Maynooth University Social Sciences Institute
Maynooth University Social Sciences Institute
Maynooth University Social Sciences Institute
Join us at our exciting Webinars on all things Social Science here at Maynooth University Social Science Institute (MUSSI for short)

Maynooth University Social Sciences Institute (MUSSI) is a research institute established in 2015 as part of the implementation of the University's ambitious Research Strategy (2012-2017). MUSSI will lead two of the University’s six strategic research priorities: People, Place and Environment and Social and Economic Transformations.
Feíle Mac Gréil
5 месяцев назад
Rule of law backsliding and the EU's (in)action
9 месяцев назад
Desmond Dinan   Keynote
Год назад
@TitusMaximus-g8w 2 месяца назад
O'brennan has been groomed and brainwashed since he was an unexceptional student his career facilitated by Soros and his millions so that he can further the globalist agenda.He should not be allowed near any university or student. Ukraine will always be closer to Russia than Europe stirring up old ethnic tensions in order to effect regime change in Russia is more likely the real reason for war and it has failed with the cost of many lives.
@philbbb7753 3 месяца назад
Human trafficking is horrible but 5h long…. I Would like a tldr.
@maynoothuniversitysocialsc4805 2 месяца назад
It was a full day event
@brianmac8260 4 месяца назад
Is Gaynooth a haven for deviants?
@thomaslacornette1282 Год назад
"Kievan Rus" was not Ukraine, it was just Rus or Ruthenia, Ukraine can't refer more to "Kievan Rus" (which is later given name by historians) than Russia or Bielorussia. And by the way Kievan Rus was founded in Novgorod by Swede vikings... i don't see at all whats "Ukrainian" in this. For the Coassaks later? are they even Ukrainians??? they never named themselves Ukrainians most of Coassacks disappeared during the wto world wars and civil war. Don cossacks were pro Russian. Zaporozhian Cossacks cossaks allied themselves with Russia and were deported later. So yeah it's hard to relate anything "Ukrainian" at something before 19th century... You say Putin rewriting history but you do the same.
@dwl3006 Год назад
Let people enjoy their fantasies lol.
@himpim642 Месяц назад
Off course thats why ukrain langage was supressed
@martincireg3862 23 дня назад
@@himpim642 What Ukrainian language? You mean Russian with mixed in German words and some other foreign languages?
@himpim642 22 дня назад
@@martincireg3862 i mean langaguage whcih rusian empire bannned and whcih desptie as you said is same as russian russians need to learn to understand it.that languge.
@martincireg3862 22 дня назад
@@himpim642 XD Half of my family is from Lvov the other is German. You clown.
@brownmunde0072 Год назад
Totally "living in Garden" view side Another bunch of sold out twats selling narratives
@brocksamson4245 Год назад
Great book eye opening and enraging needs to be wide read, I'll certainly do my best to promote it word of mouth
@alcheung405 Год назад
Extremely biased, one sided, and narrow minded!
@robertseaborne5758 Год назад
All war is brutal, this is not the point. Why we (including the Irish troubles) go to war is the point. Stories of neutrality capable of persuading people not to choose a side nor to resort to violence in an effort to resolve conflict; are few and far between. Consequently, a truly neutral anti war stance is very difficult and rare for any individual person to maintain.
@user-lw7qo4cf2s Год назад
Where is the logic Putin the bomb their own infrastructure,which is bringing to Russia billions?!? Russia can stop the tap,why they will destroy their own piggy bank??? Who benefits from all of this? The new energy supplier I guess...
@dwl3006 Год назад
Do you have links for the maps? I'd like to examine them.
@biulaimh3097 Год назад
Existing housing stock was deliberately inflated by FG with the 200 billion euros they borrowed since 2008. So in order to make houses affordable again and in order to reduce the national debt by 200 billion euro, existing houses need to be subjected to punitive monthly tax and the immediate consequence of delinquency needs to be the advertized sale of properties in tax arrears on a government website. Needless to say, new builds should be exempt as should first time buyers of any property. This would incentivise existing owners to sell to first time buyers and these sales would push prices down to affordable levels. Current owners would buy new houses to benefit from their tax exempt status. This would fuel a market driven construction boom with all the associated employment and benefits for the country. People who think the government is the answer really don`t understand economics.
@docastrov9013 Год назад
Did the Brits create Maynooth?
@cathalsheehan9596 Год назад
Please god tell me Michael Kealy is going to call it a day after this year.
@joeykavanagh5970 Год назад
Really enjoyed this - thanks to the organisers and all the panelists!
Glad you enjoyed it!
@davidpryle3935 Год назад
The Trade union woman’s characterisation of Brexit is strange. When you consider that Britain’s most militant trade union the RMT, with very successful leaders like Bob Crow and Mick Lynch, have always been opposed to Britain’s membership of what they see as the neoliberal European Union.
@VARMOT123 Год назад
It is so are a gazillion other tiny rich countries that are leaches on the world's poor .
@napertandy3579 Год назад
Is that where Lea Doherty got the idea of putting curry into the *milkshake before that violent vindictive attack she was convicted of against Rowan Croft?
@napertandy3579 Год назад
The only lynching, and attacks were by Mark Malone's crusty friends in Antifa and PBP and the rest of the nutters throwing bottles, smoke bombs at a Free Speech rally with elderly people, children etc at the Dail. Then we saw the violent armed attack by PBP and Mark's friends in Antifa again at the National Party Ard Fheis. That was grevious bodily harm, people were hospitalised. There have been 0 attacks like that on the crusties, no equivalence of Antifa thugs in the Irish patriots. You pigs with your namecalling are problem. For money you label people, you support Antifa beating up and threatening people, you doxx, bully, slander people, and you support 100% the violence against NP, an unarmed political opposition to the Government. This level of massimmigration is unsustainable, if you traitors weren't paid to prop it up, you wouldnt' be supporting the madness. The funding of taxpayer money into NGOs filling the country with fakeugees is ludicrous. This will be defunded. We have already well over 1 million non Irish here. We are losing 10s of 1000s irish people to emigration every year, there is nothing offered to Irish people. We MUST reverse this madness. It is time to defund the leeches and traitors in NGOs, to close the borders, to mass DEPORT 800,000 nonIrish and incentivise Irish to return. 3.7million indigenous in a tiny population is not acceptable. How dare you push for Irish genocide and label, doxx, attack decent Irish people fighting for basic survival. Each one of you is responsible for war crimes, for the increase in stabbings, rapes, violence and murders. Even if there is just one murder by one of YOUR imports, you should stand trial and your assets compensate the victims. I didn't see you standing to help the families of the gay men beheaded in Sligo by a radical muslim. I don't see you speaking out against the rape culture immigrants who are raping Irish women, 46 convicted in the first 6 weeks of 2023. There is no far right, there is an engineered population replacement, there is a very violent cohort of immigrants, there are too many immigrants of all types here already. Your lies are all falling apart, and the destruction you are responsible for will be placed at your door.
@christophercoffey4231 Год назад
It's because of climate change. Down with that sort of thing.
@dobrasilaomundo.8086 Год назад
He invented it, you cannot never deny it.
@dwl3006 Год назад
Do you have sources or proof for that? I am writing a paper on it.
@funki4896 Год назад
Yeah he travelled back in time to 1187 and single handedly invented a whole country, culture and language. Lenin indeed was such a genius 🤣
@dwl3006 Год назад
@@funki4896 Ukraine as a country did not exist until the 19th century.
@funki4896 Год назад
@@dwl3006 the *STATE* of Ukraine did not exist in 1187 as well as Germany (Federal Republic of Germany) and most other countries either - so what? Ukraine as a *COUNTRY* did in fact exist even though the *STATE* was called Rus. We often refer to Koninkrijk der Nederlanden (Kingdom of the Netherlands) as "Holland" which is the name of a part of the kingdom and Holland is very real and it exists but not as an independant state. Same with most other countries - Germany was splintered in many tiny states but the *COUNTRY* existed. If you are from the Commonwealth of Nations or from the US it is nothing strange that you don't get the difference at first because there is no ethnic American or Brit. For instance England is very real to this day even though it is not an independant state.
@dwl3006 Год назад
@@funki4896 Rus is as Russian as it is Ukrainian. So if you admit that Rus is the Ukrainian identity, then you admit that Ukrainians and Russians are from the same source.
@16psyco Год назад
if Ukraine won, what will happen to the separatist's region ? Can Ukraine be unified once again after this war without making retaliation against the population from the separatist region ? I want Ukraine to win (really, am french and i am proud that we send heavy stuff to help the ukraine military) but i actually don't know if it is a wise decision to accept the reunification of Ukraine. Since the Maïdan revolution, the Ukrainian government show the world that they were unable to make a compromise with the separatists, so really I don't know the right solution. And plz stop trying to justify the Maïdan revolution, it was an undemocratic putsch that is at the start of all this mess ! If the Ukrainian far-right had waited for the election, none of this shit would have happened... And nor the Eu or the US have any contractual obligation to help Ukraine so be a little bit thankful about it... Ask Armenia or Yemen to see if they have the same amount of help as Ukraine has....
@UnrepentantFenian Год назад
good to see taxes being spent to attack citizens who also pay tax but dont swear allegiance to globohomo
@jackholman5008 Год назад
Fake Russia was created by ukraine because kiev is in Ukraine;kievan russ is ukraine stop spreading russian propaganda you liers
@berniestephens4506 Год назад
This video is excellent - very informative. And thank you for making it available for all to hear 👍🏼🇮🇪
@Jaysonbc1234 2 года назад
What did Socialists use before Candles?.... Electricity!!!
@ClaireR-zk2ge 2 года назад
Irish people historically have been on the receiving end of discrimination and oppression and are still one of the most hospitable nations.
@captainteeling7002 2 года назад
@booney1412 2 года назад
There is no far right in ireland, just regular right. you know, decent people that believe in God, are against abortion and despise pedophiles and criminality in general.
@macattack619 Год назад
@liamneeson9628 2 года назад
What kind of shite are our young people 'learning' at university now? Far left extremist politics? Who is driving this agenda?
@macattack619 Год назад
@brianboru7684 2 года назад
Nigeria has banned foreign actors in advertising 😆
@ronan582 2 года назад
@rodger3352 2 года назад
Amazing session ! :)
@TheObe1977 2 года назад
And yet Europeans are being openly genocided via mass third world immigration, where the indigenous populations of Europe are heading for extinction all whilst being told they are vile racists for not welcoming this evil with open arms .
@MeMyPCandI 2 года назад
Zelensky gained some weight..
@dwl3006 Год назад
That's can happen when you embezzle billions of dollars overnight.
@gmail8483 2 года назад
Good riddance to the UK. Drenched in the blood of innocent Irish men, women, and children.
@Mithradates_of_Los_Angeles 2 года назад
👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻How about the far left that has ALREADY TAKEN OVER YOUR NATION? How has anything right of the far left become the “far right” even centrists and moderates/ independents ! Smh, what happened to the Irish people? Very sad!
@stephen4032 2 года назад
How will you censor the news when we need to talk about grooming gangs in Ireland?
@irisheye7430 2 года назад
Anyone else sick of this shit? Why are we putting up with this anti Irish racism?
@ollieoleary 2 года назад
There is no far right in Ireland, sorry, as much as you try to manifest it to have something to 'rally' against.
@macattack619 Год назад
@Tina_K 2 года назад
you are just a cult
@macattack619 Год назад
And what are you the same . Spa
@ciarancosgrave 2 года назад
I like Turtles.
@praisebewibble 2 года назад
It's quite disturbing that these people are in positions of power and influence. How far must we fall before we shout stop.
@Mithradates_of_Los_Angeles 2 года назад
👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 unfortunately they have completely taken over your nation according to many of the Irish commentators I have listened to!
@naradaian 2 года назад
total silence during lockdown - the only name mentioned in this that i knew of was John Waters…. right wing ireland? - apparently they have targets amongst working classes and unions …who knew, and now we support Fascists proxy armies in Ukraine -
@steved7961 2 года назад
About 25 views a month so far. This is obviously a matter which is deeply troubling to many people! A non-problem resolved by self-important lefties at significant cost to the Irish public. Way to go, social scientists.
@willpeony5534 2 года назад
September 2022, I've brought it up to 27 views. These are clearly clever people but they haven't figured out that the more educated someone is, the less children they'll have. Idiocracy (2006) would be a better use of your time and it's shorter than this video.
@steved7961 2 года назад
How can you fight something that you haven't defined? What does 'far right' mean to the authors, what did it mean to their responders and what does it mean to the average person? They are probably totally different. I would probably qualify as 'far right' in the light of the authors' specialities and interests but would be regarded as reasonable and common place by my peers and contemporaries. The fact that it is proved possible to write a series of meaningless phrases and get the results peer reviewed and published says a great deal about the current state of 'social sciences' in which 'words mean exactly what the social scientists decided that they mean - e.g. far right = anything slightly to the right of Lenin.
@jondavidgriffin 2 года назад
Why is it that the left is populated by people uniquely unattractive to the opposite sex, and does this explain their obsession with a 'Far Right' that no-one else can detect?
@pbegley99 2 года назад
What these people consider “far right” are what were normal mainstream moderate conservative political opinions fifty or sixty years ago.
@ciarancosgrave 2 года назад
Less than that even.
@Tina_K 2 года назад
everything that is even slightly to the right of them
@Mithradates_of_Los_Angeles 2 года назад
What they consider “far right “ is anything right of the far left even centrists!
@brianboru7684 2 года назад
"Post-fact" lol
@Mithradates_of_Los_Angeles 2 года назад
Wtf is pos- fact?
@brianboru7684 2 года назад
55:43 30% "anti-choice" not pro-life lol.
@yagsipcc287 2 года назад
Hahahaha anything that is against the current thing is muh far right. God you people are beyond saving 😂😂