Adhd Videos
Adhd Videos
Adhd Videos
Videos about ADHD from ADHD experts. I will update and add to this channel slowly.

You can also go to my blog here which sometimes has more info (for example slides or screen captures if the video did not provide them already)
@lohphat 7 часов назад
I think the glucose connection may be a root cause of the increased prevalence of ADHD. Instead of 3 meals a day, we're feeding them sugar ALL DAY via snacks so they're riding the blood sugar roller coaster all day instead of having a stable glucose level. You don't need glucose for brain power, ketone bodies can take the place of glucose and provide a constant level of brain fuel.
@Heyu7her3 7 часов назад
I think this is primarily helpful for hyperactive-type people since it's from back when inattentive-type was separately called "ADD". But ugh, I hate exercise... does NOTHING for me (makes me more tired). Hate when it's THEE thing that people recommend to me
@jollybucket669 12 часов назад
My only question is did this hold up?
@Kdawg562 16 часов назад
When I was in the army, every roommate I had played obnoxiously loud music and it drove me to near insanity. It was the fact that they were so inconsiderate after I've asked several times politely to lower the volume it would always persist. The walls were paper thin and even with headphones on I could hear it. It was a nightmare because I felt forced to fixate my attention on it but there was nothing to be done, main reason why I only did four years.
@Kdawg562 17 часов назад
I was diagnosed very early on and got prescribed Fokalin XR when I was in 2nd grade. I'm now 26 and cannot function properly without my now prescribed 30mg of Adderall XR, nicotine, and at least 600mg of caffeine. On the bright side, the Adderall really curbed my desire to drink when it was prescribed to me again and I can now drink a few beverages without feeling the need to keep going (a lot of alcoholism in my line). But the dependence grows more concerning every day, especially being married now. My medication makes me feel emotionally detached but able to get things done. When I don't take it though, I love doing things with my wife and spending time with her, but hardly receive any dopamine or motivation to do anything. It's a very difficult balance to achieve.
@The2.. 18 часов назад
Tbh some of these things are not completely true. I've been diagnosed with ADHD for my entire life and I absolutely have a voice in my head and it works, just not all the time. I can also motivate myself at times. I had to learn these things as most people do. It's definitely a result of poor upbringing and environment. No structure, aka an environment with no consequences. I have also accomplished a lot of my goals in life. I just think this a weak mind set to limit adhd ppl too. Especially since we now know, its a spectrum.
@beckyboo1433 День назад
Planning something as large as a wedding is/was a nightmare to me. Put together like a patchwork quilt 😬
@aa.1151 День назад
So I want you to understand that... all the evil is created by normal educated people. Wars are created, started, and supported by people with dr degrees in social studies or politics. Strategic planning is done by generals. Weapons are made by PhD engineers. Economical collapses are executed by finantsist with degrees. Covid response and actions was planned by medical Dr. So... my point is that if you feel down, the last person who you should listen is Dr or Prf with psychology degree as they seek solutipn how you would feel better in that s...tstorm and how you could enjoy your life so that everything could go one. If you are disgusted of murder - they have cure for that too, so you would not be. You are not crazy...they are.
@RobertSmith-bu5uq День назад
What medications is he referring to?
@yellowfin81 День назад
Now that my methylphenidate hydrochloride is wearing off, I feel the need to pause the video and ask as to what was the emergency during this presentation, regarding Darren McNichol ? 😅
@hemamehta8429 День назад
You are recommending sipping on a sports drink or lemonade. For People who are diabetic sipping on a sugar loaded drink will spike up their sugar. What sipping sugar loaded will spike up sugar. So how to resolve this issue?
@levvayner4509 День назад
Im not saying he doesnt know what hes talking about. I am saying that he is wrong here. An ADHD business owner with vision for the future and execution towards those goals daily.
@santinanorman3643 День назад
Every time I watch this and share with others to help them understand me to help me I read the comments and I end up crying the comments of being stuck… my son has it I see it I’m So afraid for him so I push him remind him because I don’t want him to be stuck like me
@doraemon402 2 дня назад
You lost me the moment you said medication is okay. I am yet to see a case where meds actually had a significantly positive effect when pros and cons were accounted.
@cool_monke8355 21 час назад
If a therapist prescribes you a medication, it means that he decided it will benefit you more than cause harm when accounting pros and cons
@mathewdallaway 2 дня назад
Nail on the head. Beautifully clear exposition; exactly what it's like. Thank you.
@roxanne_george 2 дня назад
Watching someone of this level of human culture is such a treat! 😍
@RobBrogan 2 дня назад
Only critique is how he talks about “homework” and managing “them” like this is a childhood disorder. He said himself that it’s not common to grow out of it. Kids with ADHD become adults with ADHD. Why do we always think of it like some challenge to parenting “dealing with those distracted kids.”
@Amir-cl5wr 2 дня назад
His last words give me a lot of hope...it it curable ❤
@itslightanddark 2 дня назад
My problem is I like normal better than being ZOOTED on stims all the time. Also, if you can’t get your meds, you’re literally a dead person without them because they down regulate dopamine receptors
@jobbingactor 3 дня назад
All very well, meanwhile, ive no idea where my watch is, i took my timer apart to look at it and just remembered typing this that ive white boards covered in notes ive jot looked at for MONTHS. two minutes ago I looking for something online, excuse me, must go.
@applehacker3211 3 дня назад
This video explains my life so well, but I’ve got to tell you guys. I’m starting to figure out some of the puzzle pieces and I want to share them with you. First off want to say I think this guy nailed the diagnosis, but I don’t agree with some of his solutions. Although I do agree with the benefits of bringing pain and rewards into the present moment and making them more tangible, as well as becoming more time aware with things like alarms, I don’t agree that drugs or sipping sugar is a good idea. With that said, I do think regulating blood glucose levels or ketone levels is important but there’s much healthier ways of doing that Than sipping sugar when it’s been proven that you should keep your sugar under 35 g a day. What has helped me so far (although I have def not completely figured it out yet): 1. Learning about MTHFR and COMT (Slow variation) gene mutations from people like Gary Brecka ( just look up his name with ADHD on RU-vid )and reading books like dirty gens and changing my diet and supplementation to compensate for my week genes, which I would imagine many people with ADHD probably have to. - basically eliminate folic acid, eat more dark, leafy greens and grass, fed beef and legumes and stuff like that for active forms of vitamins. In addition to taking a methylated vitamin with good B vitamins such as Klaire labs capsule one formula. - take Nordic naturals fish oil - get morning light -exercise - go to bed earlier and have a good wind down routine with dim lights, finish dinner 3h before bed (balance of protein, fat, and slow carbs) (not too much protein tho) - take dr Amen’s put me to sleep naturally supplement when I need help sleeping. Half a dose is plenty for me. - and basically just implementing as much of Gary Breca, Andrew, Huberman, and Dave Asprey‘s advice. Although regarding Dave Asprey‘s advice, I do more of a Paleo version of his diet because the keto version doesn’t seem to work very well with me, especially regarding sleep.
@TeddyAlkavari 3 дня назад
he hit the nail on the head and I spent 4 mins dwelling on it... distracted. HELP!
@stserge 3 дня назад
This is the best explanation of my life! "The problem is not with knowing what to do, but with doing what I know!"
@amyapplegate4356 4 дня назад
Based ON not off.
@Hhhh-xo9ci 5 дней назад
Ya inanamıyorum, hayranlıkla izliyorum! Bu kadar güzel olamaz ya! Bu kadar güzel anlatılamaz! Zihin açıcı, ufkumu genişletici bir konuşma. İngilizce biliyorum ama insan duygularını en iyi şekilde ana dilinde ifade edebiliyor.🥲
@roxanne_george 5 дней назад
Oh my God, what a mind! What a lecture! 😍
@emo666man122 5 дней назад
addressing my adhd will do nothing about my inner loneliness and depression.
@chapachuu 5 дней назад
No one grows out of adhd. It’s like autism. We just get better at hiding and coping with it. Until we don’t again.
@danletras 5 дней назад
The outside consequences & accountability pressure that the doctor recommends doesn't work for shit with me and is a poor tactic, in my opinion. There are many other interior tactics & "hacks" to deal with the freeze that are far more effective.
@Oleg_K. 6 дней назад
I don't think I have _ever_ seen _anyone_ "practice what they preach" as evidently and as intensely as Dr. Barkley. The way he speaks in such a concise, energized and confident manner, it's seems almost tailor-made for the ADHD crowd. I am incredibly surprised at how completely captivating this presentation turned out to be, especially with the source material being what it is at times. It's almost as if knowing how to approach ADHD individuals and treating every audience as a group of such individuals is a great shortcut to especially effective and memorable public speaking.
@ChristianConstitutionalist3192 6 дней назад
The MMR is Heavily Linked to ADHD and ASD.
I'm 38 years old and never been diagnosed until 2024. My mother was told all through elementary school I had “day dreaming” issue but she feared me being medicated and put in special education. Fast forward I was arrested by 14, dropped out of highschool by 16 and kid by 20. License revoked by 22, multiple suspensions, multiple partners, maxxed out credit cards, late on every bill even tho I have the funds, I'm the poster child for adult adhd. But I'll check back in 6 months from now an sd let you guys know how everythings been since the medication.
@ChristianConstitutionalist3192 7 дней назад
Evolution IS A MYTH
@ChristianConstitutionalist3192 7 дней назад
I Remember My Mom Telling Me to Give Her a "Heart Attack" by Cleaning My Room Which Never Worked. What Got Me To "Clean" My Room Was Urgency. By "Clean" I mean: 1) The Trash Goes In the Trash. 2) The Toys, Clothes, and Electronics Go Under the Bed and In the Closet.
@ChristianConstitutionalist3192 7 дней назад
In the Future Those Children Will Love: 1) Opening and Closing a Store. 2) Dealing with Idiot Customers. 3) Dealing with Corporate Idiots. 4) Dealing with BS Company Polices Set by Corporate Idiots. Oh, Wait; Forget EVERYTHING you just read.
@ChristianConstitutionalist3192 7 дней назад
Cool I'm The 5.56 Like.
@ChristianConstitutionalist3192 7 дней назад
Every Psychotropic that is Big Pharma Made, Approved, and Prescribed Should be Outlawed.
@ChristianConstitutionalist3192 7 дней назад
I know 2 people with ADHD who were More Aggressive as children when they were taking Adderall. Therefore He is Wrong about Stimulants, not Causing Aggression; If It can Make it Worse Than it can Cause It.
@ChristianConstitutionalist3192 7 дней назад
He's Correct about TV "Journalism".
@ChristianConstitutionalist3192 7 дней назад
It May Not Be "Overtreated" by It's OVER DIAGNOSED (Misdiagnosed in a LOT of Cases). Columbine was the Result of SSRIs. All Rampage Shooters Are on SSRIs AROUND the Time they Commit They're EVIL Act. The Person Who Commit The Rampage is too Blame. Big Pharma is too Blame. The Media is too Blame. Gun Controllers (Includin Anti-2A Government Officials, Moms Demand Action, Newtown, and Everytown) are too Blame. Those "Stumulants" have Chemicals in them that NOBODY Should Ingest.
@ChristianConstitutionalist3192 7 дней назад
"Skull Massage" for ANY Psychological Disorder SOUNDS Weird and Creepy. Psychological Disorder or Not Some People will Get Physically Aggressive IF you Massage their Head.
@samyoung1662 7 дней назад
Do ADHD have higher intelligence?
@venivinivinci 7 дней назад
I out grew it but I received multiple head injuries in combat and it went backwards hard into new ways I never experienced before and now I'm fucked. I've already spoke to my va doctor and they will do nothing even spoke with psychologists and psychiatrists none of them disagreed with me they just can't do anything about it and I don't know what to do as I'm restarting my education and so far my timeline is quite dialed in but consequences is what I need help with and I figured this out on my own journey so it's nice hearing this guy talk about this stuff.
@SS-qk8oc 7 дней назад
Drug pusher. instead of criticizing our education systems etc, just change people’s minds with drugs….
@aswilll 7 дней назад
instead of criticizing our education systems" yep!!! get it or get left behind is NOT how it should be and the only option they tell the parents is meds
Growing up my mother never got me evaluated for any disorder out of fear they would medicate me into a zombie like some of her friends kids. Every year from kindergarten to 7th grade they told her “he's a good student but he really has a day dreaming problem” they hardly used the word focus for some reason. Fast forward to highschool I dropped out and became a criminal never realizing I had Adhd because in the streets and jail its more of an edge. I come home and put the life of crime behind me and I'm finally reintroduced to this ADHD beast I abandoned at 14. The plus side is I was able to frequently create good business ideas at the boom of social media circa 2013 but then plataeu in 2016 due to my lack of focus to maintain the things I created. Its almost like someone else is in control of my body and motor skills.
@vivianoosthuizen8990 8 дней назад
Stop drugging our children they’re not broken they just won’t be good minions for you to use
@nikiblagojevich5081 8 дней назад
Wow another big pharma shill, how original
@George-qx3xh 8 дней назад
I get my psychedelics and microdosing stuff from an online store where I got my own hi's on Instagram also on telegram with the below handle
@George-qx3xh 8 дней назад
@phhiggins 8 дней назад
Sure wish he was my doctor
@johnclancy2551 8 дней назад
Fauchi has his own science. let him fix ADHD just like he fixxed covyd.
@George-qx3xh 8 дней назад
I'll recommend you to this mycologist who has been my guide on psychedelic for years now, dude gots all kinds of psychedelics in his store and ship discreetly to any location
@George-qx3xh 8 дней назад
Dude is on Instagram asi¿
@George-qx3xh 8 дней назад
@mushtrips ¿¿
@Charja02 8 дней назад
The glucose stuff is fascinating. I’m a painter and I always thought I just had problematic food habits because I paint longer when I have a bag of m&ms to snack on every few minutes. I’m more likely to go to class if I get a snack first too.
@George-qx3xh 8 дней назад
I'll recommend you to this mycologist who has been my guide on psychedelic for years now, dude gots all kinds of psychedelics in his store and ship discreetly to any location
@George-qx3xh 8 дней назад
Dude is on Instagram asi¿
@George-qx3xh 8 дней назад
@mushtrips ¿¿