Kings and Things
Kings and Things
Kings and Things
Welcome to the Kings and Things Channel! This is a place where I share various things that I've been looking into and find interesting. Usually that involves historical people, historical architecture, or historical media that bridges that gap between past and present.
The Oldest Voices We Can Still Hear
6 месяцев назад
The Unbuilt Monuments of New York City
8 месяцев назад
When Europe tried to build Chinese Architecture
10 месяцев назад
The Proto-Robots of Antiquity
2 года назад
10 Magnificent Historical Libraries
3 года назад
America's Lost Classical Architecture
3 года назад
How to Become a God in Classical Japan
3 года назад
The Origins of the Romanovs Explained
3 года назад
@109moster100 49 минут назад
This author definetly had some good ideas like making Paris cleaner, low taxes, more equality, focus on science and forcing the king to be raised as commoners to understand the plight of ordinary people (he also says they have to fast and sleep on the floor for three days per year). But there are also some things he got wrong imo. I don’t know why it’s necessary to abolish all luxury goods and even ban coffee. I understand that in the context when this story was written these goods were acquired through slavery but why couldn’t there simply be a more ethical way of harvesting them instead? The fact that he ignores the role of women is also a flaw with his futuristic utopia. I also don’t see why it was necessary for them to burn so many controversial books and maintain their faith. It seems like he viewed knowledge and discourse about controversial topics as something potentially dangerous. Their religion also doesn’t seem to serve an important role in their society so I wonder why it’s necessary at all. The doctrine seems very passive and vague.
@BenjaminDeutsch-xd1yh 3 часа назад
This is a refreshing and absolutely lovely film, which we are so glad ☺️ that you made. The artistic selections chosen are exquisite and our life is better for having seen them. thank you.
@moamber1 15 часов назад
You didn't cover isochromatic pioneer Prokudin-Gorsky, who made series of colour photos, starting with 1903, nor Adolf Miethe, German inventor who made it possible in 1902.
@islamichistory8388 15 часов назад
kutayah wasnt conqured it was his dowry from germiyanids as he married their daughter
@miguelags9514 19 часов назад
If you think the problem with architecture is Style you are seriously wrong. Car oriented urbanism is a bigger problem by far.
@Rexag День назад
We aren't advancing as fast as we were believed to be ...that similar to the Jetson's by now. With computers and media tech we have, but transportation is the same.. Manufacturing and farming is a lot the same changing slowly. The elites, government and military do have the advancements of technology about 5oo years ahead of us (society) The just gave us cell phones relatively not long ago...but we have so much not be told to us. This will be revealed soon.
@0neIntangible День назад
something, something... oh yeah, penis envy.
@cisco8257 2 дня назад
Ngl if they had weed ( And i mean it’s the 1700’s they thought opium wad legitimately good for you lol ) and i could access some of that advanced technology i really wouldn’t mind, definitely better than IRL where i’ll never be able to physically own a house in my lifetime.
@MartyWoodcock 2 дня назад
I'm looking forward to hearing these cleaned up to modern sound standards
@asmrcarousel 2 дня назад
Wow. Btw I wonder if General Helmut von Moltke is related to the von Moltke from the 20th of July, probably yes. Anyway, their descendants might enjoy this, it's really cool.
@ayobamijoshua2826 2 дня назад
Fascinating and revealing! Stuffs like these inspire and exhilirate.
@napalmballwipes 2 дня назад
"First recorded instance of Intelligible human speech" *Meanwhile the parents from Charlie Brown
@MENSA.lady2 3 дня назад
This is part of the reason why many in the UK support the idea of the UK becoming a republic.
@sample455 3 дня назад
A true revolutionary this author was
@ChacUayabXoc 3 дня назад
So they build these awe inspiring structures for the world fair, just to tear them down immediately after? And you're telling me that humans couldn't have build the pyramids?
@marysuarez1397 3 дня назад
5:26 he really did sound like a bee
@chillhopdrumz1862 4 дня назад
First recorded sound were actually opera bootlegs? History is wild
@jaby18 4 дня назад
I’m in awe of this video.
@yerd1511 4 дня назад
people are just people, from any time
@nostradamusofgames5508 4 дня назад
Renaming themselves was a stupid, insulting, and cowardly move.
@1marcelfilms 4 дня назад
Just play the damn audio already.
@Moechtegernpilot1 4 дня назад
Recreational Mathematics? This is definitely a dystopia
@veronicalogotheti1162 4 дня назад
And the vines are roman They planted them
@veronicalogotheti1162 4 дня назад
Colonia was also made by romans
@christianmoya5268 4 дня назад
I bet AI can help in making all of these more audible.
@dragoncrackers7660 5 дней назад
Classical style never went away though. Homes and offices always had elements of Classical styles in them, even during the modern era. We did rebuild large areas of Europe in the middle of the 20th century and although too much modern styled buildings made their way into European city centers, there was still quite a bit of traditional buildings reconstructed. Our local courthouse burned down in the 1960s and was rebuilt in even more of a classical style than the original.. which was Victorian. My parents house was built in 2002 and has Ionic style columns on the porch.
@suhnih4076 5 дней назад
I’ve always been a fan of big and unnecessarily detailed buildings
@incumbentvinyl9291 5 дней назад
Kim Jong Un, take notes!
@incumbentvinyl9291 5 дней назад
9:05 - Northern? Central Europe.
@SedgeHermit 5 дней назад
It's over.
@E621_Rule34 6 дней назад
Christina never married and had no children either. her sister did and one of her kids might still be alive today apparently. her sister died in 83
@DeezNuts-kl2te 6 дней назад
Voice is of much higher quality
@incumbentvinyl9291 6 дней назад
30:25 - Snuff illegal? Blasphemy!
@theJellyjoker 6 дней назад
What if they weren't confusing the telegraph with the telephone but were recording telephone audio?
@achaudhari101 6 дней назад
How the hell did Louis XIV live that long in the story?
@lucaspavin3755 7 дней назад
Any book recommendations related to ancient automata? I have visited the Ancien Greek Technology Museum in Athens and since then, have been really hooked to the subject
@5amH45lam 7 дней назад
Sounds like a trapped bee too. ;)
@carlosfeldman8687 7 дней назад
Actually, the techiques for reading that early phonograms were devised by the also french mathematician, Fourier. But both of them lacked the computing power we have today to do that matemathical analysis, which was started in the 1960's and completed in the 1990's as voice recognition, available even here for automatic subtitles
@user-ki6np2ix9d 7 дней назад
Many people believed that Bavaria became an electorate in the 1620s, it didn't. Maximilian inherited the Palatinate elector title, so he was elector of Palatinate, not elector of Bavaria. Bavaria became an electorate 1648.
@davids9027 8 дней назад
I suggest that you reprogram your synthetic voice or, if you are using a human, teach him how tospeakwith a good steadycadence
@shawnybee 8 дней назад
Those stories are garbage
@DennisTrovato 9 дней назад
Tearing down the World Fair buildings was a crime against humanity.
@lovecraftscat2420 9 дней назад
I long for a place that no longer exists.
@johngolden891 9 дней назад
Fascinating and informative video.
@straenmusikant7402 9 дней назад
As someone who knows German, it's shocking to hear the voice of someone from Prussia, and especially from so long ago..
@lilpolivlogs 9 дней назад
just incredible, no words...
@SantiagosVideoChannel 9 дней назад
Yet another decent video ruined by the incessant talking.
@theonebman7581 9 дней назад
I love how this guy straight up wrote about a totalitarian dystopian society where if you're not within the "correct" mentality, you're "reeducated", 150 years before it was cool, and all under the guise of extreme nationalism, ethnic superiority, and an elitist worldview where the 99% had to comform to that .1% of "enlightened", superior, philosophers Culture is dead; art is dead; society exists purely to support and perpetuate said beliefs, there is no escape
@user-uf5nw5gy5v 10 дней назад
I really appreciate the effort and length of the video
@hrodvitnir6725 10 дней назад
Kan vi inte bygga det nu?