Josh Borovsky Fishing
Josh Borovsky Fishing
Josh Borovsky Fishing
I truly believe, my purpose in life is to use my creativity, analytical skills, and enthusiasm to inspire and empower people to be successful and happy on the water and in life. In addition to being a full-time musky guide, I fulfill my life purpose through the content I create for television, outdoor publications, social media, seminars, and Musky Insider (a weekly online publication I co-founded with Nick Lindner in 2019). If you enjoy the content you find here, be sure to check out Musky Insider and our virtual classes we offer.
@DHUNTER279 19 дней назад
really great video thanks
@hificave 21 день назад
Great video man! I recall experiences where Its one thing to unhook a tangled up badly deeply hooked 45 inch fish with conventional pliers, cutters… but when its a 55inch plus fish that is deeply hooked (which will crush your wrist when it gator rolls if your not ready and experienced) those longer/stronger salt water tools can save the fish and your hands… aka the long hook pik The other factor people forget, is your adrenaline when you are dealing with a very big fish (55 and up) its such a special moment, that this adrenaline spike and unexpected anxiety spike can impact our ability to execute a badly hooked fish in time. (Shaky hands, breathing heavily) So to your point, the right tools help greatly.
@douglassandstrom6314 4 месяца назад
That was to establish a population live near by you would not belive the dead muskies due to mishandling (lets get a lot of pitures )
@NickM95 5 месяцев назад
Josh, thank you for spreading the word. I am taking the survey now and letting em know that we need some more damn fish in the lakes. The metro lakes (Minnetonka, Eagle, White Bear, etc) can support more fish than they are being managed for. Thank you for mentioning the tiger lakes. There are fewer than ever before and many of those lakes are also fished heavily for bass and other species. Bass and Walleye guys accidentally running into Tigers isn't great for the population. I know bass guys that kill the tigers that they can because they believe they are bad for other fish populations. A few lakes stocked and managed primarily for tigers would be awesome.
@Muskiehunter4841 5 месяцев назад
If anybody wants to save some time. Basically, the DNR stocks less muskies. Therefore, you catch less. you’re welcome) the only way this changes is if we push the DNR to stock more fish
@MuskyJaeger19 5 месяцев назад
At this years Musky expo here in Minnesota the DNR had a booth. I walked up the guy manning the both and asked if he was the complaint department! 😂 I did have a nice conversation with him. He sounded on board with what you were saying. I asked why the hell Woman lake doesn’t get supplemental stocking? His answer, Lake Association. They didn’t want it. Once again it’s politics that dictates biology and Nothing more. I’m 53 and just Seriously started musky fishing in 2018. Gull lake could be the next boom to bust lake in the cycle?
@cairnclark 5 месяцев назад
Awesome recap Josh! Sad situation for us Minnesota musky guys. Walleye anglers probably outnumber musky anglers 10 to 1 in Minnesota. I am sure they have mobilized their forces this week to complete thousands of survey entries, so it's concerning to think about how the results may turn out.
@rg22outdooradventures88 5 месяцев назад
I'm from Ohio and fished Lake Vermilion last year during the last week of June and I can tell you, out of all the boats I saw and Anglers I spoke with I was the only muskie fisherman. Unfortunately, I made the 1000mile drive for the great skulking when my friends were having nearly 10 fish days back home.
@johntahedl3152 5 месяцев назад
I'm one of the Tiger twins John Tahedl Your pulse on the musky world is awesome . Great job 👏 👍 😊
@BentonFry 5 месяцев назад
This is an awesome video, thanks for sharing. A have a couple of thoughts; When you look at targeted survey data, there are often lakes that have similar Muskie densities to years where we’ve experienced better fishing. I think there is a strong correlation between newly stocked lakes and fish catch ability. I think if they discontinue stocking in certain lakes they should establish stocking in a new lake to create a new opportunity. I’m curious how you all would feel about a stamp similar to trout or walleye that all proceeds go into Muskie stocking/ research? Lastly, in your figures, I would be curious to see it CPUE by anglers vs year. Thanks again for an informative video
@joshborovskyfishing 5 месяцев назад
I would be all for a Muskie stamp especially if they allowed us to buy as many as we wanted per person. However, I’ve been told that the money that it would cost to run and create the stamp may cost more than the amount of money it would generate. I have a hard time believing that though. Regarding CPUE. I have suggested that Muskies Inc should include this in their lunge log. That woud mean people make entries every time they fish Muskies even if they don’t catch any. Muskies Canada does this on their log and it helped tip off the Ministry that something was wrong on specific fisheries (I think St. Lawrence might have been one of them?) because they could throw angling hours changing drastically. So it helped move things faster and they went out and started doing assessments to determine what was wrong.
@scott6031 5 месяцев назад
There is a number of hours since last fish caught in the lunge log, but the data is all over the place. I’m assuming many anglers don’t log their hours on the water very well.
@joshborovskyfishing 5 месяцев назад
@@scott6031I am talking about each time you fish on specific water record how many hours you spent on that water what you caught. If you caught nothing, you still make an entry for that day and that you caught nothing. This would give Muskies inc some specific data they could share with dnr. It would tell us catch rates on all water everywhere not just MN. The question I posed was is the lunge supposed to help the angler or fisheries. Right now it helps anglers but not the fisheries. This change would potentially help the fisheries and reduce wait times to resolve issues when fisheries take a dip.
@inferno715 5 месяцев назад
SLR should be world class. As of now I catch maybe 12-15 fish a season in 3-400 hours. It’s absolutely awful compared to what it was ten years ago. The current plan is 2500 GL strain fish, I can’t remember if it’s yearly or every other year stocking. 2500 fish in a system connected to Lake Superior is laughable. I wonder how that compares to Green Bay l’s stocking fish per acre numbers. I have more action going to lakes that aren’t even supposed to have muskies in them. It’s depressing.
@DA-zz9wh 5 месяцев назад
Bryant and Crystal are 100% still being stocked. Dnr website shows both lakes alternating years with the last recorded being 2022. I have video from last summer of several 40+ in a morning.
@joshborovskyfishing 5 месяцев назад
Crystal Lake in Hennepin County was discontinued and lost stocked in 2017. Crystal Lake in Dakota county is still being stocked. Bryant was also removed from the west metro fisheries plan and discontinued in 2017. If you visit the west metro fisheries and west metro fisheries pages you can see their current management plan for both hybrid and pure strain Muskies. It only includes the 8 lakes I mentioned for tigers and it been that way for at least fours years. I emailed East and west metro fisheries about this back in 2020 when I noticed the change and also notified the TC chapter of Muskies Inc. It’s my understanding that chapter offer to continue stocking all the tiger lakes themselves rather have us lose them and that offer/request was denied by west metro fisheries. That being said, I saw a photo of small tiger caught out of Bryant and knew something weird was going on as there should not be any that size in lake. I reached out to DNR and asked how this could be and did not get a response. However, I did just look on lakefinder yesterday and see that Bryant did indeed get stocked after a 6 year gap of no stocking. (Which explains that small tiger) It is unclear whether this was a one time stocking or whether they plan to start Bryant back up again and continue. I started digging around on lake finder and discovered Cedar Lake in Scott County (another lake that was discontinued and had been for quite a few years) was also stocked in 2023. Again it’s not clear if this is a one time stocking or they plan to start up cedar again too. (It’s certainly not included on their current management plan) I emailed west metro fisheries yesterday and can let you know what I find out and will try to find a way to update this once I get definitive info.
@DA-zz9wh 5 месяцев назад
@@joshborovskyfishing bryant I can believe because I’ve beat that lake up with one 29” fish
@DA-zz9wh 5 месяцев назад
@@joshborovskyfishing good to know though. Always good to stay on top of what’s happening. Love the video. Just wanted to let you know that Crystal appears still active unless the dnr site is off, which it absolutely could be
@DA-zz9wh 5 месяцев назад
@@joshborovskyfishing to clarify. The 29 incher on bryant was caught two summers ago. The tigers were caught at hennipen county Crystal last July.
@joshborovskyfishing 5 месяцев назад
Crystal was discontinued in 2017. That year was a very heavy stocking with yearlings for the size of the lake. (Basically one yearling = 3 fingerlings. One fingerling per surface acre would be a high density and that particular year class in 2017 was 4x that. So there should be some left in there. Last year they should have been around 43” this coming season they will be “47 or so but there will be less than last year. (Seems like we start losing fish after age 5 and usually by age 8 they are almost all gone. Heres the link to stocking in last ten years on Crystal (Hennepin). www.dnr.state.mn.us/lakefind/showstocking.html?downum=27003400&context=desktop
@MichaelScharnak 5 месяцев назад
Do they take public money for stocking? Can we all donate $100 to save a Muskie a year for next 10 years?
@joshborovskyfishing 5 месяцев назад
I wish. One of the suggestions I made in the survey was for them to determine a stocking quota for each Lake. I know at times they would like to put more fish into the lakes but have limited resources and budgets to do so. My suggestion was to make a separate additional quota of surplus fish that could be stocked with private money, if people are willing to donate or fund the stocking. I got involved with all this 10 years ago when I was doing a lot of Musky Inc. seminars and kept hearing them say at their meetings that they had raised a bunch of money for stocking, but the Dnr wouldn’t let them stock fish anywhere. It is maddening to me that there’s lots of money out there that people want to spend on stocking muskies, and they simply can’t do it because of Dnr is holding them back .
@Pattmanlax 5 месяцев назад
Has there ever been a legislative attempt to alter what the DNR has discretion to decline in terms of private stocking ?
@joshborovskyfishing 5 месяцев назад
@@PattmanlaxWhat’s interesting is the dnr is fine private walleye stocking. Look on lake finder for Minnetonka and look at how many walleyes get stocked privately and compare to dnr quotas and their plan for walleyes but what they are allowing on top of it. The Muskie crowd is treated differently.
@cadebusche4711 5 месяцев назад
I fish the st. Louis river normally a couple times a week in the summer for muskie. I think that river is in a very good place right now. There are tons of fish in that 26-35 inch range and most of those sized fish don't have tags so it probably means their natural reproduction. The main reason i think people don't fish it, is from the water clarity from the dredging. So on a good day you can see down a foot if that during peak dredging season. But they are getting rid of the pollution in the river from a long time ago from the steel plant and logging mills. But they are almost done from my understanding. That river just needs time and it will become one of the best muskie, walleye and sturgeon factories/destinations in the world in 15 years or so. They just introduced the great lakes muskies in 2019. Hopefully from what they are doing some day they wont have to stock that river from cleaning it up and it all being natural reproduction.
@muskyboyhines 5 месяцев назад
Biggest question I have to our DNR. WHY’RE THEY REMOVING ADULT MUSKIES FROM OUR LAKES I live in itasca county and it’s not just one lake they’ve done this on. For example, North Star lake near marcell in itasca. Removing full adult Muskies for what reason? And what did they do with them? My guess is selling to another state? Idk I can’t imagine adults survive well being transported that far. But why isn’t this public news for one, and for two why’s it even being done in general. We need more stocking and our DNR is out here removing fish? This is absolutely a problem and if you think North Star is the only lake this is being done on you’re wrong. It’s happening and they’re keeping it quiet. I’ve seen the videos and proof from locals on the lake it was happening on.
@justinbirch8283 5 месяцев назад
I have been involved in volunteer efforts with the DNR many times over the years, and have spoken to a large number of state biologists. I do not believe there has ever been fish removed by them on North Star. I would encourage you to reach out to the grand rapids fisheries during business hours.
@anglingrevolution 5 месяцев назад
That sounds strange. I can see fish getting removed from water for a diet study or tagging. If they are leaving the lake entirely the only thing I can think of removal for genetics reasons or dead fish from survey nets. You should reach out to the Grand Rapids fisheries office and ask. I know they have a Muskie biologist that works there who would give you a straight answer I think.
@mattjohnson7746 5 месяцев назад
I couldn’t see why they would do that. It’s a relatively young musky lake to begin with. I can’t see there even being many full grown adults there.
@muskyboyhines 5 месяцев назад
@@mattjohnson7746 It was full of nice fish but it’s changed so much now. Less fish forsure. Idk why they would take fish out but I sure hope it ends.
@illmuskyhunter3313 5 месяцев назад
An adult musky can be 28in lol
@TuffEsox 5 месяцев назад
Awesome video & content, Josh! Thanks for sharing this valuable info!
@treehamel 5 месяцев назад
Great vid, Josh! Thanks.
@sadbutwedidntstartit 5 месяцев назад
The Minnesota DNR survey was probably designed / written by a Democrat
@sadbutwedidntstartit 5 месяцев назад
Awesome video. I 'm from Ohio and fish Northern Wisconsin and Minnesota. Need to fish Minnesota more. Beautiful country in both.
@bucktailjay7697 5 месяцев назад
Josh, kudos to you for taking the time to do this. Thank you.
@JDPMN1 5 месяцев назад
Thanks Josh!
@deanmentjes7774 5 месяцев назад
Good video, thanks for the info Josh.
@SgtSlime365 5 месяцев назад
Thank you for making this video
@edwardsedlak4303 6 месяцев назад
Great video Josh. Thanks for sharing the links on those products. I've been looking for a pair of those pliers so I appreciate the info.
@richardpearson5133 6 месяцев назад
Great Josh!!! The giant bolt cutters can be a life saver. Literally. Take care.
@samwills8056 Год назад
More than the DNR We need to pressure the buisness community aka Lodge owners They have the governors ear They have to/should see the value in musky angling And this day and age of different species anglers not liking each other and bad mouthing each other doesn't help It's forced resort owners (and even some bait shops) To take sides And
@jdean1851 Год назад
@cliffordstarkey Год назад
How can I buy a few of these.
@zebra3738 Год назад
I think the reason some MN muskie fisherman don't want more stocking (per DNR comments) is to keep people away from their fisheries (Vermillion/ Mille Lacs).
@brucemeadows3894 Год назад
From 2021 (record drought and wildfire) to 2022 (record snow, rain, and flooding), I don't think the only difference between catching fish on blades was singularly your bait. 2 incredibly different seasons with vastly different water level. But talk your shit Josh. I'll give it a go.
@stuarthogan7481 Год назад
Wooooowwww!!!! Genius. Good work men. Bad day to be a musky👌🏻
@ryankitzmann-bl9pu Год назад
I can tell you first hand it works! I tried fishing in the back of the boat behind "the one" last summer with limited success.
@muskybites505 Год назад
Dead on with the extra wire in front of the blades😉will you be selling just clevises for guys like me who wanna make our own tails?
@joshborovskyfishing Год назад
Only on the baits to start with.
@deanmentjes7774 Год назад
Cool idea, and great company name and logo. I hope you do great, and I'll look for your bucktails to try.
@approachingtarget.4503 Год назад
Hate to break it to you. The square tubing is used on many lures. Nimmer uses them on every rotation device he has. It is also used on the mammoth bucktails. Roger from H2o has a similar Cleves with a patent.
@muskybites505 Год назад
If it is a design patent (which it likely is) all a guy has to do is change one measurement. If he managed to get a utility patent (highly unlikely), then he could challenge their design.
@approachingtarget.4503 Год назад
@Musky Bites iam aware of that. Even if they have a patten, the process of assembly only needs a slight change to not infringe. Just letting you know the idea is being used already.
@joshborovskyfishing Год назад
Hey @approachingtarget.4503, Sorry you are not impressed by our new clevis. The muskies certainly were! Perhaps some of our other patent protected shapes will be more to your liking when we release them. I am aware square tubing has been used on surface baits including those made by Greg Nimmer. Greg is a a friend of mine and his Wollypog TopwAter is one my all time favorites. If you talked to Greg, I think he would tell you he doesn’t make any subsurface lures with square tubing much less a square clevis system. Roger from H2O is also a friend, and the Hardhead bait he originally designed is also one of my favorites. Roger does make a bucktail that I believe is also in the patent application process. However, our two clevis systems are about as different from each other as two clevises could be and if you talked to Roger, I think he would tell you that. So, I have no idea what you are talking about there. I have never heard of Mammoth bucktails. I googled the name and they do not appear to exist. I can assure you my legal counsel and myself thoroughly researched everything out there and the claims within our patent protect not one, but many different facets of our current design (and future designs as well) that are unique. At this point, I think we pretty much own most if not all shapes of a clevis system that are not round on the inside that can spin on a wire designed to go subsurface under water.
@thelonesomefisherman7425 Год назад
I'm beginning to think that lure vibration is much more important than what most anglers realize. We debate about lure color when we should be focused on lure vibration. Your square clevis supports this idea. It's been many years since we met at Lac Seul.
@thelonesomefisherman7425 Год назад
Now make a triple blade clevis. Depth control, speed control, as per Buck Perry, next add vibration control as a critical factor.
@sambono8423 Год назад
Josh, nice work! Look’n forward to casting a few of those buck tails.
@tomzukouski6041 2 года назад
What happened?...isn't there like over ten fishing lodges on the lake,how.many like hundreds of party's fishing,like probably some mortality by improper handling and all these fishing aids,,not to mention local fishing
@bold2013 2 года назад
Why would people harvest the trophy fish? As a trophy carp angler we do everything we can to release our fish for tomorrow.
@skitv8780 2 года назад
Great vid, where can I buy one of those long hook removers, I've only seen small ones
@deanmentjes7774 2 года назад
Great video! I liked and subscribed. Last year was my first year musky fishing, and I'm so glad I had one of those Knipex cutters. I got one big musky solo fishing and cut hooks and had a good safe release. I like the Knipex so much, I use it on bass and pike too - if I'm not keeping a fish, I want it to live. Replacement treble hooks are not expensive - I keep a Plano box at home full of 3/0's to 7/0's and always have a few of different sizes in my traveling tackle box for the boat. I will get a couple of the tools you mentioned that I don't have, like the hook pick. Good stuff, thanks.
@rumnboats7612 2 года назад
Natives gill net everything on principle as some sort of protest or demonstration of their rights, there are piles and piles of dead fish mostly unused throughout the open water season.
@prebuiltabyss881 2 года назад
I’m planning to book a trip next week Jan 28th 2022 Never been to MN and this was to be my trip of a lifetime Hard to describe how disheartening it is to listen to these stories I don’t know where to go now. I was planning on vermilion
@curtadams3281 2 года назад
Good information !
@dennisseeb3061 2 года назад
Excellent video. I have never lost a fish. I have all those tools except the bolt cutter laid out like tools on a surgeons tray. I think that is important to point out.
@robertlaliberte2747 2 года назад
Right on, Always Good To be "Refreshed". "It's Better to Have it and not Need it then to Need it and not Have it"
@matthewbaetz9905 2 года назад
Very Helpful
@bffcaf7806 2 года назад
There are far more Muskies in the lake today than I ever imagined. This I know thanks to Livescope. What I also now know is that these Muskies are extremely boat shy. A high percentage of them will slowly follow, then become aware of the boat and stop - typically 30’ out and 10’ down - never being seen by the naked eye. Follow to bite ratios of 50:1 are the norm for me. That’s fishing pressure causing avoidance behavior. Catch rates have suffered as a result. When those same fish were exposed to angling for the first time, they bit far more frequently. That’s just not the case today and probably never will be again. Lower catch rates can be a function of both angling pressure and overall population. In the case of V today, the former and not the latter seems to be the primary driver of poorer success rates. Just telling you what I’ve seen with my own eyes and has been confirmed through various studies I read about the effects of angling pressure on fish catches.
@thenotsojollyrancher-akate9516 2 года назад
I think you’re right on! And yes do it more!
@kirbybudrow5342 2 года назад
Combination of many factors. Stocking is probably #2 after fishing pressure. People really need to learn to stop bragging about their trips to vermilion. Or any lake for that matter. Nobody cares about the 50" fish you caught anymore. Keep it to yourself and enjoy the fish. Treat the lakes and the fish with respect and not just your playground for the week you come up.