:) Welcome aboard the good airship Hopeium. I'm your captain the Gigantic guy with 2 smiles in case you forget yours SnappyDude. Come join me as we play Gigantic and other hero shooters new passengers are always welcome :)
Gigantic News 06/29/24
19 часов назад
Gigantic News 06/21/24
14 дней назад
14 дней назад
21 день назад
Game Of The Day MOZU
28 дней назад
Месяц назад
Updates Rant!!
Месяц назад
65k in RUSH!!!
Месяц назад
Game of the Day: 15 Kills on Rush!
2 месяца назад
2 месяца назад
Gigantic Community Tier List!
2 месяца назад
Game of the Day: 22 KILLS ON RUSH
2 месяца назад
Gigantic State of the Game  04/22/24
2 месяца назад
MistForge Roulette: First Time Playing Vadasi
2 месяца назад
2 месяца назад
15 Kills / 0 Death? Beckett Clash Gigantic
3 месяца назад
Gigantic Switch Version?
3 месяца назад
19 KILLS / 1 Death Xenobia Match
3 месяца назад
@BubblyBanjax День назад
That D point is MINE! xD Amazing match
@SnappyDude 17 часов назад
I thought I replied to this in my 10am stupper before I passed out again, I guess I did not lol. But terrific game of driving me nuts lol. I felt like the only one noticing that you guys were sneaking onto D lol.
@BubblyBanjax 17 часов назад
@@SnappyDude And for that I am grateful to your team ;P
@SnappyDude День назад
Again this is just built for my playstyle and there are plenty of other ways to play Mozu, like I said I personally played the shock branch for a very very long time so there are no wrong answers these are just Snappy's answers. Which most of you will probably hate. 🤣
@SnappyDude День назад
Ramsay I meant Roland my brain hates all these dang R names, Ramsay Roland Rutger their all the same character in my noggin.😂
@BubblyBanjax 8 дней назад
If it's of any interest, I am prepping an Airship Athletes tourney for next year because I believe that customs will be improved in time, the devs have acknowledged it's important so I have no doubt that it'll be sorted by then. I don't want to give too much away but I am willing to commit to the idea so I feel comfortable enough saying it's gonna be a 48 player tourney for amateurs, with an actual prize. Feel free to reach out if you have any thoughts on it
@SnappyDude 8 дней назад
I definitely will, thanks for info Banjax. That's super exciting to hear.
@viperishotaf 8 дней назад
with region they could of like just had one big matchmaking pool whenyou search but ur connected to ur local server
@SnappyDude 8 дней назад
Yeah I have no idea how it currently works, all I know is that its not really an issue for me personally. Maybe 1 in 10 matches if I play during slow hours seems like it might be on a foreign server, but its not many. That said I know it is a major issue for many players outside of America and even some in the states. So hopefully it all get smoothed out so they can work on other issues like Ranked and Customs.
@viperishotaf 8 дней назад
@@SnappyDude atm ive niticed its just places you on it if theres an faster mm time there
@SnappyDude 8 дней назад
Definitely 100% believe you, it would make sense. Its probably just less noticeable because of my location and the times I play. Hopefully they find a fix to make things at least a little better. I would assume they have something in mind otherwise they wouldn't even be bringing it up.
@CasualScrub 16 дней назад
LOL I've never seen this
@SnappyDude 16 дней назад
I've only seen it that one time and it confused the heck out of me lol
@darrenmeidl 17 дней назад
The esports scene being encouraged is pretty exciting actually and is a different angle Gigantic didn't use previously to market the game, this could be HUGE. If CSGO hadn't the amount of esports it's gotten, i highly doubt it'd be as popular as it is today! I'm excited to get playing the game again when I get back! I've felt inspired to maybe do a Tyto tutorial! Prep myself for the ranked season💪
@SnappyDude 17 дней назад
Ive been grinding my pc account to 20 in preparation for your return 😉
@BubblyBanjax 19 дней назад
First and foremost, sorry for your loss, man. Secondly, sorry for unloading at you on the last video. It's that whole negativity is contagious thing and that doesn't help anything. Hence why I'm 100% behind the idea of the Airship Hopium and I wanna be there to support any positivity you can muster to keep that airship flying. I believe in you and I appreciate what you do. That's probably why I felt so angry seeing you sound like the rest of the arseholes trying to convince everyone else the story is already over, despite everything. The weight of the games situation getting you down is a valid thing and it's ok to feel a little pessimistic but when that happens, it could be helpful to disconnect for a bit. Instead of venting to those of us who come to you for some optimism, step back, take a break and take the time to allow yourself to appreciate everything you still love about the game and let it get you excited to play it again, remembering that one very important thing... ...against all odds, this game is actually back and playable and has a real second chance. Is that not fucking amazing?! Especially after 6 years without it? We don't need to understand what the devs are doing and why they make the decisions they do because that's just more opportunity for doubt to spread. Main thing is that they are actually doing things and bit by bit are making progress and they'll need our feedback as well as our patience to keep it up. P.S. We'll be trying to keep up the hype and positivity this Friday on the AA channel. Hope to see you there and I genuinely hope you can find it uplifting.
@SnappyDude 19 дней назад
Thank you but honestly I'm happy you did, I like to stay positive in a world where almost every other Gigantic youtuber has either stopped or gotten negative. (Not including Northstar) I shoud've just cut my rant from my stream, while it wasn't positive it was probably less blunt. It's good to know that someone out there likes to see me being a little too optimistic. Rest assured I have refuled the Airship Hopeium is refueled on dreams and flying true once again. I also have cool wooden canes (hand crafted by Grandpa Snappy) to beat the naysayers. Im hoping to have my placement matches for ranked out in the next few days. But I kind of didnt see this coming and never leveled up my PC account. lol oops
@viperishotaf 28 дней назад
it came back because of sofech constantly pitching it internally
@SnappyDude 28 дней назад
I know and im extremely greatful to sofetch. But I've worked for a lot of companies, 1 person asking for something, no matter how often doesnt convince a boss to drop a few mill on rebooting a game that nosed divided the first time. I very much believe other people inside gearbox believe in this genre. Its why battleborn got made. But since that series seems to rights limbo Gigantic was probably the closest they could get cheaply.
@darrenmeidl Месяц назад
Awh man, missed the god damn stream :(
@SnappyDude 29 дней назад
And you know what one of the many reasons I streamed on a Saturday was because Darren won't have school so he'll be able to come and play with me and 🤣
@darrenmeidl 29 дней назад
@@SnappyDude Yeah unfortunately I was away this weekend! I'll be gone the next two weeks too😔
@SnappyDude 29 дней назад
Busy man, trust me i definitely understand
@SnappyDude 21 день назад
Hey Darren , there's a guy over on my newest video about the upcoming ranked update asking how to play Tyto. If you get time and have better tips for him than I do it'd be greatly appreciated. I'm an idiot when it comes to assassins😑
@SuperSmashBall Месяц назад
This guy seems cool, I'm giving him a sub 💪
@BubblyBanjax Месяц назад
Pretty sure that line of unlocks at the bottom of the ranked screen was just straightforward once-off rewards for reaching any given rank. Also whether they do DLC or not in time, I don't see any hints towards it happening anytime soon, personally. I figure that if DLC was actually the plan, they'd actually use the word "content". Features and improvements can simply just be features and improvements, not necessarily tied to DLC. All that said, if they do end up doing DLC I'll take that as a good sign of growth for the game.
@SnappyDude Месяц назад
Thanks for the comment banjax, I always enjoy your takes. Im just hopefully I still dont see the point in releasing a mp game in 2024 without some rough possibility of dlc. If this was only a cash grab they could've ditched it after the first month and used "low player count" as an excuse. Because at that point they had 90% of their sales and most of those were probably nonrefundable by then. These continued patches and words like "new feature" just give me hope that they are waiting to see if ranked can turn things around. God I hope it turns things around.
@BubblyBanjax Месяц назад
Well for this game to turn around it needs two things... One, the devs to just not bail and keel trying. Two, the community to remain optimistic and remind people why we love the game. Focus on why we're here rather than our fears. If players spread too much fear and doubt then people will bail regardless of the efforts from the devs. They could nail the stability issues and launch the perfect ranked mode but no one will know because they listened to doomers while the devs were busy figuring out real solutions...on an outdated game engine...for a game they didn't even make. So yeah, fuck the doomers, keep up the hopium, because we both know Gigantic is worth it
@SnappyDude Месяц назад
@@BubblyBanjax You sound like Yoda but I completely agree that fear is really hurting things right now.
@darrenmeidl Месяц назад
Absolutely clutch
@SnappyDude Месяц назад
thank you sir,
@noksura6312 Месяц назад
Who's that handsome Zandora player?
@SnappyDude Месяц назад
I don't know but Ill pin this comment to draw attention and hopefully find the answer lol😂
@user-hq7js2wf7h Месяц назад
The game is dying again
@SnappyDude Месяц назад
I mean its still there and getting better with every patch so Ill keep playing it until they shut it off again😂
@user-hq7js2wf7h Месяц назад
@SnappyDude yh I had a bad feeling haha it not being free to play doesn't help
@imsirnootnoot Месяц назад
Man i wish that game was good
@SnappyDude Месяц назад
Sorry to hear your not enjoying,
@haydenfarstead7024 2 месяца назад
I had this happen to me is Zandora and Mozu lol, don’t know if it’s Mozu specific I just also play Mozu a lot.
@SnappyDude 2 месяца назад
Lol glad im not alone.
@ffawesomesauce 2 месяца назад
The answer is: You. You're the best.
@SnappyDude 2 месяца назад
Sauce is alive!
@BubblyBanjax 2 месяца назад
Personally aside from the server issues, I know that one big reason why the game is bleeding players is because of veterans 5 stacking into pubs. Get stomped too much when playing solo or even duos makes me not want to play. It stops being fun very quickly for anyone who just wanted to play and I really wish more veteran players would bear that in mind when they play together because if they are going ham on players still learning the game then it's like being punished for wanting to play. And that's coming from someone who knows how to play clash. Players who have no clue are no doubt getting frustrated and bailing, probably shit-talking the game on their way out because they can't get a refund at that stage and from there you have people not wanting to touch the game because of the negative reviews. Sorry for the rant. Just sick of this shit happening to games I like.
@SnappyDude 2 месяца назад
Another reason ive been mostly playing rush lol
@borismarjanovic5450 2 месяца назад
They had an existing game from 2017, no pressure to re release, the thing no 1 understand why u couldnt polish all the old bugs add new qol improvment ( upgrade the game to match 2024) and ship the game in a ready state... so ppl have a nice start and create nice fufure.
@SnappyDude 2 месяца назад
An understandable frustration, I think some of the old bugs are a bit beyond their budget or unfixable issues from the engine, but the newer issues absolutely could have been avoided. They had a very eager testing audience in Oct during the throwback event that they should have taken advantage of to find some of these issues. My best guess is that they just didn't have the budget. If cooperate says you get 6 months after the throwback to launch the game thats all you get, now that they have some income coming hopefully things get better. We do have that patch TODAY, so they are working, even if the launch was frustrating.
@darrenmeidl 2 месяца назад
Just needed to see where you put Tyto! 😆
@SnappyDude 2 месяца назад
Honestly he's one that was so close to A for me, but average player skill really effects my ranking. If i judged every character on the best player they would all bump up.
@darrenmeidl 2 месяца назад
@@SnappyDude If I have to make the case for him, here's why I'd put him in S tier: His mobility is unmatched with the right build, but even when he's built for maximum bleeding or focus he's still incredibly versatile and mobile. Nearly every ability he has in his toolbox can be used to escape or quickly engage an enemy. Or they can be used to eliminate one. His primary strength is in eliminating weak targets which is especially valuable in a game where characters run incredibly quickly and can easily escape to their healing creatures making it hard to finish them off to gain points towards rampaging. If you have a good Tyto, he can make the difference between doing a bunch of damage to multiple heroes without killing them and getting the final kill you need to rampage or prevent an opponent from using an ability that changes the tide of the match. Tyto is incredibly underrated for his damage output, especially when using a bleed build. When combining bleed dance, the mouse and simply slashing he can dish out lots of damage to multiple opponents at once. His bleed ensures plenty of damage even if he's not right in their face which combined with your teammate's damage input can be absolutely brutal. There's plenty more I could rant about but in summary: he's able to get in quickly, do a bunch of damage or finish off multiple weak targets then easily escape with his life while either having dealt a lot of damage, distracted or eliminated the enemy👍 i.e. Tyto is POG
@Nitrobyte1 2 месяца назад
Your honour if i could go back in time.. I would do it all again👍
@SnappyDude 2 месяца назад
If it wasn't for you how would i reach my daily goal for assists lol
@affarinoxa 2 месяца назад
Glad there is some news going around. I was satisfied just having been able to play this game again after years of waiting. I already got my $20 worth. But I do hope the game continues to grow enough to warrant further support.
@SnappyDude 2 месяца назад
This 110%
@darrenmeidl 2 месяца назад
Phenomenal stuff soldier 👍
@SnappyDude 2 месяца назад
Honestly I was surprised it didn't say triple-assist 🤣
@darrenmeidl 2 месяца назад
@@SnappyDude Had I been playing, definitely would've stole your well earned kills 😆
@SnappyDude 2 месяца назад
Even when you're not someone else does, i got 27 assists Saturday lol
@darrenmeidl 2 месяца назад
@@SnappyDude I feel so sorry for you 😭but that means you're clutching up, you're dealing tons of damage even if you're not getting that final hit
@docboom8451 2 месяца назад
Trying to play on console is rough right now. I plan on going back to Gigantic once they fix it
@SnappyDude 2 месяца назад
Just curious playstation or xbox?
@peachypichu7890 2 месяца назад
@@SnappyDudeI’m also curious. My friend play one the xbox one s and has it crash all the time while I play on the xbox series X and have had no issues other than at the beginning of a match during the starting cutscene it drops to like 10-15 frames a second but that only lasts like 5 seconds
@SnappyDude 2 месяца назад
@@peachypichu7890 Same, i was more curious about the playstation though. i hadnt hear of any problems on xbox and since it used to be on that I assumed it ran fine. So hearing the S has issues is interesting. I mostly play on X and I also have few issues outside people not clicking ready and a few menu bugs
@thechocolateraisin86 2 месяца назад
Playstastion constanly crashes and there is a bug on sanctum falls where the game freezes loading into the match on the vs screen. And them game will not load and stays stuck. Only problem is this bug freezes the entire playstion and tou need to unplug ypur console which is bad as you know. Waiting for the fixes so i dont risk damaging my console
@docboom8451 2 месяца назад
@thechocolateraisin86 exact same thing on my end but it crashes and kicks me out of the game after every match, I also found that if you wait a bit before you close the game after going back to the home screen on a sanctum falls match it can avoid the crash entirely. It's very inconsistent tho now I am just waiting for the fix because I also like having a functioning ps5
@user-oj8gc9zo7f 2 месяца назад
Do you have any idea when ranked will come out?
@SnappyDude 2 месяца назад
No solid idea, id say about a month after launch but that's just a guess
@Nitrobyte1 2 месяца назад
I do love me some stabbin' :)
@SnappyDude 2 месяца назад
Amazing friend and regular of the stream NitroByte stopped by to completely show me up and DOMINATE in EVERY match we played!! It was a pleasure watching him slaughter the competition.
@darrenmeidl 2 месяца назад
It's great to see them communicating, really hope they keep that up
@SnappyDude 2 месяца назад
@bichitomax 2 месяца назад
Man, I really don't have faith in this dev team and it is disheartening.
@SnappyDude 2 месяца назад
Im kind of have mixed opinions. No one is ever going to care as much as Motiga did, we were very spoiled in that regard. I think they've done an okay job considering how small their team was but yes there are still some rough spots. It seems to be doing fairly well though so maybe Gearbox will throw some money at it and iron at least a few of these things out. Or at least learn to use spell check 😂
@E-nfileexe 2 месяца назад
Many people criticise the re release due to a lot of issues. But it’s still being run on an old Unreal 3 game engine which is really difficult to work with and tricky to fix things. The only thing I wished for was for them to make it on a new modern engine. That would have greatly helped improve issues and ability to fix unforeseen issues like the ones since release And even allow it to have the fps be un-capped (so I have heard) But All and all I am so increasingly great full for this game to be back I love it so much
@SnappyDude 2 месяца назад
:) Same Im just glad to be playing and what does work more than makes up for a few menu glitches
@Tory-JJ 2 месяца назад
Z axis issues are what i want from engine upgrade and code revision.
@SnappyDude 2 месяца назад
We can dream, it would definitely be nice I know the z axis thing messes with a lot of stuff
@Tory-JJ 2 месяца назад
@@SnappyDude mostly just voden arrows and wu everything.
@MontageHustle 2 месяца назад
Wow this still exists 😮
@SnappyDude 2 месяца назад
It just rereleased last tuesday,
@primalfire7689 2 месяца назад
Yeah???? 💀
@JehushMahadeo 2 месяца назад
As a new player this looks very bad on the part of the devs. They (+og players) hyped the game so much but comes out unpolished. I want to love the game but only the fun gameplay and animations keeping me
@JehushMahadeo 2 месяца назад
My issues I can think of atm - 60 fps on pc (need to be uncapped asap manually) - UI functionality can be unhelpful - Tutorial lacks better explanation while avoiding a wall of text - Need more graphics settings (I want to tone down vfx to see my enemies better) - should be able to buy characters from the Heroes tab not just the store - Rearranging the character selection, as a human I keep focusing from left to middle and kind of neglecting heroes on the far right (make it more centered i guess)
@SnappyDude 2 месяца назад
-Sadly the 60fps thing is a limitation of the engine and would require a lot of time and energy even if its possible to fix. -I agree the UI and tutorials are not always the best, if you need help with something feel free to ask -I have seen this a lot but many of those effects are the charm of the games graphical style - You can buy Heroes from the hero screen, you just click on them when you have a ticket then hit a button it should tell you at the bottom of the screen. A lot of the unpolish is just the game. This wasn't a reboot it was a rerelease with a few small upgrades. Almost no one involved worked on the original and even those that had it was years ago. That makes it a lot harder to mess with the existing code. The entire thing also runs on a very outdated engine which is another huge issue that limits fixing some of the issues. The team was/is very very small with a very limited budget. Gearbox might own the IP but the project probably isn't much better funded than many indie titles. I'm not trying to make too many excuses, I just want to be realistic about the games problems, many of which probably wont be fixed. If it continues to do well though hopefully some of them get addressed. At least your enjoying the gameplay though since that's 90% of any game and welcome to the community. :)
@JehushMahadeo 2 месяца назад
@@SnappyDude Thanks a lot, I'll do my best to continue playing and enjoying the game
@SnappyDude 2 месяца назад
@@JehushMahadeo Awesome to hear if you need anything feel free to ask or check out Failco and Northstar, their channels are recommended at the bottom of my page. Both of them have great videos on game mechanics.
@primalfire7689 2 месяца назад
So what if it doesn’t have that ultra high graphic 60 fps what not? Still Would rather play this than something like overwatch 2 tbh.
@darrenmeidl 2 месяца назад
I like the timestamps!
@SnappyDude 2 месяца назад
Thanks I started doing it awhile back on my older Gigantic streams because it I liked it for the purpose of rewatching them. So I'm glad to see someone else getting something out of it.
@darrenmeidl 2 месяца назад
@@SnappyDude Super handy for finding a specific game on stream!
@Nitrobyte1 2 месяца назад
It was an honour to play with you again! You're a Mozu GOAT
@SnappyDude 2 месяца назад
Right back at you defaultdisplayname
@darrenmeidl 3 месяца назад
My mans is CRACKED
@SnappyDude 3 месяца назад
sorry about missing you in stream my chat client wasnt working right
@jessecote8929 3 месяца назад
🎊 'promosm'
@pizzaface9213 3 месяца назад
What a nice map
@SnappyDude 3 месяца назад
Its neat, definitely different than the others. Alot of high ground with the roof tops.
@viperishotaf 3 месяца назад
they could of fixed up the console ui to make it like it is on pc so its less confusing
@SnappyDude 3 месяца назад
Honestly I think all the UI needs some small tweaks, its not super bad, but there is a lot of clutter in certain spots
@BubblyBanjax 3 месяца назад
As much as I don't like the idea of more kids playing the game I cannot deny that the game would be a good fit for Switch. And to build on your point about the Switch 2, I could see Gearbox saving the game for a Switch 2 version so that it can be marketed as a Switch 2 title which could be very appealing to Nintendo for selling units of the new console. A game like Gigantic could have a lot of pull on such a console, especially at this point in time.
@darrenmeidl 3 месяца назад
I disagree with your point about more kids playing the game! I was a kid when I was playing Gigantic originally and loved it! The younger audience is crucial for TONS of games to succeed (not all of course) but even if Gigantic's target audience isn't children I don't think we should discourage them from playing if they do pick up the game 🤷‍♂️ Plus come on, you can't release on Switch and not expect kids to pick up the game when most people who own a Switch ARE children 😭
@Shadycryptowiz 3 месяца назад
Pushed back 5 year wow lol
@SnappyDude 3 месяца назад
I mean better late than never for poor Roland. 🤣
@genarotorresvargas5513 3 месяца назад
from when is this gameplay?
@SnappyDude 3 месяца назад
2017 roughly? its an old stream from my channel, Ive been going back and chopping out some old matches as a fun little youtube project. It was something I had planned back in the day when I was streaming the game but never got around to because I was working 80hrs a week ontop of streaming. :P
@genarotorresvargas5513 3 месяца назад
Cant wait to play it!
@SnappyDude 3 месяца назад
Same, Im really excited to see Kajir in the wild. Im sure the community will just do amazing stuff with him
@SLUGROM 3 месяца назад
Does it have custom controls in the game? can't find any information on it
@SnappyDude 3 месяца назад
On pc yeah, on console we currently do not know. There hasn't been a console test. The previous version did NOT have controler remapping on xbox. So it probably won't, if you have any other questions feel free to ask or check out the gogigantic discord their great 😊
@Basteal 3 месяца назад
Kajir have wares if you have coin.
@SnappyDude 3 месяца назад