Patrick Kelly
Patrick Kelly
Patrick Kelly
Well researched deep dives into medical history.

Main channel: ru-vid.com
How Anthrax Changed Infectious Disease
Месяц назад
What Happened to Appendectomies?
3 месяца назад
The History of Phage Therapy
4 месяца назад
Tetracycline: The Rise of Pfizer
6 месяцев назад
Penicillin: From Fleming to the Pharmacy
8 месяцев назад
Sulfa Drugs: the Rise and Fall of Sulfanilamide
9 месяцев назад
What Was The First Antibiotic?
10 месяцев назад
The Story of the Rabies Vaccine
11 месяцев назад
Miasma Theory, Explained
Год назад
The Four Humors, Explained
Год назад
The Dark Story of Phrenology
Год назад
@oldpcgamers7450 4 часа назад
And they put people on ventilators with drugs to suppress breathing. Insanity.
@theultimatereductionist7592 4 часа назад
Placebo Domingo is both one of the world's greatest opera singers and one of the world's greatest medicines for curing earache.
@sharonkaczorowski8690 7 часов назад
I may not live long enough to benefit…old lady here…but there is research into using phage therapy to treat autoimmune disorders. Very early days.
@donaldforsyth2986 7 часов назад
My right side colon was removed 21 years ago and naturally, the appendix went with it. Fortunately the surgeons noticed a Meckles Diverticulum and removed it while they were in there. Curiously, I had suffered from frequent and severe left sided "diverticulitis" pain for many years. After surgery, I no longer suffered these attacks.
@sharonkaczorowski8690 7 часов назад
So fighting turtles makes you a badass…oh my, humans and their psychological needs. “I might be a nerd but I dominated those ninja turtles in training!” I say this as a proud lifelong nerd. We’ve romanticized and even deified scientists and science to the point we no longer see it as a human endeavor with all that goes with that…it makes it hard for individuals to admit to mistakes and failures because the consequences are so dire both within the community and without. And the consequences of that can be dire and widespread for everyone.
@sharonkaczorowski8690 8 часов назад
I’ve wondered if side effects are sometimes coincidental in that telling someone to look for them or, if someone is hyper vigilant, they just happened to be cold, etc. and blamed it on the medication. I’ve observed this in acquaintances, family and friends. Drives me crazy…and often seems to happen when a med is working.
@sharonkaczorowski8690 8 часов назад
Laughed so hard my ribs hurt from “rich people nonsense.” The mind is a powerful and at times a scary place. I have had, based on symptoms, fibromyalgia since age twelve (triggered by drowning). Until recently it was considered a disorder of hysterical women seeking attention. It left me with very mixed feelings about placebos, among other issues. Became even worse when I developed many other conditions after surviving bacterial meningitis at 50 (23 years ago). I could write a book in the positive consequences for a patient of a caring compassionate provider and the negative consequences of one who is not. It took years to find the good ones and frankly the process of getting there was incredibly stressful for someone already stressed by severe constant pain. Great presentation…learned a lot, which always makes me happy.
@jonqdoe2352 12 часов назад
Why would anybody drink something called Liquid Death?
@kvarner6886 18 часов назад
Still waiting on that Pliny video. :(
@anirbanmaitra6051 19 часов назад
Outstanding! Lots of respect
@PatKellyTeaches 12 часов назад
Much appreciated!
@trevise684 22 часа назад
u sure those lines are dotted?
@newdog2015 День назад
I just found your channel. Fantastic work! Way under watched!!
@chickenlegbis8743 День назад
Chapterhouse: Dune refrence
@pinkpyjamas-ey6rw День назад
As someone who's appendix burst many years ago, I cannot tell you how happy I was to have that organ removed. I was on a drip for a week afterwards and hospitalised for two weeks. My adult son's appendix ruptured a few years ago and he was in surgery for 5 hours. It is often a medical emergecny.
@opium317 День назад
Idk about other ppl but tetracycline did NOTHING to my acne. Still mad. I’m good now, but i’m still mad. Great video tho.
@opium317 День назад
Wait I don’t understand, is histamine a chemical released by the inflammatory response of the immune system cells to the allergy or are they receptors in brains, stomachs, and muscles. Also what is a receptor…..
@opium317 День назад
Ohhh wait are histomine receptors just like the channel proteins that absorb it in cells? Or am I just confused…
@bekkatheman День назад
Insurance companies are also an issue. There a generic versions of my Vyvanse, but my insurance will not pay for the generic... they will only pay for brand name. It baffles me.
@zer00rdie День назад
Keyword, "in the US".
@haleyperson4415 День назад
They figured out it's parasites
@gmill7911 День назад
It's interesting that hundreds of doctors and other medical professionals all contributed to the evolution of treatment for appendicitis, and my best friend still came within inches of death from a ruptured appendix, as he was repeatedly sent home from the ER with a "tummy ache."
@Hocusbogus28 День назад
I work with street dogs a lot. Every year I'm either bitten or scratched by a stay dog. My local nurse knows me personally by this point because of the number of times I have gotten the injection. I never take that chance.
День назад
It's good to see that you are making the distinction that tar causes cancer, not nicotine.
@ki3657 День назад
My BMI is overweight, alledgedly, but I simply CANNOT force my body to lose those last 5 kilos. It will rebel and I find myself driven to eat a lot more to regain the lost weight. I'm not sure why this happens but it's very consistent: at 175cm in height, I can get down to 80kg but no lower, at least not without massive bodily protest. Even if I am overweight (which I think I might be) I cannot fix it without my body very clearly telling me to shut up and stop imposing on it. And it's not like I overeat or anything. 1200-2000 calories a day and I just hang around the same weight, unable to reach that mythically healthy BMI.
@dustyboialex День назад
do you follow John greens efforts to eradicate TB??
@mrparts День назад
Interestingly. A friend of the family was suspected of appendicitis and that was the official diagnosis, until an old doctor re-examined and determined it was actually an ectopic pregnancy and she was rushed to surgery and she was saved.
@brackencloud 2 дня назад
i have no idea how i got subscribed here, but definitely the content i like. Glad to have it on my subscription page
@PatKellyTeaches День назад
That’s awesome to hear, thanks dude.
@Abby_Liu 2 дня назад
no one asked to look at my random bits when I got a laprascopic surgery. boring
@trailingupwards 3 дня назад
The entire placebo effect is due to the trillions of microorganisms which live in your gut.
@cococock2418 3 дня назад
Asian people aren't "people of color". They wanna be included in that oppression stack SO BAD but it falls so flat since Asians are the most prosperous racial group in America.
@reynoldskynaston9529 3 дня назад
Water can make you feel more alert
@kiikaala 3 дня назад
This was very interesting and well told. Thank you!
@hughbryant898 3 дня назад
In medical ethics, you have to inform the patient that its placebo - that doesn't wrap sense on me unless you said it after they received it.
@DaveTexas 3 дня назад
I seem to fall into the "nocebo" category, sort of. It’s not about negative effects from placebos for me, but more that when I don’t believe a medication will be effective, it often isn’t. I’m autistic and tend to think extremely logically about things. I also have a host of serious illnesses that are very, very real - like Type 1 Diabetes, spinal stenosis, osteoarthritis, and a degenerative neurological disease that is robbing me of my mobility…painfully. I have some diagnosed illnesses that aren’t what I’d consider "real," but we can’t find a better diagnosis. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is one. I sleep 11-14 hours every day and I’m exhausted during the hours I’m awake. It’s gone in for nearly five years. If I don’t get my 11-14 hours of sleep every day, I end up sleeping 18-20 hours after two or three days. I never believed CFS to be a "real" disease and I’m convinced there’s something going on that my doctors have missed, but I’ve had every test and scan imaginable multiple times and nothing has made itself apparent. I take all sorts of medications. Insulin, obviously, which has measurable effects. Many of the other medications I take aren’t as "measurable" in their effects, though. I’ve taken all sorts of medications for pain and other neurological symptoms. Many don’t seem to do anything. I’ve been told by my psychiatrist that my negative attitude toward medication might be causing me to feel that I’m receiving no benefit from certain medications. There are medications I’ve been prescribed that I don’t believe will work to treat my symptoms. And, about half the time, they don’t. Some surprise me. Certain medications for nerve pain worked far better than I could have ever expected. If I forget a dose, I really feel it. Other medications for inflammation don’t help my pain at all. As I’m highly depressed most of the time, I’ve taken all sorts of medications to treat depression. I’ve only ever taken one that had a noticeable effect on my depression. Of course, I had a severe reaction to it due to liver toxicity (which nearly killed me because liver toxicity wasn’t a known side effect of that particular drug and therefore I wasn’t taken off that drug for months while we searched in vain for the cause of my liver failure). So the only medication I’ve ever found to effectively treat my depression is one I can’t take. Fun! Anyway, I don’t technically suffer from the "nocebo" effect, but I seem to suffer from something related to it. I’ve tried to make myself believe that a drug would work, but you can’t force yourself to believe in something you don’t actually believe in. It’s why I’m an atheist despite growing up in a very religious household and having gone through extensive religious education. There is zero evidence for anything supernatural - gods, angels, ghosts, spirits, demons, whatever - so I don’t believe they’re real. Thus, "believing" that a medication will work when I’ve seen no evidence for its efficacy doesn’t do it for me. Anyway, that’s my story. I absolutely love watching you, Patrick Kelly, so I always try to comment on your videos to help boost their position in the almighty algorithm. You make such intelligent, thought-provoking content. You’re also adorably cute, which I probably shouldn’t say but I have no filter so what the heck…
@natterlynabob1472 3 дня назад
To me all these double-blind placebo effects studies may well be proving that methodology of these studies is wrong. Historically placebos were often sugar pills, and sugar makes some of us feel slow and lethargic. This made any medicine being tested somewhat more effective than the placebo. Another issue is that the studies have to assume all the participants are identical. Because of genetic variation we each have a slightly different metabolism. One person with an unusual metabolic response will have little effect on the outcome of the study, but they are used to prescribe treatments for everyone: including those who have the unusual response. Most people over 70 have bad experiences with medicine and little faith in doctors.
3 дня назад
Germs come from Germany!
@thepain321 3 дня назад
Pointing metal objects or any instrument at pain or wound, then approaching that spot can cause the pain to stop briefly from the anxiety or nervous fear response. The idea that a worse pain is about to happen, causes something to happen mentally or physically. I have felt it plenty of times.
@FranBunnyFFXII 3 дня назад
That Liquid Death part I just want to point this out: It doesn't look like an energy drink, it looks alcoholic canned drink. Which is the purpose of these drinks to look like you're drinking alcohol. It's even marketed as being canned from Austrian Alp water, it's quite literally pulling on Austria's famous wine, and Germany's famous beer reputation. It was inspired by people drinking water out of monster cans at concerts but it's biggest pull and intent is to look like an alcoholic drink similar to that of White Claw and Mikes Hard.
@anon746912 3 дня назад
Over time you've become one of my favourite channels. Keep up the good work and consistency! I love learning these things.
@510235 3 дня назад
my poor rabbits and dogs T_T
@NitroDubzzz 3 дня назад
@lpc9929 4 дня назад
Im am infertile from eating scented candles. The
@Languslangus 4 дня назад
@nunyaefinbiz 4 дня назад
@frogmyfairchild7185 4 дня назад
I always think about Madeline getting her appendix removed and saying “voila, my scar!”
@chevyboyforlife4234 4 дня назад
The placebo effect cannot help somebody when they are dope sick
4 дня назад
Buying up smaller companies and raising prices should be good: it encourages people to start more smaller companies.
4 дня назад
The act requiring efficacy was arguably one of the big drivers of cost in drug research, and also of slowing down the pace of new drug discoveries. (As said later in the video.) Compare and contrast how your doctor can prescribe you any medication for any ailment off-label, even if the FDA only has efficacy trials for one specific ailment.
@Newmusellemihayat 4 дня назад
Thank you as a med student i felt disconnected from what i study your videos are hyping me up again