Professional Nerd - Gaming, Nerdy Shows, Streaming, and Horrible Dad Jokes
@rainlsd 18 дней назад
Very diverse river isolated river hobbits I must say... are they gonna make the orcs diverse too? Would love to see an asian or african orc. Interesting that you "Hope they'll try to stay true to the lore" when it makes absolutely no sense to have a completely different spiecies (then humans) Diverse with Hispanic, Afro and Asian. Not very lore-logic
@stargirl5194 22 дня назад
i am sure that i have more than 1000 hours in world of warcraft game but only 10 hours in LOTRO on steam. i got so bored and MAP looks very very confusing in lord of the rings that i cant figure out where to move. If they can fix that and make it more simple maybe the game would have more players. Also i would love it to get higher texture quality if possible but maybe it will never happen.
@iluvgames717 22 дня назад
I used to play LOTRO back between 2010-2014 i remember Brandywine server in Bree was crowded it would cause server lag. I think i got stuck at not having Moria and left to play other games. Then in 2020 I wanted to get back into LOTRO when i left off, but the servers were different my characters were lost the stuff i had paid for was lost and the servers were basically dead. I remember like i couldn't find anyone using English in chat. I checked a few of the servers it was basicaly the same dead game. I played DDO too back when, so I check them out, and its basically the same. Dead games dead guilds only a few die hards in Europe or Asia who dont use English, playing at hours i dont keep.
@Korelon7 5 часов назад
@infindel 25 дней назад
i cant move the file into the skins folder idk whats going on.
@JaredHettler Месяц назад
I feel like LOTRO is better for the lore, and for fans of the LOTR universe because it really is the best Middle Earth experience ever. It is a massive game that goes deep into lore, has familiar faces, allows you to explore the areas you loved seeing in the movies, etc. If you're into the ACTUAL MMO experience (massive multiplayer...) with endgame, raids, PVP, PVPVE, etc it's not even close. Not to mention gameplay.
@alexanderfiedorov925 Месяц назад
For me what keeps LOTRO at bay is not having a PvP aspect per say. Not having Battleground, Arenas and PvP Events are a huge issue for me. I've been playing LOTRO since 2012 and i never got to level cap because i always quit midway gameplay because the devil in one of my shoulders keeps remind me that my progression will be for nothing without the competitiveness of PvP. But because i love Tolkien's lore so much i always come back to try another run, and everytime the same thing happens (played this around 7 or 8 times since 2012). This game is amazing i love everything about it but an MMORPG without PvP is like a child's birthday party without chocolate (at least for me and a lot of players, most of my gaming friends never even tried LOTRO cuz it doesn't have PvP).
@Cozzyhane Месяц назад
They think 30 mil is a bad investment for updating this game. If they nail it I think they would gain more new players that are willing to spend more than 60$ for a ultimate pack or fan pack. I don't get why they are so afraid to risk it. LOTR is not just an another franchise. It's LOTR. After seeing Amazon changing lore to fit their narrative I think people were more excited about this game than Amazon new lotro. I hope they would change their mind. This is the only lotr mmo and I can't believe they won't capitalize on it. One of the major turn off for new players to play this game is the engine and the graphic. It took me at least 7-8 years to really consider playing this game.
@Mantaforce2 Месяц назад
Flying is kinda lame tbh. Easy to use and definitely the traversal of choice if you are lazy, but as far as having fun while traveling is concerned, it gets old quickly. Super speed is definitely the most chaotic of the 3. You can use your momentum while running up a building to fling yourself into the air or become a living fidget spinner by running around a thing horizontal object like an overhead traffic light. Acrobatic essentially turns you into pseudo-spiderman and also allows you to glide. It's the most balanced mix of ease of use and fun.
@DavidJames-g5f Месяц назад
Where is Cardolan?
@HotaruGlaive Месяц назад
People chose "freeps" because they have all of their PVE skills. Creeps do not and have to level to spend on more skills. That makes most creeps underpowered at lower levels relative to freeps. So which would you choose? The underpowered monster where you may not have enough currency to buy necessary skills or the one where you already leveled and have the skills. Personally I really think they should take the FFXIV model of PvP where "free people" have completely different skills in PvP.
@xXalimousiosXx Месяц назад
best mmo on god
@bnb2567 2 месяца назад
Doesn't work.
@richieaufderspringe9946 2 месяца назад
where are you :(
@TheWaller 2 месяца назад
Have they said anything about the consol port?
@harvain731 2 месяца назад
The "LOTRO to Consoles" Project isn't happening.
@auteliontwitch8500 2 месяца назад
you look somewhere between Zach Bryan and Conan O'Brien............................
@Korelon7 2 месяца назад
What happened to this channel?
@snens7179 3 месяца назад
Mid game grouping will hopefully be solved by the announced new scaling system. Leveling doesnt really feel impactful after level 50ish to me because you dont get anything new its just bigger number. You have all your abilities very early and a trait point here and there just doesnt matter its only reforge levels you have to watch out for. I dont think a level squish is needed as that wouldn't really change anything about these points or the time to max level in general for a lot of work put into balancing all that.
@jaimeht2fu 3 месяца назад
Is this a other version on pc
@Kinvesu 4 месяца назад
No you are right. The expansion costs in lotro and ddo are absurd and SSG should be ashamed of themselves. None of the expansions they have done ever, (been playing since day 1), warrant costing even half the price.. Don't get me started how they shame you into feeling like you aren't the ultimate fan if you don't buy the highest tier bundle. Completely disgusting. They are starting to ruin tolkiens work though. They are doing what everyone else is doing and adding real world politics and flair to lotro. It really saddens me because they are disrespecting Tolkiens work that they worked so hard to keep perfect.
@Esotericspirits 4 месяца назад
@PWReviews 4 месяца назад
I think for me it depends on my gaming mood for either of these games. Guild Wars 2 i can just jump in and automatically find a world boss event or some event going on in a map and have fun and get rewarded. Ive been a bit burned out on occasion due to the horizontal progression but at the same time i do enjoy it. Just depends on the mood of mmo I want to play LOTRO is a game where if I want to relax and enjoy the journey ill go there. Its all about exploration as its mostly a complete open world with unique creatures of middle earth running around and plus I love the music. I've never got to end game but im quite happy with that as im just exploring at my own pace. Ive had the game near enough since launch and my highest character is a lvl 62 captain. Ive dipped in and out over the last 10 or so years but it always brings me back. Its mainly due to games like GW2 which has taken me away due to its event system.
@coldsnowlightevilrabbit9122 4 месяца назад
I did try go back to GW2, but since everything scale, world bosses drops sucks & the most new map is annoying as hell. Only took me 3 days & I was bored on GW2 again. Game have decent graphic, decent combat, decent pve, decent pvp. But there is a huge gap, that something is missing. I never ever feel powerful on GW2, all items I find that are to many feels useless. All the upgrades I find feel useless, since everything scale to that level. Then they added pink items, farming the same dungeon 100000000000000 times aren´t fun. It becomes like Mythic dungeons on wow, timed, boring, endless grind. So, left wow, left gw2, left rift for reasons, left destiny 2 for removing planets, left ESO because market place & game is just unfair & broken. I don´t think any developers or gaming companies will ever understand their mistakes, since they keep ruin all their games. Playing FallOut 76 now, to many issues & glitch issues, still way more fun then GW2 will ever be. I played mostly every mmorpg out there & none can hunger my thirst. "They are all missing something!" Wow didn´t until Blizzard fucked everything up & yeah graphic became bad. Anyway, seems like the gaming world is going to shit & final fantasy mmorpg, sucked more then I can even explain. You feel completely useless in that game in power, you feel sadly weak. None Final fantasy is about being weak, you should honestly feel like a god, or as powerful as Dragon age 2 combat slash system. Well, to bad they never listen to streamers, that played games since they were age 6 until my age now, I played Sega ffs & still I have the console at home with 32 games. But honestly, the app games ruin it all & the gaming world has started to become shit & boring. Just like movies are mostly all crap now, music new music sucks hard & I enjoy more to almost walk around the city the playing a game or watch a movie now. It´s the sad truth, but playing GW2 now isn´t worth it, when they also spoiled that GW3 is probably coming out. And the new MMORPG-rules that you do not own your game, your account, your characters or your items. Something Blizzard created, everything you collect in a mmorpg game is worth [Zero] you may not even sell it. Making all that time you spent also useless. Anyway, I hope someday some gaming company realize this, that some players don´t just want to waste time collecting thing that isn´t worth shit. And thanks to Blizzard/Activision new rules that did spread, now all mmorpg items are worth nothing, because the companies copyright it all. And SONY can eat a bowl with snuffle, after their idiotic idea with Hellfire-2... All they care about is $money$ now days & contest & control game addicted players. That´s the sad truth... CSL & OUT!
@michaelsoftbinbows2223 4 месяца назад
3:31 yeah, especially on 4k monitors LOL
@realcountry98gaming 4 месяца назад
I just beat the main story of the gane and now theres nothing to do for me since i am a solo player and i got to to level 30
@siccens6168 5 месяцев назад
Black Desert take all the power of dark gravity and funnels it directly at the player to crush you down into oblivion. Its a shame because theres alot of good aspects to this game.
@avoidconfusion 5 месяцев назад
Missing your content - hope you are well!
@Miloascape 5 месяцев назад
To be honest when they originally announced that they would remaster it, I thought it would be a hurcelean task, and I didn't really care for it, because the game is what it is. I think if they wanted to make changes moving forward it would be way better. For example the graphics of Umbar are really stunning, especially how they did the waves, colors etc. I personally think that LOTRO is here to stay, but raiding is probably dying out. Fewer people are returning to do endgame content, because of how the botched up going almost 2 years without new content. Raiders moved on to other games with new content constantly dripping out. left a like.
@monkerud2108 5 месяцев назад
how do you even play lotro on console?
@harvain731 4 месяца назад
You don't. The whole goal for "LOTRO to Consoles" was to make such possible. It didn't pan out.
@gideonthejudge9036 5 месяцев назад
Dude, you deserve more viewers. Keep at the grind a few more years and it will build. You have enough talent for a million subs.
@Uhidontknow96 5 месяцев назад
I have never had an issue with the graphics. After-all, graphics don’t make a game. Even so, lotro has always been a charming game appearance wise. I’d personally just look into the engine stability issues/ sever issues.
@muscadineman45pritchett82 5 месяцев назад
Graphics r perfect games r supposed to looks like games u want realism go outside
@yourmomsimpsforproxmox 5 месяцев назад
Amazon will NOT create a good LOTR MMO!
@smashcut5789 5 месяцев назад
00:05 The aniamtions are amazing... I love it
@trenchbat 5 месяцев назад
They only cancelled the console port. Graphics overhaul and performance upgrades still going forward. Slowly.
@NotTheWheel 5 месяцев назад
LOTRO is the LOTR mmo. It's not new. It doesn't have the best combat or the best graphics. But it has the world right. It does the lore justice. For all these years they could have changed or altered things to make it more like other MMOs to compete but they didn't they chose the world. They make content updates just for low level players instead of raids because it's not about the endgame it's about the journey and the roleplaying immersion. Amazons MMO they make may look pretty but all that glitters isn't gold.
@Diantane 6 месяцев назад
I played WoW for several years and i finally left for good. Why? The first problem was on W0W you are playing a "toon." The graphic puts you into a cartoon. Totally unrealistic. The other major problem is WoW was it was just too crowded. Every time I was working on a quest, there were a dozen players in front of me. The last problem that I had was everyone were playing the same "cookie" cutter" builds. There was no creativity. You have to play this build, this rotation and grind, grind, grind. Enough! I'm out of here for good. Then I started playing Lotro. No toons here! The world was much more realistic and beautiful. I hear nothing about a cookie cutter build or rotations. I can play like i want to play. I climb to the top of a mountain and there are little to no players around me unless I am playing with friends. There is no grinding. Its just very laid back and enjoyable. And the quests are all about the storyline from the books. Just a rewarding experience. Have now been here for several years and I'm staying.
@Jezza_One 6 месяцев назад
Is Lenny Henry in it?
@RockyRaccoonRockin 6 месяцев назад
Imagine if elon musk gave them the 30 million as a gift and they did it.
@dmcgOR7644 6 месяцев назад
4 Months later, Umbaria released along with the second update to the release U39. The game is very populated. I think that if you are looking for a consul type game with fast movement and using a controller with buttons ABXZ then you will not like this game. This game is about submersing your self into a story, there are so many stories in this game, and when the story is done finding another. Leveling is not the point in this game, many end game players that have enjoyed the submersion go back and play none exp zones just to finish stories. Plus this game plays somewhere between EQ and WoW without all the bots or the hate players. I'll probably just stay here and maybe dabble into the new Dune MMO. I was waiting on Pantheon, but the must group thing is kind of turning me off. So LOTRO.. I'm optimistic.
@xxsix8xx 6 месяцев назад
I love LOTRO just the way it is. Maybe I'm just old, but it has given me some great memories. It's like life was simpler back then, and the love that was put into this game, to me, is still there. I love new graphics like every one else, but to me, LOTRO is just special.
@CyprienCole 6 месяцев назад
They pretty much just said the game is dead.
@nodezeroo 6 месяцев назад
DC is a crime but i do love playing. But what gets me is ppl saying omg it takes like 2 or 3 months to max out something. It's a damn MMO not a ps5 single player game. If all mmo's made it so when new content comes out and you're done maxing everything in like one week, you'll start to complain about that as well. OMG it's so EZ. Ppl love bitching about nothing. How about let the whales carry you or just enjoy a game for what it's offering. DCUO is far from perfect. Like waste plant perfect. Damn scumbags, but complaining about needing to grind something is really stupid. Go play a single player game.
@mackenziebauer-croteau4005 6 месяцев назад
There is no mmo worth anything that is free to play in this era of gaming. i pay to play WoW CLASSIC (a 20 year old game that doesnt even get updated) 240$ a year, and thats JUST TO PLAY it. This game at least lets you log in without having to pay, it gives me the option as to whether i want to purchase there "subscription (which is the value pack)". Personally, i have spent 15 dollars in this game on 700 hours. So take that as you will. To me at least, all of your arguments seem kind of moot when i ask the simple question. If WoW gave you 10 million gold everytime you subscribed would it be P2W or would i just be Paying to Play still? All PA is doing witrh value packs is at least ADDING VALUE to your money in game, I agree it seems like there making these hurdles on purpose, but the reality is every single MMO developer is doing the same thing but even worse imo, because you cant even play most games without paying. This discussion imo, in this era, needs to shift from (P2W vs P2P) to (P2P vs Free-to-Play). This idea of P2W being out of control is crazy to me considering how many people pay for WoW yearly and dont even undersand they've litterally put in almost 1000's of dollars over years JUST TO PLAY THE GAME CONSISTENTLY. HELLO PEOPLE!?!?!? YOU CAN PLAY BDO FOR FREE. How many dollars and lives have been wasted on this type of business plan? All because it was the first great MMO. But im sorry its time to reinvent the wheel people. Anyways, this video was great and i thoroughly enjoyed it . Never seen your stuff but you have good humour.
@dragonscoils8149 6 месяцев назад
Never had a problem with the UI..well once they stopped paywalling the action bars.
@AnabolicPopcorn 6 месяцев назад
Amazon will butcher the MMO just like they butchered the TV show.