Joppa Vash
Joppa Vash
Joppa Vash
@JoseGabrielMattaGonzales День назад
@rhygarth6764 2 дня назад
10+ years for this? well good luck in December
@barryblack633 4 дня назад
Is possible skip the self red circle in the ground of the character and the mob in target?
@johntthurmon 5 дней назад
Keep up the hard work. No one know how difficult coding and dev work is.
@kjetilandreeide7464 6 дней назад
That bear identified itself as a binary skeleton... 2024 wibes.. xD
@JoseGabrielMattaGonzales 6 дней назад
10 años contra los 3 años del WOW
@user-tk7md9nj1j 7 дней назад
Have always been a bow based class, excited for this. Keep it up
@kahldris1228 8 дней назад
Pretty cool, i do want to say that something so small being called a titan is kinda funny lol.
@zoldlen883 10 дней назад
Appreciate you uploading some of the dev streams here, Joppa. Please keep it up. Very exciting to watch!
@TheWickerShireProject 10 дней назад
Subbed and watching now. Notifications are on. I had fun beta testing Vanguard and wow back in the day. Enjoying this content as it goes forward! Nothing I say here pertains to Pantheon. I'm just going to ramble. Traditional classes that have a role vs an ability tree that lets you be anything. When I game I love mechanics that work together. Soloing is great for the low level mundane grind but boss or named spawned encounters is where co-op should happen. This aspect builds a community and friendships that last ages and makes a game great. Crafted vs found gear should make sense. Crafted gear being items collected and melded with wear and tear duration being greater ( repairable and upgradable ) over common items that are just there to have something to get you through until something better. Gender Locked classes are always a no no. Why infuriate players before they even start to get their feet wet. You know! Most player will agree popping open a lock chest and finding a random assortment of goods is a great feeling but, that chest could be empty! Games hardly do this. Open chest is a throw to the wind ( it's open ) Locked chest would require a baseline skill or having picks or keys found to match and open said chest. Auto item pick up should only relate to stackable items or coin as a generic reward. Weight limits and movement speeds... <- always welcomed. Mob /npc social. Will you be mass attacked or can one pull an npc without multi aggression? Banking is awesome. Auction houses can make or break a game. Tradable vs non-tradable items. Quest items imo should not be tradable. Everyone needs to earn. Crafted items always tradable. Player made tradable gear would have base stats. Mastercrafted item would be no trade and would have better stats as a reward to the maker of said item. Example. Bronze short sword would have base stats. Elegant crafted Bronze sword would be no drop/non-tradeable only usable to the crafter as a rare made item. These special made item would be further augmented slightly through crafting.Again as a reward to the crafter. Craftables making crafter unique and needed in a game. Certain crafters ( multiple ) are required to create special gear that allows for enchantment. Enchanted gear quality. I always loved the better the item the brighter and a slight bit more noticable the glow or affects added. Red weapon ( fire base ), Blue weapon ( frost ), Yellow weapon ( magic ), green ( poison ) ect... ect... This allows for a variation of needed items to create such cool things. Boss encounters that drop special components as a reward. ( Everyone gets a look at the chest rewards from a hard encounter.) 2 variations of rewards. Party reward and solo reward. Party rewards everyone gets a chance to get something they need. Solo reward types are very individual and auto looted on boss defeat. Typically it's coin or gems or quest relevant item ( again it may not drop every time meaning you'd have to have a go at it again. ) Anyway enough rambling... Hope to see more of what's to come!
@ioannistsovilis4181 10 дней назад
Will there be bow abilities also like the melee abilities?
@ioannistsovilis4181 10 дней назад
Why not make the radios of the snare trap larger? Is there going to be an ability for normal snare also? I feel asthough that would be much better than a trap
@bengtmller9666 15 дней назад
To me you will have a trouble with a summoner being even more one dimensional than the "Classic" EQ Conjurer/Magician. Even though you can "control" and time it, your vision even though you say that you can have the pet not automated is perhaps the only silver lining that I see summoners have here. I think that you should at least let the summoner have a dmg line of spells that are viable for one element, have them chose this at a higher lvl, maybe 20, like a specialisation, maybe even for the pet type as well (or as I said in another post, make the pets stronger in extreme environments that the element they are linked to). Making them into a wizard, warrior etc through the pet sounds kinda um much like an EQ pet. Have you played a mage as a main? To me it sounds like you played one in classic EQ? Although there is of course similar to the live version now, they have evolved more into having the pet be the major part of the dmg, I really like the way pets are with enhanced minion focus effects, add that with the complexity of the alternate abilities that you have to use and master in perfect synergy to get the most out of your pet. It's just not send in pet and wait, especially if you are fighting Rare mobs, or higher lvl content, where mobs hit like trucks, then your skills with timing AA's, which have pets as well if you need to deal even more dmg to survive, add some pets that are both defensive and an offensive line of pets that you can summon more of and it ties to your elemental line of dmg spell to have maximum effect, add twin cast into that and a lot more, the EQ magician is much more complex and difficult to master imo than your general statement of playing a summoner class in EQ. To me so far the summoner class in your game seems like it's very complicated, but IMO it seems way less complex to play from what you have described it, may I say a bit boring, although I haven't played the game and it's still early and a lot can happen (I sure hope so, in classic EQ yes mod rods wasn't fun but that is just a small part of a lot of cool things that an EQ mage can do now). I really hope that you get the class "right" so it may seem interesting for a EQ mage to start testing/playing, I was supposed to try the lowest tier entry point when I heard of the summoner class, but I will pass and wait for the necro to be shown. And the Coth spell, if they are summoners, why are they limited to certain areas to get players in? Being masters of elements and summoning, you would think that even the natural way would be to summon them from one space/time to another using the elements around you, that for me feels more natural. Maybe let the lower lvl "Coth" be more restrictive and as you get higher up, add more power to the spell as the summoner is more powerful and mastering the elements around him/her. As for you saying that the pet lvls up with the Summoner and will not vary in lvls in EQ when you summon them, says how much you know about pets in EQ in 2024 (they have removed the old implementation of it a long time ago 😉😊👍add EM and you will have a positive way depending on how strong it is, and of course all the skills and hps you also add with enhanced minion). Sorry if I am even more non coherent now since I haven't slept in almost 24 hours now lol 😂. Good luck on the Summoner/Conjurer/Magician class, I will be following it's progress to see if it's worth trying out now as I said, if not I can always bet on the Necro, right? 😅👍
@bengtmller9666 15 дней назад
Just one question, is this game going to be a xp grind and not even bother to find a more creative way of lvling? Are there going to be quest lines that you can do that are tied to the lore of the game, making the exploration of the game and what you face, more cohesive and give players options, especially I am thinking in the group setting that this game is going to be? (and of course to some extent solo quests that get people into the lore of the world at the same time?).
@bengtmller9666 15 дней назад
Having played and still playing a magician in EQ, when it comes to summoned items, the higher lvl you get you can summon not only better items, but actual items that persist, I think this is a good way for a summoner to progress. When it comes to the "Coth" summon, I would also perhaps have weaker versions at first like you explained, but maybe at higher lvl the summoner can call a hero to anywhere in the zone, maybe not while fighting, it can be exploited in some way? I would perhaps being a summoner give some kind of affinity to other pets, perhaps have some aoe effect that makes the summoners pet more powerful as well as the other pets (synergy). One thing I can't understand is how a master of elements couldn't even "summon" or have a root spell in EQ, still not there. One thing that I think might be a good idea is for the different Pets to evolve in their elements, meaning not only to have the basic attacks and starting ability, but add on new spells or abilities as the summoner gets stronger and can control the elements to his or her advantage. Maybe also try that a summoner can specialise in on element that will be much stronger than the others, while getting basic advancement in other fields (a general spell line might be for all summoners, or that you can change the specialisation according to the biom or that you have the ability to do so and get stronger pets and spells in the extreme zones of ice, heat etc?). A Conjurer or summoner should be the master to control the elements around him/her, I haven't played the game only watched the summoner as it is my favourite type of caster besides the necro. Too tired to even think about it anything else but just a few suggestions. EQ have done the magician, Conjurer or summoner very well, maybe as I have tried to make them stand out on each own by really specialising in one element as I tried to convey? With a class like the Summoner, I think that they lacked was being a bit diverse, like a necro is but do it using the world of elements to their disposal to make them more than just pet and conjure "cool" stuff. Don't get me wrong I love how powerful they are but you are also a caster, so controlling the elements in a complex way to dominate (or try to lol 😂) the playing field, should be something that comes with a lot of actual experience playing the game (a title like Grand Summoner should come out of how well you try to get the most out of what you are given) , literally make the mastery of elements tied to how skilled a summoner is, meaning timing things to be more powerful as the actual class,if it makes any sense at this point 😅. Ok going to end the rant here so it's somewhat coherent 😊👍. Good luck with the game and make the Summoner a master of the Elements (the base of what a summoner is, only the imagination, money and resources will limit its powers hehehe).
@mastergamerx 15 дней назад
copium in the comments vvv
@Wade-1 16 дней назад
I've been messing around playing Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning.... It appears that game from 2007/08 has better graphics than a game that might come out in 2025... that's wild.
@mc1993 17 дней назад
I had to make sure I wasn't watching this in 360p
@rastamole 18 дней назад
Really after all these years and this is the best you guys can come up with? Any tool over the age of 3 can code a better game in Roblox. You guys need to get into a new line of work. I wouldnt mind my $100 back from 8 yrs ago. This is pathetic.
@entity0984 8 дней назад
Right? I was thinking that I was seeing better animations in Asheron's Call back in 1999
@mgaming7 19 дней назад
This looks Fantastic ! good stuff Joppa
@Chronzic4 21 день назад
That's a funny looking bear. 😅
@user-lh6xn7ih9d 26 дней назад
How are you gonna take it when this game fails and ultimately shuts down?
@larslarsen439 26 дней назад
love the progress
@rastamole 18 дней назад
progress? they have been working on the same game for almost a decade. They don't know what they are doing. I didnt sign up and pay for a cartoony eq graphics that look like they are from 2002. Its really bad guys sorry, but I am not sugar coating this debacle.
@abberss 27 дней назад
@HeyItsWatson 27 дней назад
God bless this man for bringing back the class that got me through my EQteens. May it become everything it was and more.
@leedunning1825 27 дней назад
The first minute and a half and I'm busting up. Joppa's deadpan expression-priceless. And I would totally play a ranger if I could beckon a manatee.
@Nesh29 27 дней назад
*bad to the bone plays*
@Hassler247 27 дней назад
These videos are great and very informative
@brianbarrett2487 27 дней назад
How much do I have to pay to try this tomorrow?
@stevestevens9276 28 дней назад
Higher end beckons with full mastery points could be similar to the EQ mage that just lets you beckon some beast at random that was already a mob in the zone you were in. I was also a fan of the WoW warlock where the first time you summoned them you got one of the wacky names, but from then on it was always that name so you could kind of bond with it.
@raeshalgoul8505 28 дней назад
@soulreaper6980 28 дней назад
Necromancers!! How exciting!
@turinhorse 28 дней назад
that Bear dabbled in the Black Arts
@JJ-dm3lt 28 дней назад
Can you imagine paying thousands to beta test a game that has been remade 2-3 times and never went to market and nothing to show for it?
@Mr.Amazing-vx3li 27 дней назад
Can you imagaine being so stupid you say there "nothing to show for it" while watching a playable game streamed live? Oh wait..
@mugz7360 26 дней назад
Its been a fun ride!
@rastamole 18 дней назад
@@mugz7360 but has it been though?
@entity0984 8 дней назад
It looks horrible and bare bones. I have been playing Asheron's call on some emulated servers and it is amazing how much of a step down this is coming from a game made in 1999. The animations look terrible and the monsters are very boring.
@Mr.Amazing-vx3li 7 дней назад
@@entity0984 guys like you are the worst. The game looks extensively better than asherons call. I've leveled a pally and summoner into the teens. The mobs and gameplay is quite enjoyable. Never ceases to amaze me how dumb people are in these comments.
@soulreaper6980 28 дней назад
Will you be focusing on updating skills and abilities for all classes during the summoner and Ranger season or only those 2 classes for the most part?
@JoppaVash 28 дней назад
We were able to make a few positive adjustments to some of the other classes leading up to the current season, but mostly focused on Ranger/Summoner. However leading up to next season, we'll be making lots of improvements on the classes overall :)
@soulreaper6980 28 дней назад
@@JoppaVash Thank you for the update on the classes.
@raeshalgoul8505 29 дней назад
@raeshalgoul8505 29 дней назад
@raeshalgoul8505 29 дней назад
Start with the largest model you would ever what to see in game. Then divide by max number of levels, then scale to match. And done. Epic pets have effects and or abilities, even new audio. 👍
@raeshalgoul8505 29 дней назад
@GeoffsCornerOffice 29 дней назад
Love it - always main a Ranger and excited for it in Pantheon
@raeshalgoul8505 29 дней назад
@SandCannon 29 дней назад
The hilarious thing, to me, is that rangers are going be hated in this game just like they were in EQ. Because I can guarantee that running around (skirmishing) like that is going to get people killed.
@raeshalgoul8505 29 дней назад
@raeshalgoul8505 29 дней назад
@user-zq4pb1lm5k 29 дней назад
unfortuantly this game has been dead for years developers just don't want to admit it.
@bigsmk8424 29 дней назад
Been following this game since Brad announced it. Has it been a long time? Yes no doubt, but there is some real progression going on now.
@EndurroShow 29 дней назад
I’m digging it. Keep it up Joppa!
@obsidianx01 Месяц назад
It would be nice of the fire, earth and wind pet merges for the epic pet and the water pet stays as is for support. ... I would also like to see at the lvling to max take about 1500 to 2000( at 2 hours a day thats close to 2 years
@turinhorse Месяц назад
I'm quite sure Pantheon Ranger will be awesome. but i want, nay demand, VR to ban all ranger names "Legolas", "Lagolus", "Stryder", "Strider" etc etc. PERMABAN!
@noneyabusinessbro Месяц назад
...you seem reasonable.
@turinhorse Месяц назад
@@noneyabusinessbro i see you Leggolas! also no rogues named Balbo or Billbos
@joshuasawyer3198 Месяц назад
Aragorn allowed?
@turinhorse Месяц назад
@@joshuasawyer3198 rrrrrRRRRAAAAAAARRRRR
@turinhorse4232 Месяц назад
@@joshuasawyer3198 NooOO!
@blurtling Месяц назад
looking fantastic