Jimmy Akin
Jimmy Akin
Jimmy Akin
What's Up With Jimmy's Accent?
11 часов назад
What Are Deathbed Visions?
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Is the Pope Always Right?
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Is Christ Our Only Mediator?
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Why Do We Pray to Saints?
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What Did Mary Know About Jesus?
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Are There Levels in Heaven and Hell?
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Are Marriage Vows Necessary?
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Prayer vs  Radical Surrender to God?
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What Is Death?
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@KillingReal 58 минут назад
Everybody would of said you have Covid today
@MrGoodwell Час назад
Thanks, Jimmy.
@KillingReal Час назад
We need more longer form content Sir. May lord bless you an yours, and happy Father's day
@ironymatt Час назад
Good general conversation. Insofar as it behooves one to not allow one's kindness to be taken for weakness, I'm reminded of the quote from Roadhouse, "Be nice... until it's time to not be nice"
@FimiliarGalaxy9 Час назад
Why is the ankle bone notable to early writers?
@ToddJambon Час назад
I tend to take on aspects of the accent where I'm currently living. I still have hints of Southern Louisiana, where I was born. But when I lived in Brooklyn, NY, for a time, people thought I was a native because I took on pronunciations like "coa-fee".
@kimfleury Час назад
Linguistics is awesome.
@lucidlocomotive2014 2 часа назад
Dr. Johnley Bradley Atkins is the KING of online internet. If it’s web? He’s the best. He’s by far the greatest male that ANY human’s ever heard of other than our Lord
@krzy1446 2 часа назад
If you did a mysterious world episode on your accent, what would you find?
@christusenciaga 2 часа назад
I always like a Jimmy Akin video. No need to ask, Jimmy.
@fizzmaister 2 часа назад
First viewer, liker, and commenter. Nothing productive to add though.
@ironymatt 2 часа назад
@krzy1446 2 часа назад
It is just distracting from what you have to say. If your goal is to convey the gospel, doing it the way you have been doing it is the way to go.
@kimfleury Час назад
It wouldn't be distracting to people who are familiar with his native accent. Familiarity decreases distraction.
@timothybrooks1429 2 часа назад
Sounds like normal talkin’ to me
@justjason7662 3 часа назад
Great dialogue and I really enjoyed this! I want to express something that I don’t think is addressed well enough by the RCC, but I struggle with how to address it because I acknowledge it comes across very hostile. But take this from a Sola Scriptura Protestant that is very open to the Catholic tradition: The reason Sola Scriptura is necessary for the church is due to the failings and corruption of the medieval era RCC that condemned Catholic theologian John Wycliffe and Catholic priest Jan Huss for their challenging errant papists justifying truly corrupt lifestyles. Jan Huss rebuked the church for its role in indulgences and simony for example, and the RCC burned him alive as a heretic and dressed him in demonic robes to mock him. The history on this issue is so gruesome that two popes have now apologized for the church’s role in the story of Jan Huss. There is simply no justifying the condition of the RCC in this era. It was so sinfully depraved that it was more of a political institution than a religious one. Papists referred to the pope as “Our Lord and God on earth - The Pope.” They bought, sold, and traded church offices for power, not for religious service. They whored in brothels, drank, gambled, murdered, committed genocides against fellow Christians for challenging the papists and their debauchery. I don’t see how the RCC can reconcile its broken condition from that era. And the only remedy to challenge the papists and the corruption in the church was a Sola Scriptura approach similar to how John Wycliffe challenged papal involvement in nations and possession of lands. The papists could argue the pope was essentially king of everything with a bull. But Wycliffe challenged them to see how their false doctrines were conflicting with Scripture and even the apostle’s own God ordained roles. There is nothing stopping the church from going down that dark path again without Sola Scriptura. There are bad popes. Some that have even been anathematized. There are bad bishops. The medieval church is the best rationality for the necessity of Sola Scriptura to check the power of the papists and their corruption in that age. And it is evidence why we should never ever revisit papist doctrines as authoritative again. While the church may be in a much better place today, there is no guarantee that will never happen again, unless there is an unmoving, unchanging absolute authority. Sola Scriptura. This is not an attack, this is a plea for reason. Simply reading the history of Jan Huss and the Hussite wars should be a pretty reasonable place for dialogue on this issue. God bless my siblings in Christ.
@NorthCountry84 3 часа назад
Jimmy only wears purple now
@davidbloomquist5385 3 часа назад
It would have been quicker if he just said that he’s doing it intentionally to make himself sound more relatable.
@ladysaffire4006 3 часа назад
Interesting 😊
@robolvey2227 3 часа назад
Fellow Arkansan here. Proud to have you back!
@marinanguish9928 4 часа назад
Makes sense, I hope my comment on the last mysterious world wasn't misinterpreted
@rosiegirl2485 4 часа назад
I just commented this on a different video!
@TravisBringsIt 4 часа назад
I'm glad you explained these aspects of southern dialect. I'm from Southern Indiana and do all of the things you talked about in the video but didn't know the terminology for them. My son,who was in kindergarten this past year and learning sight-words,pointed out one day while I was helping him with homework that I pronounced words with -in and -en the same and he corrected me 😆 I was more than a little frustrated with him because it sounded the same to me and so I didnt think there was anything to correct. I had to listen to my wife stress the difference in the sounds before I could figure out what they were talking about and then had to apologize to my son for getting agitated 😂
@Undermarysmantleforever 4 часа назад
@delizzadavila3657 4 часа назад
Great show 😊
@daveseviltwin11 4 часа назад
You still say "things" rather than "thin's" weirdly enough
@daveseviltwin11 4 часа назад
Funny this comes out the day I go down to arkansas
@sliglusamelius8578 4 часа назад
I hate it. Can't stand it. Make it stop.
@janeclark7060 4 часа назад
Jimmy, I think you are becoming more authentic, but that isn't to say that you weren't before. I'm from Chicagoland and have lived in Southern Illinois and Missouri for (now) the majority of my life. I was stunned at how quickly my speech changed and even more stunned at how quickly I revert when I'm home with family and friends. Blessings to you!
@paulajoniak3925 4 часа назад
During Mass, we say “May Almighty God have MERCY on us, forgive us our sins and bring us to everlasting life” Mercy IS God’s Grace. Frank says he doesn’t hear the Gospel during Mass- except the Gospel is LITERALLY being read out loud every single time. Furthermore, I can’t think of a greater Grace than receiving the actual Blood and Flesh of Christ through The Eucharist. The point of Mass isn’t to be entertained- the point of Mass is to offer sacrifice. And the Greatest Sacrifice is ever before us- Christ Himself being offered up because of His Grace for us.
@xravenx24fe 5 часов назад
So what hes saying is he is literally forcing his accent all over just because? Idk this seems really vain and immature, does he dislike liberalism so much he resents talking like liberals hahaha
@dennisg5639 5 часов назад
Can you do some material against the Sede Vacantists, who say Ratzinger taught heresy, etc.
@dennisg5639 5 часов назад
Being a Yankee, I definitely liked the other Akin accent, but I concur with his intentions.
@earlygreats2632 5 часов назад
I was wonderin where’s the G! Thanks for explaining this! I love all our accents in the states!
@youtubeKathy 5 часов назад
boot scootin' as opposed to boot scooting.
@youtubeKathy 5 часов назад
I am glad you addressed this. I thought I was losing my mind. I was this close to searching old footage to see if Jimmy always talked like this.
@ahoblit 5 часов назад
lol "thats just regular talk"
@rosiegirl2485 6 часов назад
I have been noticing that Jimmy leaves the "g" silent in ending with "ing." Like the word "saying." Instead, he pronounces it as "sayin." I don't remember him doing this before. Also, it doesn't seem to fit with his study of languages. Has anyone else noticed this, or is it just me?
@michigangirl2450 6 часов назад
If narwhals, why not unicorns?
@shepherdessinthefray 6 часов назад
Personally I find it very hard to listen to the G droppin’. Which is sad because I love his episodes 😭
@kellyburgess671 6 часов назад
@pdxnikki1 6 часов назад
Proof that Jimmy is made to answer stuff. 😁🙏
@mementomori7266 6 часов назад
I'm originally from Florida and I drop the final G, too!
@GivingAlms-pz9ds 6 часов назад
This is incredible. I’ve prayed for this man to know what the Catholic Church truly teaches. This is an answer to prayer. Wow.
@michelejones5538 6 часов назад
I also noticed the accent change. I wondered about it too.
@tmm4446 6 часов назад
A more precise way to describe the “ng” speech sound according to place and manner of articulation is to call it a “velar nasal” because the place of articulation is the back of the tongue touching the soft palate (velum) and the airflow is directed through the nasal cavity. Jimmy is substitutin’ the velar nasal with an alveolar nasal (or “n”) in which the place of articulation is the tongue tip contacting the alveolar ridge (bumpy area behind the front teeth) with the airflow directed through the nasal cavity.
@WGoldenDelicious 6 часов назад
As a CNC machinist, now 3D printer hobbyist this is still really cool!
@dynamic9016 7 часов назад
Thanks much
@ShaneChiswick 7 часов назад
I can't believe what I just heard. I was expecting Jimmy to denounce all these special guest appearances back from the dead as demonic activity NOT as being legit. Is this official Catholic doctrine?
@sharonkilzer6842 7 часов назад
Sorry. Unsubscribin'
@sherryelysiak4798 7 часов назад
LOL!!! I guess, to show my ignorance, I didn't think Jimmy had an accent!!!