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Christian Unity Chapter: Romans 14
7 лет назад
Be A Good Citizen Chapter: Romans 13
7 лет назад
@GodisGracious1031Ministries 4 месяца назад
AMEN! God made them male or female. Otherwise it is abomination. Rebuke in all longsuffering! AMEN
@YussefBecharaTalero-tk2zy 5 месяцев назад
Amen pastor Victor knows what its doing praise God 👏
@nrojb 5 месяцев назад
You are so full of hate
@amerebond 7 месяцев назад
How did the tree not hit the barn considering the angle you were pulling it from ????? I tried this years ago and put a hole in the roof
@holyghost-filledanabaptist6888 3 года назад
Amen. I wanted to apologize to you, brother. A few years ago, I fell out with my Baptist brethren and then fell into deep depression, got my mind and memory messed up by psychiatric drugs and then got caught up in Hyper-Dispensational Hyper Grace heresy and the house church movement afterwards. I had confronted you on Facebook and got in several arguments with you over repentance and other issues. The LORD delivered me from Hyper-Dispensationalism and HyperGrace, healed my mind and memory miraculously and got me back into a solid, KJV, Premillennial, Pretribulation, Old IFB church and put me into street preaching. Not sure you remember me or not, but wanted to make that right for the Lord.
@mJones6 3 года назад
I’m a Christian. This is a disgrace. Screaming and yelling at people with megaphones. Calling people “homos”, praying hardships on people, using Gods name to insult people etc. you are doing everything BUT leading people to Christ. You are a bully and a loudmouth just looking for trouble and attention. This is disgusting. You are an abomination and a shame. You don’t want to spread the word you just want to stir up trouble. Opposite of humility. Don’t use the word to insult people. Anyone can be saved you have no rite to tell that man God will or won’t save him. Put your bullhorns away and do God’s work humbly. That “homo” will be in heaven before you will.
@thurbs123 4 года назад
Www.comeuntochrist.org The Book of Mormon is true!
@roughwolf12plays96 4 года назад
Its sad that people like you exist. “God” created man with free will and in his image, meaning we can do as we please so long as we do not break the ten commandments, we are all to be equal. I live in your very own virginia city as a believer of the wicca faith, i have a roommate who is a gay, drag queen, wiccan, prom queen winning badass. So fuck you and your false deity you misogynistic P.O.S
@jonwhyel5649 4 года назад
God is a fiction of man's own design and it is very disheartening to see people waste their lives trying in vain to bring society back to the bronze age. Churches are closing almost as fast as video rental stores nowadays for a reason, I recommend you try and read some nonfiction.
@beatrizdaniels9367 4 года назад
Sorry but there is to much noise from the perverts.... the word of God should be more powerful...
@TheWadetube 4 года назад
Most of your videos seem to have the comments disabled as if you could not defend your position and want control over those controversial subjects. Jesus was the first creation and the last creation of God, and when Jesus came he was approved of by God in heaven who said "This is my son" and yet you think God and Jesus are the same person. What does Jesus state about the subject of Godship? In John 17: 3 he stated "This means everlasting life, their taking in knowledge of YOU the only true God and the one whom you sent forth, Jesus Christ." When you call Jesus GOD you are contradicting his own teachings. It is apostasy . The trinity doctrine is a man made doctrine and is not taught in the bible because Jesus and the apostles contradict it themselves. God cannot die but Jesus did and he died for you. God has never been dead. It took God to resurrect Jesus back to life and then glorify him with more power and authority that he had before.
@brandonpatterson51 4 года назад
Amen guys ....keep up the good work , Glory be to God
@VictorTheBaptist 4 года назад
Thank you, Brandon, for the encouragement. God bless you. I miss you in church.
@brandonpatterson51 4 года назад
I just don’t have the energy anymore, nothing against anybody , I just started a nice fasting diet to help my energy levels ...this stuff they are doing in front of our kids makes me sick ....teaching the kids to have sex with the same sex and that this is normal and ok makes me sick...I say good Job to all you do guys
@mgwood6939 4 года назад
AMEN AMEN brother...It is a complete abomination in God's eyes for a man to dress like a woman. They are trying to indoctrinate our children with this stuff and make them crazy. Thanks brother keep up the good work and God bless you and your family 🙏🏼✝️