Stingray Armada
Stingray Armada
Stingray Armada

I make barely coherent video essays about video games and related topics!
Turn Rewinding is Ruining Fire Emblem
2 месяца назад
Fire Emblem Echoes is a Bad Game
2 месяца назад
Tops Blueby
11 месяцев назад
3 года назад
An End In Yourself | Original Song
3 года назад
@jacklewis2491 3 дня назад
These comments make me seriously question if anyone actually watched the video. Great job on these.
@giovannimonestier490 17 дней назад
I loved this game, maybe im weird, but is my fav FE sorry
@geologist1235 17 дней назад
I literally always reset when a character dies. I would not play FE without resetting. (Also Crits and Evades are BS.) I don't care about the story created by these mechanics because I require the story to be MINE and follow my path when I play the game. All that being said, I am still against turn rewind because it lets people do dumb strats and never get punished for it which makes me feel like an idiot for spending 10 hours strategizing for one map and scenario to make sure every unit survives and grows maximally (Context: I am a very slow thinker and get distracted easily). If I am the one strategizing in this strategy game, shouldn't I be the one rewarded? Why would a strategy game allow someone to play through simply by hitting the console against their head enough times?
@ultimatehamsandwich734 Месяц назад
Echoes. the only FE game where a unit gets WORSE by getting a basic sword on promotion
@ballisticgoose6258 Месяц назад
You are wrong buddy 🤪
@gabrielfrost1582 Месяц назад
The sound track and art just put it up their for me, without this game we wouldnt have twilight of the gods.
@FidensLibertas Месяц назад
i'm someone who thinks challenge is the core of gaming. i'm not saying that every game needs to be Dark Soul's level of hard but they should have some degree of challenge to overcome because that is a big part of what makes games fun. on the subject of turn rewinding i wasn't sure what to make of it at first but overtime i came to the conclusion that it trivializes too much of the challenge. so i believe it needs to be either nerfed or removed. now as for your True Classic mode idea, i think it's a terrible one. i do think resetting should be discouraged but not in a way that trivializes the consequences of a character's HP dropping to 0. with casual mode if a character falls at the start of a chapter they'll miss out on experience which becomes less and less of a consequences as the chapter progresses. at the same time classic is very punishing and thus alienating for anyone but the more hardcore players. this True Classic mode would only be appealing to the absolute most hardcore of the fanbase, the about 3% of the fanbase that already do ironman runs. what would they need of a mode that forces ironman when they already do that with just the regular classic mode. with so few people that this could appeal to and the fact they can already achieve it with the currently existing game mechanics it would be just a waste of time and effort on the developers to make this. instead what i would do is add a new mode called Cleric mode. the way this would work is that when characters fall in battle they are sent to a new area in the base camp called the Clinic. the player then has to spend gold to bring them back. with this there's an incentive to strategize well to prevent characters from falling since you can't just get them back for free but there's also an incentive to not reset since there is still a means to get them back.
@illusive-mike Месяц назад
I have left this under another comment already since it had a good bridge into this, but I'd like to repeat at the top level: one of the big concerns I have regarding permadeath is its interaction with deep characters, and not just in the sense of player FOMO, but rather in its impact on narrative design. Early Fire Emblem narratives didn't afford much screentime to side characters, and so it was easy to build plots that wouldn't be greatly impacted by their deaths. The ludonarrative took precedence over the "curated" written narrative. These days, it is increasingly common for major characters to be "unkillable" even in Classic Mode, because the story can't account for the possibility of their death. Ultimately, this means that side character influence on the main story needs to be minimized because they can't be relied on to be alive at any given moment, which means that their "curated" narrative has to be segregated into limited and static Support Conversations. Yes, you can just add more content to compensate for it, but that creates an even greater pressure on the development team to keep delivering ever more content to keep the world responsive to gameplay events. Meanwhile, leaving things as they are can undermine the impact of unit deaths if you do "choose" to take them, since you can't expect other characters to properly react to them even if, like in the case of the Blue Lions in Three Houses, their character arcs fundamentally revolve around dealing with death. This problem is already prominent in Three Houses in the character endings for Felix and Lysithea. Since the character endings cannot reasonably react to the whole gamut of possible recruitments and deaths, these endings are written to not take other characters into account at all. As a result, out-of-house Felix will always be depressed regardless of how many of his friends also join your army and survive, while Lysithea's own survival is entirely contingent on whether you pair her with one of the characters who can save her, with no regard for whether those characters survive if unpaired. Permadeath impacts Fire Emblem's narrative, regardless of whether the player chooses to engage with it. A different form of "death penalty", like permanent stat reductions, temporary unavailability etc. could be used to reduce this problem without eliminating the impact death has on tactical gameplay. Alternatively, Fire Emblem can embrace the design philosophy of Valkyria Chronicles and make the roster more explicitly two-tiered, with the "minor" characters being fully exposed to permadeath but also more fully disconnected from the main story and characters.
@lpfan4491 Месяц назад
Three Houses just kinda sucks interms of this, completely outside of rewind existing. If you steamroll the game by taking advantage of NG+ or the cheeses, then you don't need it. If you are stugglingm it does not particularly save you. Of course, the rewind itself kinda bothers me anyways. Unlike Echoes, your game over-unit dying is not ripperoni, you are pushed into the menu by default. And of course, whatever they were smoking with Maddening Rogues. Edit: Also that the plot would be straight up be better without it.
@nocberry7797 Месяц назад
Wait a second... you show a image of the cover of Geneology of the Holy war, while talking about balancing and don´t like the grinding of Echoes? :P Arena Abusing especialy in FE4 is just grinding even without any risks and you can do it on every map beginning in chapter 2 with any character, and you need it! (Well i needed it xD)
@Choops6969 День назад
when someone compares fe4 arena to unlimited grinding i wonder if they know they're bullshitting or if they're just naive.
@nocberry7797 День назад
@@Choops6969 It´s not unlimited but eats up a LOT of time up to an hour before you start a chapter for real and maybe again after conquering castles. And if you not do this you waste al ot of EXP that you need. While the only grind you need to do in Echoes is maybe at the beginning of act 2 so that you can beat the zombie dragons early.
@nocberry7797 Месяц назад
My first time i beating Three Houses i played on Hardmode and in the last battle i beat the last map without loosing one unit just with zero pulses left.🙈 I proofed it, you can run out of rewinds xD But i have to say, i played the game not as intended i think and switched to much students and build them not correct as i should and thats why they had trouble to get not 1-Hit KO and stuff. I love Three Houses but compared to other FEs it´s sandbox-"Build your Characters like you want" was "too complicated" for me, without looking into guides or something else. Also i collected all students and switched them often, so that i was ending up with not useless, but to weak charakters i guess. I think without the wheel i had not finished the game, yet. But it was still fun because with my useless(er) students i was in a time travel loop situtation sometimes. I could rewind one turn and try different things and had a more disastreous outcome or the same (how ever). Then i tried to find the greater mistake in my turns before this mess and why i ended up that way and so on. I know that you can build unbelievable strong charakters in Three Houses and i think that if you (can) do you don´t need the rewind function, but for everyone else it feels right that it is part of the game. I see also why it is useful in Shadows of Valentia, because if you use the AI orders to speed things up, it could get you in trouble while you just do a little grinding or just killing the spawning enemy troups in the overworld on your way. In Engage, well i played it also in hard mode and sometimes it feels a little unfair especialy in skirmish maps against spawning armies. I didn´t need it in Awakening, Fates (any) and Geneology of the Holy War or Blazing Blade (which are all fire emblems i played so far), even if i reset my games and start the map anew or load the autosave file in FE4... so it´s not that i would miss it if future FEs not using a rewind tool.
@isleschild Месяц назад
I appreciate your well-articulated stance, but I disagree with your conclusion that casual mode still has consequences that keep the game engaging like classic + rewind: if you can throw your units away but get them back next chapter, that massively affects gameplay choices. Rewind is just a shortcut for resetting the chapter on death, which is what any classic enjoyer has done many times when a favorite character dies. I feel that gameplay being balanced around rewind meant that the devs could balance around forcing the player to replan multiple times for the same map. Its an answer to having the entire map be visible from turn 1 trivializing the strategic load of the game, which becomes more of a probability as freedom to manipulate your character strengths grows (reclassing etc).
@pesking9975 Месяц назад
Ending was full of surprises
@nocberry7797 Месяц назад
I think we should talk about the opposite: Why not make perma Death better? With the exception of (ironic) Shadows of Valentia which give us the turn rewinding, it´s totaly doesn´t seems nobody in the army to care if a close friend dies. The charakters become depressive in their quotes and so on. That was in fact a cool thing. In three houses i fall once asleep while i playing and lost one Charakter. I noticed this HOURS later, because nobody cared about the losses. Wouldn´t it be cool they get some funeral, or wouldn´t it be cool if some charakters have different support conversations because of somebodys dead, maybe support conversations at all because they were both friends of this one charakter and had no connection to each other at all, but now where their friend died they get to know each other or something like that. Hell, if they bring child charakters back, why not make special child Charakters that you only get this way. Some mourners that learn to love each other which otherwise wouldn´t. We don´t have the blank charakters of earlier FE titles, but we have the blank death of earlier FE titles. If you want that people "enjoy" permanent death, then why not making it more worthfull?
@lane3574 Месяц назад
I definitely agree with this - permadeath could be made much better!!!!
@athrunmoza8996 Месяц назад
Back in GBA. savestates is the only thing that help people cheese death. It s still challenging trying to figure it out how to move unit without making the same mistake again. Some maps are very long. Some people really does deathless non save state playthrough. It was painful for them to restart the whole battle again everytime a mistake or a RNG middle finger happen. I couldn't fathom spending hours just to finish a single chapter deathless. I like the divine pulse. This elavate the pain some players have to go through. You know restart the battle several times that cost hours. My good friend once finished a chapter in 3H maddening spending 3 hours divine pulse. Run out of pulse then redo the map again. If it weren't for rewind function. I dont know how many more hours would sap it from him. We are busy working adults we dont have all day malding about ambush and RNG bullshit for hours. We do play it as challenge but not as masochists as you elitists My friend has challice of beginning. But he has never used it in all of his 4 routes on maddening mode. He deemed it too cheap. He has a choice to make the game less frustrating for him by slapping that item on his unit. But he refused to use it. He chose to play it as hard as it can be You are given a choice to use the function. It s there to help you to enjoy the game better. If you want challenge run or want death to be real threat. don't use it. Simple as that
@banbanthebandit4002 Месяц назад
Personally I think the best thing to do with Divine Pulse is to make it an option the player chooses at the start like Classic/Casual have been since 12. This would mean those who want to make use of Divine Pulse cheese can still have their fun without forcing such options on those who don’t want it, if we want our game to be accommodating to newcomers and veterans alike such options are downright necessary.
@lane3574 Месяц назад
Totally agree on this, I think it's a great solution
@Rudy6005 Месяц назад
Objection 7: 'It never mattered in the first place', from my point of view that translates to 'I'd rather replay 20 turns rather than just one'.
@TwilightWolf032 Месяц назад
If you had taken more time properly spacing out the strawman arguments and audio balancing, this would have been much better. Also, spend more time explaining the pros and cons of each mechanic you argued for or against, like how you did for the "leveling up/maintaining unit alive" portion.
@rugvedkulkarni1593 Месяц назад
I think the turnwheel is a good mechanic that makes the game more fun and less tedious. I enjoy earlier games like Thracia and the GBA games, but I always use save states when playing them because I hate losing units to same turn your enforcement or a small mistake. I will agree that gameplay designed around using the turn wheel is not good. Three houses maddening tried to balance the turn wheel by using same turn reinforcements and over powered enemies to burn through turnwheel uses. The lost condition has changed from having the lord die to running out of turn we all uses. I believe the game should be balanced around having to turn real as an optional feature the devs should assume the player does not have it. Higher difficulties should limit the amount of time well uses instead of forcing you to use more.
@toshio1334 Месяц назад
If you lose your favorite unit you're most likely gonna restart the game anyways. Rewinding a turn is basically the same concept but more convenient. If you don't like it then you can also choose not to do it.
@gamesboy123able Месяц назад
Absolute L Take of a Video Disgusting
@lapniappe Месяц назад
i've been trying to be concise with what i wanted to say. I know about 6 or so years ago. Fire Emblem Warriors came out and there were so many people up in arms that this was turned into a "Warriors" game. Myself was very intrigued because I love warrior games... but i never heard of Fire Emblem. I bought it. was really intrigued about the characters in the game and I had a 3DS so i said okay let's try awakening. and i read the reviews. and if you scratch out "rewinding time" for "Casual mode" basically your premise is right there and it could have turned me off. (thankfully I decided to give it a chance when I saw someone say on a message board "Fire Emblem Fans are miserable just try Awakening" and i LOVE the series for it). but if people had their way - based on "no spinoffs" and "no casual mode" and now "no rewinding time." there would be a LOT of people just going "eff this." and not giving this incredible series a chance a all. and I've PLAYED earlier fire emblem. and enjoyed. but if i've never done it and i need to be coddled a bit in ANY sense of the word - it's a GOOD thing. i will say in my 700 hrs of playing 3H most times that i used divine pulse was to see if i could get all the unique dialogues). i don't think i used it (i always forget its there) in Engage. but I have a friend who is new to FE who got Engage and needed it as a crutch because it was "baby's first FE." and that's OKAY. when they replayed it - they didn't need it if it wasn't there at all. the franchise loses a fan. end of story. it could be implemented better, it's not perfect, but i do not think it's right to made broad sweeping claims that impact everyone (including future fans of the series) because I don't think it's right to gatekeep how people should play... an individual game. end of story.
@lane3574 Месяц назад
Yeah that's why I say I support casual mode in this video. I also say (towards the end of the video) that I'm okay with turnwheel being an option the player can enable at the difficulty select screen along with casual and classic mode. I just don't want future FE games to be built around the assumption that players will rewind every mistake.
@demariogoss9732 Месяц назад
Adding in an Ironman mode for future Fire Emblem entries is a good idea. Whether that idea will work or not is dependent on game's core design around a turnwheel/reset system. I do think the rewind system is a bit limiting narratively speaking. I just hope the next Fire Emblem Protagonist isn't basically god, or some divine existence, or another avatar for once.
@nisekoishi Месяц назад
as someone who is complete dogshit at the game i disagree because the turnwheel makes the game less frustrating for ME to play
@lane3574 Месяц назад
Yeah I'm fine with that - that's why I say I support things like casual mode, and that I'm okay with making turnwheel an option you can enable at the difficulty select screen. I just don't like the way that turnwheel effects other mechanics in the game. I don't want the game to be designed around the player always rewinding.
@coldeed Месяц назад
Man is entirely and objectively right. Permadeath is a mechanic that largely exists to make people bad at calculations typically; 1) Use stronger units that are less likely to die 2) Cause players that are not as good to drop units falloff or not growing well passively 3) Potentially exploit death as a benefit. 4) As a feature it intentionally pushes players to look at selective investment, a pretty meta strat 5) To put it bluntly, its purpose is to idiot proof the game. The game is build that you can mess up roughly at minimum 20+ times. People act like it's intended to not play through mistakes but all these games have a large amount of wiggle room for mistakes to be not only possible but expected. And none of this even brings up how silly it is to act like people dying when they are killed in the story of a war simulator isn't intended.
@PharaohFiasco Месяц назад
No, dude. Rewinding is perfect. This reminds me of the people who complained about Phoenix Mode. 100% of everything Fire Emblem offers doesn't have to be for you and your preference for the purity of experience other people have doesn't come before that reality. It really is as simple as the fact that having rewinds is better for the continued health of the series than not having it. That defeats all your points, bro.
@lane3574 Месяц назад
I support Phoenix mode and Casual, and I wish they hadn't removed Phoenix mode because it's great for younger players. I address your "it's better for the health of the series" objection in this video. I even say at the end of the video that I'm okay with rewinding being an optional mode that players can enable at the difficulty select screen, along with casual, Phoenix, and classic. My main gripe with turn rewinding is the way that IS has changed other systems and mechanics in the series to cater to it, meaning that it effects the overall quality of the game even if I never use turn rewinding.
@matjaz5684 Месяц назад
@themastertactician869 Месяц назад
6:41 “when a unit dies” Soren: *retreats* lol In all seriousness though amazing video. I 100% agree with all of your points except for what you say in objection 6 As there’s no need to make a new three houses where unit building and a roster of deep and memorable characters isn’t at odds with permadeath as that game already exists. It’s called: Fire Emblem Awakening
@evotheevolutions9437 Месяц назад
bro i only use turn rewinding in engage to get better rng when my dodge tank gets crit by a 1%
@LectroNyx Месяц назад
@FidensLibertas Месяц назад
i'm someone who thinks challenge is the core of gaming. i'm not saying that every game needs to be Dark Soul's level of hard but they should have some degree of challenge to overcome because that is a big part of what makes games fun. on the subject of turn rewinding i wasn't sure what to make of it at first but overtime i came to the conclusion that it trivializes too much of the challenge. so i believe it needs to be either nerfed or removed. now as for your True Classic mode idea, i think it's a terrible one. i do think resetting should be discouraged but not in a way that trivializes the consequences of a character's HP dropping to 0. with casual mode if a character falls at the start of a chapter they'll miss out on experience which becomes less and less of a consequences as the chapter progresses. at the same time classic is very punishing and thus alienating for anyone but the more hardcore players. this True Classic mode would only be appealing to the absolute most hardcore of the fanbase, the about 3% of the fanbase that already do ironman runs. what would they need of a mode that forces ironman when they already do that with just the regular classic mode. with so few people that this could appeal to and the fact they can already achieve it with the currently existing game mechanics it would be just a waste of time and effort on the developers to make this. instead what i would do is add a new mode called Cleric mode. the way this would work is that when characters fall in battle they are sent to a new area in the base camp called the Clinic. the player then has to spend gold to bring them back. with this there's an incentive to strategize well to prevent characters from falling since you can't just get them back for free but there's also an incentive to not reset since there is still a means to get them back.
@TwilightWolf032 Месяц назад
My problem with optional mechanics that reduce the challenge is that, depending on the game, the developers will take into account that the player will utilize those mechanics and end up not taking in consideration those that don't. In the case of Fire Emblem, that means spam ambushes of enemies that spawn at the start of the enemy phase and move right away, killing your units when you had no chance of knowing this was a possibility to begin with. In a casual playthrough that is no big deal, since the player can just rewind the turn, but that also means players that want a more traditional experience get punished for not using the cheat ability! It's a similar problem I have with Hyper Mode in Metroid Prime 3: Corruption. Enemies become bullet sponges when entering Hyper Mode and deal a crapton of damage, forcing you to use your Hyper Mode as well, but in that mode you cannot engage with the combat's most fun gameplay (switching visors to spot weak points on the enemies and kill them with a well placed shot, for example, because enemy HM disables your visors), you just charge your beam and kill stuff as your HM makes you invincible for 25 seconds and can be reactivated immediately as long as you have Energy Tanks (and given MP3 is plentiful in the health drops department, you'll never run out of Energy Tanks as long as you keep killing). And since most enemies in this game can and WILL enter Hyper Mode, the only way you can defeat them is to either engage in HM yourself and trivialize combat or wait 25 seconds to finally start fighting them and just hope no other enemies enter HM as well). Sure, those mechanics are "Optional", the player can choose to not engage with them if so desired, but in doing so you are being accidentally punished due to the devs overlooking the consequences of not using said mechanics. That's different from the Bonus EXP from FE9 and 10. Now THAT is an optional mechanic you can just ignore if you want to. Your units will get plenty of EXP if they take part in battle, the bonus is mostly used for bringing weaker units up to par, but that can also be done with stat enhancing items, luck in your level ups and the game doesn't punish you for not having a super powerful army by throwing unfairly powerful enemies at you at any point. In fact, FE10's part 4 has the strongest enemies, but they can all be killed by your units with proper planning and give a crapton of EXP per kill to get your weaker ones up to speed (you can even get a class change in those chapters for Tormod, who should be severely underleveled, if you set him up to kill enough enemies in the chapter he's reintroduced). The Megaman Zero 3 series also has optional mechanics that don't detract from the experience. If you want to survive spikes or be rescued from pitfalls, there are Cyber Elves that will do that for you. You need to find them in the levels by killing enemies or exploring, then raise them with Energy Crystals you collect throughout the levels and drop from enemies, which forces you to become accustomed with the gameplay before trivializing the death traps, but once you do, you are rewarded for your efforts. But the game never throws a situation where not having those elves equipped is detrimental or unpassable (like Mega Man X6 and the infamous Jumper part requirement for some of X's armors in the Gate stages), you are never accidentally punished for not engaging with that mechanic to begin with! In fact, you get higher scores if you don't! Now those are examples of good optional mechanics.
@DevaPein Месяц назад
i dont think just perma deathing a feature you dont like, solves this issue, cause then the people who do like it.. now have to play the way you want them to.. thats not fair. we dont get to tell everyone how to play because "we are right and they are playing the game wrong." its an extremely poor start to a discussion to be had around such a topic. (also i know that is not what u said, but ur title is hot garbage is all im mostly pointing out) they spent the money. they are allowed to play a way you dont enjoy. tough shit. starting an attitude like "its ruining" fire emblem is exactly how you get such a "tough shit" response back from the ones that like it. whilst i personally only really play GBA FE mostly, i personally could careless if turn wheel is there or not even when i do play modern games. it is not fundamentally "ruining" my experience. if the game is designed in general well and not sending a billion units with high crit, forcing me to constantly reset to get 99% misses 50 times in a row. then im not exactly believing that the "turnwheel" is directly impacting the game play experience. removing features like casual (i know u were not talking about that really but it was a discussion long ago also like this one) and turn wheel could alienate many, many fire emblem players again. bringing us back to possibly the near death of a series. regardless, i think the hyperbolic title and such is ruining the discussion around these features. as they come across extremely pissy sounding almost. again, (not saying u are saying this exactly) but it comes already across as. people are not playing the game how i want them, or i cant play the game how i want because this feature exists - angry face.
@lane3574 Месяц назад
I can see how people were angered by the title, and I do regret titling the video in such an inflammatory manner. On the other hand, I explicitly say that I support the inclusion of casual mode in this video, and that I'm okay with including turn rewinding as an optional mode that the player can enable or disable in addition to casual and classic mode. I think that my comments in this video demonstrate that I don't want to force everyone to play iron-man runs or done trying like that.
@DevaPein Месяц назад
@@lane3574 o i totally agree and think you personally articulated ur points very well. I totally agree with things like an option to toggle it off etc, that you mentioned. I find it a shame many people wouldnt prob give the video the benefit of the doubt as I think its overall very well presented. Overall i think you made an excellent video. I just hope others actually give it the benfit of the doubt b4 jumping to conclusions like i previously stated.
@Edward7254 Месяц назад
It has the factor of luck in this game. RNG is bs. We shouldn't get rid of the rewinding system due to the very fact that it gives options to mitigate a potentially deadly crit, which is luck based. Luck factor has never been a consistent and well-received game design, and this game is notorious to newcomers with janky-ass hit-and-miss moments. Hence few attempts to ease the RNG frustation is reasonable. Can you believe a 1 to 2% crit chance ruined my normal fe3h playthrough so many times? Let alone Maddening mode (fucking over 10 resets in the earliest chapters even with rewinds all used up, also mostly from crits). And FYI I reset the whole chapter without using the rewinding system, it made me feel stupid. I have 0 needs to become an elite strategist or committed enough for a nutzlock run. This is a part of me following the "my story my rules" from the get-go as well. No level of planning or genius strategy you have if the game decides to lift a middle finger up your ass, then suddenly a youtuber thinks this game mechanic poisons the direction the game is going. I would otherwise suggest we rid of the crit mechanic as well for the total superb big-brain ironman playstyle then everything is all fair and game.
@mintx1720 Месяц назад
Too many pulses is a strawman argument. Most people who like pulses don't like 3H maddening's number of pulses, and the number of pulses wouldn't be too much if every map is AM endgame level difficulty.
@lane3574 Месяц назад
I don't think you know what a strawman argument is. A strawman argument is where you intentionally misrepresent another person's argument in order to make it appear weaker than it really is. The claim that there are too many pulses in 3H is MY claim - by definition it is not a straw man argument because it's not a representation of somebody else's argument. If you disagree fine - I'm not straw-manning anyone's argument.
@mintx1720 Месяц назад
​@@lane3574 You are addressing the other side by attacking a less-defensible position the other side is not making, therefore a strawman. It would not be a strawman if this is not a response video.
@lane3574 Месяц назад
Here's my source regarding the definition of the straw-man fallacy: www.txst.edu/philosophy/resources/fallacy-definitions/straw-person.html
@mintx1720 Месяц назад
​@@lane3574 I think the misunderstanding here is nothing you say in a response will be viewed as "just your opinion" and not addressing the other side. Imagine a isreal guy say "antisemitism bad" when addressing protestors. It doesn't mean the decent opinion described by the two words, it means the protestors are antisemitic.
@lane3574 Месяц назад
@@mintx1720 In claiming that there are too many pulses in 3H, I am arguing for my own position. If I am correct, then the view that "the amount of pulses in 3H is fine" is false. In this sense, I am indirectly attacking "the other side". Even if my position is wrong - even if it's false that there are too many pulses in 3H - I would not be committing the strawman fallacy. In order to commit the strawman fallacy, you have to MISrepresent ANOTHER person's argument. In uttering the sentence "there are too many pulses in 3H" I am not representing somebody else's argument. You may find my position weak, but that does not mean I am committing the strawman fallacy. In the specific section of the video where I claim that 3H has too many pulses, I don't attack a "less defensible position". I attack the very position that my opponents hold - that there are NOT to many pulses in 3H.
@mintx1720 Месяц назад
Just play advance wars bro.
@makangwei Месяц назад
Smash bros introduced me to Fire Emblem, but I had always avoided trying the series because of after I heard of the permadeath system. Fire Emblem Warriors and Fire Emblem Heroes got me into the series because they both don't have permadeath. When Three Houses got released, I avoided getting it because I thought permadeath was the only option in the game. However, once a free demo of Three Hopes was released, I immediately fell in love with it and decided to get Three Houses before the full game of Three Hopes got released. Both games turned me into a Fire Emblem fan. Later, Engage furthered my fandom with the best main story I ever played through. When Fire Emblem got released on Nintendo Switch Online, I stopped playing during the first chapter because of two reasons. 1) No voice acting and 2) permadeath. I play Fire Emblem the way I play digital chess which is always sacrificing pieces to reach the goal with undo always available. If it weren't for these changes I would have never got into the series and I'm sure I'm not the only one who feels likes this. These changes are to make these games more accessible for newer players like me.
@unhingedmanchild Месяц назад
I nearly left a dislike in the first 90 seconds, but watched through to give your argument a fair shake. Still disliking. The title is cringe, firstly, but that's not a reason for my disliking. I think your entire premise described around the 7:30 part is where your argument makes no sense. You can't ignore IRL stuff like time and money when playing any game, as any gamer must consider those when buying or playing any game. Path of Radiance combat animations and enemy phases are SO fucking slow that the IRL time it takes for those to complete literally deters me from playing it more, bc it's probably top fav 3 FE games for me even with that flaw, I love everything else about that game. Objection 5 is correct. If you don't like it, don't use it. And if you don't like that, don't buy FE. That is liberty, freedom to choose what you spend your IRL money on. Even after 500 hours in Engage (370 hours in a single file, nonetheless!) I haven't purchased the DLC. I think the DLC is dumb as fuck, only serves to take my money and make the game easier and in ways that I won't enjoy, so I choose not to get it. Thanks for coming to my Unhinged Rant (tm) 💪🏻
@lane3574 Месяц назад
My "premise" is not that the player can totally ignore irl stuff. I never say that - you're misunderstanding the argument. My argument is that the game shouldn't make the player use their own real world time as a payment for some result or good in a game - that's part of why those mobile games that make you wait 5 hours for a base to be built are ass
@lane3574 Месяц назад
Objection 5 is terrible. Playing games in general is optional - by your logic I can't critique any video game because they're all optional lol.
@unhingedmanchild Месяц назад
​@@lane3574 I'd never say you can't critique a game. Freedom of speech. However, throwing money/credit card at a game and pissing and complaining about it (I'm NOT saying you did this specifically) isn't going to change company/dev behavior, they are going to do what will make them the most money, and even if you are mad about the game, they ultimately made money off of it and will continue doing it that way until you stop buying. Throwing money at shit will encourage the creator to create more shit. Or in this case throw money at turn rewind FE games and devs ultimately make more turn rewind FE games. From what I remember, FE doesn't force you to use turn rewind, so you can literally play FE classic just like the old days if you want. If you lack discipline for it and you claim it ruins the game experience, that's on you.
@1stCallipostle 2 месяца назад
Not letting anyone go down is an intended challenge of the game. If it's not shadow dragon, you were never actually intended to accept permadeath. That's why casual mode is a sin that shouldn't have been invented, but rewinding feels fair, especially now that it's being balanced around as of the most recent rendition of Maddening
@Bradblox 2 месяца назад
Or better option, Just dont Use it. Don't Press ZL. Problem Solved so stop complaining.
@ButIamAStick 2 месяца назад
Your video should had been about how fufilling it is to play with perma death and iron-man run, those where the strongest points you made and it would had been a better argumented video, as well as more interesting. You poits on why a mechanic you don't like is bad and the one you prefere are better are weak and more of your personal taste than anything tangible on why is bad. I will not say much because there are better argumented in other coments, but consider this: 1. Money and Time are NOT the same, when i play a videogame i am making a pact with the developers that i will invest time in their game, that my enjoyment and investment will be total, so when i lose a unit, *I* lose, i failed at the game. But when a game demands money, something that i need to live, then the *game* failed me because is trying to take something that is external to the experience, TIME is escencial to any game, money is not. 2. When you die in a videogame, you respawn in the last checkpoint, losing all the progres that you made, in FE that can been replicate with restarting, having to reconsider everything you did. 3.1 Fire emblem is an RPG, people get invested in units, even if is only in the stats, there is a conection that they would rather not lose. 3.2 In Darkest Dungeon i get mad when i lose a unit, but the game is build in getting replacements, hell i can change the character name and outfit's colors if i want to make as they didn't die, but there isn't a story with complex characters and hours of reading supports in this game, so it's not the same as losing a character in FE you are inveted gamplay wise and storywise. 4. That brings the other problem that dead doesn't mater story wise, there are few exceptions but in the mayority, the characters remain the same even if their love one die, and you as a player lose all the story you could get with that character. That yes, thats war, it works like that, but not everyone wants to lose on story just because it's "Deeper", that incentive is purely a personal one, not a material one. 5. Casual mode has its benefits, like if a character falls, you lose on potencial exp, but i only find that one valid in New Mystery because you have a linear story with some gaiden chapters, so exp is limited. In all the FE since then, they have both Casual and a way to get extra exp, so they take away the only downgrade that mode has. The time rewinding at least has a limit on how much you can go back. Some extra points, in Banner saga if a character falls in battle they don't die but they get injured and their health is reduce for the next battles, so there is a consecuence that doesn't end in dead, but you can lose a important unit for some combats, making theme more and more dificult. With that said, i agree on your last point, Classic, Casual, Reseting and Time rewind should all be optional to the players in the begining of the game so everyone can play as they want.
@JM-tj5qm 2 месяца назад
I fully agree I had the same argument and raised very similar points. I honestly don’t know why this is controversial. It would be fine if this was an easy mode feature that you could turn on at the start of the game and the game wasn’t balanced around it. But the way it is it actively makes the game less fun and challenging and encourages bad design
@illialidur8244 2 месяца назад
It sounds like most people who commented these things were not actually listening to any of what you were saying. Big of you to address them and not just copy/paste the last third of your previous video, which also answered literally all these same counter arguments.
@nekonomicon2983 2 месяца назад
It does seem a bit redundant with casual mode i agree. Still it's a tough balancing act. I think we can get the best of both worlds by simply giving more rewards with less use of the turn wheel or divine pulse.
@uzername71 2 месяца назад
I would like it if the game offered some kind of option like to either take Divine Pulses as a new power OR give all allies something like a 20% bonus to all stats forever. Then you could do a Classic run where your units' strength compensates somewhat for your mistakes but if you make a bad one it's irreversible.
@lane3574 2 месяца назад
Woah, pretty cool idea here. Never heard anybody suggest this before either!
@tiarabite 2 месяца назад
Fire Emblem should remove turnwheels, casual mode, have one difficulty only akin to FE6 hard mode, and autosave after every player death(except for game over characters) and I'm not even joking. Appealing to casuals and people who trivialize their losses/mistakes just to "win" was a mistake.
@uzername71 2 месяца назад
For me Darkest Dungeon was such a different experience from Three Houses because it was designed with perma-death baked in. New replacements for each class showed up every week, each character had little personal depth and many flaws and you always had to have a duplicate of the good classes on the bench in case they died in a dungeon, which was frequent and irreversible because of the brutality of the battles and the autosave mechanic. I agree that in the same way that being able to infinitely heal your dungeon crew or rewind their deaths would ruin the tension, Three House's tension is lost because of the rewind system. I've had so many characters die in my Hard Classic run that if I couldn't rewind I would be floored because I have their whole career path mapped out on a Google Sheet and am trying to fill out my compendium for their Support conversations. Still, hearing all of this is making me want to try a Hard Classic no rewinds run for my third playthrough. I feel like it would enhance the organic story telling a lot and make me feel like my gameplay counts.
@uzername71 2 месяца назад
I feel like one of the best examples of fully emphasized perma-death is Darkest Dungeon. Replacements for each class funnel in weekly, and you need to recruit them and train them in case your powerful one dies and you need a backup, which will happen a lot because the game is brutal and it autosaves everything. I never even thought to try not using Divine Pulse at all, I'm on my second playthrough on Classic Hard and was considering doing my third house on Maddening but maybe another Hard Classic with no divine pulse would be more interesting having watched this.
@devino125 2 месяца назад
Great vid man. I would say SoV has probably the best story of the 3ds FEs but i would also argue that its safe asf like its mostly just old school 90s anime type stuff theres nothing overly interesting here and i would argue its not as fleshed out as it should.I personally think i actually like 13 and 14s cast more the voice acting i think helps most of the cast cause without it i cant tell you too much about any of em cause theres not enough supoorts an the gameplay it gets rough fam lol theres cool ideas but man 🤣 be easy bro.
@deadlypandaghost 2 месяца назад
Except even in pre time wheel games it was common to reset a map if a character died. This is literally a feature as it is tracked. Time wheel with permadeath enabled doesn't even allow suicidal tactics as you still need to keep them alive. Yeah Ironman is fun but its not the ONLY way to enjoy a game. Sometimes you want your challenge from doing a draft. Or its your first playthrough of a game. Or you pick the units you like rather than good ones. And misrepresenting the quote.... Nvm. Ragebait video.
@lane3574 2 месяца назад
I never said that there are no games where losses are tracked. I openly admit that as the series progressed, resetting was encouraged more and more. Please explain how I misrepresented the quote? All I was saying is that at the beginning of the series, Kaga intended for players to play through at least some unit deaths.
@lane3574 2 месяца назад
I also never say that Ironman runs are the only way to play the game. I literally say, in this very video that you are criticizing, that I support the inclusion of casual mode and think it's ideal for newer players.