Power of Wisdom
Power of Wisdom
Power of Wisdom
Welcome to "Power of Wisdom" my RU-vid video channel dedicated to providing in-depth explanations of various biblical topics.

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2 месяца назад
2 месяца назад
@bushamajola2201 3 часа назад
West Africans are Egyptians Zulus (Heavens) from Ngonis as Aba Ngoni abahlala ngobu ngcwele (those not sin living in harmony) our culture date's exactly to Abraham and Abell up to Israelis sacrifices by original culture we are not supposed to sleep with other ethnicities, we eat together, it was against our culture to not share domestic animals West Africans are cursed from Egypt as God promised Israelis to punish Egyptians, they sold each other for slavery even today fond of human Trafficking, it all dates back to Egypt where they once ruled before being defeated Zulus(real Israelis) as the Bible says we'll be known globally and highly respected, we can see South Africa is the only country that made global superpower USA & G7 panicking after decades of chaos after decades of BRIC existence, the only nation visible, we can see that even home Zulus have destroyed THE abusive ANC, we dominate the world music industry, we are currently the only black nation who were uncontested in the presents of cannons & guns of British & Deutsches, 3 Emperors uncontested, the last Emperor it took 🇺🇸🇫🇷🇬🇧🇳🇱, shipped slaves & betrayal of natives to outnumber the last Zulu Emperor Cetshwayo even though still defeated them in Sandlwana battles, up to slaying the head of the beast France Emporor Napoleon 🇫🇷 Our history we conquered from South Africa up to Kenya but our history victories is repainted British colonial. We survived Slavery & apartheid oppression although divided in between, we are hated because we pride ourselves, we pride our culture especially protecting it like growing women up to maturity being virgins its by law until one gets married, lobola are a way of Thanksgiving or spreading domestic animals destroying poverty, it's in the Bible that before the end of the end of the world, people who hated us, touched us will bow down to us Zulus especially those who hated us we are currently witnessing it in our politics we are the children of King David
@devicakhan6590 3 часа назад
The Bible was not yet known to people India and the entire world was ruled by lord Ram
@ponniedin1924 8 часов назад
Thank you for the explanation with Biblical truth. However, I, personally prefer not the damage our glorified body including, aesthetic cosmetic surgery. Please pray for our daughter who has turned out to be in that area, since she was 18( now 23), she was brought up within the Churches, Christian communities, and growth groups. Now totally ignore the biblical truth and do all types of things, including sexual immorality, which upset us the most. Thank you for the biblical truth and our daughter name is * Isabella*
@leomadera459 10 часов назад
😮 Thank you. The video answered many of my questions about cremation along the passages provided, excellent 👏
@ManiKumar-ht1cf 13 часов назад
The term Nepali means a citizen of Nepal and is comparablewith the termsPKistani,Bangladeshi SriLakan like which are citizenship names and NOT an Ethnic name.The term Gorkha Bengali orBangali,Tamil,Sindhi are ethnic names and not limited to citizenshipname of any country. In the other words the termNepali carries citizenship name of Nepal which is a free sovereign state on Ot’s own. Therefore the term Gorkha tat is not only established as an ethnic name but is also NOT a carrier ofNepal’s citizenship name. Hence the term Gorkhabhasa which is also in the Indian Co nstitution could be more positively used in the context of the language. DrMani KUMAR Sharma Siliguri WB India If you are interested I could send you prof of what I have said. 10072024
@AlenMakhmedov 17 часов назад
Our Lord Bless all black people Amen 🙏 ❤✝️
@HeeyLeel-z8f 21 час назад
At that time according to the original Aramaic Syrian Christian book it says the beautiful sunkissed people of aksumit kingdom the women of blue Nile they where regard as clean blood and fair heart women like Hagar Shiva and katuray who are chosen by religious leaders like Moses Abraham and king like king Solomon according the Syrian Jordanian libanius marnite Christian and Ethiopian armainian Egyptian Coptic Christian books history those black Jewish community also they have give refugees to prophet Mohammed followers from persecution when they get kicked out of Muslim holy land mecca according to Muslim Quran my point the are not Egyptian and they where Jew not kaffer or unbeliever, also on old Tora just to point, peace
@HeeyLeel-z8f 23 часа назад
1st Hagar is not Egyptian 2 her Name is from the black Aramaic language means Helpers No3 she is not Arab she is Ethiopian Jew who has been living in Egypt in that time just like Moses wife please do more research be for you post please katuray also she is Nubian black Jew from gonder the bible is clear and simple if you follow the river of blue Nile in that time thank you!
@mstins3925 День назад
This is not true! You are still promoting prejudice. If you read the Paleo Hebrew, you will see that it states that Kenaan was Noah's youngest grandson. He was a child and saw a drunk doing unseemly things being drunk. Cham came to the tent with his brothers. They most likely heard Kenaan crying or scared. That is why Cham entered the tent, seeing his father naked, and told his brothers while he removed his son. Noah woke up angry to cover up his sin; he cursed a young child. The curse was not from YAHWEH, and Noah fell from grace. You do not hear from him anymore because Kenaan was supposed to receive the birthright instead of Kush! Four Kenaanites women mentioned in Matthew Chapter One are the lineage of YAHSHUA with Shem seed and not Japheth. The Kenaanite knew YAHWEH first. Like all today, tried to justify Noah's sin. Melchizedek was King-Priest of Urasalim; he was a Kenaanite. Perez was one of the twins Tamar (a Kenaanite), and Judah had by her, who started YAHSHUA'S line, and then Rahab from Jericho (a Kenaanite), had Boaz; he married Ruth, a Moabit-Lot, and his oldest daughter's son's children. Lot's wife was a Sodomite who turned into a pillar of salt. Ruth had Obed; Obed's son was Jessie, and Jessie's son was David, and David killed Uriah and married Bathsheba. He did not get away with it because the first child died that, they had out of wedlot to each other! Read your Bible before telling half-truths. The Sidonians helped build Solomon's Temple. But Tyre turned from YAHWEH, and Ezekiel was sent to tell them they had pride just like Lucifer for the gifts they received that came from YAHWEH, and they were destroyed; the other children of Kenaan left YAHWEH too, but they remained because Israel did not kill them. During the time of YAHSHUA, HE healed a Kenaanite woman. The Bible does not respect people, and all are given the knowledge of HIM. Japheth was last, and they failed too. So, IsraEL will come out of all nations who obey HIS WORD! So, IsraEL will come out of all nations who obey HIS WORD!
@kennethberoid3791 День назад
There is no such thing as black or white people. Everyone is just a different shade of brown. Race was invented by men not by our creator. The Bible does not differentiate people by the color of their skin but by the nation they come from.
@NerdENerd День назад
The first people were black. They got lighter skin as they migrated north out of Africa. People who live near the equator have darker skin because of the sun, people who live further away from the equator have lost melanin that protects your skin from the sun as lighter skin is better for vitamin d production in areas with less sun. No need to look up what rubbish the bible tells you about it.
@jaynsilentboom День назад
Color doesn’t matter folks. You can’t claim to be more or less of anything to be better than anyone else. “Those that exalt themselves will be humbled”. Race wars are a tool of the devil. We all bleed the same blood. God loved all of his creation. No matter what color they are.
@jacquelinewaller419 2 дня назад
Black Israelites (They were never White) were in Europe until they were thrown out of Spain, Portugal, and other European countries in the 1400’s. They were described as being very Black. They were never Gentiles. Genesis 10. Research of the True people of Israel will dispel all of the European lies that have been told to create a history for White People. A good place to start is looking into The Black Jews of Spain and Portugal. If racism is eliminated out of the search, it is not hard to find them.
@marlienbeyers-nel6901 2 дня назад
The Torah clearly forbids tattoos. You either serve the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (who gave us His instructions to life in His Torah) or you compromise and serve some other god. It’s simple…
@Chamis-dt4wc 2 дня назад
Darker non-white skin is very far from being synonymous of only black African origins. Darker skin has to do with the human body coping and adapting to particular environments in different parts of the world. In accordance to DNA testing, the people of Melanesia (unless recently mixed) do not have any African DNA. This means that their wooly hair is also because of human adaptations to their particular climates and environments. Pseudo Afrocentrics are NOT the leaders of all the people with melanated skin worldwide, nor even within all of Africa itself. (Theirs is an evil agenda that does much harm to the vast majority of the people that they supposedly represent)
@andreray2784 2 дня назад
According to the Bible this proves tha modern Arab people are not the the original people in Egypt.
@andreray2784 2 дня назад
The Bible can't tell you about the origins of African people. African people were the first people on the Earth and the Bible acts as if they appeared somewhat later on the planet.
@andreray2784 2 дня назад
Such a good show and analysis. Interesting that Reese is doing as much as Caitlin with basically being a support role on the team..
@AbdulHafeez-cq6oo 2 дня назад
There are many missing links whihc Islam has then connected
@Paromitaxboishakhi 2 дня назад
No matter what or holy scriptures always tells us the realities of our lives
@batadon 2 дня назад
@Isayah_613 2 дня назад
Shem, Ham & Japheth were triplets, they were all black
@Saints_ravenfortheRainbow 2 дня назад
Some Native American in North America are thought be from shem. Language is close to semitic I believe language over skin color
@Sinayasanjana 2 дня назад
@Sinayasanjana 2 дня назад
@angeomartravelvideos6558 3 дня назад
@ddcc66 3 дня назад
Exodus 29:6 6 And thou shalt put the mitre upon his head, and put the holy crown upon the mitre. Dictionary - Mitre Mitre [S] (Heb. mitsnepheth), something rolled round the head (Head Band). commons.m.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Cross_of_Alcoraz_Arms.svg armorial.library.utoronto.ca/sites/default/files/stamp_images/IHOL006_s3.jpg
@ddcc66 3 дня назад
When all these blessings and curses I have set before you come on you and you take them to heart wherever the Lord your God disperses you among the nations, and when you and your children return to the Lord your God and obey him with all your heart and with all your soul according to everything I command you today, then the Lord your God will restore your fortunes and have compassion on you and gather you again from all the nations where he scattered you.” Baruch 4:5-12,27-29 5 Take courage, my people, who perpetuate Israel’s name! 6 It was not for destruction that you were sold to the nations, but you were handed over to your enemies because you angered God. 7 For you provoked the one who made you by sacrificing to demons and not to God. 8 You forgot the everlasting God, who brought you up, and you grieved Jerusalem, who reared you.
@rajeshsaran5914 3 дня назад
@besiniahove6784 3 дня назад
Powerful revelation thank you the revelator and reverent
@BrewsterPeterson999 3 дня назад
All of these stories are just stories you pick up black people where the white people left off-Abraham was a black man we started long before any Ham. This is altered white man history you need to go further back. This is mostly bullshit!
@bernardinemorgan6088 3 дня назад
It is noted that Negroes Are Not Descendants of Ham according to Zondervan Bible Dictionary.
@Chamis-dt4wc 2 дня назад
The much more important purpose of the Bible, (The word of God) Is for us to accept the Lord Jesus into our hearts and to serve Him in spirit and in truth. The word of God is not and has never been about worldly skin color issues. True Christians of all ' colors ' worldwide are all one in Christ. Galatians 3:28 KJV .. Pseudo Eurocentrism has done so much harm to Christianity for such a long time and more recently pseudo Afrocentrism Is doing the same evil thing, unfortunately.
@bernardinemorgan6088 3 дня назад
Used out of context ... Ps 78 verse 51 is referring to one of God's the punishment on Ham for not freeing the Israelites in Exodus. An the additive of "the first fruits of manhood and the tents of Ham is also stimulus for laying false narrative.
@RSSreyasKumar 3 дня назад
All human beings are from MARS Earth is not humans home they were brought from Mars after mars was destroyed by Nuclear War!
@bernardinemorgan6088 3 дня назад
I wanted to note that according to the bible, "Ham" means the father of many.
@gs1246 3 дня назад
All came from Africa. You are confused with times lines. Bible talks history of last 5000 years. Ancient African migrations occured 50000 to 100000 years ago. This is the established and well researched conclusion amon academic world.
@davidmorgan1374 3 дня назад
Leviticus 19:28, 21:5.
@garrelljohnston6953 4 дня назад
We don't have to make sacrifices now. Christ was the sacrifice. That's why we have the New testament. Thank you
@KennethAkin-me9je 4 дня назад
I don't believe that the Bible said anything about tattoos buddy.
@marlienbeyers-nel6901 2 дня назад
Clearly you haven’t read the Bible…
@DanielMatte-jj5wl 4 дня назад
Tattoos go way back before Christian lore and at one time considered godly. A mark for life by law of communal living. When tatooing bible verses or cross on human body is sacrilage because only lower classes practiced iit.. It is now 2024 and the way I see it. You are marked for life. Just like your record on the internet.
@d.j.ghetoswift1206 4 дня назад
Our origin is older than time...
@paulmkimani6134 4 дня назад
Just visit Tres Fontane in Rome to see where he was executed
@thomasthomas6382 4 дня назад
Life originated in Africa.
@saraandstuartshannon2160 4 дня назад
Personally, according to the Bible, there’s only one race: human race. The only time that some nations were mentioned, it wasn’t because of the skin, but because of the sin. We are all descended from Adam and Eve, both very dark Nigerian and pale German. According to Bible, there was never evolution ( genetic information gained), but first humans were perfectly made. Through time, our DNA got damaged and is getting more damaged. For example, humans had a gene that gave them ability to create vitamin C by ourselves, but this gene got damaged and we lost this ability. Personally, I believe that what we are nowadays calling different human races is a consequence of Tower of Babel and our languages getting mixed. This forced people to stay with those who spoke the same language as them and even migrate to different lands. Those in Africa lost their genes to adopt and thrive in cold climate and those in Ireland for example, lost their ability to tolerate the sun. So, this is not story about evolution, but our decay and loss of certain genes
@martinluther4724 4 дня назад
Get the facts right people and read Genesis 9:25-27 the curse of Canaan where Noah curses Ham and his son for Ham’s sin committed against him. “He said, ‘Cursed be Canaan! The lowest of slaves will he is to his brothers.’ He also said, ‘Praise be to the Lord, the God of Shem! May Canaan be the slave of Shem. May God extend Japheth’s territory; may Japheth live in the tents of Shem, and may Canaan be the slave of Japheth’” So if you are priding yourself of being a descendant of Ham then good luck….. We are all sinners independent of our skin colour and GOD loves all of us, if you cannot look beyond that then you are not ready for his kingdom…it is as simple as that!
I have a lot of tattoos but got them in my youth and ignorance. I've studied the matter. Now I realize that: 1. God didn't created us with tattoos. 2. No where in the bible is written that any obediante, loyal, holy servants of God got tattoos. 3. Be holy for I Am Holy... It is written in the bible. So how is having tattoos brings you holiness? 4. Walk in the Spirit, not in the flesh. Wanting a tattoo is a work of the flesh or how would it be a frute of the spirit? Me personally I've decided not to get any tattoos because even if it's a verse from the bible, don't fathom how it brings honor and glory to God.
@tilahunghiwot 4 дня назад
Ethiopia is the birthplace of humankind specifically Tigray and Afar area in Ethiopia
@drxljrcc 4 дня назад
THis all wrong..Between Ismael and Adnan (descendant of the Arabs or Qurysh) there are 30 generations that are missing. So Ismael cannot be a the father of Arabs or the Qurysh tribe. How can they be? They are pagans to start with and if Ismael is there father they couldn't be as be could have learnt from his father Abraham is not Pagan he believed in one God.