's that it's THE ONLY WAY TO DO IT.
@lunacurtis780 5 месяцев назад
We take Yugioh for example. If you aren't running Ash Blossom, MOST people will be like "that's not how you do this" Most if not all card games end up like this within a few boosters, tbh. Magic the gathering, if you gave me a week to teach myself MTG with only starter decks or whatever, not internet, a kid who spent an hour on the internet would annihilate me. Backt o Yugioh, if you look up "[deck] combo", and learn like a single instant kill combo, you'll be in the top 10% of the ranked players in a week. because most NORMAL players don't even know you can instant kill with a deck from 2006
@lunacurtis780 5 месяцев назад
MMOs more or less have, what I call "fake stats". You either have the minimum armor to tank, or you don't. Your Vitality is made up. The most unique class system I've ever seen in my life, SMT Imagine, had precisely 1 class worth using, Enhancer, because it casts reflect spells and power amps on your demon (pet). You also, by chance, had a build that allowed you to be the second best Mage class int he game. You did not need anything else to clear the game. Now, other classes DID exist, but they were considered comically niche. A gun class that innflicts ailments, and a couple of melee classes that all more or less did the same thing (walk up and hit them with an elemental attack). Some people played as Mages, but doubled as Enhancers, anyway. Again, this is, to date, the MOST unique mmo class system I've ever seen.
@lunacurtis780 5 месяцев назад
If every attack kills DPS in two hits, why do DPS have an HP bar? Why not just have 2 little hearts on their head? The answer is "for fighting low level mobs, the DPS has more than two hits", but like, Why, even? They should be killing low level mobs isntantly, if they're a high level dps... Their equipment literally ONLY serves to get them past DPS checks, so, simply lower the check for random mobs for them, instead of incorporating a FAKE health bar.
@Zekrom249 5 месяцев назад
You either be the best version of yourself, or a weaker imitation of someone else.
@gerawallstar3487 5 месяцев назад
The whole "animation is for kids" argument has been going around since the 1970s. The origins of this was back in the 1960s when Saturday morning cartoons ruled the airwaves, it was for children to watch early in the morning while parents are sleeping. Because Cartoons were associated as children's stuff, parents groups censored action and violence in cartoons resulting in 90% of cartoons in the 70s and most of the 80s being atrociously made.
@pervysage5465 5 месяцев назад
I would give you a like, but you already have 420 of it, and I have no heart to change that. Instead, have this comment
@AngloSaxonWheatFarmer 5 месяцев назад
I ask myself “How are these people having fun ? They play the exact same loadout which is so broken they don’t even have to try anymore” it’s not even a game at that point with some metas it’s just like any easy singleplayer mode. People tell me to just let them play how they want and I do I’m not stopping them but I have to ask what type of person would intentionally make their experiance boring like that and I have to conclude it’s the sweats whose entire mental state hinges on winning. Atleast I’ll be shit at the game honestly
@facusmendoza1061 5 месяцев назад
After Guillermo del Toro Pinocchio defeated turning red at the oscars Guillermo backfire at Lily James Naomi Scott and Halle Bailey about that animation it's ready to be taken to the next step and it's not a genre
@Smokeytokiee 5 месяцев назад
Metas are for divys that cant play a game, then tell people to get good after copying to get good 😂😂😂
@mossvoxle 5 месяцев назад
great video!
@kvj1989 5 месяцев назад
Easy fix randomize the stats of every weapon each day.
@SteamedToast 6 месяцев назад
The meta of metagaming is that it's a shortcut to success. You can eschew skill by abusing the mechanics and game balance for an advantage. Its toxic for everyone involved though, since if you want to play competitively you're obligated to follow the meta advantage, if you're lazy it's the easy way to be competitive, if you're bad the game it makes it easier, and even if you don't care you're obligated to play the meta or you're giving the enemy an advantage. Used to be that people would play to their playstyle, and I like to think that genuine skill + nurturing your playstyle actually outplays the meta in an unskilled players hands. But that isn't as easy, and lots of folks are looking to feel validated as 'good gamers' through easy wins rather than put the time and effort in.
@itsmatt517 6 месяцев назад
Driving isn’t 3d? Could have fooled me
@anim-style 6 месяцев назад
Animation is own medium ,I was In class we were talking about medium and I go animation, 😢 everyone starred a me like a stranger
@Jake-nm3tb 3 месяца назад
Bruh they don’t know about anime 💀
@aikafuwa7177 6 месяцев назад
Ninetendo is overrated. Stop with the Nintendont crap!
@RevolutionaryLiger 6 месяцев назад
We've been introducing my 60 year old DnD friend to games via Minecraft. It's going okay. Stardew Valley was also offered. It's hard to find things that hit the sweet spot of games everyone else is playing and games that are good at communicating controls and details. Honestly, I do suggest Portal for introducing people the 1st PoV, mouse view movements, and FPS genre. Or Slime Rancher if on Mac.
@nigeladams8321 7 месяцев назад
I have some pathological dislike the concept of the meta. I play medic and TF2 and I refuse to play with Uber saw and I rarely run stock. There's a part of me that feels like it's saying "you can't tell me what to do" I run a conscientious objector instead, and usually quick fix
@BalefulStar 7 месяцев назад
Imagine a soldier in trench going: Nah I won't be using a drone today to get clear tactical picture because I'm afraid using it will harm my individuality and self expression. On a serious note, the problem with meta is not that it exists, the problem starts when it gets adopted and misinterpreted by casual players who have no use for extra edge or extra wins and often no means to actually employ it. And the inability of non-pros to accept percieved disadvantage is quite toxic. On the contrast pros do it to get their job done however un-fun it is, and it's not toxic, it's just a shortest currently known route from A to B and their search never ceases. Envy is the root of evil.
@mycroft16 7 месяцев назад
I always find it funny when people mock games and useless or rotting your brain. The amount of raw sensory info a game bombards you with is staggering. And to process that and parse out of it what is important at any one given moment is not an easy feat and one that does take time and exercise to acquire. And to then be able to make decisions based on that, in real time, in 3d space... it requires extremely high end brain functions and coordination, decision making skills, delegation of tasks, prioritization skills, memory, muscle memory. Game is amazing for the brain and they even use it with the elderly to help them retain a lot of the brain function that can erode with age. It even helps with Alzheimer's patients. There exists an entirely unspoken language about user interfaces, standard look for certain elements, placements of information, methods of accessing more, what keys do what things... expectations and intuitive things built up over decades. It's crazy really.
@osmondollivierre5965 7 месяцев назад
The way I see it is that a lot of content creators always push the meta weapons and builds, then complain that the gameplay is lacking in variety. Of course because you all push the idea on people that if they don't use this weapon or this build their loadout is trash and their gaming experience wont be fun. If everyone is using the same guns, same armor, same builds, how is that a great gaming experience?
@ghostsheet79 7 месяцев назад
Great Vid btw. I just tried to introduce my uncle to a short horror game, thinking that a simple, linear, immersive, first person, 10 minute horror game was the perfect teaching material. But to my surprise, they were struggling with the basics of movement and camera orenitation and therefore couldn't even enjoy the horror experience. We gamers really take our muscle memory for granted, which is exactly the problem. Muscle Memory isn't something that can be learnt from one single interaction, it takes a few consecutive days to build the basics muscle memory for any skills. Which makes it all the more difficult, as first impression is the most important when introducing new experiences however most new gamer will fail at their first game and give up before they learn the basic muscle memory. Perhaps I have to find a simplier game with a more simple controls, or I can try some sorta bootcamp to teach the basic of movement in a 3d environment but that requires time and is a much less casual experience. now if only there was a game that is engaging while also teaching the basics
@anamora9462 7 месяцев назад
recently a good friend of mine who has never played games took interest in zelda and I lent them my switch, out of curiosity she ended up booting up hollow knight and fell in love with it, she already beat hornet and found her way through the fungal wastes and its been fascinating for me to watch her travel through Hallownest. it might sound dumb but it really makes me proud
@KovahhavoK 7 месяцев назад
I used to play LoL at a high level. I have a huge personal issue with group think, and sheep behavior, so I'd go out of my way to find a champion I thought was cool, then create a build from the ground up from scratch. I would spend hours calculating the #'s in my head, what strategies I would use and how to best employ them, and overall figure out how to make it work. Despite how effective some of these builds were, I would be flamed beyond belief from teammates. To the point where if I played something they didn't recognize, the game was already lost from second 1 because they would say something like "GG, idiot" then proceed to not try, then blame me when the game ended in a loss. A quick example is AP hybrid Varus. I'm not going to say I was the first person to ever find a solid build/playstyle for AP Varus, but when I created my build there certainly were no posts/videos/guides on the build. Every single game I would be flamed, every game. I was called every derogatory name in the book, even if I was playing very well and we were winning. Fast forward a few years and some pros started playing AP hybrid Varus. It suddenly became not only acceptable, but welcomed. The point here is that you should do your best to play the way you want. The META also depends on how YOU play the game. The META for one person doesn't mean it's the META for another person. Be creative, think outside the box, try to create a strategy that when you win, you take all the credit. There is something lost when you win a game using META gear/tactics. Winning feels good, but when you're not the one creating the path to victory and just taking the path of least resistance identified by someone else, some of that magic is gone. It always felt really great when I would be flamed for an entire game, teammates would stop trying (or intentionally feed), but I would play very well with a strategy my opponents had never seen and won regardless.
@emilybuettemeier931 8 месяцев назад
I specifically sought out videos like this and this one was so great! I never played video games as a kid and now, in my 30s, I'm trying to get into it. Mostly I'm struggling with the controllers and how to work everything, but I know it'll get there with practice.
@nikkusamagothique 8 месяцев назад
I still think animation is a medium not a genre and the silly part since late 2010s i went to the thrift store name saint vincent de paul i saw a box with free toys it also include free kids cartoons dvd and i get shocked that why it include a dvd of american dad then i say in my thoughts that not a kids cartoon some elderlies that work or volunteer at the thirft store claims all animation is for kids and also when i used to be on vacation in mexico since childhood and teen hood there is a mexican channel name canal cinco it show kids western cartoons and anime both kids, teens and young adult anime and i notice some anime they include dragon ball, ranma 1/2 , ghost sweeper mikami, tenchi muyo etc. Im not sure canal cinco thinks all anime is for kids and i know some anime is really not for kids
@firstnamelastname956 8 месяцев назад
I’ve BEEN saying this. If you use the “meta” in ANY game, you’re trash and just want the easy way out. Whatever happened to actually LEARNING how to play a new video game? All these RU-vidrs have these casual brainwashed to only use their dumbass “meta” I don’t care if it guarantees wins or what not, just learn the game and think for yourself and HAVE FUN. This is why modern gaming is sh*t.
@mike16apha16 8 месяцев назад
also problem with meta is the the people that make it are not all knowing and tends to drift to things that are easiest and low effort to obtain. then comes a fear to try anything else. other ""meta"' or just really solid builds often are left undiscovered due to this
@linuxwinbingingdunlopy5159 8 месяцев назад
You know whats bullshit. Avatar 2 is basicaly an animated film. There is more animation in avatar 2 then there is live action. Some how it gets taken more seriously tho
@annaczgli2983 8 месяцев назад
Start off with Zelda - it's how I got started.
@LuckyTheCat256 8 месяцев назад
HE SAID VIDEO GAMES CANT CONVEY HUMAN EMOTIONS??? There is a literal 5 MINUTE cutscene in a game I’ve played where the main character is morning the death of her best friend. * Ahem * HOW ON EARTH IS THAT NOT EMOTIONAL???
@SiMoNiZe23 9 месяцев назад
Beautiful video essay! Thanks for putting it together.
@somethingmoretothis 8 месяцев назад
Glad you enjoyed it!
@JanPhilippWeber-kb6gt 9 месяцев назад
Meta ist überall und der wahre Grund ist der E Sport.