Kioku Reign Ch.
Kioku Reign Ch.
Kioku Reign Ch.
Hi! I'm Kioku! (きおくです!) Kio for short. Content Creator for Predecessor!
I stream a veriety of games from Dark Souls, Monster Hunter, Apex Legends, Predecessor, and really just anything else! Most of my Videos however is content on Predecessor.

Whats Predecessor? Predecessor is a 3rd person action MOBA where Verticality comes into play. Think League of Legends, Smite, and Dota, but with more aiming required. Check out my videos if you want to see what its about!

Want to tip the channel? ko-fi.com/kioku
Predecessor In Game Tutorial V0.18
Месяц назад
@anedabonit 10 дней назад
no pred, peace out mang
@KiokuVT 10 дней назад
Understandable. 🤷‍♂️
@granddaddylurch9178 10 дней назад
Didn't k ow u were a. Ringe vtuber -1
@KiokuVT 10 дней назад
Cause the 100s of videos i have showinging a vtuber model wasnt a dead giveaway. 🤣 who cares about your -1. 😂
@AyeYoTek 15 дней назад
Grux isn't great if you can't snowball the lobby and the higher you climb the harder it is to win with Grux because he falls off so hard late game. Might wanna work on expanding your hero pool. Your builds are also a little suspect at times. When you laned against Feng, you went pure damage and didn't really build any health or defense. What wins games in standard won't help you climb in ranked. I'm currently about to hit gold and these are the things I've seen as I've climbed.
@KiokuVT 10 дней назад
Its hard to expand my pool sometimes when playing on 200 Ping. I went into ranked with the knowledge I have in standard, and your right. it doesnt work. But Its hard to play casters, ADCs, and even most supports cause I cant hit shots with 200 Ping. then offlaners, i really should get more heroes, like Sev, or Feng Mao under my belt.
@saeedshakur9868 16 дней назад
Very good team fights.
@KiokuVT 10 дней назад
Appreciate that!
@Nutzon_yorchin 17 дней назад
Steel support best support
@KiokuVT 10 дней назад
Hands down!
@chzbrgr123 19 дней назад
gwux time
@KiokuVT 19 дней назад
@Nutzon_yorchin 20 дней назад
Grux grux grux grux grux
@KiokuVT 20 дней назад
Gruxity Grux Grux
@DNAofDeath 21 день назад
Ewwwww what is this ugly build?
@remudkr4825 22 дня назад
19:55 you got killed by ping lol
@KiokuVT 22 дня назад
I was sad. but near 200 ping i guess will do that
@Nutzon_yorchin 22 дня назад
Ser is rathing
@KiokuVT 22 дня назад
@AniQuilattion 27 дней назад
at 3:30 u prob could of saved him if i would of tried hooking the carry in that moment instead of focusing on the support, u should also level up your hook the most instead of your R key
@KiokuVT 27 дней назад
Rewatched it, yea I 100% didnt peel for my carry there. normal i know exactly who to attack. i just didnt here. sucks.
@salvuu7659 Месяц назад
You need to look down for the instructions! it sais what the line kind and letters mean!
@KiokuVT Месяц назад
Cant read. too low IQ
@saeedshakur9868 Месяц назад
The Skin😂 it's fun to watch your gameplays
@KiokuVT Месяц назад
Appreciate that man!
@aqeelalshammri28 Месяц назад
Is it ok for me to ask for a greystone gameplay? I want to see how you play him because I'm terrible with him 😅
@KiokuVT Месяц назад
Yes Sir!
@aqeelalshammri28 Месяц назад
Ohhhh shit it's my Boi Rike-T
@KiokuVT Месяц назад
Rikky T!!
@NoobishTrash Месяц назад
4:45 That Poor Steel
@KiokuVT Месяц назад
Not that poor Kira???
@crissthoughts.7811 Месяц назад
I looove riktor. I'm a hook main in every game i touch LET'S GOOO
@KiokuVT Месяц назад
Riktors great! wish i had the ping for it though. 🤣
@crissthoughts.7811 Месяц назад
hey dude i just found your channed and i wanted to say that your avatar is great! i'll be following your content :D
@KiokuVT Месяц назад
I appreciate the love man! and good to see ya in stream!
@willieirsm Месяц назад
A lane freezing grux is pathetic
@KiokuVT Месяц назад
My dudes upset because i play a better offlaner than him. This is a MOBA broski, not a TDM. if you want a constant fight play brawl. If you dont understand wave management and why its important, then watch some videos on it. maybe youll get better.
@Blaze333tre Месяц назад
Countess ult is literally worse than any other ability at level 1 like WHERE IS THE DAMAGE
@KiokuVT Месяц назад
I mean wheres the damage on gideons ult. wheres the damage on Twin lasts ult. they also have bad damage output. Countess is a scaling hero. meant to be good late game. so unfortunately she doesnt do much early
@justinbragajb Месяц назад
With Aurora I use prophecy first and I attack the opponent right away. 9 times out of 10 I get a kill early game
@KiokuVT Месяц назад
When you say right away, are you saying lv 1 youjust go in and attack?
@aqeelalshammri28 Месяц назад
Bro, you already destroyed her. Why the spray 😂that is just disrespectful
@KiokuVT Месяц назад
Its a bad habit i picked up a while back when i was going up against some toxic players who kept spraying my body. I went up against them the next game and stompped them, sprayed their bodies. and then it happened again. ive been trying to break it.
@aqeelalshammri28 Месяц назад
​@KiokuVT toxic players in smite spamming laugh almost turned me into a demon so I know what you mean ignoring them is the best thing I ever did it made the games I play 100× better
@KiokuVT Месяц назад
I agree wholeheartedly. Ive stopped doing it for the most part. but ive caught myself still doing it sometimes. and Im like damn i didnt mean to spray.
@KiokuVT Месяц назад
In game tutorial for time keeping sake, and for those who have never seen it!
@AnthonyKellyjr Месяц назад
I feel like there are a lot that haven’t seen it😂😂
@KiokuVT Месяц назад
@@AnthonyKellyjrtrue. 😂
@Cekacha95 Месяц назад
you are good but you're missing way too many minions
@KiokuVT Месяц назад
???? I had the top CS in the lobby with 231 CS. a whole 100 CS above the shinbi. I dont think i need to farm more. but thanks for the input. really. not knocking it. just i know i didnt need to farm hard.
@filozz8808 Месяц назад
just noticed it, are you always on 130 ping???
@KiokuVT Месяц назад
Yupp. I live in Japan. and SEA servers are too hard to find matches. so i play on NAW servers. which come with 130 ping
@NoobishTrash Месяц назад
"What happens in a Bronze Lobby?" Probably some absolute nonsense if i had to guess.
@KiokuVT Месяц назад
Yupp. 100%
@shinyc.3366 Месяц назад
That 3am american time matchmaking be hitting different
@KiokuVT Месяц назад
Mega different dude
@Nutzon_yorchin Месяц назад
Shinbi poked the rino
@KiokuVT Месяц назад
Look. all she had to do was let me stand there peacefully. but nope.
@motorboatmygoat6488 Месяц назад
Shinbi should win everytime easy
@KiokuVT Месяц назад
Actually no, Shinbi isnt a counter to Grux. its the other way around. On top of that, im fighting a bronze level shinbi…. Im a Plat Shinbi main. i wont lose that fight.
@motorboatmygoat6488 Месяц назад
@KiokuVT I mean I have to disagree with I think shinbi is a counter to grux. I mean in this particular fight you were facing a terrible shinbi, but as long as you don't let the grux get fed and kill you constantly early game bc grux always wins early with anyone, but mid to late game shinbi shits on grux in my experience. Obviously you need a fair match up you and this guy skill levels were not even close.
@KiokuVT Месяц назад
I agree i didnt have a good shinbi. but statistically grux vs shinbi, Grux wins. this is coming from omeda city. look up Shinbi then look at counters. grux is at the top of the counter list. has been there for multiple patches. you can go back to old patches and see counters.
@jediaelisrael3227 Месяц назад
Does fire blossom heal u with magnify?
@KiokuVT Месяц назад
Ill do some testing. but im pretty sure it does.
@jediaelisrael3227 Месяц назад
@KiokuVT plz do, Any item with omnivap and magical lifesteal should work in my opinion. Plz comment back when u find out.
@KiokuVT 26 дней назад
i ran a couple tests and couldnt get it to work, or noticeable amount.
@jediaelisrael3227 26 дней назад
@KiokuVT ok kool, thank you for trying and reaching back out.
@KiokuVT 26 дней назад
of course!
@LeviaMeer Месяц назад
lol I talk too much, gg tho guys
@KiokuVT Месяц назад
Hahaha! Youre fine!
@boogoo4142 Месяц назад
i enjoyed that game
@KiokuVT Месяц назад
Was a fun game!
@Pani_Missy Месяц назад
Well done on the W. Very frustrating on offlane but it's okay. Hopefully they learn from this. GG.
@KiokuVT Месяц назад
We are all always learning! I believe in them!
@dylanglass961 Месяц назад
That game against the fang mao where your grux gadget and riktor was the biggest toss I've ever seen lol
@KiokuVT Месяц назад
lol it happens. sucks sometimes.
@dylanglass961 Месяц назад
@@KiokuVT you put out good content
@KiokuVT Месяц назад
appreciate that my dude! glad youre enjoying it!
@noblentnt4217 Месяц назад
full build?
@KiokuVT Месяц назад
I couldnt tell ya. this was too long ago. im sorry
@anedabonit Месяц назад
intro is fire
@KiokuVT Месяц назад
Thanks! Youre fire! 🔥
@Nutzon_yorchin Месяц назад
I still want joey doing voice lines for grux. BIg angry rino man but his voice lines are wholesome and friendly while hes wailing on you and soul reaper grim calling the lobby bots.
@KiokuVT Месяц назад
It would be great!
@Kronicangel28 Месяц назад
trying to learn support and midlane for when ranked comes out, im really really good at offlane and jungle jus kinda suck at midlane right now so thanks for this
@KiokuVT Месяц назад
Absolutely! Midlane really is about map awareness. its a tough lane because youre the center point. good luck!
@saeedshakur9868 Месяц назад
Do critical builds work well for melee characters?
@chzbrgr123 Месяц назад
Some of them. I really wouldnt build crit on anyone other than Serath and khaimera, but even then khaimera does better with HP bruiser items. Kinda only viable on serath
@saeedshakur9868 Месяц назад
@chzbrgr123 I'm gonna try it on her. Thanks for the tips
@KiokuVT Месяц назад
I would say crit on Serath works well. but some other melee, like greystone, crunch etc. will not work.
@KiokuVT Месяц назад
👀 let us know
@byali4360 Месяц назад
Bro is about to cook stuff none of us dares to.
@saeedshakur9868 Месяц назад
Im looking for a match that your tower dropped earlier to improve my decision-making. Do u remember any?
@KiokuVT Месяц назад
Hmmm can you reword your question for me?
@saeedshakur9868 Месяц назад
I just wanted to see u in very bad situations for educational purposes, and I find a great video in your channel (one of your steel support videos). Thanks for your time
@KiokuVT Месяц назад
oh. i can work something out. you want something that shows how to come back from a bad game. i actually got one last night. ill post it this week.
@saeedshakur9868 Месяц назад
@KiokuVT Месяц назад
Hiya. 👋
@jamesstrain1631 Месяц назад
My issue is that I can't get any kills no matter what role I am playing. Also I don't understand the whole buying items with gold. What items should I buy and when do I use the item. I haven't seen any videos explaining any of this
@KiokuVT Месяц назад
all items you buy in the shop are passive items. meaning you dont use the items. they just work. besides the crests, health pots, and wards. if youre not sure what to build. just build the recommended. they work pretty well. i recommend watching my ultimate guide. i explain the shop in that video. it has timestamps.
@jamesstrain1631 Месяц назад
I got randomly placed in a jungle role and didn't know the basics. Now I know thanks
@KiokuVT Месяц назад
Absolutely! its a tough role. but knowing some small things will go a long way!