



PIKABOO LOST THIS 1v1? Birthday arenas!
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@ryanb4268 16 часов назад
Who is Absterge playing with?
@Rebecca-sz4pr 17 часов назад
what's the addon that shows enemy status icon besides their health bar?
@lc2587 День назад
Looks good. But knowing blizzard, they gonna do something stupid and make it unplayable and cause priests to be 80% of the ladder like the past 2 expansions.
@tomselby24 День назад
u dont play barrier faith either
@absterge 12 часов назад
barrier isn't best at all times, typically best against heavy single target damage. fury war, ret sometimes depending on their partner, hunters sometimes, etc.
@erikmagnusson2924 День назад
So holy paladins issue is mana management?
@Chrye_xx 3 дня назад
@woodz7504 4 дня назад
I actually stopped watching stergr after that new thumbnail face photo 🤣
@Derz9 3 дня назад
Adderall face. My cousin has the same expression lol.
@frankie2086 5 дней назад
WoW PvP is terrible, I only forced myself to play it for the elite armor set and then after I got 1800 rating I unsubbed. WoW PvP is chain CC into chain CC into chain CC, just absolute trash horrible experience.
@Nick-fb9nt 4 дня назад
Yeah, I’ve been learning healing and was all excited to play arenas. Had been playing BG. Every single game is non stop CC unless you are hiding behind pillars. You pop trinket then get full cycloned and have your team screaming at you for not saving them. It has been a pretty horrible experience so far. I honestly don’t even understand why stuns are needed in pvp. You should have to outplay people with your abilities. Not just have a bunch of buttons that make people unable to play. So boring.
@frankie2086 4 дня назад
@@Nick-fb9nt Yea I was playing healer as well (Holy Priest), it felt very luck based and I would usually win 3 and lose 3. Seemed like DPS really made the difference in each round and the healers just kind of cancel each other out. It's so chaotic too in a bad way, I could barely even look at my screen and had to focus on looking at health bars the entire time because people get bursted so fast. I don't understand how people can actually enjoy WoW PvP. 🤮
@krooxswe488 День назад
@@frankie2086 cry some more
@frankie2086 День назад
@@krooxswe488 I'm not really crying or butthurt over it I'm just making a statement that WoW PvP is horrible. Even Lost Ark PvP felt better than WoW PvP.
@jesuscollazo4303 5 дней назад
I can complain about Druid’s and evos they need big mana nerf .
@absterge 5 дней назад
Everyone seems to have good mana, not sure how itll be on launch, still a long ways to go! Right now Druid/Rsham/Evoker seem to be the most OP
@kalasmournrex1470 6 дней назад
Also that DK is Partywaffles 😂
@Shadysu1 6 дней назад
GGs I was the DK, I played bad this game sorry :( it was my first game of the day
@Torresgamingchannel 7 дней назад
Paladin rollercoaster is always an interesting time
@Jdtv689 7 дней назад
Isnt divine favour passive now? Why is it still on bar?:)
@Jdtv689 7 дней назад
oh this isnt beta;D my bad
@Paladan_ 8 дней назад
When did sterge get tats
@absterge 7 дней назад
november, then june
@Aikicyoaz 8 дней назад
ok I am really stuck, rsham mistweaver or rdruid? I really want to heal. Not sure what I should sink my time into for all content
@cenciqt6045 8 дней назад
hard to tell this close to TWW honestly I would say spend your time leveling everything you need
@Aikicyoaz 7 дней назад
@@cenciqt6045 I just started back up after years of hibernation lolol. I don't know what I need.
@Ali-cr9ex 7 дней назад
@@Aikicyoazrsham is not bad rn and looks rlly good in TWW, start there.. wouldn’t waste ur time with mistweaver unless ur a big RBG guy and druid is always good
@Aikicyoaz 6 дней назад
@@Ali-cr9ex ohhhh I see your point. I might have to re roll. Been practicing fistweaving
@absterge 8 дней назад
Druid is pretty solid I’d say!
@OG_Loudermilk 10 дней назад
You think we’ll be able to get away with no NS because of Ancestors?
@absterge 10 дней назад
I dont think so, because without NS talented, ancestral swiftness doesn't spawn an ancestor. It only spawns one if you have NS talented
@OG_Loudermilk 10 дней назад
@@absterge ahh i see i was wondering how that worked. Appreciate the answer!
@Xaphorius 11 дней назад
Holy paladin`s problem now is gonna be mana compared to other healers unfortunately. as you can see MW was full mana the entire game for example.
@verminosis1 11 дней назад
that's is the number one problem in pvp. and play against 1800 and up multy glad and awc player. what the meaning of rating? i hope in new expation they fix it some how. battle net... on class, on speck or make like you can use 4-5 alts for rated pvp. i dont know but they should fix that
@sweatydaniels1780 12 дней назад
For Frodo (the algorithms name is Frodo)
@Bobbie91 13 дней назад
Change ur title to “They made Resto Shaman fun again” cuz enha is not fun at all … its abomination and its deadge
@13samfootball 13 дней назад
Not enh though 😤😤😤
@boganbattalion7088 13 дней назад
People act like new season or new expansion means more power but all they are doing is rewinding all our progress and then making us grind to get back to where we are? It's a stupid and backwards system that needs to be fixed. Who am I kidding this game is just getting worse and worse
@absterge 13 дней назад
@@boganbattalion7088 what
@boganbattalion7088 13 дней назад
Look at that rogue that ended up taking his own life, he only played this game because someone handed him a pre built rogue! Imagine how many people would be willing to play this game if it was it's own game away from the mmo and all the boring grinding PVE that is mind numbingly boring. the game can only die from here and the best way to see why this game doesn't have much time left is the fact that no young talents have appeared? If the pro's that dominate the game are not being replaced by younger and better talents it's because no new players want to even bother
@glndopangamer 13 дней назад
You clearly didn't watch the last AWC tourneys...
@boganbattalion7088 13 дней назад
This is exactly why I am starting to hate playing wow, PVP and PVE are two separate communities so why are they not separate games? We need an arena and bg's only game with an open world we can world pvp in, they can still keep their stupid rip off subs but so many players would come try the game, I have a lot of friends that all say they would love to play the game but they don't want to go through all the BS they have to go through just to play 1 small part of the game! I am sick to death of having to get gear on a characters I have not played for a while and I am fed up with the nerfs and buffs for raids that affects us in PVP, if they separate the 2 they can tune them separate and give us a more complete game that so many more would enjoy. We should just get gear with set stats that we can choose from and then they can just charge for tmogs and mounts. All I know is I have had enough and I am not the only one, blizzard think by trying to ensure we have to be at our pc 24/7 it keeps us playing but it destroys the game and turns so many away. What I would give to be able to just log in when not a work and just have the right gear to be able to play the part I love, I could literally just play a few games a night and have a ball but the way it is now is a joke and I am done
@flexzuu 13 дней назад
would be cool to get a healing class overview video from you as the beta status get more stable, kinda talking about the strength and weaknesses of the available healers for pvp
@Oblivionplayer12345 13 дней назад
I highly doubt the earth shield won't get nerfed, otherwise you would just heal by spamming earth shield
@6Churches 13 дней назад
DEL-youge (like huge) not Deh-LOOGE
@therockontheshelf 13 дней назад
I really hope at least one shaman spec is S tier this expansion, have we ever been S tier in recent memory lol?
@Knasern 13 дней назад
Tier lists are and will forever be dogshit to look at for any comparison. When you look at the best people of their class, you can clearly see they manage to stay in the top 1% just fine, heck even the 0.1% has every class in it. If you class/specc is in the top 1% you are "S tier" People just stopped realizing they are bad when tier lists came out, thinking if they rerolled cause of a "tier list" from a content creator that they would automaticly be best but fail to realize they are an average player barely managing do to anything remotely close to what the actual "meta" or " s-tier" classes are doing. Therefore Tier lists are complete and utter waste
@therockontheshelf 13 дней назад
@@Knasern Yes they are more for entertainment than actually informative or representative. But that doesnt change the fact that there are always classes almost universally agreed to be "S tier" each season and others that are A or B etc. That doesnt mean A and B tier cant win or be good if played well but it is indicative that a class is in a strong position. I would just like for shaman to be one of those generally agreed upon "S tiers" for once lol. When I first returned a couple weeks ago as shammy and started healing for first time any time I asked for advice in various places was more often than not met with responses like "R sham is hard just play R druid", "play meta your just making it harder for yourself if you dont" or if im playing ele/enh its "bro jus play DH if you wanna win" etc etc you get the point. While I wish everything could be relatively balanced that just isnt how blizz seems to do things, is it so wrong to want my own class to be that "S tier meta" spec for a season lol?
@Knasern 13 дней назад
People leech off the top tier players lists every time and no meaning. If you have the need of thinking your class isnt good just cause around 4-500 players in the world are NOT playing your class, then alright, blindly chase the "meta" When you think about it..If you are too choose a S tier list class... And you somehow end up in only the top 10% Then wouldnt that mean you are complete and utter dogshit as a player? And wouldnt that make you feel bad? Vs just playing what feels fun and doing your best? Idk man, i just see this tier list bullshit every so often its sad to see the playerbase has evolved into a non thinking sheep mentality and just blindly following. ( Not saying you are any of those, im speaking in general ) Good luck no matter tho, my opinion is my opinion and doesnt matter that much
@therockontheshelf 13 дней назад
@@Knasern I mean I have and always will main shaman regardless lol I've never once played a "meta" spec. Hell I leveled a DH cos it looks fun then found it crazy boring and could do more damage than my shaman while in honor gear just mashing damage buttons without knowing anything about the class.. Havent played it since.
@Knasern 13 дней назад
@@therockontheshelf Awesome ! i condone tier lists, and praise those who manages do play their class the best way possible through and through. The best players stick to their class no matter what, and ive never seen one of those people are getting wrecked by S tier speccs in general. ( top 0.001% will forever manage to deep dive into the meta builds, but that goes for pretty much anything in game and irl )
@lam1982linden 14 дней назад
Glad enhancement got so much love.... i wonder how many enhancement we will see in pvp in tww
@13samfootball 13 дней назад
@Fabolousyo 14 дней назад
Enhancement Shaman didnt get any love again, so dont talk for all shamans.
@TheRandomDude-qy1ev 13 дней назад
Enhance is fine. A few things changed which helped it allot. For example, you can just go full storm now and do insane damage. Also allot of the class talents make you way tankier by quite allot actually. Dual bulwork totems, interupt DR that stacks 3 times, elemental giving 5% DR. Among many other things. Enhance honestly feels fine.
@13samfootball 13 дней назад
​​@@TheRandomDude-qy1evno it's not. Actually. They made some slightly good changes to the tree., but nerfed Ele blast? Still no survivability. Get real bud 😂😂
@TheRandomDude-qy1ev 13 дней назад
@@13samfootball You call double bulworks with 15% DR from interupts that stacks 3 times no survivability? It's been tested. Each bulwork pulsates many times, and gives you shields for 600k+ And you can refresh it and use it again. And when you interupt a spell school you'll be 15% DR from it, and that stacks!! It's amazing! they did other things too. On beta I''m insanely tanky. My health doesn't even budge on pulls. I'm tankier now than a mage.
@Rudbeckbitten 14 дней назад
I love how much time they spend on the enhancement rework, its incredible.
@Fabolousyo 14 дней назад
I don't know if everyone will understand your sarcasm
@gyzmiac424 13 дней назад
@@Fabolousyo yeah i didnt understand till i saw the comment. Aint no way i will watch a 45 min video of Absterge
@jesuscollazo4303 5 дней назад
lol facts
@Ryemortis 14 дней назад
@peterchains 14 дней назад
Great vid! (for the algorithm) :P
@derkaman123123 14 дней назад
@-Kailinn- 17 дней назад
How does someone have the time??
@trixexwow 8 дней назад
Living for the game. That’s the answer
@mobgoblin7016 18 дней назад
dudes playing space goat??
@absterge 18 дней назад
have to
@victorcarlsson7315 19 дней назад
@Pallehz 20 дней назад
freeist r1 for the best play-air who presses on against all odds playing the worst healer for the last 7 expansheeons. RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!
@derrickhead 20 дней назад
i like how you seen dragon flying in different directions the second time he used it not the first time lol but good for holy tho as a ret i need holys gone all that forbearance shit is crazy
@zombii4125 20 дней назад
Absterges music choice, nickle back fanatic.
@zombii4125 20 дней назад
God it’s looking like they just ruined PvP
@manasmira 20 дней назад
seen that rdruid at the start Love from your favorite shadowplay :P
@timcopley1531 20 дней назад
They've just ruined it by removing Daybreak...
@heroictesticles6870 19 дней назад
I liked Daybreak. It was a nice once a minute oh shit button that could be used offensively.
@adamdavis5015 11 дней назад
Glimmer and daybreak sucked dick lol.
@Ryemortis 21 день назад
I started playing healers only because I enjoy your gameplay so much
@champion6374 21 день назад
It's never good to be good in beta, when classes are the best in beta they are usually nerfed into the dirt never to return haha
@Vooz_WoW 21 день назад
Lightsmith is going to be insane if you pair with with a dps's cds. In m+ when played right Hpal can pull almost 2m dps on packs. Obviously that won't translate completely to pvp, but the "rewarding meaningful gameplay" component is def there and looks awesome! *edit* I'm referring to melee wings build with Lightsmith as well. I am hoping it's nasty!
@wpropst8797 21 день назад
I just like seeing your face. All these wow players being rude and talking all that shit, Then some of you show your face. Lucky me!
@zapperaba 21 день назад
Is this live?
@christoph5191 20 дней назад
yes was live on twitch, did you miss it?
@zapperaba 20 дней назад
@@christoph5191 I did sadly :( but I just made a fresh holy paladin after a five-year break from wow super excited for this expansion. I also think the left tree is better.
@yungweejwannabe6265 21 день назад
song at 11:00 ?
@vikkimg5986 19 дней назад
Exilia - Shout Louder