Hey I'm Skeleblood! I like video games :)
This should be Quake 6
19 часов назад
What is an Arena Shooter? (or a tactical one)
2 месяца назад
more ULTRAKILL Mods (and how to install them)
4 месяца назад
Why did Quake (and arena shooters) die?
9 месяцев назад
How 2 Open Fortress
Год назад
How to mod guns into Animal Crossing
2 года назад
The unluckiest spy
2 года назад
@HaraldQuake 11 часов назад
In my opinion they should just copy QuakeWorld TDM item balancing and timing to make TDM fun again. In QW TDM players communicate and play together in a team to fight for ressources and share them to maximize map control. I think QL item timings are too complicated and weapons are too weak and not much fun to use. Also nobody wants to play large TDM with more than 4 players on each team. With so many players in such a fast game it's extremely hard to communicate with teammates and playing coordinated together... People who just want to play solo in a team setting can gladly go play Clan Arena...
@carsonn.7241 12 часов назад
This is the most effort I have ever seen put into one of these type of videos.
@quodpipax 12 часов назад
QC failed for many reasons. To make the answer short - Bethesda.
@cl8804 12 часов назад
it's THE WOKE, LIBERAL MOB woooooooooooooo
@Daniel-xv3nw 12 часов назад
name of game?
@PuerMortem 13 часов назад
I mean we play all the time
@AkiDave 13 часов назад
@caveirasonscdmx 15 часов назад
We need Orb and Klesk too
@willmakk 20 часов назад
thumbnail says "failiure"
@willmakk 20 часов назад
oh wait did I fall for bait to give more engagement
@willmakk 20 часов назад
shit I did it again
@matecsoka1993 20 часов назад
The bungie era halo game had a bunch of unique techniques like pressure launching, grenade jumping, moving weapons with grenades, sword flying, and the button combos from Halo 2 just to name a few.
@saeculiao7339 21 час назад
I would add a third category like MOVEMENT to make it a trianglue, for example halo is an arena with slow movement but valorant is tactic with high movility. Something like that
@themisterdellou День назад
What a genius
@emmav8188 День назад
bones got me feelin some typa way!🫣😊🤫
@victornasct День назад
The windows sounds... 😂.
@Deadmeatsz День назад
Rattle me b0n3z
@citizenofhyrule День назад
you have alot of important things to say
@bred0400 День назад
make a video on dusk world pls bruv
@bammalam4616 День назад
so sad you didn't use für elise by beethoven as background music. i think it would have been useful for your video to get viral and then for them to put bones back in the game so we can all play champions. maaan
@mattiascarson1386 День назад
Bro, talking about bones directly in your microphone and playing the horrific death sound is peak humour. I miss quake 3 arena on my ps2.
@darnydeeds5729 День назад
Honestly I'm willing to put up with the stupid microtransactions and gameplay changes, my main issue is them bigass loading times, they take forever!
@djack7411 День назад
this game does not have bones, I think the game would have succeeded if there was bones in it
@GTXDash День назад
All they need to do is add Bones and then the game will make billions! Jokes aside, Quake champions failed because free to play, battle pass, and loot boxes doesn't belong in an old school style shooter. The older generation is less susceptible to modern garbage like that. And the younger generation that is susceptible to those tactics would rather play something that doesn't have a very high skill ceiling, but instead, they'd rather play the thing that their casual gamer friends are into at the moment.
@Helltrackz День назад
erm actually quake champions is the best because of its lack of bones😅 sorry about that. first time commenting 😁
@StillGotShit4Brains День назад
The art style being so drab and disgusting made nobody want to play it. Theres the actual answer.
@comrade_railgun День назад
They should've added Orbb and Bones because orbb is so cute and bones is so cool thank you very much
@comrade_railgun День назад
@imabigdipper День назад
syncerror listen to this man
@baguettetheweirdguy2529 День назад
Wanna play Open Fortress together :3?
@Badguy292 День назад
Someone on the dev team said "I want that pizza b0neLEsS."
@Jacob208 День назад
@trenth3492 День назад
:0 he’s right
@pubdepepe6146 День назад
@comrade_railgun День назад
Hell yeah Orbb is a cutie
@ShadesMan День назад
@ShadesMan День назад
@thecoolbaton8393 День назад
Yeah I tried Quake Chimpions, and yeeah i deedn't like it cuz it didn't have bomes in it
@GamerRoman День назад
@listrospectorlusca522 День назад
To me is the champions themselves, the fact that bunnyhoping is specific to one champion is soooooo stupid.
@epicmarko1125 День назад
No its not bhopping is universal
@toninhosoldierhelmet4033 День назад
i actually like the fact that x y or z character has specific movement tech, you don't realize this unless you play with every character and you get the idea, altho character powers were one stupid decision, this thing of each character has its movement tech gives a reason to just not default to the smallest hitbox character (nobody played tank junior) or force play with wrack or whoever the fuck was the dude that was the default model for competitive.
@stellanFPS 12 часов назад
no its not?
@epicmarko1125 12 часов назад
@@stellanFPS yes it is bro
@toninhosoldierhelmet4033 12 часов назад
@@epicmarko1125 nah its not
@cashstillrules День назад
Say on skibidi
@Shodan130 День назад
these are all great ideas. the only ones i'm sketchy about is the one that you mentioned was sketchy. like the idea is cool but implementation is tricky but loadouts are dogshit and i prefer straife jumping to bhopping no contest.
@karmaduq 2 дня назад
Arena shooters are heavily map dependent by design. It's supposed to be an honest contest of player skill, starting even. They didn't fail, people got tired of the formula.
@cashstillrules 2 дня назад
You deserve a jizzillion subs
@yaboikino 2 дня назад
I think the closest thing to a perfect modern arena shooter game was Lawbreakers. It has movement complexity that is definitely above that of just sprinting and jumping, had the sort of player choice that a lot of modern games opt for, in place of a complex weapon system it gave players very dynamic character kits that allowed players to focus on skillsets that matter to them. I genuinely think it's a shame that game never took off.
@HighPerGaming. 2 дня назад
Hey, great video! Former Q3A player and currently still playing Doom 2016 Multiplayer online on PS4/5 here. You forgot to mention that you need to manage AMMO too, not only health, weapons and power-ups. Also, Gyro and flicking are gimmicks. I can aim better with the right stick. Just needs practice. Have won many Q1 matches on the remastered only Rockets online cross-plat while playing on a Dualshock 4 without aim assist. If you know the game, you can play it anywhere. Quake 1 and 2 support M&K on Ps5, but definitely EVERY GAME SHOULD DO SO.
@trenth3492 2 дня назад
I think some positive things quake 6 could implement for newcomers could be a weapon shuffling system in casual modes (so good players can’t camp good weapons from them). Perhaps advanced movement could be tied to equip-able items, that way the player makes an active choice and would understand their movement toolkit better. Like having b-hopping or air control being two different items, and having a max capacity so players can’t do everything. Like you could take reduced rocket jump damage and air control, but it would lock you out of having a grappling hook of something. Perhaps some would take up two slots at once. More causal modes, ones where balance is not the priority. Players need to be able to feel good playing a game and I wish quake had more dumb fun modes.
@JayDayKay 2 дня назад
21:34 This take is wrong btw, great video overall but this claim is ignoring some very similar issues to quake
@unclerhombus 3 дня назад
Quake ain’t making a comeback. I’ll play any new Quake games that may come along, but it won’t be popular.
@MetaITurtle 3 дня назад
What about a Survival Quake game? You get the Quake weapons but ammo and health are scarce so you have to make each bulllet count
@Dirtboy37 3 дня назад
"fighting games of the fps genre" meanwhile fighting games are more popular now than ever before
@NoelleDelaware 3 дня назад
11:34 lmao 😂
@darkpal8951 3 дня назад
Sorry dude but Quake 3 was the best for a reason. Heck it was even part of the A+ training back then and was used to bench mark hardware and software alike. I have played games my whole life from the old handheld football dash games to today. Now as far as being a noob and starting out if you wanted to get competitive you took your frags in stride. I went from being humiliated to running rooms empty. You have to be willing to take your lumps to be able to give them. The first COD and the expansion pack reminded me of Q3 you had to develop your talent and hone your skills. Now days games seem to be missing the raw element that once you gather your abilities and become competitive you get to play against a lot of great players no matter who or how old they are. They will make you better than you thought you could be. That is when the fun becomes addictive. I still dig Q3 arena out every now and then to dust it off and i still think it is a lot of fun and is a great multi-player game. If only servers where running it heavy and the younger gen knew about it, i bet it would have a second life.