To Be The Church
To Be The Church
To Be The Church
Equipping the Church to be the church.
Ben Got a New Plate
День назад
Don't Use Your Cell Phone On Friday
Месяц назад
Apocrypha Books: Why Were They Excluded?
2 месяца назад
Ideal Marriage Ceremony, Pastor or Anyone?
2 месяца назад
Victims, Your Comments, and Hobby Lobby
3 месяца назад
Biblical Baptism: Who, Where, When, And How
3 месяца назад
"Victims Of The Accept Jesus Heresy"
3 месяца назад
Can We Seek After God, or Does He Seek Us?
4 месяца назад
Should Christians Watch The Chosen?
4 месяца назад
Churches And Their Sunday Song Selection
5 месяцев назад
Would You Phone In A Sermon?
5 месяцев назад
Preaching for Good Friday and Easter
6 месяцев назад
The 2024 Election is Here
6 месяцев назад
Does God Intentionally Cause Harm?
7 месяцев назад
Must I Be Baptized?
7 месяцев назад
Our Statement of Faith
7 месяцев назад
God Told Me the 49ers Would Win the Super Bowl
7 месяцев назад
@garrisonbeehives5959 4 дня назад
What did I say this time? Continue to preach Gods word. Jesus is coming back soon no matter which party we might worship.
@spweber54 4 дня назад
Great topic and extremely timely! I love Andrew's quote, 'The Gospel intersects with politics, but the Gospel is not partisan'. Great way to describe the reality of Jesus as King, but remembering our mission - to reach the lost and disciple the saved. We can scream our political convictions so loudly, that the lost won't hear the Gospel, or see Jesus in us. Years ago, I had 12,000 followers on Twitter, 2,000 on Instagram and 500 on Facebook. But 3 years ago, like Tyler, I honestly assessed the time I was spending on social media and the political back and forth was disturbing my spirit, so I DELETED EVERYTHING, and the change on my spirit was 100% improved! "All things are permissable, but not all things are beneficial." Social media involvement fits that Scripture quite well.
@michaelball869 5 дней назад
our bodies have a system called endocannabinoid. it is very much positively affected by proper medical marijuana. remember who created our body and who created the seed.
@BubblyBibleGirl 10 дней назад
This is not so much as a game as it is an interesting unorthodox guided discussion. 😅 If this was rebranded, it could be way more successful 👍🎉
@BubblyBibleGirl 10 дней назад
This was really cute to watch. These guys were obviously uncomfortable talking about these kinds of things with each other (hence some of the mockery & silliness), but at the same time, the game was a great scapegoat for them to actually talk about such things. ❤
@3BadBostons 11 дней назад
Sounds to me like this guy's never smoked weed in his life and he wants to write a book on it. I would guess he's never been drunk either. Look I don't want to put anybody under any undue bondage that's extra biblical either so in lieu of what alcohol does I choose to smoke marijuana. And the Bible does not forbid alcohol it forbids being a drunk. Big difference. So if I'm thankful to the Lord or something he created that does help me relax and sleep and doesn't take me away from his presence or change my conscience why wouldn't I. Recreational might even be a bad word to use for my marijuana habit I would say therapeutically. I also enjoy caffeine nicotine sugar trans fat and red meat and I thank God for every bit of it and more. Everybody wants to worry about what is sin and what is not sin if you abide in Christ he will wash you
@mikedearing6352 15 дней назад
Moderation is huge, knowing when to abstain...and why you might do that. Following the legal restrictions. I've lied to myself often so, watch out for that one to. I over did some edibles the other night and lost my coping abilities..ie.. focusing on stressful realities I normally don't stress about, normally coping well enough.
@gabrieljohnson1854 15 дней назад
Genisis 1:29
@JoMama-ub5wb 18 дней назад
Thanks for the laugh today. 😂
@spweber54 18 дней назад
Humorous podcast today, and lighthearted to end the week. However, it did bring up something that has always concerned me. The worship songs that simply repeat over and over and over and over again. To be honest, at 70 years of age, I grew up with the classic hymns, with stanzas and repeating refrains..... But, to sing the same line over and over and over and over just seems..... well.... too simplistic, maybe? But, then, the Scripture declares that in Revelation 4:8-11, the four living creatures sing "Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, Who was and is and is to come!" day and night..... So, I guess there's biblical support.. 😉
@JoMama-ub5wb 18 дней назад
I guess it depends what we are repeating 😊
@williamburroughs2273 19 дней назад
God gave us marijuana and He also installed the endocannabinoid receptor system in the human body. In light of Genesis 1, I think God gave us marijuana because He wants us to use it and enjoy it. Weed presents an opportunity to see where our heart lies - do we enjoy what God has given us because He is good, or do we shun weed and badmouth an aspect of God's Creation because it offends our religious legalistic flesh? Are you going to tell God He was wrong to give us marijuana? Liberate your mind from religious slavery!
@briaredpath9386 10 дней назад
@michaelball869 5 дней назад
it was created by the Creator and also pharmaceutical companies are evil
@hillbillyheadcam1729 19 дней назад
It is mentioned. In Genesis. You were given EVERY seed bearing plant for food, ie consumption. It is a seed bearing plant.
@frosty8244 20 дней назад
KJV Genesis 1:29-31, ❤
@frosty8244 20 дней назад
I have stage 4 renal carcinoma/lung cancer I use it for that it helps, God put it here for us to use and said it is not just good but very good, so for me I would use it for preventive measures for maintenance for my body. I'm surviving 4 years now and I give my Lord in Heaven the praise and glory.
@thatguyitsme7707 22 дня назад
Proverbs 3:5-7 … Genesis 1:29-31. Anyone who seeks another man’s opinion for their authority is a literal idiot.
@marygarcia4070 23 дня назад
But what about when new people come in should we not offer alter calls so they could have a chance to repent of their sins and then be a new creature in Christ.
@spweber54 23 дня назад
Another great podcast! The benefits of 5 interdependent churches is becoming more and more evident as this topic is discussed. I write this after our absolutely wonderful 5 church gathering last evening. A future challenge will be to balance the desire for each church to keep its individual personality and letting the Holy Spirit move it 'uniquely', and not trying to conform all 5 family churches to be moving at the same speed. 🙏
@joshfulps1648 Месяц назад
Glad to see the Truly can is still alive and well
@spweber54 Месяц назад
An honest and sincere question, but you guys answered it superbly. As a newcomer, it is so clear to me that this is a Holy Spirit guided move, and an answer to many, many prayers. I've been a part of well intentioned churches that 'talk' about collaboration with other churches and the desire to 'reach the surrounding areas with the Gospel', but it never translates into real movement.... Rather it just means the Senior Pastor has frequent coffee get togethers with other Pastors. Now, God is going to do some awesome evangelistic events with our NGC family of churches, while keeping all of them healthy, since we are keeping our focus on His Word and our Matthew 28 mission. 🙌
@tonyvillena1985 Месяц назад
Any one that impersonate Jesus Christ is Cursed
@spweber54 Месяц назад
Great reminders for ALL Christians, regardless of where they are in their season of life. Some seasons are more hectic and fast paced than others, but we must always STRIVE to periodically check ourselves as to whether we are intentionally getting the refreshing our bodies, minds and souls need! 🙌
@billyrobinson6803 Месяц назад
Yeah but even animals have ways to feel a sense of well being by simply brushing up against certain plants 🪴
@mik823 Месяц назад
This is nonsense. Marijuana is King.
@pckid6780 Месяц назад
I hope MJ gets you into heaven.
@mik823 Месяц назад
@@pckid6780 it gets me there a lot quicker than the hypocrite alcoholic cigarette smoking opioid pill popping drug addicted priest's and monk's from the monastery near me will ever get..
@mik823 Месяц назад
@@pckid6780 marijuana is King ✌️
@makingtoast 13 дней назад
​@@pckid6780 michael jackson will get him to heaven? 😂😂😂
@3BadBostons 11 дней назад
No Jesus is king marijuana is just a creation he gave us
@StoryFlexMedia Месяц назад
I’ve been following To Be The Church and appreciate the deep dive into equipping the Church. It’s evident that your content is rich with valuable insights. However, I noticed that your subscriber growth and engagement might benefit from a few enhancements. Here’s how I can assist: SEO & Thumbnail Optimization: Improve your video titles, descriptions, and thumbnails to attract more viewers and boost visibility in searches. Shorts Strategy: Create 4-5 compelling shorts from your longer videos, designed to capture key moments and insights. These will be uploaded to platforms like TikTok and Instagram Reels to extend your reach. Growth Plan: Develop a customized strategy to increase your subscriber count and viewer engagement, leveraging targeted promotions and audience interaction techniques. I believe these steps will significantly enhance your channel’s growth and impact. Let’s discuss how we can make this happen!
@Snippets-of-Mendi Месяц назад
I'm experiencing a real struggle seeing much Christ-like behavior at the center of today's Christian Nationalism movement. If the goal is spreading the love of Jesus and His message they are failing horribly. I see so many things that make me cringe and seem so far from God's word and the model for how we should live as Christians. God gave everyone a free will to choose Him and while there are so many problems in our country, I greatly value the religious freedoms we ALL enjoy today and I don't think any political party (right or left) should take away the freedom to make that personal choice. Thank you for reminding us this messy world is temporary and Jesus is our only true savior from any of it.
@spweber54 Месяц назад
Great topic and very timely, as well. If we are trying to 'win' unbelieving family members to Christ, we need to not only be able to explain 'why' we vote for certain individuals or political parties, but we must also be very sensitive and loving in our explanations. Our biblical 'worldview' must be 'seen' by them as we are living, acting and talking consistent with that biblical 'worldview', otherwise they will simply write us off as hypocrites and we will harm our future opportunities to witness to them. Voting is a right and a sacred privilege, so the mature Christian should do his/her research/homework on candidates for office and be able to say why or why not that person deserves their vote. Understanding that God is Sovereign and puts government leaders in place should in no way circumvent our duty to vote. This is similar to prayer, witnessing and every other aspect of the Christian life.... We do these things out of loving, grateful obedience to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
@spweber54 Месяц назад
Really appreciate further breakdown, explanations and history on the 5 churches. This is extremely helpful for newcomers to NGC, like my wife and myself, to gain a better understanding of the why's and wherefore's. It makes perfect sense to me, and I see it as a Sovereign and unique work of the Holy Spirit, and an answer to many prayers. I remember the unique work the Holy Spirit did at Willow Creek church (Chicago) in the late 1980's, early 90's and how many churches around the world tried to copy/paste that model to their own local churches, only for many churches to be disappointed later. I truly believe that God works Sovereignly, regionally and uniquely with His bride to accomplish the Great Commission. 🙌
@robertzarfas9556 2 месяца назад
Ben happy anniversary, I still remember the day where you sat by Andrea at lunch and became the first 7th grader ever to be invited to sit at the 8th grade table. Oh the days! 😂
@TransformationMatters80 2 месяца назад
When you decide to stop living in the world, I hate to break it to you there's no such thing as medical marijuana in christianity. Point blank. Mankind has taken advantage of the plants the jesus gave us in genesis 1 29,31. Also in the genesis 3 chapter, Adam and his wife ate from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, and jesus wasn't having it, there's a reason why, marijuana opens the doors to demonds okay? No matter how little you take, whether it gets you high or not, it sinks into your spirit which leads to more temptation, more sin, and a falling away from Jesus, it's sorcery, farmacia, and witchcraft. Case closed.
@michaels1130 2 месяца назад
I just peed myself. I haven't laughed that hard in a while to hear someone compare purifying the priests with a man getting shot in the ear is ridiculous
@spweber54 2 месяца назад
Another timely and helpful topic! I can't tell you how many times over the years someone in my church family would come up to me and say, 'Stan I really messed up. I posted such-and-such on Facebook and now I'm getting really nasty feedback. I think my Christian credibility is shot'...... And for that person, it was true. Many of their followers now had a dim view or sour taste of Christianity due to their inaccurate post of taking Scripture out of context'. Good on you, Pastor Ben, for posting to your Facebook feed that admonishment! 👍
@cherylblossom8687 2 месяца назад
Cannabis does not always create Distortion of reality the cannabinoid system was designed by the body through Christ Jesus and God to forget pain ptsd is lowerd through this'as well as keep ozmatosi Which is the natural way that sells die and are replaced which is why cannabis helps with things like cancer a man in New Zealand who cured his cancer with high doses of cannabis his name was Rick Simpson and hence why people that take this today call it Rick Simpson Oil if you don't know anything about a subject except that it might get you to a different mindset then you don't have any right to speak on it
@BayareaGospel 2 месяца назад
The Catholic OT Canon (also the numbering of the Psalms) came from the ancient Greek Septuagint Bible. Protestants wrongly place the deuterocanonicals (seven Old Testament books) as apocrypha. This is completely incorrect all ancient manuscripts like the dead sea scrolls and the septuagint have the 7 missing books. Almost every Christian for 1500 years accepting them as scripture 382 AD: The Council of Rome, led by Pope Damasus I, establishes the 73-book scriptural canon Martin luther a very deranged man started a movement to break away from the Catholic church and removed them from his Bible so he could teach false doctrine, he also wanted to remove revelation and James. To say these books arent scripture is rejecting gods word and his church.
@mizzball2663 2 месяца назад
Hey, So I don't know if you guys give shout outs. Skip this comment if not, But. My All time Best friends I've Ever had in my life, Just made there own podcast called ( Crossroads Conversations ) on RU-vid and soon Spotify, They made it with the motivation of being an inspiration to young Christian men, and in there first episode they talked about Loving the future generation, as Christ not only loved those in His time But also us Now. Quite a interesting subject especially for todays society and our questionable future generation. Point is I was wondering if you guys could give them a shoutout and or read this comment on a video, These guys truly mean so much to me and they have been So Beneficial for my faith and mental health, Seeing there podcast take off would be Awesome!. I love you guys Very much, you Always inspire me every day, Thankyou.
@spweber54 2 месяца назад
Happy Friday! Appreciated today's topic, as I grew up Catholic in New Orleans, was an Altar boy, learned the Mass in Latin and went to Catholic high school. But, at age 38 after hearing and reading the Scriptures I became born again and proceeded to leave the Roman Catholic church. Ben did a great job of explaining some of the points as to why we don't consider the additional books to be Scripture, but they make for good history just like the writings of Josephus. My heart still is very sensitive to reaching Catholics for Christ, as most live without assurance of going to heaven. Unless you die with an unconfessed mortal sin, which sends you straight to Hell, you are consigned to an unknown amount of time in Purgatory, atoning for all your sins before eventually reaching Heaven. Which is why if you ask a typical Catholic if they're going to Heaven they will often respond with 'I hope so', because they have no assurance. My testimony can be found at www.stanweber.com/id4.html
@christyschmidt3997 2 месяца назад
Can you speak to the other side regarding those who believe that marriage is only a spiritual union and that it does not need to be made legal in order for it to be a legitimate marriage.
@spweber54 2 месяца назад
Back in Colorado, when I was the interim Sr. Pastor at our Conservative Baptist church, I officiated a wedding where several of us men were each carrying our concealed firearm, since we had a concern the bride's ex-husband might show up and cause some trouble. He didn't, thankfully, and it was a beautiful wedding in the Colorado foothills. 😊
@TheShadow.1 3 месяца назад
If God promises to save all who believe and then you begin to watch those who believed to determine by their works if they are saved, then you're actually waiting to see if God really kept His promise.
@protestanttoorthodox3625 3 месяца назад
Reject Protestant heresy. Accept Holy Orthodoxy ☦️
@sportsfanforever100 3 месяца назад
Ephesians 2:8-9 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and not of yourselves: it is the gift of God. Not of works, lest any man should boast.
@taco564 3 месяца назад
Not a single Christian says works save you. Faith that doesn't produce works is not true faith.
@sportsfanforever100 3 месяца назад
@@taco564 You see how you backloaded works. No where does it say he who believes and produces works will have everlasting life.
@taco564 3 месяца назад
@@sportsfanforever100 "What use is it, my brethren, if someone says he has faith but he has no works? Can that faith save him?" (James 2:14) "For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them" (Ephesians 2:10) "If you love me, you will keep my commandments" (John 14:15) "A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Thus, you will recognize them by their fruits" (Matthew 7:18-20) Time and time again it's mentioned. Also, look at the lives of saints and forefathers... The church came 100 years before the bible. Traditions of the church and lives of Saints paint us clear pictures. Jesus did NOT fail to establish the church. He promised the Holy spirit would guide the apostles. What makes you think Protestantism is correct 1600 years after Jesus. Jesus must have failed then I guess?....
@sportsfanforever100 3 месяца назад
@taco564 exactly my brethren. Meaning what? They are already saved. It does not profit another individual if you say you have faith but you do not show it. It doesnt mean your not saved. What James is referring to is chastisment. Hebrews 12:6-11 talks about God chastising his children. You only become a child of God after you have been saved. Galatians 3:26 tells us we are all the childeren of God by faith in Jesus Christ. Not by our works.
@taco564 3 месяца назад
@@sportsfanforever100 You’re so dense. Keep on your ways
@Pastor_Grant 3 месяца назад
I've never met a pastor who preaches "receive Jesus" and then you're all set, no need to do anything else so just sit back and enjoy your free ticket. With that said people who preach against cheap grace are accused of works salvation. Opinions and tensions run high on this but when people sit down and talk about it we tend to agree more than we disagree. The real issue I think is over once saved always saved vs Perseverance of the Saints. Those who teach you can lose your salvation so you better be living the life or else you might lose salvation at any moment, that does sound like works righteousness to me.
@TheShadow.1 3 месяца назад
I think it gets down to perhaps more basic questions. " For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures". Christ died for my sins. Well did He or not? "But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name" If I received him, and He promised to save me, if I then wait to see if I produce works to prove Im saved it just means I'm waiting to see if God kept His promise.
@dixiedouch 3 месяца назад
How are you going to say the language of scripture is so important then proceed to quote it in a language it wasn't originally written in? Hersey was the correct way to address this issue. When the basis of your worship is sola sciptora it leaves doors open to heretics. Everyone can "discern" whatever they want and create new theology. This is what happens when you take the Bible out of the context of the church and its traditional use.
@thegospelmeetslife.2021 3 месяца назад
Warning anecdote: Growing up in church it was a constant decision making factory the discipleship side of the house struggled. However, God in his mercy led me to a place where discipleship did happen. Where men held my feet to the fire and said you must give up your sin. Now does my conversion not count? I would say no and the reason why is because I knew 2 things I was a sinner and Jesus paid the debt. When we walk with God we truly carefully consider our salvation with fear and trembling. We know that we are saved. The assurance is there. However we become more and more aware of the sin we do commit and the condition of our heart. Which from what I have experienced changes more and more towards the desires of God.
@NC-vz6ui 3 месяца назад
This is so confusing. I don't think it as simple as saying if you are a Christian you will hate sin. Part of the lure of sin is that you like it. Saying you hate it doesn't make you hate it. I think these are just litmus tests that Christians try and put out to see who is in an who is out. When in reality, we have to trust Jesus and not be concerned.
@arthurw8054 3 месяца назад
Great comment, and really well said, thank you.
@TheShadow.1 3 месяца назад
1 john 2:1 "My little children, these things write I unto you, that ye sin not." What a ridiculous statement to make to people who aren't going to ever sin. 😉
@pedroallen 3 месяца назад
I think about this topic a lot especially when it comes to Christian camps. Young life does a good job of building up the previous day during there camps to end with Jesus dying and resurrecting. The campers by then are more likely to comprehend and apprehend what is salvation. Other camps seem to offer a lot behavior modification by way of scripture and when a camper “accepts” that they believe they are saved. I just want our campers to know and see Jesus.
@pedroallen 3 месяца назад
5:41 when it starts
@CCiPencil 3 месяца назад
He does
@spweber54 3 месяца назад
As always, great back and forth on interesting topics, gentlemen!
@painterboy454 4 месяца назад
Marriage is soooooo simple when you do it God's way according to His Word. The husband must be totally surrendered, submitted and obedient to God, walking continually in the Spirit. The wife must be totally surrendered, submitted and obedient to God, walking in the Spirit. Then the two of you together can experience the fullness of your roles in Ephesians 5:22&25. You will then both go from Glory to Glory, day after day being led by Holy Spirit. It's available to any believer. You both just have want Jesus more than anything else!!
@evangelineingwerson6679 4 месяца назад
Hobby Lobby is supposed to be Christian owed but yet they supply their store with Disney Decor. When are you going to make the public aware of this?