China Daily DOCS
China Daily DOCS
China Daily DOCS
Monthly documentary projects produced by China Daily's own and some of the best independent visual storytellers.
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Train of hope
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The wild boar dilemma
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Speech Navigators
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Deer Whisperer
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Hangzhou: Getting in the swing of things
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Guardians of the Chinese sturgeon
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Dragon boat|GBA Rivers
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Tanka people|GBA Rivers
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@nurlindafsihotang49 Месяц назад
In marriage and graduation, it is mandatory and usual for us indonesian to wear kabaya (women cultural wardrobe) and male counterpart, so do in japan. Why china did not do it too?
@NetarAlt Месяц назад
Ah yes, If Korea invented Robes, then Viet people invented chopsticks because of bamboo abundance
@hallkirty Месяц назад
Cosmic country =Korea😂😂😂😂😂
@noname-i3o1i Месяц назад
한푸는 한족의 전통의상은 아닙니다. 불과 10년 전에는 치파오를 중국전통 의상이라 입고 다녔습니다. 한 나라의 전통이란 역사적으로 끊이지 않고 이어져 내려오는 것이어야 합니다. 또한 모든 세대가 공유하며, 그 나라의 명절마다 입는 옷이겠지요. 하지만 한푸는 그런 옷이 아닙니다. 반면 한국의 전통의상인 한복은 기원전부터 한국민족이 입어온 옷이며, 지속적인 계승과 발전이 있었습니다. 과거는 물론 지금도 명절이나 특별한 날 한국인은 남녀노소가 모두 한복을 입습니다. 이러한 한복이 고려왕조 때 중국의 원나라에 전해졌습니다. 그뒤 원나라를 멸망시킨 당나라에서 고려풍이라 하여 한국의 한복이 유행하자 중국의 황제가 조선의 의상을 입지 말도록한 기록도 많습니다. 그럼에도 한국의 한복을 모방해 한족이 입었던 옷이 한푸입니다. 중국은 한국의 역사와 문화를 왜곡해서는 안됩니다. 즉 중국의 한푸는 한국의 한복의 영향을 받아 중국의 조상들이 한때 일시적으로 입었던 의상입니다. Hanfu is not the traditional Han Chinese dress. Only 10 years ago, they wore qipao as traditional Chinese dress. A country's tradition must be something that has been passed down throughout history. It is also something that is shared by all generations and worn every national holiday. However, Hanfu is not that kind of clothing. On the other hand, the traditional Korean dress, Hanbok, has been worn by the Korean people since BC, and there has been continuous succession and development. In the past, and even now, Koreans of all ages still wear hanboks on holidays and special days. Such hanboks were handed down to the Yuan Dynasty of China during the Goryeo Dynasty. Since then, when Korean hanboks became popular in the Tang Dynasty, which destroyed the Yuan Dynasty, there are many records that the emperor of China was asked not to wear Joseon costumes. Nevertheless, Hanfu was worn by the Han Chinese to imitate Korean hanboks. China should not distort Korean history and culture. In other words, Hanfu in China was once worn temporarily by its ancestors under the influence of Korean hanboks. In China, many people unreasonably claim that the Hanbok originated in the Ming Dynasty, which was the influence of Goryeo Dynasty, and Goryeo customs during the Yuan Dynasty began to become popular through eunuchs and tribute women who went to the Yuan Dynasty. After the Han Dynasty, China's clothing width was not large, the trousers were narrow, and Hanboks had been lined with layers of underwear since ancient times, which was very rich. The clothes themselves also start from Hanpu's barrel suit, and the bottom body is wearing a skirt, and Hanbokly, even if you wear a skirt, you must wear pants. After the Middle Ages, the overall silhouette of the costumes of each country was different. Then, in the morning, Kaoliyang was completely banned for demonic reasons. The Goryeo Hanbok itself originated from the customs of the Yuan Dynasty, when the Han people lost their sovereignty to Mongolia, and China denied it, claiming that the Goryeo Hanbok was made by itself. It's a completely different outfit than Hanbok else. However, there are similarities between the three countries because of their geographical proximity and mutual influence. In particular, the court dress of Goryeo and Joseon officials. However, even the leader of the regiment, who was originally widely used as an official uniform in East Asia, was handed down from the Western region. In short, after Goryeo, the formal attire of kings or officials was basically the same as that of China, and the king's crown and clothes were even sent directly from the Ming Dynasty. It is recorded that after Kim's death in the Ming Dynasty, he was forced to wear pigtails and qipao, and when he saw the clothes of the Joseon envoys who came to the Qing Dynasty, the Chinese (middle Han people) shed tears. " However, it cannot be considered that Hanbok's basic clothes come from Hanbok. Since the introduction of Chinese public servants during the reign of Queen Jinseong, the dichotomy system has been maintained, and kings and officials have also worn basic Hanboks in their daily lives. Although the costumes of the Ming Dynasty were influenced by Miss Goryeo, the width was later narrowed, but the shape of the two-piece set, including Hanbok, remained, so there was a similar reason. However, Hanbok began with southern clothing, and then gradually developed under the influence of northern clothing, Hanbok began with northern clothing, and kimono was developed under the influence of Hanbok and Hanbok. The beginning of Hanbok is Hanbok, which ignores Korea's independence and overestimates China's influence. As previously introduced, Goryeo Dynasty costumes, which became a trend of Chinese culture from the end of the Yuan Dynasty to the beginning of the Ming Dynasty, were banned in the early days of the Hongji Empire, and returned to the old Han hanbok. The Korean Wave in the Yuan and Ming Dynasties was recorded in volume 10 of the book "Jisaggi" written by Yuk Yong (Yu Yong 1436-1494), an official of the Ming Dynasty of Goryeo. =========== Horse tail skirt began in Korea, flowing into Beijing, Beijing teachers buy clothes, there is no weaver. First serveers, only rich merchants, noble sons, geisha, later military officials, Beijing teachers began to weave sellers. So there is no price or cheapness, and those who serve are in full bloom. To the end of the age of Chenghua, officials of the imperial court served many people. For the most part, the lower body is empty 奓, take a look at the ear. The old man's public security, winter and summer do not take off. Zongbo Zhou Gong Hongmo, heavy two waist, young Hou Bo son - in - law, to the bow string through its alignment. The minister disobeyed, but Li served Chun alone. This dress demon also, Hongzhi initially had prohibitions. =========== 在中国,很多人无理地主张韩服起源于明朝,这是高丽洋,是元朝时期高丽风俗通过当时去元朝的宦官、贡女们开始流行的影响。 汉朝以后,中国的服饰宽度不大,裤筒窄,而韩服从古代开始就一直用好几层内衣衬托着,非常丰富。 衣服本身也是从Hanpu的筒装出发,下身穿着裙子,韩服即使穿裙子也必须要穿裤子。 中世纪以后,各国的服饰整体剪影本身就不同。 此后,在明朝,高丽阳以妖邪为由被全面禁止。 高丽洋本身就是源于汉族被蒙古夺走主权的元朝的风俗,因此从重视中华思想的中国立场来看,这是想要隐藏的可耻的历史,因此中国对此予以否定,主张高丽洋韩服是自己制造的,并以"袄裙"或"襦裙"的双层形式,在英文维基百科韩服文件中也被介绍为"高丽洋韩服高君(袄裙)" 但是小刘本来就是这样的衣服,指的是穿着短上衣和长裙的双打。 这是与韩服完全不同的服饰。 但是,韩中日三国由于地理位置相近,相互影响,因此也有相似之处。 特别是官吏的公仆、高丽、朝鲜的宫廷礼服。 但是,就连最初被广泛用作东亚官服的团领,也是西域的豪服传过来的。 总之,高丽以后,国王或官员穿的正式服装与中国基本相同[30],国王的衣冠和衣服甚至由明朝直接送下来。 据记载,明朝后金灭亡后,强制实行辫子并穿上旗袍,之后看到来到清朝的 朝鲜 使臣们的着装(团领和爱慕),中国人(中道汉族)流着眼泪说:"朝鲜 守护着中华的美丽风俗。" 但是,不能就此认为韩服的基本服饰来自韩服。 晋城女王时期引进中国公仆后,维持了固有服饰和中国公仆共存的二分复式制,国王和官员们也在日常生活中穿上了基本韩服。 虽然明朝服饰受高丽小姐的影响,后来宽度变窄,但韩服等两件套的形态仍然保留下来,因此也有相似的原因。 但是韩服最初也是从南方系服饰开始,后来逐渐受到北方系服饰的影响而发展,韩服干脆一开始就从北方系服饰开始,和服是在韩服和韩服的影响下发展起来的衣服。 韩服的开始是韩服,这是无视韩国的独立要素,过高评价中国的影响。 正如之前介绍的那样,弘治帝治世初期禁止元朝末期至明朝初期成为中国文化趋势的高丽阳服饰,回到了以前的汉族汉服。元明时期的韩流,高丽阳明朝官员陆镛(陸容 1436~1494)著述的《宿愿杂记》(菽园雜记)卷10中记载了与此相关的内容。 =========== 馬尾裙始於朝鮮國, 流入京師, 京師人買服之, 未有能織者. 初服者, 惟富商, 貴公子, 歌妓而已, 以後武臣多服之, 京師始有織賣者. 於是無貴無賤, 服者日盛. 至成化末年, 朝官多服之者矣. 大抵服者, 下體虛奓, 取觀美耳. 閣老萬公安, 冬夏不脫. 宗伯周公洪謨, 重服二腰, 年幼侯伯駙馬, 至有以弓弦貫其齊者. 大臣不服者, 惟黎吏侍淳一人而已. 此服妖也, 弘治初始有禁例. =========== 中国人不读中国历史书就凭空胡搅蛮缠吗? 还说:"以历史事实为依据,要求我学习,这算什么强词夺理? 小朋友,拜托你学习一下你们国家的历史再当队长吧。 世界人民已经厌倦了中国人的无理取闹。 千万不要成为小人,要成为大人。 承认韩国在文化上是强国,而中国在文化上是弱小国家。
@emilyyue1691 Месяц назад
Oh HELL nah, I don‘t even know what to say about this one.
@tfairy1013 21 час назад
Korea was once an annex of China, then a colony of Japan and now a puppet state of the US. Every aspect of your culture was derived from or heavily influenced by ancient Chinese, from writing system, to art, medicine, architecture, philosophy and clothing, etc. You were no maker of civilization, rather a nation that have been living out of despicable theft.
@leijiezhu9870 Месяц назад
韩国人看不懂自己的历史 书,因为那些书是用中文写的,韩国的领导者和韩国人出于民族自尊心隐瞒很多事实。如果韩国人真的想要了解历史,就去看你们国家的历史书,虽然你们看不懂哈哈哈哈
@물멍-d8b Месяц назад
Is that so? hmm... 5胡16國 華北(304~439) 5胡皇帝 136years 北朝 華北(386~618) 鮮卑皇帝 233years 隋唐 全中國(581~907) 鮮卑皇帝 327years 堯 燕雲16州(936~1125) 契丹皇帝 190years 金 華北(1126~1234) 女眞皇帝 109years 元 全中國(1271~1368) 蒙古皇帝 98years 靑 全中國(1644~1912) 女眞皇帝 269years Total:1362years Guess who is the one who is liying now? PS. The fact is that you do keep being rulled by communist party still nowdays...
@noname-i3o1i Месяц назад
在中国,很多人无理地主张韩服起源于明朝,这是高丽洋,是元朝时期高丽风俗通过当时去元朝的宦官、贡女们开始流行的影响。 汉朝以后,中国的服饰宽度不大,裤筒窄,而韩服从古代开始就一直用好几层内衣衬托着,非常丰富。 衣服本身也是从Hanpu的筒装出发,下身穿着裙子,韩服即使穿裙子也必须要穿裤子。 中世纪以后,各国的服饰整体剪影本身就不同。 此后,在明朝,高丽阳以妖邪为由被全面禁止。 高丽洋本身就是源于汉族被蒙古夺走主权的元朝的风俗,因此从重视中华思想的中国立场来看,这是想要隐藏的可耻的历史,因此中国对此予以否定,主张高丽洋韩服是自己制造的,并以"袄裙"或"襦裙"的双层形式,在英文维基百科韩服文件中也被介绍为"高丽洋韩服高君(袄裙)" 但是小刘本来就是这样的衣服,指的是穿着短上衣和长裙的双打。 这是与韩服完全不同的服饰。 但是,韩中日三国由于地理位置相近,相互影响,因此也有相似之处。 特别是官吏的公仆、高丽、朝鲜的宫廷礼服。 但是,就连最初被广泛用作东亚官服的团领,也是西域的豪服传过来的。 总之,高丽以后,国王或官员穿的正式服装与中国基本相同[30],国王的衣冠和衣服甚至由明朝直接送下来。 据记载,明朝后金灭亡后,强制实行辫子并穿上旗袍,之后看到来到清朝的 朝鲜 使臣们的着装(团领和爱慕),中国人(中道汉族)流着眼泪说:"朝鲜 守护着中华的美丽风俗。" 但是,不能就此认为韩服的基本服饰来自韩服。 晋城女王时期引进中国公仆后,维持了固有服饰和中国公仆共存的二分复式制,国王和官员们也在日常生活中穿上了基本韩服。 虽然明朝服饰受高丽小姐的影响,后来宽度变窄,但韩服等两件套的形态仍然保留下来,因此也有相似的原因。 但是韩服最初也是从南方系服饰开始,后来逐渐受到北方系服饰的影响而发展,韩服干脆一开始就从北方系服饰开始,和服是在韩服和韩服的影响下发展起来的衣服。 韩服的开始是韩服,这是无视韩国的独立要素,过高评价中国的影响。 正如之前介绍的那样,弘治帝治世初期禁止元朝末期至明朝初期成为中国文化趋势的高丽阳服饰,回到了以前的汉族汉服。元明时期的韩流,高丽阳明朝官员陆镛(陸容 1436~1494)著述的《宿愿杂记》(菽园雜记)卷10中记载了与此相关的内容。 =========== 馬尾裙始於朝鮮國, 流入京師, 京師人買服之, 未有能織者. 初服者, 惟富商, 貴公子, 歌妓而已, 以後武臣多服之, 京師始有織賣者. 於是無貴無賤, 服者日盛. 至成化末年, 朝官多服之者矣. 大抵服者, 下體虛奓, 取觀美耳. 閣老萬公安, 冬夏不脫. 宗伯周公洪謨, 重服二腰, 年幼侯伯駙馬, 至有以弓弦貫其齊者. 大臣不服者, 惟黎吏侍淳一人而已. 此服妖也, 弘治初始有禁例. =========== 中国人不读中国历史书就凭空胡搅蛮缠吗? 还说:"以历史事实为依据,要求我学习,这算什么强词夺理? 小朋友,拜托你学习一下你们国家的历史再当队长吧。 世界人民已经厌倦了中国人的无理取闹。 千万不要成为小人,要成为大人。 承认韩国在文化上是强国,而中国在文化上是弱小国家。
@natural_maryjane Месяц назад
It's funny how the users commenting in Korean language are acting like they know Chinese history more than the actual Chinese, and also trying to undermine the various cultural change, ethnicity and costumes of each Chinese dynasty. If you hate culture and diversity then go work on yourselves and don't be narcissistic. So what if they're ruled by communist party, they are clearly doing better than democratic nations.
@belindarenata3455 2 месяца назад
3 woman who were promoted hanfu werent live in china but they are chinese 😂 I am also chinese from Indonesia and love to see Hanfu. Even I was dreaming about using Hanfu for my wedding instead of white dress 😊
@鱼梓-p6u 2 месяца назад
I'm curious as to why a video where China introduces its own national traditional dress would have a bunch of Korean people who are not right in the head inside?
@aftereffects00 2 месяца назад
Because those people didn't understand their Korean history
@barbiebarbie1813 3 месяца назад
Today Korean Ethnic ancestors are the southernmost indigenous people in the ancient korean peninsula (Chaoxian Peninsula朝鮮半島 , Real historical name - Chinese territory before 1910)It is known as "white clothes Ethnic白衣民族" in history. They speak Korean language. There is no characters. There is no coin (exchange items). In history, Korean women clothes (Hanbok) will show nipples after marriage. Women use their heads to transport things. The ancient Koreans were 95% wearing white (without any patterns and dyes). This is also the identity of the Korean ethnic's ancestors as "white clothes Ethnic白衣民族" to be used by non -Korean ethnic (ancient Chinese do not wear white clothes, except funeral). This is very certain. Goguryeo 高句麗 is one of the Chinese regimes of the northern region established by the Chinese . Baekje 百濟, Silla 新羅. (formerly known as: China Tang Silla 唐新羅. ).... It is also a regional regime established by the Chinese.Their kings and nobles are proficient in Chinese language. They use Chinese characters. Wong's Goryeo王氏高麗, li' Joseon李氏朝鮮 ... ..... Their royal nobles are not the same ethnic group with Pingmin slave. The royal nobles are Chinese and descendants (born on the peninsula). Civilian slaves are indigenous Koreans. Their king and nobles can communicate with the Chinese. Long -term exchanges with the Chinese. Using Chinese language and text represents noble identity. (They use the name of the Chinese . Chinese governance method. They wearing Chinese clothes. Chinese emperor is a parent.). They used various methods to limit class mobility to avoid others (koreans) from becoming "nobles". Their people and slaves (white clothes Ethnic白衣民族) are prohibited and learned Chinese language and Chinese characters. These people use Korean language. There is no characters (until the 15th century). Almost all are illiterate. The creator of "Korean characters" (諺文real history name). It is ancient Chinese people (royal nobles and scholars in peninsula) who can speak fluent Chinese language and deep understanding of Chinese characters漢字 and classic Chinese文言文 . Use the method of decomposing Chinese characters. Mixed Koreans' language. Creation makes indigenous Koreans who speak Korean. The symbol "Korean characters"(諺文real history name) that Korean can be used. For more than 2000 years, the Korean Peninsula has been Chinese territorial and local regimes. Official languages and texts are also Chinese languages and Chinese characters漢字(classic Chinese文言文) . 1910. Japanese occupation of the Korea Peninsula (Chaoxian Peninsula朝鮮半島 , Real historical name - Chinese territory before 1910). The Japanese abolished Chinese characters. Korean language and characters (invention of the 15th century) of indigenous language began to popularize on the Korea Peninsula ( Chaoxian Peninsula朝鮮半島 ) . 1950. With the help of the USA. Become an independent country (North and South Korea), dominated by the Korean ethnic (white clothes Ethnic白衣民族). The official language is Korean language and Korean characters, which is only 70 years of history.
@물멍-d8b 3 месяца назад
1. The ancestors of the Korean people are the Bronze Age people of 十二臺榮子文化 of the Liaodong region. The ancestors of the Korean people originate from the 十二臺榮子文化 of the Liaodong region, which were influenced by the Hongshan culture of the Liaoxi region and the Xiajiaden lower culture. This cultural group that can be traced back to at least 800 BC and up to 1500 BC is Gojoseon. They developed the loquat-shaped bronze sword culture, a bronze age culture very different from that of China, and this is a bronze age relic that cannot be found anywhere else in China. On the other hand, China has developed a four-legged pot bronze culture since the Shang Zhou Dynasty, and this is also a relic that can never be found in Manchuria and the Korean Peninsula. In other words, the Zhongyuan and Manchuria had already been separated since the Bronze Age and developed a very independent culture. In addition to relics, records related to Gojoseon can be found in numerous Chinese historical records written by your Han Chinese ancestors. They clearly record that Gojoseon is a separate people from the Han Chinese. 管子, 史記, 魏略, etc. In 史記 and 魏略, it even describes the war between the Yan Dynasty and Gojoseon during the Warring States Period. They clearly recognized Gojoseon as a country of foreigners outside the Zhongyuan.
@물멍-d8b 3 месяца назад
2. Hanbok, which exposes the breasts, was limited to some people. Do you not read any of my posts? I wrote about this in detail in the second and third comments. Hanbok, which exposes the breasts, appeared only after the 17th century, and was limited to commoners and slaves, not educated people. At the time, Joseon was the most Confucian country in the world. Don't generalize just from a few photos. In Confucianism, it is said that men and women must seperate, and they are extremely reluctant to expose women's bodies. Among the hanbok, there is a skirt called a Tsugaechima, which was used by women from noble families to cover their bodies by covering themselves when going out. Joseon is a society where Confucianism was that strict. At least it was a much more civilized country than the people of the Qing Dynasty, who were ruled by the babarious Manchurians. When I say barbaric, you must be more barbaric than Joseon at that time. 3. What's wrong with the culture of grinding with your head when moving things? What's the problem with that? You have an uncivilized culture that bound women's feet and made them into foot bindings for 1,000 years from the Song Dynasty to the early 20th century. It's much better than your culture, which causes physical and mental pain, right? It is also efficient at work. 4. White people? There doesn't even seem to be any logic to what was written. If we are talking about the danryeong that noblemen wore when working in the government office, then when they retired from the government office, they naturally took off their danryeong and wore the same hanbok as ordinary people. Do you imagine going about your daily life wearing uncomfortable danryeong clothing? Your delusions are excessive.
@물멍-d8b 3 месяца назад
5. The royal family of the Three Kingdoms period was not Chinese. Records show that when Gojoseon fell to the Han Dynasty, the refugees migrated south and founded the Three Han states of Mahan, Byeonhan, and Jinhan. In other words, the ruling class of Samhan was Gojoseon, not Chinese, but definitely Korean. The people who originally lived in Samhan were Japanese. Look at history properly. As Koreans moved south in large numbers due to the fall of Gojoseon, Japanese people began to migrate to Japan in large numbers to avoid them. Why do you speak so carelessly when you don’t even learn Korean history? I am a person who learned Chinese history. I won't play with your dirty tongue. Silla originated from the ruling class of Jinhan, one of the three Han Dynasties. Since the ruling class of Jinhan were Gojoseon people, that is, Koreans, the ruling class of Silla would naturally be Koreans. Baekje is said to have originated from Goguryeo, and Goguryeo is said to have originated from Buyeo. In other words, Buyeo, Goguryeo, and Baekje all had the same Buyeo ruling class. So, is Buyeo Chinese or Korean? Buyeo people was Korean. Buyeo has developed its own Seodansan culture in the Songhua River basin since 1000 BC. However, by 400 BC, the bronze sword culture of Gojoseon became the central culture. Gojoseon's influence on Manchuria was that great. The culture of Gojoseon became a central culture and spread not only to Buyeo, but also to Okjeo and Dongye on the east coast of the Korean Peninsula and parts of the Maritime Province further north. You can tell this from artifacts and relics. In other words, The royal family of Silla is a Korean people who originated from Gojoseon immigrants, and Goguryeo and Baekje are Korean people who originated from Buyeo people who were assimilated into Gojoseon. + The royal family of the Northern Dynasty and Sui and Tang Dynasties were not Han Chinese. The reason why you insist so strongly that the Goguryeo royal family was Chinese stems from an inferiority complex, as there were very few royal families of Han Chinese in Chinese history. During the Northern Dynasty, the royal family were five barbarians, and after the Northern Wei Dynasty, the Xianbei tribe was your master. Although there was an empress from the Han Chinese, many Xianbei emperors and Xianbei empresses also appeared. Ultimately, the emperor's lineage originates from the Xianbei tribe. The Northern Wei ruling class continued into the Sui and Tang Dynasties, so the brilliant history of the Tang Dynasty that you pride yourself on is in fact nothing more than a shameful history of being a slave to the Xianbei tribe.
@물멍-d8b 3 месяца назад
6. Chinese character problem. Chinese characters were a very inefficient writing system, and ordinary people engaged in daily life could not afford to learn Chinese characters. It is true that kings and nobles learned Chinese characters, but they did not speak Chinese. If they spoke Chinese, why did King Sejong create Hangul? They clearly used Korean, and according to the Hunminjeongeum Hyeryebon, which describes how Hangul was created, they clearly stated that “the national language is different from China.” Koreans have historically only used Korean. Because it was inconvenient to write Korean in Chinese characters, King Sejong the Great created Hangul. In addition, various Chinese historical books, including 梁書, record that Goguryeo and Baekje languages ​​are in common with each other, and that Silla and Baekje people also speak the same language. It was written by your ancestors. It wasn't something Korean fabricated. Additionally, Chinese characters have never been banned from the general public. Even during the Joseon Dynasty, there were elementary education institutions called Seodang, where kids learned the basics of 千字文 and 四字小學. On the contrary, Chinese characters were such an inefficient language that people engaged in daily life avoided learning them, but they thought that they should still have basic knowledge, so they were forced to learn them. And in the end, Korea won. Modern Korea uses Hangul. Korea's illiteracy rate is much lower than China's. You can only communicate quickly by borrowing American English, which you hate.
@물멍-d8b 3 месяца назад
7. Tribute issue. The claim that the Korean Peninsula has been China's territory and local system for over 2,000 years seems to stem from tribute diplomacy. According to your logic, does Japan and Vietnam also become Chinese territory and local system for over 2,000 years? China did not have the power to dominate the Korean Peninsula. Because it was located across the sea, even when the Han Dynasty destroyed Gojoseon and established Lelang Province, Lelang Province was eventually ousted by Goguryeo. Even when the Tang Dynasty established Andong Province and Ungjin Province, they were returned to Silla less than 40 years later. If the Korean Peninsula was ruled by China, why didn't China send a local official? Isn’t it strange when you think about it? Rather, it was the Han Chinese who lived as slaves to the northern peoples for 1,500 years. It has only been 500 years since the Later Han Dynasty that they had Han Chinese owners. 8. What is modern Korea? Koreans have experienced being dominated by other ethnic groups based on several events, including the fall of Gojoseon, the fall of Goguryeo, and the fall of Joseon. However, it does not exceed 500 years at most. For about 3,000 years, Koreans have lived as an independent nation. In other words, it has 3,000 years of history. But what about China? After the fall of the Later Han Dynasty, it was ruled by the northern people for 1,500 years. Even now, they cannot escape from the life of slavery under the Communist Party. The history of their sovereignty is only 500 years, and even now they are slaves of the Communist Party and have no sovereignty. Lol
@barbiebarbie1813 3 месяца назад
In the ancient Korea (Chaoxian朝鮮 -Real historical name, Chinese territory and the Chinese regio before 1910). In 918-1910. It was two different ethnic groups. 1.Chinese (Han Ethnic)(Wear color and pattern clothes) - Ruler and nobleman 2. Korean (White Clothes Ethnic)( Wear white clothes without pattern) - Civilians and slaves 1. Ruler and nobleman (Goguryeo高句麗 , Baekje百濟, Silla新羅 , Goryeo高麗, Joseon朝鮮=Chaoxian朝鮮 ..): Chinese local officials and nobles (royal members, monks, scholars, soldiers, architects, technicians, and their families ...). They are Chinese (Han) and their descendants born in the local area. They have always wore China in China costumes. They speak Chinese language (official and Han dialect) and Chinese characters. They are Chinese officials and represent the Chinese emperor's governance of the ancient Korean Peninsula (朝鮮). Local Chinese officials (Chaoxian king朝鮮王) and Chinese nobles in ancient Korea (Chaoxian 朝鮮-Chinese territory). They all Chinese clothes (hanfu), headdress (hat and crown), silk cloth (including embroidery), soldiers (such as: defensive clothing, horses). Weapons (including cannons), Chinese literature books (including Chinese history, Taoism Buddhism), Chinese special architectural materials (including palaces and design paintings). Food materials (Chinese food and Chinese royal food), wooden wheels used, large military ships, etc. are made from other cities in China). Among them, the Chinese royal's (Chaoxian king /officials and nobles) Hanfu comes from Chinese han clothes, opera clothing, and hat crown headwear. Therefore, the fabric on the clothes is high -level. There are a large number of Chinese official dragon patterns and various traditional Chinese patterns (including Chinese characters) on the clothes. 2. Civilians and slaves (Goryeo高麗, Joseon=Chaoxian朝鮮 ..only appeared in history after the 13th century): Civilians and slaves are indigenous Koreans (White Clothes Ethnic白衣民族). They speak Korean language. Long -term banned learning and use of Chinese characters 漢字(except a few descendants of mixed with Chinese people). Korean people cannot use any pattern of Chinese imperial power. 龍dragon and 鳯phoenix. In ancient times, this was a beheading and destroyer. * Chinese patterns and Dragon's totem represents the symbol of the ancient Chinese and Chinese power. Korean people cannot use any pattern of Chinese imperial power. 龍dragon and 鳯phoenix. Only the Chinese royal family and senior officers can use it. If the "White clothes Ethnic 白衣民族" (today's ancestors of Koreans) use the pattern of dragon and use Chinese characters. They will destroy the tribe and beheaded. Korean characters韓字 are text used by slaves. Ancient Korean can only use Korean characters (after the 15th century. Chinese officials - Chaoxian king and Chinese scholars who settled on the Chaoxian朝鮮 . Chinese officials use Chinese characters and Korean language to create "Korean characters韓字 ".) for slaves. These low Korean soldiers are used to protect the Chaoxian Peninsula 朝鮮半島(Chinese territory) to prevent Japanese pirates from invasion. In ancient Korea (Chaoxian朝鮮 ) does not have any technologies and processes such as metal , Bend the wood and dye embroidery patterns. Most Korean men became low -level soldiers in the Chinese army (under the command of Chinese officers). There is no armor. Korean only wear pure white clothes and korean women's clothing is exposed nipples (Hanbok - Features of traditional Korean clothes). All Korean women use their heads to move anything (similar to other primitive tribal culture). Korean houses are cottage built with grass (only Chinese can live in Chinese palaces and temples). Korean people earn food in the market concentrated on exchanging items. They do not have any coins and any metal things. South Korea's national culture and tools for use are very primitive. * Chinese patterns and dragon totems represent the ancient Chinese and symbols of Chinese power. Only the Chinese royal family and high-ranking military officers can use them. If the "White clothes Ethnic 白衣民族" (today's ancestors of Koreans) use dragon patterns and use Chinese characters ((In addition to the mulattoes and those working in the Chinese palace)), they will be exterminated. and beheaded. Writing history is the tradition and habit of the ancient Chinese. The history of the ancient Korean Peninsula was written by classical Chinese. This was read for the Chinese and must be approved for the Chinese emperor. This is a record and governance story of Chinese officials and nobles on the ancient Korean Peninsula. ---------------- Anceint korea= 朝鮮半島 Chaoxian Peninsula (and 高包麗Goguryeo. 百濟Baekje. 新羅Silla. 王氏高麗Wang 's Goryeo. 李氏朝鮮 li 's Chaoxian = Joseon) . (the name set by the Chinese emperor. It is also the name of the historical record) Today korea = 韓國 korea (南北 S and N) Anceint japan (before 13th century )= 東瀛 & 扶桑 & 倭 . (the name set by the Chinese emperor. It is also the name of the historical record) Today japan = 日本 Anceint Nonth Vietnam= 交趾 & 安南. (the name set by the Chinese emperor. It is also the name of the historical record) Today Vietnam = 越南 Anceint Okinawa= 琉球. (the name set by the Chinese emperor. It is also the name of the historical record) Today Okinawa = 沖繩
@물멍-d8b 3 месяца назад
The slaves of the Xianbei tribe are trying to deny reality by saying that they have never been slaves. However, everyone knows that after the collapse of the Later Han Dynasty, they always served nomadic masters and only had a country of their own for 500 years at most (Song and Ming Dynasties). For thousands of years they were slaves to their nomadic masters. On the other hand, Korea was only occupied by the Tang Dynasty for 40 years and Japan for 35 years after the collapse of the Later Han Dynasty. Even during the Mongol invasion, King Chungseon of Goryeo, who was the son-in-law of Great Khan Kublai, was so good at diplomacy that he achieved the status of an independent nation. This is compared to the Chinese people at the time who were treated like insects by the Mongolians due to their ethnocentrism.
@물멍-d8b 3 месяца назад
This fact is an inferiority complex that can only be hidden by insisting that the ruling class and the ruled class in Joseon wore different clothes and that this was because their ethnic composition was different. In common sense, would the ethnic composition of a country that had been ruled by nomads for thousands of years be different than that of someone who lost their country for 75 years? Hanfu, as commonly referred to by Xianbei slaves, was clothing only for nomadic masters and was inaccessible to slave Han Chinese. Even fools know that in pre-modern class-based societies, whether in China, Japan, Korea, Vietnam, or Europe, the clothing of the upper class was not accessible to the lower class.
@barbiebarbie1813 3 месяца назад
@@물멍-d8b In ancient Korean women's clothes(hanbok) "exposed nipples", there was a thousand years of history (during the Han Dynasty, the Chinese saw that Korean women's clothes(hanbok) were exposed in the southern Chaoxian Peninsula). This is also written in Chinese Chaoxian朝鮮 history . Korean women's Hanbok is exposed to the nipples. It is the characteristic of traditional Korean clothing. There are records in many history. Including Western history books, there are records. Even in the Chinese palace of ancient korea (Chaoxian朝鮮 - Chinese territory and the Chinese regio). Korean female workers who serve the family of Chinese officials are wearing traditional costumes that expose nipples. There are records in ancient paintings. There are records in the photos. Outside the Chinese palace of ancient korea (Chaoxian朝鮮). There are many Korean women walking out of nipples walking on the street. Use the top of the head to carry things. There are records in ancient paintings. The photos also record. Historically. When Japanese attack entered the Chaoxian朝鮮 Peninsula each time, Chaoxian King (ancient Chinese officials) also reported to the Chinese emperor. The emperor would send the army to repel the Japanese. The soldiers reported to the emperor because all Korean women exposed their nipples. It affected the Chinese army's work. Korean women also have to carry things on their heads. All Korean culture is similar to African culture. The Koreans have evolved from primitive people "Only 100 years". In addition, all Chinese chaoxian朝鮮 officials need to return to Chinese officials to take the exam . The history written by chaoxian朝鮮 officials also needs to review the Chinese emperor. Because this is the history of Chinese people. Ancient korea = Chaoxian朝鮮 - real history name- Chinese territory and the Chinese regio (before 1910).
@물멍-d8b 3 месяца назад
@@barbiebarbie1813 Please escape your fantasy world. Can't you escape your fantasy world because you have got a brain damage that have been ruled by nomadic people for thousands of years? Yes Korean woman maybe exposed their chest but it is only limited in commoners or servant class. And it is just a social phenomenon since after 17s. If you are not got a brain damage, Just see the facts that Joseon Dynasty at that time, most Confucian country in the world, While Han chinese is a slavery of Jurchen babarians. Confucianism don't say woman should expose their chest. Don't you have a brain? Chinese more Babarious than Korean at that time cause they are salvery of babarians. Before blame other country, See your ashamed culture so called "Foot Binding". Han chinese makes their girls foot weird to bind it very young age. This culture started Song dynasty(960~) to Early 20s century.
@물멍-d8b 3 месяца назад
@@barbiebarbie1813 2. Hanbok, which exposes the breasts, was limited to some people. Do you not read any of my posts? Hanbok, which exposes the breasts, appeared only after the 17th century, and was limited to commoners and slaves, not educated people. At the time, Joseon was the most Confucian country in the world. Don't generalize just from a few photos. In Confucianism, it is said that men and women must seperate, and they are extremely reluctant to expose women's bodies. Among the hanbok, there is a skirt called a Tsugaechima, which was used by women from noble families to cover their bodies by covering themselves when going out. Joseon is a society where Confucianism was that strict. At least it was a much more civilized country than the people of the Qing Dynasty, who were ruled by the babarious Manchurians. When I say barbaric, you must be more barbaric than Joseon at that time.
@oomphur8195 3 месяца назад
ROC🇹🇼🌸🌟‼️‼️‼️‼️ RAAHHHHHH🧋🧋🧋‼️‼️
@peterjol 4 месяца назад
Here in the UK there is no past clothing style that is actually very attractive and anyone wearing it now would certainly just look weird...but I think the Hanfu style is just so stunningly, attractive, beautiful and artistic that it could never look weird.
@hounamao7140 Месяц назад
Whaaat? western traditional clothing’s are gorgeous for many periods. Some periods got weird I admit. But so many beautiful dresses for women and custom for men. Some type of corset dress are coming back actually
@김재중-g2d 4 месяца назад
Koreans should not steal China culture.
@물멍-d8b 3 месяца назад
China should not do that. Because Chinese have never ever worn what they say Hanfu style now throughout entire history. To say about so-called Hanfu what they insist modern days, It just steal style of korean's historical drama after 2010s.
@물멍-d8b 3 месяца назад
If you not belive it, Just watching the video named A chinese ghost story Okay? Compare it to what you say hanfu nowdays.
@물멍-d8b 3 месяца назад
And the culture what wear traditional clothes in famous area or city or whatever, It is also started in korea first 2010s. rather than you guys. okay? Except japan(It is out of this argue)
@GEEPENGR 3 месяца назад
@@물멍-d8b 这是影视作品,不能拿来做文化的证据,而且那叫戏服
@angelicaholiday7755 4 месяца назад
Wasn't 2020 in COVID19 Lockdown? Having Hanfu Fan events in November of 2020, stated in the video, doesn't make sense. Please advise. Thanks
@白雪-r9j9z 3 месяца назад
@emilyyue1691 Месяц назад
Oh, that‘s easy, it was an internet movement!
@남산삼 4 месяца назад
치파오나 중국공산당복만 입어라 소분홍들아 유트브를 차단한 할수조차없는 유트브를 하는 너희 소분홍들 중국공산당이 소분홍들에게 전세계홍보하라고 너희들만 풀어줬냐 치밀하고 무서운 공산당
@남산삼 4 месяца назад
중국공산당의 소분홍들 전세계로 전파공정하네 중국공산당은 유트브를 차단해서 못하는데 이것이 순수하게 유트브에 영상을 올린것인가 치파오와 공산당복만 입던 중국공산당과 소분홍 왜 유트브를 통해 전파공정하느냐 순수한목적으로 만든 영상물이 아니다 거짓역사와문화로만 교육하는 공산당이 한푸라는 새로 만든 단어를 왜 지금 공산당의 문화라고 홍보하느냐 역사를 잊은 민족보다 역사를 거짓역사로 만든 민족이!! 전세계인들이 동아시아문화 역사를 모르니 이런 거짓된역사 문화를 알려서 중국공산당의 얄팍한수단인것이다 현재 중국공산당의 전파공정하는 목적이다 지금껏 중국공산당의 역사드라마나 영화를 보라 진심으로 중국공산당의 무서움인것이다 치파오나 입으라 중국공산당의 문화가 어디있나 5년동안 한푸란 신조어를 만들고 한푸란복장을 5년동안 입으며 중국의역사교과서는 온통 거짓된역사로 만든 교과서다 그걸 가르치니 지금의 중국공산당의 중국인과 중국공산당의 홍보수단인 소분홍들이 있을뿐이다
@GEEPENGR 3 месяца назад
@casanova-late 2 месяца назад
You act as if communism was a thing in China for all its history. Communism has only been in China for about 100 years. China has a history of 5000 years…
@GEEPENGR 2 месяца назад
@@casanova-late 我不明白你在反驳我的哪一个观点?我没有说共产主义一直存在,我说我们现在的共产主义政府从来没有把历史丢弃和割裂历史,而是积极的让人民了解学习中国古代的历史,我们确实有5000多年的历史,我们的政府并不是像他说的在给人民歪曲历史和毁灭历史。现在存在的国家都有历史。如果按照他的逻辑,那么现在的韩国也是二战后新建立的国家,那么曾经韩国这片土地上的历史就不能被现在的韩国继承了吗?现在的韩国人肯定不是古代的朝鲜人,但是他们是朝鲜人的后裔。所以我们现在的中华人民共和国也是古代中国的后裔呀。这是一个非常简单的逻辑问题。我们中国人几乎每个人都知道自己的古代历史。古代中国是中国,现在的社会主义中国也是中国,只是政权的更迭和变化。就像唐朝灭亡了,但是宋朝继承了,难道宋朝不是中国吗?上面的这个人他说我们国家在把汉服扭曲成共产党的文化?这就是一个谬论。共产党只是一个政体,共产党也是中国人。汉服是古代中国人的衣服,现代的中国人穿为什么就变成了歪曲历史?我不是很懂他的逻辑? 不过我觉得也有可能是翻译的问题,可能没办法表达我的意思
@GEEPENGR 2 месяца назад
@thesupertaco1934 4 месяца назад
The koreans commenting down here is giveing there race a bad name lmao
@물멍-d8b 3 месяца назад
Han chinese is who have stolen their neigbors always. Xianbei, Mongolian, Jurchen. Now they try to steal korean's culture.
@GEEPENGR 3 месяца назад
@@물멍-d8b 中国几乎每个省都有博物馆展览当地考古出土的文物,欢迎你来看看,有清晰的时间,不要张口就说抄袭,需要证据,当然你们的韩服也是你们的服饰,前面有评论说汉服是不存在的,是幻想出来的,可是我们的汉服很多都是文物复原款,现代中国人不怎么穿了不代表汉服不存在,因为汉服很华丽,日常需要工作的人们不适合穿着。
@casanova-late 2 месяца назад
@@물멍-d8b if you are Korean I have a question. Is your inferiority complex so big that you need to make up lies about history when literal history proves you wrong? Just search it up instead of using your emotions.
@물멍-d8b 2 месяца назад
​@@casanova-lateBut what i say is true. If xianbei didn't exist then your Sui Tang culture didn't exist, If mongolian(including korean Goryeo) didn't exist then your Ming culture didn't exist, If jurchen didn't exist then your modern chinese culture for examples qipao or changpao didn't exist. And eventually If modern korean isn't exist then your modern style Hanfu didn't existed.
@물멍-d8b 2 месяца назад
​@@casanova-lateI think it is you who stuck in the feeling inferiorty. like as your ancestor Song people is ruined their whole nation by failing defense of nomadic people and had shameful and rage feelings but still didn't overcome their great enthrocentrism.
@SewingBoxDesigns 4 месяца назад
Because hanfu is national pride, respect for historic culture, and awesome.
@물멍-d8b 3 месяца назад
Why are you keep saying it Hanfu while you are oppress your ethnic minority group. You are a just slavery of Xianbei.
@GEEPENGR 3 месяца назад
@@물멍-d8b You don’t understand China’s policies. I guess the oppression you see comes from the Internet, rather than what you actually see in person. It is a deliberate smear campaign by the Western media. Nowadays, china travel is quite popular. I also see many foreign bloggers. After coming to China, Xinjiang and other places (the so-called oppression in China reported by Western media), they personally witnessed that this does not exist. There are a total of 56 ethnic groups in our country, 55 of which are ethnic minorities. However, our country implements a "regional autonomy system" for ethnic minorities. Ethnic minority areas have certain autonomy. I am a member of an ethnic minority area (Yi ethnic group). Coming from Liangshan, Sichuan, we ethnic minorities will have more subsidies, can get extra points in the college entrance examination, and enjoy preferential policies in civil servant recruitment and other examinations. I think our government does a good job on this. All slogans in our local area are bilingual, so the culture of the Yi people is also well passed on. It's not what you said. Sisters or brothers, I think you can come to China and ask people in various places. It just so happens that there is a 144-hour visa exemption right now.
@tiffanydawson1748 4 месяца назад
I love Hanfu! ❤️ 😍
@snusmumricken 4 месяца назад
where would be a good place with english translations to buy hanfu?
@SewingBoxDesigns 4 месяца назад
Amazon is selling, but if you search for hanfu clothing you'll find many.
@snusmumricken 4 месяца назад
@SewingBoxDesigns uh yes I have tried that. I want properly made hanfu not mass produced factory ones.
@seungrikim6188 5 месяцев назад
중국의 전통과 문화는 마오쩌둥과 홍위병이 다 파괴했습니 다. 또 전통을 따르던 사람들은 홍위병의 손에 강제 노역을 당하거나 다 죽었습니다. 문화대혁명은 중국의 전통과 문화를 초기 화시켰습니다. 현재 중국은 문화대혁명 때문에 완전히 끊어진 전통과 문화를 어설프게 복원한 것일 뿐입니다.
@allanpoecn 4 месяца назад
@oomphur8195 3 месяца назад
The Chinese nationalists (now in Taiwan) reserved a lot of the artifacts in the National Palace museum (mentioned in the video)
@물멍-d8b 3 месяца назад
@@allanpoecn China? Okay. But Han? um not. Han chinese have been slavery of nomadic people in thousands of years since Later Han collapse.
@물멍-d8b 3 месяца назад
@@allanpoecn And Even now they are slavery of communist Party. Communist party decide what china is now. Lol
@GEEPENGR 3 месяца назад
@mariellouise1 5 месяцев назад
Hope there can be a wedding rental business for the Hanfu experience. 😍
@SewingBoxDesigns 4 месяца назад
Already exists!
@princecoffee2349 5 месяцев назад
정확하게 표현하면 현대 중국인 95퍼센트 차지하고 있는 한족의 문화는 1644년 명나라의 멸망과 함께 사라졌습니다. 오늘날 현대 중국은 만리장성 북방이민족인 몽골, 만주족 등에 의해 정복된 원나라, 청나라의 잿더미 위에 만들어진 나라입니다. 1000년 가까이 다른 민족에게 점령되어 멸망한 한족의 문화는 철저하게 사라진셈입니다. 공산혁명인 문화대혁명은 남은 것 마저도 다 잿더미로 만들었고 현대 중국에는 소비에트가 남긴것 외에 남아있는 문화가 거의 없습니다. 단지 중국의 땅과 한족을 점령했던 여러 이민족들의 문화를 다 중국민족중에 하나라고 주장하면서 중국문화라고 주장하는것뿐이죠. 그들은 어이없는 거짓말을 하고 있습니다. 예를 들어 "hanfu"라는 단어는 중국의 역사서에 존재하지 않는 10년쯤 된 신조어입니다. 1900년대 중국인들은 치피오와 만주족 전통의상을 입었어요. 즉, 현대에 들어와서 옛날 그림을 참고해 hanfu라는 단어를 만들고 의상도 재디자인한것입니다. "hanfu"에는 정규 디자인이 없습니다. 중국인들이 최근까지 입던 옷이 아니라 희미한 옛날 그림을 참고해 상상하여 만든거라 디자이너의 취향에 따라 다르게 만드니까요. 한족의 역사가 소실된것은 1000년 가까이 이민족에게 점령당해 노예로 살았고 중국의 마지막 왕조도 만주족 왕조이기 때문입니다. 한족을 최근까지 잔인하게 탄압하고 식민지배한 몽골의 징기스칸이나 만주족이 왜 중국인이 되버린걸까요? 제 말이 틀렸나요? 왜 한족을 학살한 노예화한 이민족 정복자들을 모두 중국인으로 둔갑시키나요? 남아있는 한족의 문화가 거의 없기 때문에 한족을 식민지배한 다른 민족의 문화를 중국문화라고 우기는겁니다.. 실제로 일본이 중국의 일부를 점령했을때 퍼뜨렸던 문화도 중국문화라고 하고 있죠. 전쟁, 일본의 식민지시대 한국에서 피난가서 중국에 정착한 조선족의 문화도 중국문화라고 주장하고 있고요. 이건 마치 미국이 멕시코, 이탈리아, 영국, 프랑스 등에서 이주한 사람들의 문화를 미국 문화라고 주장하는것과 다른게 없죠. 이런 식으로 문화를 확장하면 이주민이 있는 국가는 세계 문화를 다 소유하는 셈입니다. 필리핀을 380년동안 식민지배했던 일본, 스페인, 미국인의 후손이 필리핀에 일부 남아 살고 있다고 해도 그들의 문화가 필리핀의 문화는 아니죠.
@smthan462 5 месяцев назад
What shit are you spouting
@nonoyai 4 месяца назад
Haha Korean well konwn as copycat👎
@lilyGong-zo2qg 4 месяца назад
@范玉水-s2s 4 месяца назад
@Hawroll17 3 месяца назад
Keep dreaming
@santiwd5006 5 месяцев назад
In Indonesia the late President Soekarno with his nationalistic ideas always promote and support Indonesian traditional dress and dances, customs etc so tradition was blooming then. Other Presidents after him has other ideas so traditional dress was now only worn at wedding ceremonies (which is a must), and the Kartini Day, ie the Woman feminist commemoration day. I think if someday a Chinese president promotes Hanfu it will be a powerfull boost for Hanfu, especially if people began to use Hanfu for their wedding ceremonies like Indonesians honored their traditional dresses by wearing it at their wedding !!
@ThomasBarsegian-co3du 5 месяцев назад
I think it's great 👍🇨🇳💪 young people being proud of their HISTORY, CULTURE 😁👏🇨🇳👏😁
@临窗赏雨 6 месяцев назад
@dianebrady6784 6 месяцев назад
Well folks, I guess I'm going to get busted with Cultural Appropriation. I bought a han fu and want more.
@SewingBoxDesigns 4 месяца назад
Look up racial diversity in China over time. A Chinese lady I worked with brought in a book showing over 100 different ethnics in China over time going back to the silk road, including Persian, Roman, even Celts. There's a whole Russian city in China, where they are Chinese born citizens. China was a melting pot by the Tang era.
@jjdjj5392 6 месяцев назад
Its very good to see their young people follow their ancient cultural ways! Beautiful!!!❤❤❤❤
@rhodju181 7 месяцев назад
@물멍-d8b 3 месяца назад
Why are you keep saying Ethnic minority group. Don't be a liar. Ethnic minority group never have a chance to job promotion, build a prosper company or etc.
@물멍-d8b 3 месяца назад
What you call Hanfu is just following the clothes of korean's historical drama since 2010s and making it seems good. Chinese never ever wear what they say so-called hanfu nowdays in real history.
@rhodju181 3 месяца назад
@@물멍-d8b 所以您想和我交流什么呢?想求证您的说法是否正确?
@JanEllsworth-t8i 7 месяцев назад
I think it is wonderful that the traditional clothing is coming back. It is important that countries do not lose their culture, clothing etc. I have bought some hanfu clothing from China and have worn it in my house. I am not Chinese so it would be very strange to see me walking around in these cloths and also no one else is wearing it here. But so beautiful, and comfortable to wear. Not practical for many things unfortunately. For example it is hard to wash dishes, work in the garden etc.
@cluckcluckchicken 6 месяцев назад
You could wear the traditional clothes of the peasants/working class for everyday clothes. They had practical clothes back then, too! I wear European folk dress every day (even when I take care of chickens!) and I just wear my "peasant" clothes and aprons when I need to get them dirty.
@santiwd5006 5 месяцев назад
You can use your Hanfu for formal feasts or events I guess, like going to the Opera or to church etc
@WeixinLiu-r1s 2 месяца назад
@HanFuNYC 7 месяцев назад
Our mission is to promote Hanfu knowledge, reintroduce its usage - both daily and festive, and help build a more comprehensive and accurate representation of the diverse and beautiful clothing traditions of China. We also explore Hanfu's value in community building and as a gateway to the rest of the traditional Han cultural practices.
@barbiebarbie1813 7 месяцев назад
In ancient Korean women's clothes(hanbok) "exposed nipples", there was a thousand years of history (during the Han Dynasty, the Chinese saw that Korean women's clothes(hanbok) were exposed in the southern Peninsula). This is also written in Chinese Chaoxian朝鮮 history . Historically. When Japanese attack entered the Chaoxian朝鮮 Peninsula each time, the King of Korea also reported to the Chinese emperor. The emperor would send the army to repel the Japanese. The soldiers reported to the emperor because all Korean women exposed their nipples. It affected the Chinese army's work. Korean women also have to carry things on their heads. All Korean culture is similar to African culture. The Koreans have evolved from primitive people "Only 100 years". In addition, all Chinese chaoxian朝鮮 officials need to return to Chinese officials to take the exam . The history written by chaoxian朝鮮 officials also needs to review the Chinese emperor. Because this is the history of Chinese people. Ancient Korea = Chaoxian朝鮮 , Real historical name in history. ---------------------------- In ancient Korea name "朝鮮chaoxian" (one of ancient Chinese city), . "white-clothed ethnic 白衣民族" (Today Korean ancestors) wearing this fully chest exposed Korean dress (hanbok) is an "honor" for many Korean women - because she has a son! If the woman does not have a son or has daughters, she is not eligible to wear this kind of dew suit - only a korean woman who has a son is eligible to show her chest. So instead of feeling ashamed, these korean women in dew clothes have the feeling of "I'm proud of having a son! I want the world to know!" The meaning of. At that time, when there was no scientific contraceptive measures, the vast majority of Korean women would eventually give birth to a son, so the vast majority of Korean women could finally wear "proud" dew clothes. So this dew suit is the real traditional dress in Korea! Deliberately shirtless is a Korean tradition (hanbok), even in 2014. When the Pope visited South19 Korea, they also set up a "deliberately shirtless" statue to commemorate their tradition! * "white-clothed ethnic 白衣民族" in history = the ancestors of the Korean . ------------------------------ 1910. Japan has swallowed Korea. The Japanese believe that some of the low -level Korean traditional culture and primitive (women expose their nipples and transport things on their heads) are very primitive and backward. The Japanese banned Korean women from exposing the nipples (the traditional Korean costume. Hanbok). The Korean people strongly resisted. Koreans believe that this is a traditional culture of Korea. They insist on retention. In the Korean capital city. As long as the Japanese see those Korean women who show their nipples, they will give them penalties and slaps. After that, the Korean capital city gradually reduces Korean women's nipples. They cover the nipples with a piece of cloth. (But in the place where there are fewer Japanese soldiers. Korean women still maintain the traditional culture that exposes nipples). Until 1950, Westerners were still taking photos in Korea. A photo of Korean women showing nipples on the street (traditional Korean clothing). In 1970, this kind of Korean traditional culture disappeared completely. ------------------------------ Historically, Korean women's clothes show their nipples (about 11 years old. After they get married and have children), until they are old, they use their heads to transport things (Westerners Record history photos).. * Ancient Korean traditional costumes are pure white (the Korean people have been known as the "White clothes ethnic" since ancient times), and women's clothes are exposed their nipples (the Korean people show their nipples to represent the beauty). This reflects the ancient Korean people and thoughts. (Westerners Record history photos). ------------------------------ Anceint japan (before 13th century )= 東瀛 & 扶桑 & 倭 . (the name set by the Chinese emperor. It is also the name of the historical record) Today japan = 日本 Anceint korea= 朝鮮 (and 高包麗. 百濟. 新羅. 王氏高麗. 李氏朝鮮) . (the name set by the Chinese emperor. It is also the name of the historical record) Today korea = 韓國(南北) Anceint Nonth Vietnam= 交趾 . (the name set by the Chinese emperor. It is also the name of the historical record) Today Vietnam = 越南 Anceint Okinawa= 琉球. (the name set by the Chinese emperor. It is also the name of the historical record) Today Okinawa = 沖繩
@물멍-d8b 3 месяца назад
Please escape your fantasy world. Can't you escape your fantasy world because you have got a brain damage that have been ruled by nomadic people for thousands of years?
@물멍-d8b 3 месяца назад
Yes Korean woman maybe exposed their chest but it is only limited in commoners or servant class. And it is just a social phenomenon since after 17s.
@물멍-d8b 3 месяца назад
If you are not got a brain damage, Just see the facts that Joseon Dynasty at that time, most Confucian country in the world, While Han chinese is a slavery of Jurchen babarians. Confucianism don't say woman should expose their chest. Don't you have a brain? Chinese more Babarious than Korean at that time cause they are salvery of babarians.
@물멍-d8b 3 месяца назад
Before blame other country, See your ashamed culture so called "Foot Binding". Han chinese makes their girls foot weird to bind it very young age. This culture started Song dynasty(960~) to Early 20s century.
@casanova-late 2 месяца назад
@@물멍-d8b Most of Chinese history Han Chinese were not under rule of foreigners. You also have too much of your personal feelings instead of actual history stored up in your head.
@barbiebarbie1813 7 месяцев назад
In ancient Korean women's clothes(hanbok) "exposed nipples", there was a thousand years of history (during the Han Dynasty, the Chinese saw that Korean women's clothes(hanbok) were exposed in the southern Peninsula). This is also written in Chinese Chaoxian朝鮮 history . Historically. When Japanese attack entered the Chaoxian朝鮮 Peninsula each time, the King of Korea also reported to the Chinese emperor. The emperor would send the army to repel the Japanese. The soldiers reported to the emperor because all Korean women exposed their nipples. It affected the Chinese army's work. Korean women also have to carry things on their heads. All Korean culture is similar to African culture. The Koreans have evolved from primitive people "Only 100 years". In addition, all Chinese chaoxian朝鮮 officials need to return to Chinese officials to take the exam . The history written by chaoxian朝鮮 officials also needs to review the Chinese emperor. Because this is the history of Chinese people. Ancient Korea = Chaoxian朝鮮 , Real historical name in history. ---------------------------- In ancient Korea name "朝鮮chaoxian" (one of ancient Chinese city), . "white-clothed ethnic 白衣民族" (Today Korean ancestors) wearing this fully chest exposed Korean dress (hanbok) is an "honor" for many Korean women - because she has a son! If the woman does not have a son or has daughters, she is not eligible to wear this kind of dew suit - only a korean woman who has a son is eligible to show her chest. So instead of feeling ashamed, these korean women in dew clothes have the feeling of "I'm proud of having a son! I want the world to know!" The meaning of. At that time, when there was no scientific contraceptive measures, the vast majority of Korean women would eventually give birth to a son, so the vast majority of Korean women could finally wear "proud" dew clothes. So this dew suit is the real traditional dress in Korea! Deliberately shirtless is a Korean tradition (hanbok), even in 2014. When the Pope visited South19 Korea, they also set up a "deliberately shirtless" statue to commemorate their tradition! * "white-clothed ethnic 白衣民族" in history = the ancestors of the Korean . ------------------------------ 1910. Japan has swallowed Korea. The Japanese believe that some of the low -level Korean traditional culture and primitive (women expose their nipples and transport things on their heads) are very primitive and backward. The Japanese banned Korean women from exposing the nipples (the traditional Korean costume. Hanbok). The Korean people strongly resisted. Koreans believe that this is a traditional culture of Korea. They insist on retention. In the Korean capital city. As long as the Japanese see those Korean women who show their nipples, they will give them penalties and slaps. After that, the Korean capital city gradually reduces Korean women's nipples. They cover the nipples with a piece of cloth. (But in the place where there are fewer Japanese soldiers. Korean women still maintain the traditional culture that exposes nipples). Until 1950, Westerners were still taking photos in Korea. A photo of Korean women showing nipples on the street (traditional Korean clothing). In 1970, this kind of Korean traditional culture disappeared completely. ------------------------------ Historically, Korean women's clothes show their nipples (about 11 years old. After they get married and have children), until they are old, they use their heads to transport things (Westerners Record history photos).. * Ancient Korean traditional costumes are pure white (the Korean people have been known as the "White clothes ethnic" since ancient times), and women's clothes are exposed their nipples (the Korean people show their nipples to represent the beauty). This reflects the ancient Korean people and thoughts. (Westerners Record history photos). ------------------------------ Anceint japan (before 13th century )= 東瀛 & 扶桑 & 倭 . (the name set by the Chinese emperor. It is also the name of the historical record) Today japan = 日本 Anceint korea= 朝鮮 (and 高包麗. 百濟. 新羅. 王氏高麗. 李氏朝鮮) . (the name set by the Chinese emperor. It is also the name of the historical record) Today korea = 韓國(南北) Anceint Nonth Vietnam= 交趾 . (the name set by the Chinese emperor. It is also the name of the historical record) Today Vietnam = 越南 Anceint Okinawa= 琉球. (the name set by the Chinese emperor. It is also the name of the historical record) Today Okinawa = 沖繩
@물멍-d8b 3 месяца назад
Please escape your fantasy world. Can't you escape your fantasy world because you have got a brain damage that have been ruled by nomadic people for thousands of years?
@물멍-d8b 3 месяца назад
Yes Korean woman maybe exposed their chest but it is only limited in commoners or servant class. And it is just a social phenomenon since after 17s.
@물멍-d8b 3 месяца назад
If you are not got a brain damage, Just see the facts that Joseon Dynasty at that time, most Confucian country in the world, While Han chinese is a slavery of Jurchen babarians. Confucianism don't say woman should expose their chest. Don't you have a brain? Chinese more Babarious than Korean at that time cause they are salvery of babarians.
@물멍-d8b 3 месяца назад
Before blame other country, See your ashamed culture so called "Foot Binding". Han chinese makes their girls foot weird to bind it very young age. This culture started Song dynasty(960~) to Early 20s century.
@barbiebarbie1813 3 месяца назад
@@물멍-d8b In the ancient Korea (Chaoxian朝鮮 -Real historical name, Chinese territory and the Chinese regio before 1910). In 918-1910. It was two different ethnic groups. 1.Chinese (Han Ethnic)(Wear color and pattern clothes) - Ruler and nobleman 2. Korean (White Clothes Ethnic)( Wear white clothes without pattern) - Civilians and slaves 1. Ruler and nobleman (Goguryeo高句麗 , Baekje百濟, Silla新羅 , Goryeo高麗, Joseon朝鮮=Chaoxian朝鮮 ..): Chinese local officials and nobles (royal members, monks, scholars, soldiers, architects, technicians, and their families ...). They are Chinese (Han) and their descendants born in the local area. They have always wore China in China costumes. They speak Chinese language (official and Han dialect) and Chinese characters. They are Chinese officials and represent the Chinese emperor's governance of the ancient Korean Peninsula (朝鮮). Local Chinese officials (Chaoxian king朝鮮王) and Chinese nobles in ancient Korea (Chaoxian 朝鮮-Chinese territory). They all Chinese clothes (hanfu), headdress (hat and crown), silk cloth (including embroidery), soldiers (such as: defensive clothing, horses). Weapons (including cannons), Chinese literature books (including Chinese history, Taoism Buddhism), Chinese special architectural materials (including palaces and design paintings). Food materials (Chinese food and Chinese royal food), wooden wheels used, large military ships, etc. are made from other cities in China). Among them, the Chinese royal's (Chaoxian king /officials and nobles) Hanfu comes from Chinese han clothes, opera clothing, and hat crown headwear. Therefore, the fabric on the clothes is high -level. There are a large number of Chinese official dragon patterns and various traditional Chinese patterns (including Chinese characters) on the clothes. 2. Civilians and slaves (Goryeo高麗, Joseon=Chaoxian朝鮮 ..only appeared in history after the 13th century): Civilians and slaves are indigenous Koreans (White Clothes Ethnic白衣民族). They speak Korean language. Long -term banned learning and use of Chinese characters 漢字(except a few descendants of mixed with Chinese people). Korean people cannot use any pattern of Chinese imperial power. 龍dragon and 鳯phoenix. In ancient times, this was a beheading and destroyer. * Chinese patterns and Dragon's totem represents the symbol of the ancient Chinese and Chinese power. Korean people cannot use any pattern of Chinese imperial power. 龍dragon and 鳯phoenix. Only the Chinese royal family and senior officers can use it. If the "White clothes Ethnic 白衣民族" (today's ancestors of Koreans) use the pattern of dragon and use Chinese characters. They will destroy the tribe and beheaded. Korean characters韓字 are text used by slaves. Ancient Korean can only use Korean characters (after the 15th century. Chinese officials - Chaoxian king and Chinese scholars who settled on the Chaoxian朝鮮 . Chinese officials use Chinese characters and Korean language to create "Korean characters韓字 ".) for slaves. These low Korean soldiers are used to protect the Chaoxian Peninsula 朝鮮半島(Chinese territory) to prevent Japanese pirates from invasion. In ancient Korea (Chaoxian朝鮮 ) does not have any technologies and processes such as metal , Bend the wood and dye embroidery patterns. Most Korean men became low -level soldiers in the Chinese army (under the command of Chinese officers). There is no armor. Korean only wear pure white clothes and korean women's clothing is exposed nipples (Hanbok - Features of traditional Korean clothes). All Korean women use their heads to move anything (similar to other primitive tribal culture). Korean houses are cottage built with grass (only Chinese can live in Chinese palaces and temples). Korean people earn food in the market concentrated on exchanging items. They do not have any coins and any metal things. South Korea's national culture and tools for use are very primitive. * Chinese patterns and dragon totems represent the ancient Chinese and symbols of Chinese power. Only the Chinese royal family and high-ranking military officers can use them. If the "White clothes Ethnic 白衣民族" (today's ancestors of Koreans) use dragon patterns and use Chinese characters ((In addition to the mulattoes and those working in the Chinese palace)), they will be exterminated. and beheaded. Writing history is the tradition and habit of the ancient Chinese. The history of the ancient Korean Peninsula was written by classical Chinese. This was read for the Chinese and must be approved for the Chinese emperor. This is a record and governance story of Chinese officials and nobles on the ancient Korean Peninsula.
@K1664KB 7 месяцев назад
I love the fact that China’s youths are keeping the hanfu tradition alive! I am a Singaporean Chinese and I think that reviving the hanfu is a great way to get our youths to be more participative and keen about our own Chinese culture and identity. I think all the men and women looks so spectacular, dignified and charming in their hanfu.
@Paralianpoet 7 месяцев назад
I only saw them in movies and drama and I thought they were beautiful
@hatsufei 7 месяцев назад
Is it appropriate for european to wear hanfu and traditional chinese hairstyles outside of China? (In daily life outfits)🕊♡ Thankyou
@byhyew 4 месяца назад
It is. There's not the idea of political correctness of "social appropriation" in China.
@belindarenata3455 2 месяца назад
Wherever you are, you should dress well. If you are in chinese festival, its oke to using it. But if you are working in office, using Hanfu even in China is seems odd 😅
@suzieq5174 8 месяцев назад
there is nothing more beautiful than tradition. Hanfu is lovely and intrinsically Chinese. Such a beautiful culture
@pearls1626 8 месяцев назад
I am so glad that they are embracing their traditional culture. They shouldn’t have abandon it to begin with.
@しょしょ-q6d 8 месяцев назад
@ch3rub1m 4 месяца назад
@물멍-d8b 3 месяца назад
Does Japanese got a Stockholm syndrome they trying to flatter their cultural attacker to compensate their row self-esteem.
@물멍-d8b 3 месяца назад
@@ch3rub1m Even 5 years child can say the difference between Song dynasty clothes to Ming dynasty clothes.
@물멍-d8b 3 месяца назад
​@@ch3rub1m The capital city of Song dynasty, Kaipeng, was far southern compare to Yuan dynasty, Beijing. So Song dynasty clothes can't be adopted to Yuan imperial family because If you wear song dynasty clothes in beijing, it is too cold to everyone gonna be dead.
@물멍-d8b 3 месяца назад
@@ch3rub1m And Even Yuan imperial family had looked down Han chinese as a bug due to their Ethnocentrism like nowdays. And Because the Emperor Khublai khan was a mothers' father of Goryeo King Chung-Seon, and Empress Ki of Yuan who is from Korean family made cultural influence of Goryeo so powerful in china at that time. It is true.
@flair4crafts894 8 месяцев назад
Weird is that their own people find weird their own roots.? Wake up! Embrace your roots and be them. Keep it going China, it has a positive effect on your own psyche. Thus saith the Lord, Stand ye in the ways and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls.- Jeremiah 6:16.
@marvinfok65 8 месяцев назад
China is already a late comer to revival of their traditional clothes. Most Asian countries had retained their traditional clothes with high esteem! People in like Japan, Korea, Vietnam, India, Pakistan, Myanmar & Malaysia were constantly wearing their traditional clothes. As a matter of fact, it was the ethnic minority in China that wore their traditional clothes regularly! The Tibetans, Uyghurs, Yunnan tribes constantly wore their traditional clothes.
@thomastc4535 7 месяцев назад
The Chinese had, in fact, wore traditional clothing, but it was the "Qi Pao". This was later changed to Hanfu as Qi Pao was more of Manchurian rather than for the majority Han Chinese.
@marvinfok65 7 месяцев назад
@@thomastc4535 Qi Pao was a modern dress. Think it was created in the 1920s. It was a modernized version of the Manchurian dress, so it isn't strictly a traditional dress.
@thomastc4535 7 месяцев назад
@@marvinfok65 Unlike in the old days, every women would wear a Qi Pao. In modern times, it is wore only on special occasions, like wearing Hanfu. So Qi Pao is a traditional clothing.
@byhyew 4 месяца назад
But the minorities are also Chinese though.
@nationfighting3929 9 месяцев назад
And looking at ancient Chinese records and Korean records, Korean ancestors wore hobok(hu dress). Basically these hobok were separated tothe top clothes and pants. But originally, hanfu in China was a dress that wrapped around the body without pants. However, this hobok design spread to China from the time when the people dominating the mainland of China were replaced by the northern Manchurian- Mongols line. After all, Yuan era clothes in the Ming Dynasty, which the Chinese now claim to be hanfu, is a clothing influenced by hobok, which has become widespread since the Mongolian Yuan period. This is a groundless interpretation even if the Chinese claim that everything originated in hanfu.
@directxxxx71 9 месяцев назад
A group of Chinese and Korean people went to a Korean museum and the Korean needed Chinese help to translate " their ancestors' language" 😂😂😂
@nationfighting3929 8 месяцев назад
​​​@directxxxx71 Without stopping here, the Chinese claim that Korea is part of China because the ancient Korean territory is now Chinese. They declare Gojoseon and Goguryeo as Chinese history. And since North and South Korea are divided, they are working on editing the history of North Korea to incorporate it into China's history. In that way, China is editing its territory and history culture and increasing its volume. It is a very famous incident to register the Korean culture of late Joseon people who fled to China 150 years ago on UNESCO's list of Chinese minority cultures. Look at the Chinese who claim that all independence activists from the Korean Peninsula who fought against Japan during the Japanese occupation are also "Chinese". China's political, historical, and cultural editorial movement is an attempt to formulate the concept that all Asians are Chinese. It is merely a blueprint to make the entire Asian continent China. As Korea became internationally known, the Chinese are offended and claim that Korea st0xxle and using Chinese culture. However, apparently it is the Koreans who have 10st their territory and history. Do not lie that Koreans insist that china should return the Liaodong Peninsula and Manchuria. rather Koreans protesting against China's takeover of North Korea.
@jaydenjin6729 8 месяцев назад
​@@directxxxx71 그 중국인은 자국의 언어를 쓰기위해 로마자 알파벳의 도움을 받습니다. 병어 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
@thomastc4535 7 месяцев назад
@@nationfighting3929 Please tell everyone of us where is the Capital of Gogruryeo ??
@barbiebarbie1813 7 месяцев назад
In ancient Korean women's clothes(hanbok) "exposed nipples", there was a thousand years of history (during the Han Dynasty, the Chinese saw that Korean women's clothes(hanbok) were exposed in the southern Peninsula). This is also written in Chinese Chaoxian朝鮮 history . Historically. When Japanese attack entered the Chaoxian朝鮮 Peninsula each time, the King of Korea also reported to the Chinese emperor. The emperor would send the army to repel the Japanese. The soldiers reported to the emperor because all Korean women exposed their nipples. It affected the Chinese army's work. Korean women also have to carry things on their heads. All Korean culture is similar to African culture. The Koreans have evolved from primitive people "Only 100 years". In addition, all Chinese chaoxian朝鮮 officials need to return to Chinese officials to take the exam . The history written by chaoxian朝鮮 officials also needs to review the Chinese emperor. Because this is the history of Chinese people. Ancient Korea = Chaoxian朝鮮 , Real historical name in history.
@neoh.tadano 9 месяцев назад
華服店 vs 吳服店
@barbiebarbie1813 7 месяцев назад
吳服就是古代中國人的衣服. 不是日本人衣服.
@neoh.tadano 7 месяцев назад
@ailiu-bx9zg 9 месяцев назад
汉服的复兴和复原是从字画书籍,出土文物而来,近十几年来汉服复兴运动出现是因为,汉族在清朝不能穿汉服,只能穿汉化的满族服饰,中国国泰民安以后开始溯源自己的民族服装,所做的复原也是根据出土文物而来,而不是所谓的学韩国日本。 而且只有强大的国家才有强大而独特的文明和影响力,西域、印度和北方游牧民族可以对汉族文明能有影响也是因为人家强大而独特,中国也从没否认过对此有吸收,但基本都中国化了,且原创的部分并没有比吸收的少,相反原创的更多,主流思想就是本土观点。 古代的朝鲜半岛那一小块地方算什么呢?别说印度西域,朝鲜半岛甚至在东北亚也不是最强的,蒙古女真都比你们强得多得多,连日本都打不过还要寻求明朝帮助,而且朝鲜半岛多山地,气候也不够适宜多种农作物的种植,在古代根本就不容易发展出强大的农耕业和纺织业,是什么让韩国人相信长江黄河流域不能供养庞大人口,孕育出文明,而朝鲜半岛的山地小河就可以的? 当这地理条件被搬出来,韩国为了解释这一点,捏造了自己古代的领土范围和影响力,问题就是他们真的不够强,蒙古女真都在,东北亚什么时候轮到朝鲜说话。而且作为朝鲜半岛古代应该跟东北其他民族一样,拜萨满和崇尚自然,现在的韩服就是受承袭明朝衣冠制度,受汉服影响才会出现 与东北其他民族服饰截然不同的特点。
@ailiu-bx9zg 9 месяцев назад
@sanneoi6323 9 месяцев назад
I wear Hanfu almost every single day. In my expansive wardrobe encompassing clothing of Manchurian, Vietnamese, Korean, Western, fusion and Latin styles the majority is Hanfu. I love Hanfu for myriad reasons. I feel proud to show off my traditional culture and support my country, and I love to wear the mulberry silks produced right here in their country of origin. If I wear it all the way to the bottom layer then it feels like being enrobed in a cloud. I think that even what some call xianfu also counts as Hanfu because Hanfu evolved over time, it is the same lineage and the same Han designing it it is also Hanfu. I DEFINITELY agree with following our traditions, not only in dress but in every facet of our lives. I also would LOVE to see more Eastern influences on the world.
@annadonegan8108 9 месяцев назад
Would it be deemed offensive for non Chinese to wear Hanfu.. it is appreciated by non Chinese I am in love with hanfu style it is stunning.
@sanneoi6323 9 месяцев назад
@@annadonegan8108 No. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.
@MrMrPang 6 месяцев назад
@@annadonegan8108 完全不会反而会得到很多欣赏的目光,只是不要声称是自己民族发明的就好了。
@Michaelson330 10 месяцев назад
I'm really annoyed that every time i watch some videos about china history, there are always kr who say that it belongs to korea. Come on, anyone who has learned asian history will know the influence of china on korea, why are koreans the only ones who haven't learned history? PLS be quiet, the country who never have had any voice in the entire history of the world
@sanneoi6323 9 месяцев назад
I hate those types more than anything. They are worse than Japanese. While Japan will be China's enemy until it is inevitably wiped off the face of the Earth, Korea has always been Chinese best friend and closest brother. Korean culture was created by a Chinese philosopher soon after the genesis of Chinese civilisation. China and Korea come from one origin and have evolved side by side.
@directxxxx71 9 месяцев назад
A thief always believes everybody steals 😂😂😂 An American vassal state wants to steal just like its colonial master.
@thomastc4535 7 месяцев назад
God will, one day, become a Korean 🤣😂
@vlad5042 6 месяцев назад
yeah nationalism seems to really interfere with historical education in a lot of asia (and a lot of the rest of the world). korea was a tributary state to china for a really long time, but they seem to think that they won't be able to take pride in their traditional culture if they admit a lot of it originates from china. whats weird is even though japan teaches a lot of cultural revisionism, most japanese seem happy to admit that traditional japanese culture was very heavily influenced by china.
@물멍-d8b 3 месяца назад
Korean never says that it is korean's culture. But korean just wanna say the fact about that what you say Mingfu is originated from Goryeo Hanbok with Yuan dynasty imprerial clothes. It is true because Mongolian had seen chinese like a bug due to chinese Ethnocentrism at that time, So they adopt korean style rather than chinese style. And It is also so cold to wear Songfu at that time in Beijing.
@barbaradugan 10 месяцев назад
I believe the series THE UNTAMED was a start for everybody to recognize the beauty of the hanfu on men as well as the women that is how I started to appreciate the culture. USA
@DimaRakesah 10 месяцев назад
I love the idea of reviving traditional clothing anywhere. Normalize traditional clothing for those who want to wear it!
@不是老-p3n 11 месяцев назад
中国91%的人都是汉族人,满族人是非常少的人,汉族人穿汉服很奇怪吗?英国人不能说英语吗? 难道要强迫13多亿的中国人穿满族衣服才行吗??? 你们会强迫所有的犹太人放弃自己的传统服饰而穿着英国人的衣服吗?
@물멍-d8b 3 месяца назад
What matter is what you say Hanfu actually originated from clothes of korean historical drama in 2010s. You shouldn't steal korean style and say it is your own traditional culture.
@물멍-d8b 3 месяца назад
And you really shouldn't look down other country. Because you have a experience that treated like a bug due to chinese Ethnocentrism in Yuan Dynasty by Mongolians. So Mongolian took the Goryeo style not a Song style at that time. lol.
@不是老-p3n 3 месяца назад
@@물멍-d8b The area of the Yuan Dynasty was very large, even reaching the territory of Europe. Did Europeans wear Korean uniforms?
@不是老-p3n 3 месяца назад
@@물멍-d8b In fact, the history of the Yuan Dynasty was very short. The Emperor of the Yuan Dynasty was sinicized, and the Yuan Dynasty repaired the history of the Song Dynasty, becoming an era in China. The Emperor of the Yuan Dynasty learned Chinese characters and wore Hanfu, living Chinese customs,
@不是老-p3n 3 месяца назад
@@물멍-d8b The clothes of the Chinese people during the Yuan Dynasty were inherited from those of the Chinese people during the Song Dynasty, and had no relation to Goryeo. In ancient times, the relationship between China and South Korea was like the relationship between the United States and Haiti today, and Haiti could not affect the entire United States