Dwarkesh Patel
Dwarkesh Patel
Dwarkesh Patel
Deeply researched interviews
@jeffw8218 15 минут назад
Did she forget about the Revolutionary War in the US?? 😂😂
@ArtificialThinking101 20 минут назад
Can we get a ‘Yano’ count on this guy!
@jonasgeerthsen6005 38 минут назад
We're just ignoring the German generals that planned and executed the Bewegungskrieg then - like Guderian? Oh, we are? Well, then I guess Hitler indeed masterfully planned the blieztkrieg all by himself, despite his generals. Also, I feel maybe the Red Army had something to do with the end of WWII but I could be wrong. And hey, nice of the British to help the Americans break the enigma-code.
@Cactuscult 39 минут назад
Tadamichi Kuribayashi didn't believe in that stuff, and he was arguably their best general. He warned the emperor not to provoke America.
@nestcamo1181 49 минут назад
Its not the shockwave moving at 700 miles an hour
@Zottyo 53 минуты назад
ahh yes, the jewish historican always tells about the truth about the eeeeevil nazis, and the angel americans
@idesofmarchUNIAEA 56 минут назад
The Americans that are portrayed by professors in our colleges and universities today as colonizers did not take land from Germany, massacre, hurts people, steel, its treasures, etc. American spent its treasure rebuilding its enemies, billions of dollars of taxpayer money When in history did that ever occur prior to that or after?
@xaelath7771 Час назад
Russia isn't the Soviet Union. NATO is an empire too.
@Jupiterloobncj Час назад
Her laughing after the mention of nuke is alarming.
@asdfxyz_randomname2133 Час назад
People don't seem to learn from history at all... What you should learn from history: 1) Most people in any society are normal, good people, who would be polite and peaceful given the chance. 2) ALL people are able to commit the most terrible attrocities giving the right (wrong) circumstances. 3) Genocide requires dehumanization of the "enemy" first. People need the dehumanization in order to function under such a destructive environment. 4) At the moment people do something, they think it's the best option they have, that's why they do it. For obvious cases, people understand that, but they don't seem to grasp those concepts in the non-obvious cases. So, let me make those cases more obvious: 1a) Most Nazis were normal, peaceful people, who would have been peaceful given the chance. 1b) Most ISIS members would be peaceful given the chance. - "Given the chance" doesn't mean letting them do whatever they want, but "the same person molded by a different environment". 2a) You would do unspeakable things without proper justification, if you were led there and didn't question things, and most people don't question things at all. 3a) Dehumanization must happen on any side of any war, otherwise it cannot happen, which means not only dehumanized Nazis the Jews, but also the other way around, by neccessity. 3b) Also currently Russians, Ukrainians, Israelis, Palestinians, Muslims, Jews are all dehumanized from one side or another. 3c) During the pandemic, parts of society dehumanized each other severely, which really shows how easy it is to even dehumanize people really close to you. 3d) Religions who believe their members to be chosen by god, dehumanize non-members. This applies to most religions most notably Christianity, Islam and Judaism. 3e) Feminists dehumanize men. Incels dehumanize women. Woke people dehumanize white people. Progressives dehumanize Trump-voters. Nobody ever stops and asks if the "others" may have some good reasons. 4a) Psychopaths, Sociopaths, Murderers, Pedophiles, etc. think they do the right thing. They will probably be aware, that society doesn't think they do the right thing, but they still believe it. 4b) Just because you think somthing is right, doesn't mean it's true. Doubt yourself a little from time to time. 4c) Drug users think they do the right think while taking drugs. They only ever regret later. 4d) We all often do the wrong thing, and we all only ever regret later, if at all.
@darkmattergamesofficial Час назад
The cowards code!
@ilovehmetal666 Час назад
Japan did not occupy Taiwan it was given in perpetuity by China I bet the USA are now kicking themselves for making them give it back
@biblehistoryscience3530 Час назад
China can't make the best chips, and their leaders don't trust workers, making them a paper tiger.
@darbyheavey406 Час назад
It looks like China….
@manslaughterinc.9135 Час назад
I think the socio-economic intelligence war is simple to solve, really. Create AI utopia post scarcity abundance. Immigrate all of the workers from adversarial countries. Imagine playing chess against an opponent that starts the game with all your pawns.
@hilldoggydogg635 2 часа назад
Fun fact, Stalin had multiple GRU agents in the Manhattan Project.
@MAC-vi7fy 2 часа назад
7:38 no way russia is going to be like North Korea. This lady doesnt know what she is talking about.
@leilahadian 2 часа назад
و این انسان که همه جهان را در سیطره خود میخواهد و با دسیسه و پنهان کاری مردمان جهان را در شرر خود به منجلاب و نابودی سوق داده است به زودی در آتش دوزخ گرفتار خواهد آمد و همه سیاستمداران و رهبران و مکتبیون و آن کسانی که خواهان قدرت و تسلط بر جهانیان بودند و ظلم را بر مردمان میخواستند و عیش و نوش را برای خود و دست به هر کاری زدند تا به مقاصد شوم و پلید خود برسند در حکمرانی و پادشاهی مسیح فقط چوپانان و جنگلبانان این دنیا خواهند بود
@lachland592 2 часа назад
The whole ‘what happened at OpenAI’ section is insane.
@rustomkanishka 3 часа назад
The Yanks also have one of the last surviving samples of small pox. They say its under lock and key, but then they did have a leak once The scary part is that if your enemy country has resources that can be mined, they dont always need the population living on the land. Cue disease.
@WindiR3443 3 часа назад
Unit 731, Shiro Ishi. Check it out if you want to speak of attrocities
@davidahlstrom7533 3 часа назад
All these counterfactual, what if this, that questions are a waste of time. It's all musings and speculation. Questioners need to focus on answerable questions and not wild guesses.
@JeffreyWongOfficial 3 часа назад
The laughing of these guys is unbearable 😅
@kensurrency2564 4 часа назад
The US doesn’t have an economy. All that “growth” is financial, it’s all on paper. A phantom, fake. Also, doesn’t anyone in her position know that infinite growth on a finite planet is UNSUSTAINABLE? Growth is not the goal, folks, unless your goal is to destroy the system.
@cxa24 4 часа назад
@jonasg3672 4 часа назад
Patel don't seem to understand how the world works outside of Silicon Valley. Heck my son understands the government vs private company roles better. I lived/worked in SV, and it became so obvious how many therr are out of touch with the world in that bubble.
@junSmith 4 часа назад
no, US politician work for their donors
@popothebright 5 часов назад
It was the massive killing of civilians that won the war.
@wlodell 5 часов назад
Finally, true and accurate public education. Who’d a thought RU-vid would be such a sponsor.
@wlodell 5 часов назад
Humanity’s inhumanity is recorded in every era of human history from ancient biblical times to present. As hard as we try we have never been able to fix that. This fact alone by itself is enough testimony that the Word of God as written in the ancient Hebrew texts and in the Holy Bible is obviously true and accurate.
@howieruan5530 5 часов назад
His assumptions are deeply flawed and showed lack of understanding of real world strategies.
@dominicgibson8477 5 часов назад
Shut up you are hyper and far too young to talk with authority
@ChrisJones-xd1re 5 часов назад
A, I don't know
@RasulZakar 5 часов назад
What’s cooking?
@wlodell 5 часов назад
I (career military) and certain family members understand what a ‘developed country’ is and what that means. I sense that the majority population of America does not know this or at least define it. This obviously ties in with national identity and with respect to Americans also knowing the Constitution of the US and Bill of Rights. My concern is how and why this is not taught in public education.
@dimitrissideris3723 6 часов назад
yeah having cheap labour and being able to do what you want without bureucracy is more effiecient, while also using more effective techniques... shocking... who would have thought...
@spridgejuice 6 часов назад
"I didn't realise how debilitating labour was" - says it all. What a cheek! Where would the war effort have been without the intense human effort of engineers, mechanic, miners, transport workers. Of course capital was taking advantage of the war to gain more control - it always does. And now we don't need labour! The long-hoped-for dream of a world without labour, aka "people". We are labour, and capital (which is your new god apparently) is the abstract total "debilitation" of humanity.
@HaimIkar 6 часов назад
the race for science brought to you all the wars , you smart but will keep dying
@honahwikeepa2115 6 часов назад
Russia's friends
@deltablaze77 6 часов назад
And Japan no longer had a "god Emperor", just an Emperor who surrendered.
@34Zero 7 часов назад
And its crazy to see people like tucker carlson shove russian down our throats when he could evenbstay there 3 days..
@neurotransmi77Er 7 часов назад
Such thoughtful people, they even calculate using an atomic bomb to give less damage, awww
@Camar-AD-a 7 часов назад
If we changed stuff, would've it been the same? Fuck off
@darthchiaki 7 часов назад
If only America minded its own business in ww1 this wouldn't have happened in the first place
@AndyOnAI 8 часов назад
Wow, a riveting look on the future. Thanks for the podcast, this was great to take in over the weekend. The upcoming years will truly be wild. Well done!
@DrSebby 8 часов назад
He speaks like a male valley girl...
@bluestarcesium 8 часов назад
America needed to train the local military and police on logistics and air superiority. Air superiority is needed to defend perimeter outposts and transport. Plus they need satellites to watch for people planting bombs in roads, and enemy forces movements. If America could have left a well armed air support and logistics units to support allied forces in Iraq and Afghanistan, America could have held those Countries. The cost of the air superiority was too expensive to maintain, and the surrounding countries didn’t want America supporting the leaders in these countries. South Vietnam showed us, that the leadership of South Vietnam never trusted the U.S. after the coup of the Diem regime, and the best forces were kept around Saigon to protect the leaders. The same is true in Iraq and Afghanistan. The world is a difficult place, and many countries want to control their neighbors. Wars are constantly raging, and resources are needed by many countries. The fight to protect the people in power is constantly being challenged by ideology of other countries.
@CleonofAthens 9 часов назад
Japan touched the boats.
@kennethmorgan6516 9 часов назад
The Ukrainian Nazi collaborator leader, Stefan Bandera, is a national hero among many Ukrainians. Nazi ideology exists among a significant sector of Ukrainians.
@deeplearningpartnership 9 часов назад
Oh Demis, chess-playing child, safe hiding in his games, low EQ can be quite the burden, especially when you're a gifted child. Safe in his fantasies, idolizing scientists who he knows he will never become, putting science and scientists on pedestals, his listeners feel sick and wonder what happened to him, was he always like this? No fear, he will single-handedly solve AI, the heroes complex, an egomaniac with an inferiority complex, but really just that scared little boy who never grew up, who couldn't and won't. Still winning at chess, in his mind, and his made up stories, of how he really knew all these things all along. Some of us have been there, most of us have not, and most of us are thankful for this.