Bill Rhetts
Bill Rhetts
Bill Rhetts
Bill enjoys serving the Lord, church, evangelism, expository Bible teaching, open-air preaching, ham radio, podcasting, the outdoors via being a Mariner, camping, fishing, off-roading, and RVing. Bill and his wife are members of a local Church that embrace the five fundamental Doctrines of Grace that practice a Regulative Principle of Worship, Covenant Theology, and a full-strict subscription to the 1689 London Baptist Confession of Faith. Whereas Bill served as a Pastor/Elder. Rhetts undergraduate studies were in Biblical Studies (with a concentration in ‘Pastoral Ministries’); and through his postgraduate studies, he earned his Master’s degree in Bible and Theology. He describes himself as an “ordinary sinner saved by an Extraordinary Savior.” Or as "nothing but excrement in God's holy hand." - 1st Timothy 1:12 #ReformedBaptist #ExpositoryTeaching #BiblicalEvangelism More about myself here www.theexpositor.tv/about-me/ or the below links
Systematic Theology, Decrees of God
5 месяцев назад
Systematic Theology, the Goodness of God
5 месяцев назад
Preaching on street corners in Nashville 2017
6 месяцев назад
Systematic Theology the 3 Omni Attributes of God
6 месяцев назад
Systematic Theology, the Immutability of God
6 месяцев назад
A Militant Church will MAGA!
6 месяцев назад
Systematic Theology: Who is God & His Eternality
6 месяцев назад
Intro to Systematic Theology, by Bill Rhetts
6 месяцев назад
Feeding our Chickens via the cycle of life
7 месяцев назад
Our Propane Tank sunk to its belly - a remedy
7 месяцев назад
Donkey loves his larger ball
8 месяцев назад
Evangelizing Memphis Bus Depot
Год назад
@ForensicPI 10 дней назад
While moderating comments on my RU-vid channel, I denied several. 1. A person with a fake name, that does not even use his or her real name, slandered me by inSINuating that I said things I did not say in this podcast. 2. Another mispresented Jesus as a pacifist, claiming He was never harsh, and never would be. That person clearly does not know the Scriptures. 3. Another person with a pseudō internet name misquoted a passage from the Bible. Proving my point about those who “cut and paste” God’s Word out of context. We need to mark them as registered Text offenders.
@PurePrecisionGarage 10 дней назад
Midlife crisis fighters.
@ForensicPI 10 дней назад
LOL - No I'm not, I'm an 'over the hill' fighter! 😏😏
@PurePrecisionGarage 10 дней назад
@@ForensicPI then welcome. Same here. 🔥ha.
@TheCrusader_ 10 дней назад
I’m 24, Catholic, and I identify with his message.
@underballbutter 10 дней назад
God Bless You 🙌 As an American living in the Netherlands, this message could not ring more true.
@americanpatriot581 11 дней назад
Excellent message. Very informative. I’m sharing this with my friends
@ItzAngelusPrinze 11 дней назад
Religion is false. Screw Paul!
@petros-petra 10 дней назад
All Religions except Christianity*
@ForensicPI 11 дней назад
Side Note: If you only hear audio in the right speaker, it is a technical err on my end.
@Dr.J_theCPA 13 дней назад
I like the music, I am in.
@seanbryant2905 13 дней назад
@gabo8184 13 дней назад
God bless u, thanks
@RonSafreed 14 дней назад
THE BATTLE OF ATHENS TENN. AUG. 1&2 1946. How a stolen local election caused a 6-hour gun battle & then a use of dynamite at a police station, to retrieve the stolen ballot boxes & brought justice in 1946 TN & America A 1992 movie on this incident is on you tube titled An American Story & 3 books have been written on this incident since 1987!! The mayor (Paul Cantrell) had stolen the 1940, 42 & 44 elections & complaints to both Nashville & Wash. D.C. including the DOJ went unanswered!! A local corruption was on going 10-12 years even during WW 2 before this 1946 incident!! Involved 2-300 local residents & many were veterans of WW 2, against 2-3 dozen cops & many of the guns came from a nearby national guard armory via pickup truck!! Gambling, drug selling & drug use & prostitution was made legal & the local government/mayor, police/police chief & judicial court judges in Athens/McMinn county were all in on it!! ONE TIME IN AMERICAN HISTORY THE SECOND AMENDMENT WAS USED TO BRING JUSTICE & WAS SUCCESSFUL!! Thank you & God Bless!!
@jamesmurray2472 14 дней назад
Thank you for not violating her god given rights, this time.
@DookeyRidr 14 дней назад
It is unfortunate. ALL Americans should be required to take true history lessons from the likes of Donald Livingston and Thomas DiLorenzo.
@matthewgarner8728 14 дней назад
But how much money have you stolen from citizens for simple unconstitutional traffic violations?
@TheWealthyWave-n3i 14 дней назад
Good video
@Chuck883 16 дней назад
Amen agreed.
@kevinbizzell9852 17 дней назад
First time hearing of you and seeing your video. Thank you for this video and topic. Thank you for this example; just because you can enforce something, doesn’t mean you have to.
@davidh4646 17 дней назад
Adjust your top link. Play with the angle and it will start digging down into the soil instead of scraping along the top of the soil.
@Belong2Elohim1991 20 дней назад
Powerful and true message. The music is rather creepy.
@andrewericjamesclark6808 Месяц назад
She is a modern day jezebel
@PL-jm8ew Месяц назад
Wow, how we need continuous reminders of these truths. God is love and He hates that which is not in conformity to Himself. It’s so natural to want to hear smooth things, but they don’t build up God’s people.
@ForensicPI Месяц назад
A brother on FB that I respect much asked if this was the congresswoman that recently bragged about just having sex with her boyfriend. That’s a great question. There’s so much of this, we can’t keep up with it. Here’s my reply to his comment. ____________ Not sure, it was a busy year, can’t keep up with it all. But Rep. Nancy Mace bragged about how good sex was with her boyfriend the morning of her speech that. Then, Gov Kristi Noem committed adultery with Corey Lewandowski (and vice versa). Then, Rep Lauren Boebert sinfully divorced her husband, and then was kicked out of a concert for public sexual groping with her new fellow fornicator. Then, Marjorie Taylor Green unbiblicaly divorced her husband. Sadly a majority of alleged Christians endorse this feminism, and wink and nod at their sexual immorality. Buy hey, they got an R after their last name, whoever last name they use now. Screenshots below.
@verkehrsteilnehmer-berlin Месяц назад
Not to forget, there were Antichristian cults, with Greek and Roman false Gods, that invented the idea, to change gender or appearance. Venus priests were male and dressed as female
@ForensicPI Месяц назад
Side note: Yes, some of her photos were old, but some of them are newly taken. But even if all of her photos had been older, that would not have acquitted her. SHE RECENTLY UPLOADED THEM HERSELF for everyone else to see. That is conduct on becoming an alleged Christian. Lastly, feminism is always sinful. Don’t let her vanity fog your judgment. Re the “holier than thou” comment. The only holiness I have, is the imputed righteousness and holiness that comes from the Lord when He saves His elect. Without holiness, you cannot see God and will perish in hellfire (Hebrews 12:14).
@EthanMiller-ul9sp Месяц назад
Question, have you read John Davenant? Reformed scholastics from the 16th century? Do you know who Gisbertus Voetius is?
@Chuck883 Месяц назад
Biblically scathing Brother Bill. I hope she sees this video. I saved your video to show a few friends who do not know a biblical rebuke
@mannybrito4428 Месяц назад
@ForensicPI Месяц назад
Yes, you are correct. But Harris’s photos were from a long time ago. Harris does not profess to be a Christian. Luna’s photos are recent, and Luna alleges to be a Christian. Therefore, Luna falls under the judgment of that applicable verse on judging believers, and the expectations of modesty. The Democrat party is wicked and evil across the board. But we must call-out these problems in the GOP. Especially since they are so pro homosexual, and quasi pro-abortion.
@johnrodriguez3010 Месяц назад
Women do what they do
@carinarubio2993 Месяц назад
Vile and wicked witch!
@mark1756 Месяц назад
Im so glad you mentioned that republican women can be feminists. Alot of people dont know that they just think a woman says shes conservative then people assume shes good!
@tbuitendyk Месяц назад
"I am nothing but a scumbag, excrement in His Holy hand." Wow, that's really sad. I really hope you can get to know God. John 16:27 KJV For the Father himself loveth you, because ye have loved me, and have believed that I came out from God.
@ForensicPI Месяц назад
A part of repentance (metanoeó) is God changes the mind of His elect. He has changed my mind who God is, and who I am. God is great, just, holy, righteous, and worthy. I am the opposite, unrighteous and unworthy. Scriptures says my best is a filthy as a repugnant feminine hygiene product. In Isaiah 64:6 the word ‘filthy’ in ‘filthy rags’ is the Hebrew word iddah (‛êd’). Translated as ‘the bodily fluids from a woman’s menstrual cycle.’ The ‘rag’ is the soiled rag and/or garment. Conversely, the good works or good deeds of anyone are non-salvific, and worthless in the sight of a Holy God. As another scholar said, “Therefore, these “righteous acts” are considered by God as repugnant as a soiled feminine hygiene product.” “But we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags; and we all do fade as a leaf; and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away” (Isaiah 64:6). As Commentator Matthew Henry put it - Our deeds, whatever they may seem to be, if we think to merit by them at God’s hand, are as rags, and will not cover us; filthy rags, and will but defile us. Even our few good works in which there is real excellence, as fruits of the Spirit, are so defective and defiled as done by us, that they need to be washed in the fountain open for sin and uncleanness.” More here www.theexpositor.tv/the-good-news/
@billerickson5604 Месяц назад
"For God so loved the world.. "?
@ForensicPI Месяц назад
Those in the world the Lord loves in John 3:16 is speaking of the elect. A diverse populace people that the Lord saves from every country, nation, and continent across the entire world. The world system is at odds with the Lord, but He saves people all over the world.
@TheMickeymental Месяц назад
Just curious if a cop got shot and was dying and he asked for a minister if the minister stated I can only talk to you from fifty feet away, and I can't raise my voice?
@victoryinjesus8180 Месяц назад
if my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. Now mine eyes shall be open, and mine ears attent unto the prayer that is made in this place. 2 Chronicles 7:14-15 / Leviticus 19 / Ephesians 6:18 n on.
@ForensicPI Месяц назад
Despite my repetitiveness and fumbling of words, I hope my message is clear. We must strive to obey the First of the Greatest Two Commandments before telling others to obey the Second. The Triunity of the Godhead, His Law, the Gospel, and His Scriptures must be the Vanguard of the pro-life movement. Lest ‘the cause’ or the fetus become idolatry. And, when we speak on behalf of “image bearers,” we must first worship the One they were created in the image of.
@courtneydaffin28 Месяц назад
I never get tired of listening to this .